
请输入您要翻译的文字内容或网页地址,回车即可翻译努力翻译中...(C) 58.com翻译:“我是一个友好的和阳光的少年,我有很好的交际能力,会很多英语,会使用办公软件,长时间工作我感到很快乐,虽然没有多少经验,但我工作很认真!希望接受”_百度作业帮
I am a friendly and sunshine teenage.I have good ability of communication and know English well .I can also use office software.Long time work makes me happy.Though I am not so experienced,I work very hard.I hope I will be accepted.
英:I am a friendly and sunshine boy, I have a good communication ability, can a lot of English, can use office software, to work long hours I feel very happy, although there is not much experience...
Im a friendly and sunshine person,good at interpersonal communication and English ,familiar with Office software,i can work under huge pressures,i am lacking experiences yet hardworking!Accept me,plz
I am a friendly young man, I have very good communication ablity with good english. I can use many office softwares. Long-time work can make me happy. Even I don't have much experince, but I will work really hard if you can employ me. Thanks and regards.
I am an amiable and good-looking young fellow. I am good at English and making friends with others.I have mastered several office softwares and work always fills
me with enduring happiness. Though inexperienced, I will recommend myself for earnestness and devotion to my future work. Looking forward to your reply.
I am a friendly and outgoing young guy who speaks good English and good at communication. I can use office softwares. Although I do not have a lot of experience I work very hard, and long time of work makes me feel happy! I hope I can get the opportunity.提示您:你还未登录。


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