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First some background: I'm working on an application and I'm trying to follow MVVM conventions writing it. One thing I'd like to do is to be able to give the application different "skins" to my application. The same application, but show one "skin" for one client and a different "skin" for another.
And so my questions are:
1. Is it possible to load a xaml file at run time and "assign" it to my app?
2. Can the xaml file be an external file residing in a different folder?
3. Can the application switch to another xaml file easily, or only at startup time?
So where should I start looking at for information on this? Which WPF methods, if they exist, handle this functionality?
Edit: the type of "skinning" I'm wanting to do is more than just changing the look of my controls. The idea is having a completely different UI. Different buttons, different layouts. Kinda like how one version of the app would be fully featured for experts and another version would be simplified for beginners.
I think this is fairly simple with the XamlReader, give this a shot, didn't try it myself, but I think it should work.
As Jakob Christensen noted, you can load any XAML you want using XamlReader.Load. This doesn't apply only for styles, but UIElements as well. You just load the XAML like:
UIElement rootE
FileStream s = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open);
rootElement = (UIElement)XamlReader.Load(s);
Then you can set it as the contents of the suitable element, e.g. for
&Window x:Class="MainWindow"
Title="Foo Bar"&
&Grid x:Name="layoutGrid"&
&!-- any static elements you might have --&
you could add the rootElement in the grid with:
layoutGrid.SetColumn(rootElement, COLUMN);
layoutGrid.SetRow(rootElement, ROW);
You'll naturally also have to connect any events for elements inside the rootElement manually in the code-behind. As an example, assuming your rootElement contains a Canvas with a bunch of Paths, you can assign the Paths' MouseLeftButtonDown event like this:
Canvas canvas = (Canvas)LogicalTreeHelper.FindLogicalNode(rootElement, "canvas1");
foreach (UIElement ui in LogicalTreeHelper.GetChildren(canvas)) {
System.Windows.Shapes.Path path = ui as System.Windows.Shapes.P
if (path != null) {
path.MouseLeftButtonDown += this.LeftButtonD
I've not tried switching XAML files on the fly, so I cannot say if that'll really work or not.
You can load any XAML that you want using .
If you style all your controls in your application and define those styles in your applications resource dictionary you can load new styles defined in XAML somewhere else using XamlReader.Load and replace parts of your resource dictionary with the loaded XAML.
Your controls will change appearance accordingly.
I made simple markup extension, which loads xaml:
public class DynamicXamlLoader : MarkupExtension
public DynamicXamlLoader() { }
public DynamicXamlLoader(string xamlFileName)
XamlFileName = xamlFileN
public string XamlFileName { }
public override object ProvideValue(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
var provideValue = serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IProvideValueTarget)) as IProvideValueT
if (provideValue == null || provideValue.TargetObject == null)
// get target
var targetObject = provideValue.TargetObject as UIE
if (targetObject == null)
// get xaml file
var xamlFile = new DirectoryInfo(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory())
.GetFiles(XamlFileName ?? GenerateXamlName(targetObject), SearchOption.AllDirectories)
if (xamlFile == null)
// load xaml
using (var reader = new StreamReader(xamlFile.FullName))
return XamlReader.Load(reader.BaseStream) as UIE
private static string GenerateXamlName(UIElement targetObject)
return string.Concat(targetObject.GetType().Name, ".xaml");
This find and load MyFirstView.xaml file
&ContentControl Content="{wpf:DynamicXamlLoader XamlFileName=MyFirstView.xaml}" /&
And this fill whole UserControl (find and load MySecondView.xaml file)
&UserControl x:Class="MySecondView"
Content="{wpf:DynamicXamlLoader}" /&
I have done loading XAML at runtime, here is a short example
Grid grd = new Grid();
var grdEncoding = new ASCIIEncoding();
var grdBytes = grdEncoding.GetBytes(myXAML);
grd = (Grid)XamlReader.Load(new MemoryStream(grdBytes));
Grid.SetColumn(grd, 0);
Grid.SetRow(grd, 0);
private String myXAML = @" &Grid xmlns='/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation' Margin='30 10 30 65' VerticalAlignment='Bottom'&" +
"&Label Content='Date: 1-Feb-2013' FontFamily='Arial' FontSize='12' Foreground='#666666' HorizontalAlignment='Left'/&" +
"&Label Content='4'
FontFamily='Arial' FontSize='12' Foreground='#666666' HorizontalAlignment='Center'/&" +
"&Label Content='Hello World'
FontFamily='Arial' FontSize='12' Foreground='#666666' HorizontalAlignment='Right'/&" +
What you should do is create ONE XAML file that defines the controls and let the code behind assing the styles to the controls. This can be accomplished by creating different resource dictionaries. There are many examples. The best I could find for now is:
Good luck!
