
谁有深圳市龙岗区龙岗学校2012中学初一新生暑假作业的答案 全部_百度知道
谁有深圳市龙岗区龙岗学校2012中学初一新生暑假作业的答案 全部
只篮球比足球贵c元、甲数的 等于乙数的 。 7,练练手可以巩固基础 好多啊 1,同学,这么简单的题自己做一下吧.,每只篮球( )元
2:07:30【 转载互联网】 作者: &&|&责编:李强
&&& &为了解决用户可能碰到关于"求天一和木渎中学入学标准和入学考试题型。"相关的问题,突袭网经过收集整理为用户提供相关的解决办法,请注意,解决办法仅供参考,不代表本网同意其意见,如有任何问题请与本网联系。"求天一和木渎中学入学标准和入学考试题型。"相关的详细问题如下:越详细越好!===========突袭网收集的解决方案如下===========
问:越详细越好!答:关于江苏天一和木渎中学的入学标准和入学考试题型,建议直接去学校一趟,找学校官方办公室老师进行详细咨询,他们会给你最准确、最权威的答复的。===========================================问:就是入学摸底考试。我想知道 他们出的考卷的形式。是不是会和高中的接轨...答:就只是考语数外加10分的面试。。。数100 语外各50。出卷偏难。这所学校比较看重理科。所以参加考试一定要好好复习数学啦。语文高考是不会出现你所说的哪种形式的。。我也是参加过那儿的考试的。。贼难,,,小心哦。。至于面试嘛。。。主要是考...===========================================问:我是木渎中学今年的新生,在此有许多问题想询问各位哥哥姐姐,千万不要...答:问题真多 1、25号应该是报道,军训第二天开始。军训到30号结束吧应该,傍晚可以回家了。每天几小时?忘了,不是很长的,记得当年除了晒黑了点其他没啥,放心,教官很好相处的,会教唱歌。 2、军训期间如果你是走读生可以回家= =,住宿的话不能,...===========================================问:我是木渎中学今年的新生,在此有许多问题想询问各位哥哥姐姐,千万不要...答:中考分数达到录取分数线啊===========================================问:因为我是在苏北,所以学籍必须在我们的城市.我是办借读. 入学考试都考些...答:呵呵,欢迎来天一呀。我是你刚毕业的学姐。记得考试模式是参照高考的(我那时是这样的),不过好好复习初中内容就可以啦。===========================================问:我准备考啊,试卷是不是很难?答:我是3年前考的,当时的考卷感觉和小学里做的差不多,尤其是语文难度不是很大,数学稍微难一点(如果你有信心报少年班的话数学水品应该可以不要太担心),但英语难度很大,当时做的一篇阅读我在考高中强化班的卷子上有做到,听力也很难。时间为一...===========================================问:我准备考啊,试卷是不是很难?答:如果你是家长,建议你来读书,因为学校管理很严格。教师都是从木渎本部过来的。09年分数线是579分。但是少点分数目前好像找人也可以进来的。三楼有个招生办公室可以直接去咨询。 如果你是学生估计你就不要去了,因为你会因为严格受不了的。 天一...===========================================问:我准备考啊,试卷是不是很难?答:问的太笼统了,具体是想问什么呢?这两个中学除了你得在他的招生范围内,还有就是要达到比较高的分数线,一中我不怎么清楚,天一的话还有一定比例的名额可以花钱,但也是针对相对录取分数线相差10分以内的,当然你背景足够硬可能还能放宽些,当...===========================================问:我准备考啊,试卷是不是很难?答:江苏省木渎高级中学 2011年“市级棋类特色班”招生简章 江苏省木渎高级中学已有70余年的办学历史,学校位于苏州市著名的天平山、灵岩山风景区的三级保护区内,占地508亩,它是一所既有江南园林风格、又有浓郁现代气息的,规模宏伟、设施一流的开放...===========================================我是江苏省木渎高级中学在校生,今年升高三。木渎中学的入学考试对新生来说是非常重要的,它的难度也是很高的,但是毕竟那么多人一起考,都会遇到点困难。但是一场考试不...===========================================我是07年进的南开也就是前年。 因为我们是在校考试,所以是白天军训,晚上考试。(已经分班的) 考试科目是语数外化物。语文的题型与初中语文稍微有些不一样,是与高考题型...=========================================== 难是一定很难的,但是也不用太放在心上,考砸了也不是没机会去竞赛了,考好了过一段时间也没人记得的,再说老师也没打算你考得多高的===========================================外国人想进新加坡的政府中学必须参加AEIS考试,这个考试本身不难,不过是全英文出题 最难的是最后录取。因为政府学校是由学额限制的,不像在国内想招多少学生都随便。这...===========================================我07届红岭初 今刚毕业 我选择题特别 且我第用红岭答题卡 2B铅笔都没带处借 选择题自仔细点 我填60题始题号混乱 具体题型真没印象 其实跟差难点点 说句实 考砸没...===========================================我是3年前考的,当时的考卷感觉和小学里做的差不多,尤其是语文难度不是很大,数学稍微... 听力也很难。时间为一个上午吧。 不过这两年考试模式似乎有所改变,考试时间缩短了...