(this is CodeProject, don't know why Google indexes it by IP) - Josh Smith wrote a great article on how to do skinning in WPF.
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(function (n) { jQuery.fn.extend({ gridviewScroll: function (t) { function pt(n, t) { pi(n, t), wi(n, t) } function pi(t, i) { t.find(&input&).each(function () { var t = n(this)[0].type, f, if (t == &checkbox& || t == &radio& || t == &text&) { var r = n(this)[0].id, u = n(this)[0].name, r = r.replace(&_Copy&, &&), u = u.replace(&_Copy&, &&); n(this)[0].name = u + &_& + i, n(this)[0].id = r + &_& + i, f = n(&#& + r), e = n(this); switch (t) { case &checkbox&: case &radio&: e.change(function () { var t = n(this).is(&:checked&); f.attr(&checked&, t) }); case &text&: e.change(function () { var t = n(this).val(); f.val(t) }) } } }) } function wi(t, i) { t.find(&select&).each(function () { var t = n(this)[0].id, r = n(this)[0].name, t = t.replace(&_Copy&, &&), r = r.replace(&_Copy&, &&), u, n(this)[0].name = r + &_& + i, n(this)[0].id = t + &_& + i, u = n(&#& + t), f = n(this), f.change(function () { var n = this.selectedI u.prop(&selectedIndex&, n) }) }) } function bi() { var a = l.attr(&id&) + &Freeze&, o, y, v, h, b, c, k, e, s, d, f, t, for (document.getElementById(a) ? it = n(&#& + a) : (it = l.clone(), it.attr(&id&, a), it.css({ position: &absolute&, width: &&, height: &100%&, top: 0, left: 0, zIndex: li }), pt(it, &freezeheader&), it.appendTo(tt)), it.show(), o = it.children().eq(0), o.css({ width: &&, height: &100%& }), o.find(&td&).each(function () { n(this)[0].style.display = && }), y = o.children().eq(0), ki(), v = w[0].length, f = 0; f & i. f++) for (t = 0; t & t++) (h = w[f][t], h != &RS& && h != &CS&) && (b = parseInt(h.split(&:&)[1]), y.children().eq(f).children().eq(b)[0].style.display = t & ct ? && : &none&); for (c = r.attr(&id&) + &Freeze&, document.getElementById(c) ? p = n(&#& + c) : (p = r.clone(), p.attr(&id&, c), p.css({ position: &absolute&, width: &&, top: 0, left: 0, zIndex: li }), pt(p, &freezeitem&), e = p.children().eq(0), k = e.attr(&id&) + &Freeze&, e.attr(&id&, k), p.appendTo(u)), e = p.children().eq(0), e.css({ width: && }), s = e.children().eq(0), s.find(&td&).each(function () { n(this)[0].style.display = && }), d = s.children().length, f = i. f & f++) for (t = 0; t & t++) t & ct ? s[0].rows[f].cells[t].style.display = && : (g = s[0].rows[f].cells[t], g.style.display = &none&); o.width() & i.width - i.railsize ? (it.show(), p.show(), p.height(r.height())) : (it.hide(), p.hide()) } function ki() { var r = 0, n, for (ct = 0, n = 0; n & w[0]. n++) { if (t = w[0][n], t == &RS& || t == &CS&) { ct++; continue } if (i.freezesize == r) r++, ct++ } } function di() { for (var r = a.children().length, u = gi() + 1, t, n = i. n & n++) t = a[0].rows[n].cells[0].children[0], t.style.height = u + &px& } function gi() { for (var e = a.children().eq(i.headerrowcount).children().length, t = 0, f, r, u, n = 0; n & n++) f = a.children().eq(i.headerrowcount).children().eq(n), r = f.children().eq(0), r[0].style.height = &auto&, u = r[0].offsetHeight, u & t && (t = u); return t } function nr() { var it = f.attr(&id&) + &VerticalRail&, r, ut, l, a, t, p, w, d, document.getElementById(it) ? o = n(&#& + it) : (o = n(nt).css({ background: i.railcolor, width: i.railsize + &px&, position: &absolute&, zIndex: ft }), o.attr(&id&, it), u.append(o), t = { right: 0 }, o.css(t), o.mousedown(function (t) { clearInterval(e); var i = n(this).offset(), r = t.clientY - i.top + n(document).scrollTop(), u = c.offset().top - i.top, f = c.height() + r & u && g(-1, !1, !0), r & f && g(1, !1, !0), e = window.setInterval(function () { var r = t.clientY - i.top + n(document).scrollTop(), u = c.offset().top - i.top, f = c.height() + r & u && g(-1, !1, !0), r & f && g(1, !1, !0) }, 200) }), o.mouseup(function () { clearInterval(e) }), o.mouseout(function () { clearInterval(e) })), r = f.attr(&id&) + &VerticalBar&, document.getElementById(r) ? c = n(&#& + r) : (c = n(nt).css({ background: i.barcolor, width: i.barsize + &px&, position: &absolute&, zIndex: ft }), c.attr(&id&, r), ut = { right: (i.railsize - i.barsize) / 2 }, c.css(ut), u.append(c), c.draggable({ axis: &y&, containment: o, start: function () { n(this).css({ backgroundColor: i.barhovercolor }) }, stop: function () { n(this).css({ backgroundColor: i.barcolor }) }, drag: function () { g(0, !1) } })), l = f.attr(&id&) + &Vertical_TIMG&, document.getElementById(l) ? v = n(&#& + l) : (v = n(wt).css({ height: i.arrowsize, position: &absolute&, zIndex: ft, top: 0 }), v.attr(&id&, l), v.attr(&src&, i.varrowtopimg), u.append(v), t = { right: 0 }, v.css(t), v.mousedown(function () { clearInterval(e), g(-1, !1, !0), e = window.setInterval(function () { g(-1, !1, !0) }, 200) }), v.mouseup(function () { clearInterval(e) }), v.mouseout(function () { clearInterval(e) })), a = f.attr(&id&) + &Vertical_BIMG&, document.getElementById(a) ? y = n(&#& + a) : (y = n(wt).css({ height: i.arrowsize, position: &absolute&, zIndex: ft }), y.attr(&id&, a), y.attr(&src&, i.varrowbottomimg), u.append(y), t = { right: 0 }, y.css(t), y.mousedown(function () { clearInterval(e), g(1, !1, !0), e = window.setInterval(function () { g(1, !1, !0) }, 200) }), y.mouseup(function () { clearInterval(e) }), y.mouseout(function () { clearInterval(e) })), p = f.attr(&id&) + &HorizontalRail&, document.getElementById(p) ? s = n(&#& + p) : (s = n(nt).css({ background: i.railcolor, height: i.railsize + &px&, position: &absolute&, zIndex: ft }), s.attr(&id&, p), u.append(s), s.mousedown(function (t) { clearInterval(e); var i = n(this).offset(), r = t.clientX - i.left + n(document).scrollLeft(), u = h.offset().left - i.left, f = h.width() + r & u && rt(-1, !0), r & f && rt(1, !0), e = window.setInterval(function () { var r = t.clientX - i.left + n(document).scrollLeft(), u = h.offset().left - i.left, f = h.width() + r & u && rt(-1, !0), r & f && rt(1, !0) }, 200) }), s.mouseup(function () { clearInterval(e) }), s.mouseout(function () { clearInterval(e) })), w = f.attr(&id&) + &HorizontalBar&, document.getElementById(w) ? h = n(&#& + w) : (h = n(nt).css({ background: i.barcolor, height: i.barsize + &px&, position: &absolute&, zIndex: ft }), h.attr(&id&, w), u.append(h), h.draggable({ axis: &x&, containment: s, start: function () { n(this).css({ backgroundColor: i.barhovercolor }) }, stop: function () { n(this).css({ backgroundColor: i.barcolor }) }, drag: function () { rt() } })), d = f.attr(&id&) + &Horizontal_LIMG&, document.getElementById(d) ? b = n(&#& + d) : (b = n(wt).css({ width: i.arrowsize, position: &absolute&, zIndex: ft, top: 0 }), b.attr(&id&, d), b.attr(&src&, i.harrowleftimg), u.append(b), b.mousedown(function () { clearInterval(e), rt(-1, !0), e = window.setInterval(function () { rt(-1, !0) }, 200) }), b.mouseup(function () { clearInterval(e) }), b.mouseout(function () { clearInterval(e) })), tt = f.attr(&id&) + &Horizontal_RIMG&, document.getElementById(tt) ? k = n(&#& + tt) : (k = n(wt).css({ width: i.arrowsize, position: &absolute&, zIndex: ft }), k.attr(&id&, tt), k.attr(&src&, i.harrowrightimg), u.append(k), k.mousedown(function () { clearInterval(e), rt(1, !0), e = window.setInterval(function () { rt(1, !0) }, 200) }), k.mouseup(function () { clearInterval(e) }), k.mouseout(function () { clearInterval(e) })) } function tr() { var n, o.css({ height: u.outerHeight() - i.railsize - i.arrowsize * 2, top: i.arrowsize }), c.css({ top: i.arrowsize }), s.css({ width: u.outerWidth() - i.railsize - i.arrowsize * 2, top: u.outerHeight() - i.railsize, left: i.arrowsize }), h.css({ top: u.outerHeight() - (i.railsize + i.barsize) / 2, left: i.arrowsize }), n = Math.max(r.outerHeight() / r[0].scrollHeight * o.outerHeight(), i.minscrollbarsize), c.css({ height: n + &px& }), t = Math.max(r.outerWidth() / r[0].scrollWidth * s.outerWidth(), i.minscrollbarsize), h.css({ width: t + &px& }), n + i.arrowsize * 2 &= r.outerHeight() ? (o.hide(), c.hide(), v.hide(), y.hide(), fi = !0) : (o.show(), c.show(), v.show(), y.show()), t + i.arrowsize * 2 &= r.outerWidth() ? (s.hide(), h.hide(), b.hide(), k.hide()) : (s.show(), h.show(), b.show(), k.show()), o.is(&:hidden&) && (tt.css({ width: ut }), l.css({ width: ut }), u.css({ width: ut }), r.css({ width: ut }), s.css({ width: ut - i.arrowsize * 2 }), t = Math.max(r.outerWidth() / r[0].scrollWidth * s.outerWidth(), i.minscrollbarsize), h.css({ width: t + &px& }), s.css({ top: u.height() - i.railsize }), h.css({ top: u.height() - (i.railsize + i.barsize) / 2 })), s.is(&:hidden&) && (o.is(&:hidden&) ? (u.css({ height: f.height() }), r.css({ height: f.height() })) : (u.css({ height: ot }), r.css({ height: ot })), o.css({ height: ot - i.arrowsize * 2 }), n = Math.max(r.outerHeight() / r[0].scrollHeight * o.outerHeight(), i.minscrollbarsize), c.css({ height: n + &px& })), v.css({ top: 0 }), y.css({ top: o.outerHeight() + i.arrowsize }), b.css({ top: r.outerHeight() }), k.css({ top: r.outerHeight(), left: s.outerWidth() + i.arrowsize }), i.arrowsize == 0 && (v.hide(), y.hide(), b.hide(), k.hide()) } function g(n, t, u) { var f = n, e, s, (t || u) && (e = 0, e = t ? n * parseInt(i.wheelstep) / 100 : n, f = parseInt(c.css(&top&)) + e * (r.outerHeight() / r[0].scrollHeight * o.outerHeight() - 1), s = r.outerHeight() - c.outerHeight() - i.arrowsize, f = Math.min(Math.max(f, i.arrowsize), s), c.css({ top: f + &px& })), l = (parseInt(c.css(&top&)) - i.arrowsize) / (o.outerHeight() - c.outerHeight()), f = l * (r[0].scrollHeight - r.outerHeight()), r.scrollTop(f), i.freezesize == 0 || h.is(&:hidden&) || (f + r.outerHeight() & r[0].scrollHeight && (f = r[0].scrollHeight - r.outerHeight()), p.scrollTop(f)) } function rt(n, t) { var u = n, f, e, t && (f = n, u = parseInt(h.css(&left&)) + f * (r.outerWidth() / r[0].scrollWidth * s.outerWidth() - 1), e = r.outerWidth() - h.outerWidth() - i.arrowsize, u = Math.min(Math.max(u, i.arrowsize), e), h.css({ left: u + &px& })), o = (parseInt(h.css(&left&)) - i.arrowsize) / (s.outerWidth() - h.outerWidth()), u = o * (r[0].scrollWidth - r.outerWidth()), u + l.outerWidth() & l[0].scrollWidth && (u = l[0].scrollWidth - l.outerWidth()), r.scrollLeft(u), l.scrollLeft(u) } function ir() { var u, r, if (st.show(), i.headerrowcount & 1) for (t = 1; t & i. t++) a.children().eq(t).show(); if (lt.find(&td&).each(function () { n(this).children().eq(0).css(&width&, &auto&) }), u = et.children().eq(0), r = [], lt.find(&td&).each(function (t) { var i = n(this)[0].childNodes[0].offsetWidth + 1; r[t] = i, n(this).children().eq(0).css({ width: i }) }), rr(), lt.find(&td&).each(function (n) { for (var s = r[n], f, e, o, t = 0; t & i. t++) (f = w[t][n], f != &RS& && f != &CS&) && (e = f.split(&:&)[0], e != &N&) && (o = f.split(&:&)[1], u.children().eq(t).children().eq(o).children().eq(0).css({ width: s })) }), st.hide(), i.headerrowcount & 1) for (t = 1; t & i. t++) a.children().eq(t).hide() } function rr() { for (var n = [], t = 0; t & i. t++) w[t] = [], n[t] = 0; return lt.find(&td&).each(function (t) { for (var o, e, f, u, r = 0; r & i. r++) if (w[r][t] != &RS& && w[r][t] != &CS&) { if (o = a.children().eq(r).children().eq(n[r]), n[r]++, e = o.attr(&rowspan&), f = o.attr(&colspan&), e = e ? parseInt(e) : 1, f = f ? parseInt(f) : 1, e != 1) for (u = u & u++) w[u][t] = &RS&; if (f != 1) { for (u = 1; u & u++) w[r][u + t] = &CS&; w[r][t] = &N:& + (n[r] - 1) } f == 1 && (w[r][t] = &Y:& + (n[r] - 1)) } }), w } function ur() { a.find(&td, th&).each(function () { n(this)[0].innerHTML = &&div&& + n(this)[0].innerHTML + &&\/div&& }) } var i = n.extend({ width: 500, height: 300, railcolor: &#F0F0F0&, barcolor: &#CDCDCD&, barhovercolor: &#606060&, bgcolor: &#F0F0F0&, freezesize: 0, arrowsize: 0, varrowtopimg: &&, varrowbottomimg: &&, harrowleftimg: &&, harrowrightimg: &&, headerrowcount: 1, railsize: 15, barsize: 15, wheelstep: 20, minscrollbarsize: 30 }, t), e = null, hi = !0, a = null, st = null, lt = null, at = !1, fi = !1, nt = &&div&&\/div&&, wt = &&img /&&, tt = null, u = null, l = null, r = null, o = null, c = null, v = null, y = null, s = null, h = null, b = null, k = null, it = null, p = null, et = null, vt = null, f = null, ht = null, d = null, w = [], ci = 0, li = 0, ft = 0, ct = -1, f = n(this), bt, kt, dt, gt, ni, ti, ii, oi, ot, yt, si, vi, ui, if (f[0] && (a = f.children().eq(0), !(a.children().length & 2))) { n.browser.msie && jQuery.browser.version == &7.0& || f.css({ position: &relative& }); var ut = i.width, fr = i.height, ei = f.attr(&id&) + &Wrapper&; if (document.getElementById(ei) ? ht = n(&#& + ei) : (ht = n(nt), ht.attr(&id&, ei), f.before(ht)), bt = f.attr(&id&) + &PanelHeader&, document.getElementById(bt) ? tt = n(&#& + bt) : (tt = n(nt), tt.attr(&id&, bt), tt.appendTo(ht)), tt.css({ background: i.bgcolor }), kt = f.attr(&id&) + &PanelItem&, document.getElementById(kt) ? u = n(&#& + kt) : (u = n(nt), u.attr(&id&, kt), u.appendTo(ht)), u.css({ background: i.bgcolor }), dt = f.attr(&id&) + &PanelHeaderContent&, document.getElementById(dt) ? (l = n(&#& + dt), l.scrollLeft(0), l.scrollTop(0)) : (l = n(nt).css({ background: &#FFFFFF& }), l.attr(&id&, dt), l.appendTo(tt)), gt = f.attr(&id&) + &PanelItemContent&, document.getElementById(gt) ? (r = n(&#& + gt), r.scrollLeft(0), r.scrollTop(0)) : (r = n(nt).css({ background: &#FFFFFF& }), r.attr(&id&, gt), r.appendTo(u), f.appendTo(r)), st = a.children().eq(0), st.attr(&id&, f.attr(&id&) + &Header&), lt = a.children().eq(i.headerrowcount), ni = f.attr(&id&) + &Copy&, document.getElementById(ni) ? et = n(&#& + ni) : (et = f.clone().children().remove().end(), et.attr(&id&, ni), et.appendTo(l), ur(), hi = !1), ti = st.attr(&id&) + &Copy&, document.getElementById(ti)) vt = n(&#& + ti); else if (vt = st.clone(!1), vt.attr(&id&, ti), pt(vt, &Copy&), vt.appendTo(et), i.headerrowcount & 1) for (ii = 1; ii & i. ii++) oi = a.children().eq(ii).clone(!1), pt(oi, &Copy&), oi.appendTo(et); if (ot = fr - tt.height(), yt = f.attr(&id&) + &PagerBottom&, document.getElementById(yt)) d = n(&#& + yt), d[0] && d.width(ut); else { var ri = a.children().eq(a.children().length - 1), er = ri.children().eq(0), ai = er.children().eq(0).children().eq(0); ai[0] != null && ai[0].tagName == &TABLE& && (document.getElementById(yt) || (d = n(nt), d.attr(&id&, yt), d.addClass(ri[0].className), u.after(d), ri.children().eq(0).appendTo(d), d.width(ut)), ri.remove()) } if (d && d[0] && (ot -= d.height()), u.css({ position: &relative&, overflow: &hidden&, width: ut, height: ot }), r.css({ overflow: &hidden&, width: u.outerWidth() - i.railsize, height: ot - i.railsize, zIndex: ci }), tt.css({ position: &relative&, overflow: &hidden&, width: ut }), l.css({ overflow: &hidden&, width: u.outerWidth() - i.railsize, zIndex: ci }), ir(), i.freezesize != 0 && di(), nr(), tr(), i.freezesize == 0 || s.is(&:hidden&) ? (si = l.attr(&id&) + &Freeze&, vi = r.attr(&id&) + &Freeze&, document.getElementById(si) && (n(&#& + si).hide(), n(&#& + vi).hide())) : bi(), !hi) return r.hover(function () { at = !0 }, function () { at = !1 }), i.freezesize == 0 || s.is(&:hidden&) || p.hover(function () { at = !0 }, function () { at = !1 }), ui = function (n) { if (at && !o.is(&:hidden&)) { var n = n || window.event, t = 0; n.wheelDelta && (t = -n.wheelDelta / 120), n.detail && (t = n.detail / 3), g(t, !0), n.preventDefault && !fi && n.preventDefault(), fi || (n.returnValue = !1) } }, yi = function () { window.addEventListener ? (this.addEventListener(&DOMMouseScroll&, ui, !1), this.addEventListener(&mousewheel&, ui, !1)) : document.attachEvent(&onmousewheel&, ui) }, yi(), this } } }), jQuery.fn.extend({ gridviewScroll: jQuery.fn.gridviewScroll }) })(jQuery)
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