===========================================呵呵,欢迎来天一呀。我是你刚毕业的学姐。记得考试模式是参照高考的(我那时是这样的),不过好好复习初中内容就可以啦。===========================================有的,两个方面,一个是文化课的考试,一个是心理测试,包括人格测试和学习方法的测试。如果是初升高的话,心理测试还包括一个职业倾向的测试。===========================================我也是今年杨思的 3号那天我骨折所以没去 暑假作业我因此有很多不懂的地方 你能不能和我说说=========================================== 有作文,但听力不一定,就算是有都很简单的===========================================
初一英语下学期综合试卷(答题时间:)一. 语音(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)找出下列各组单词中画线部分读音与其他三个不同的一项,将其序号填入题前括号内.(
)1. A. waste
)2. A. elephant
)3. A. swim
)4. A. bone
)5. A. super
D. student(
)6. A. eat
C. pleasure D. tea(
)7. A. farmer
B. certainly C. computer D. wonderful(
)8. A. young
C. country D. thought(
)9. A. flower
B. window C. know
D. yellow(
)10. A. enjoyed
C. jumped D. watched 二. 词汇(共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分)(A)按要求转换各词.11. city(复数)
12. get(过去式)
13. eight(序数词)
14. friendly(名词)
15. front(反义词)
16. see(过去式)
17. eat(现在分词)
18. speak(第三人称单数)
19. use(形容词)
20. he(反身代词)
(B)根据括号中的汉语,在空格内填入一个英文单词,使句子意思完整.21. I learned a lot from some
(课本).22. She can take
(照片).23. I would like to go to
(伦敦).24. These
(动物)are lovely .25. Li Yan was
(出生)on January 1st , 1992 .26. How can I get to the City
(图书馆)?27. Were you at the
(商店)last Wednesday ?28. We shouldn’t make the water
(脏的).29. They
(参观)the Summer Palace last Sunday .30. We are going to plant
(更多的)trees . 三. 单项选择(共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分)从下列每小题的四个选项中选出最佳答案,将其序号填入题前括号内.(
)31. Our parents
in America last year .
D. living (
)32. Thank you very much
me the news .
B. to telling
D. for telling (
)33. The students are busy
trees and flowers .
A. to plant
D. planting (
)34. — Is Tianjin one of
in China ?
— Yes , it is .A. the bigest cities
B. the biggest cities C. the biggest citys
D. the biggest city(
)35. The tailor made her a new
A. clothes
D. dresses(
)36. One of my best friends
in Harbin a month ago .
D. were (
)37. I’m also
write in French .
C. be able
D. able to (
)38. The capital of France is
B. New York
D. Ottawa (
)39. The boy told me
A. turn right
B. not to turn right
C. to not turn right
D. not turn right(
)40. They will go to Shanghai
A. by a bus
B. by a plane
C. by a ship
D. by air (
)41. — The Yellow Mountains aren’t in south Anhui Province , are they ?—
.A. Yes , they aren’t
B. No , they are .C. Yes , they are
D. No , they aren’t (
)42. The woman enjoys
cakes for the children .
D. to make (
)43. Pandas’ main food is
D. meat (
the radio before I went out this morning .
A. turn on
B. turned on
C. turn off
D. turned off (
)45. The schoolbag on the desk is the same
)46. The sun rises in the
D. north (
)47. Turn left at the
crossing .
A. a second
D. second (
)48. All of us learned English
different ways .
)49. I remember he came back
a cold morning .
)50. Haikou is
the north of Sanya .A. in
D. at 四. 按要求改写下列句子,每空只填一词.(共5个句子,10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)(1)I was at home last Sunday .(改为一般疑问句)51
home last Sunday ?(2)He is going to Australia the day after tomorrow .(就画线部分提问)53
the day after tomorrow ?(3)I can draw and paint .(改为否定句)I 55
paint .(4)What do you think of Disneyland ?(写出同义句)57
Disneyland ?(5)He didn’t go to school yesterday .(改为肯定句)He 59
school yesterday . 五. 补全对话(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)根据对话内容,填入所缺单词,使对话意思完整,每空只填一词.Lily:Good morning , Lisa .Lisa:Good 61
, Lily . Nice to see you here .Lily:I moved to this neighbourhood last week .Lisa:Really ? Welcome 62
my neighbourhood !Lily:Thank you . 63
the way , I want to go to the post 64
is it ?Lisa:Go straight along this road . When 66
get to the main street , 67
left . Go straight along that street . You will see a green building 68
the left . The post office 69
in it .Lily:Thank you .Lisa:You 70
welcome . 六. 阅读理解(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)阅读短文,根据短文内容,从每小题的选项中选出最佳答案并将其序号填入题前括号内.Ann’s grandpa was very rich and he had some shops . The old man began to learn drawing when he was sixty , and he loved it very much . For twelve years he drew a lot and there were many pictures in his workroom . He was pleased with them and kept(保存)them very well .One day , the old man was ill . He had to stay in hospital . Before he died(死), he said to Ann , “ I want to give my pictures to a school as presents . Then the students will remember me forever(永远). But I don’t know which school I’m going to give them to . Can you help me ? ”“ Well , ” said the little girl , “ you’d better give them to a blind(盲人的)school . ”(
)71. Ann’s grandpa was a
A. blind man
C. rich man
D. teacher (
)72. The old man wanted to be
A. a doctor
B. a farmer
C. an artist
D. a teacher (
)73. The old man loved
very much after he was very old .
A. drawing
B. his shops
D. writing (
)74. When the old man was in hospital , he was
years old .
)75. Ann thought her grandpa’s pictures were
B. beautiful
七. 完型填空(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,选出最佳选项并将其序号填入题前括号内.Ted
in a factory in a big town . He liked
very much , and was very good at it .When he was
, he went down to the small river behind the factory and tried to catch some fish . There were very few there ,
the water was not clean . Then one summer he went to the seaside during his holidays and stayed at a small cheap hotel .
the first day he
a lot of fish and was very
. He gave them to the hotel , and they
them for all the guests . They enjoyed
very much . After
he did this every day .(
)76. A. works
C. is working
)77. A. fish
D. fishing(
)78. A. free
)79. A. so
B. because
)80. A. On
)81. A. did
)82. A. cheap
D. happy(
)83. A. cooked
)84. A. it
D. he’s(
)85. A. that
D. him 八. 看图填词(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)根据图意,填入所缺单词,使意思完整,每空只填一词. I am a student of Hope Primary School . My school is big and beautiful . There are many tall
and flowers in it .Our
teacher is very kind and friendly . She works hard . She
good care of us , too . Now she is
us English .After school , we often play
on the playground .I love my school because it’s just like my home . 九. 综合填空(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)阅读短文,根据短文内容补全单词(首字母已给出),将答案填写在短文下方的答题处.Food is very important . Everyone h
91 to eat well if he or she wants to have a strong body . Our minds(大脑)also need a k
92 of food . This kind of food is knowledge(知识).When we are v
93 young , we start getting knowledge . Young children like watching and listening . When children are older , t
94 enjoy reading . When something interests them , they love asking q
95 .Our minds , l
96 our bodies , always need the best food . S
97 on our own , both in class and after class , b
98 the most knowledge .If someone always tells us answers , we never learn w
99 . When we get knowledge on our own , we learn more and know b
100 .请在横线上填写答案91. h


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