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The urban river embankment discuss the ecological constructionAnonymous XXXXXXXXAbstract: the urban river embankment construction as the object, discuss the current social background, analyses and compares the river embankment design of traditional methods and characteristics of ecological methods, and puts forward three modes of ecological design and their advantages and disadvantages, and expounds the present situation of the ecological construction in domestic bank and future prospects.Keywords: E D Domestic situationText:A, backgroundRiver Banks part is the amphibious interlaced transition belt, has the remarkable edge effect. Here are active substances, nutrient and energy flow, offer a habitat for a variety of creatures. Natural state Banks often species richness, productivity high.The traditional embankment design often single ?一、背景河流的堤岸部分是水陆交错的过渡地带,具有显著的边缘效应。这里有活跃的物质、养分和能量的流动,为多种生物提供了栖息地。自然状态下的堤岸往往物种丰富、生产力高。传统的堤岸设计往往会单纯从防洪角度出发,采用土堤或者土石混合堆砌起来高高的堤岸。它的优点在于高度的可靠性,结构设计后加起防护堤岸抗流水冲刷能力显著增强。对于洪水暴发频繁、侵蚀严重的区段,这样的设计无可厚非,而对于一般河流堤岸的修建,这样的设计则显得缺乏环境的美化和绿化,同时也破坏许多对生态起重要作用的自然因素,如破坏植被与河床间的联系,造成冲刷侵蚀转移等。另外,河流作为城市风貌不可多得的珍惜资源,也是城市风貌的特色要素,它的景观塑造显得十分必要。同时,堤岸景观建设必然使滨河地区土地价值提升,滨水开发的高投资回报的特点更增强了对城市堤岸景观建设的需求。二、需求——堤岸的生态化建设河流堤岸作为城市中最邻近河流的区域,是城市与河流的衔接线,它的景观规划是提高城市生活品质的需要,也是丰富城市景观的需要。生态化建设,它的根本思路是运用自然本身抗干扰和自我修复的能力来处理人与自然的关系。生态设计方法不同于传统用人工的结构和形式来取代自然的方法,而是用自然的结构和形式来顺应自然的进程。将河岸与河道在生态上联系起来,也就实现了物质、养分、能量的交流:对于生物,它提供了合适的栖息地;植物根系可固着土壤,枝叶可截留雨水,过滤地表迳流,抵抗流水冲刷,从而起到保护堤岸、增加堤岸结构的稳定性、净化水质、涵养水源的作用,而且随着时间的推移,这些作用被不断加强。同时,生态化建设以自然的外貌出现,容易与环境取得协调,造价也较低,不需要长期的维护管理。三、河流堤岸生态化设计方式河流堤岸生态化设计,要遵守生态设计的原则,注重地方性、保护与节约自然资本、让自然做功、显露自然,主要体现在对地域气候环境、河流地质地貌、水文变化的适应,对河流生态环境的考虑,对堤岸地形的处理和对筑堤材料的选择和构造方式方面。1)
与植物结合使用的插孔式混凝土块将预制的混凝土块以连锁的形式置于岸底的浅渠中,再将植物切枝或植株扦插于混凝土块之间和堤岸上部,其上覆土压实,再播种草本植物。堤岸生态化建设也存在一定的局限性。如:选用的材料及建造方法不同,堤岸的防护能力相差很大,需要运用多学科知识认真分析,这就为设计人员提出了更大的挑战;建造初期若受到强烈干扰,则会影响到以后防护作用的发挥等。这也就对河流堤岸的生态化设计提出了更高的要求。四、国内现状1)省会城市在我国省会城市及计划单列市中有近80%进行了堤岸景观规划。(参考文献[3])城 市
项目名称北 京
堤岸园工程长 沙
滨江大道沿江景观工程成 都
外滩、陆家嘴滨江大道福 州
浑河观光旅游带广 州
汾河公园贵 阳
汉口江滩一二期工程昆 明
灞河大水大绿工程兰 州
南滨路滨江旅游观光大道从规划后建成情况看,这些城市河流堤岸景观项目都得到了当地政府与市民的肯定。在这些项目中,堤岸既可成为当地最具吸引力的城市公园,如太原的汾河公园和福州的江滨公园;堤岸也可成为市民日常休闲活动的热点地段,如南宁的堤路园和武汉的汉口江滩工程;堤岸还可成为城市最具特色的地段,如重庆的南滨路滨江旅游观光大道;堤岸更可成为城市旅游的热点,如上海的外滩和陆家嘴滨江大道。总之,经过景观规划的堤岸已成为当地最具特色的地区。从建设效果看,相对堤岸的原来面貌而言,统计资料中的这些景观工程都是较成功的,都成为当地城市关注的热点,成为当地政府的政绩工程,成为当地的民心工程。城市河流堤岸通过景观规划,有效地改善了滨河地段的环境,并带动滨河地段的开发。但必须清醒地认识到,这些城市堤岸景观项目规划并非尽善尽美,也存在这样或那样的问题,仍有待完善。2)中小城市城市经济实力的强大决定了其城市建设水平的高标准和高水平。中小城市河流堤岸景观与统计资料中的城市存在较大的差距,存在更多的问题。特别是由于资金问题,堤岸景观是,纯人工,状态的钢筋混凝土防洪堤,或保持自然防洪状态的土石堤,没有经过景观规划,易造成城市资源的极大浪费。五、前景目前,河流景观建设,特别是城市河流景观建设,在中国正方兴未艾;在发达国家中也是一个久盛不衰的话题。 回顾发达国家河流景观建设的历史,自20世纪70年代以来,随着人们环境意识的普遍增强,重视河流景观的生态功能已成为一个时代的呼唤,河流景观建设的生态设计方法也已得到了空前的重视和发展。他山之石可以攻玉,借鉴发达国家已经形成的成熟的理念和做法,可以使我们少走弯路,搭上隆隆前进的生态建设之车。
土木工程的英文是Civil Engineering ,直译是民用工程,它是建造各种工程的统称。它既指建设的对象,即建造在地上,地下,水中的工程设施,也指应用的材料设备和进行的勘测,设计施工,保养,维修等专业技术。土木工程随着人类社会的进步而发展,至今已经演变成为大型综合性的学科,它已经出许多分支,如:建筑工程,铁路工程,道路工程,桥梁工程,特种工程结构,给水排水工程,港口工程,水利工程,环境工程等学科。土木工程共有六个专业:建筑学,城市规划,土木工程,建筑环境与设备工程,给水排水工程和道路桥梁工程。土木工程作为一个重要的基础学科,有其重要的属性:综合性,社会性,实践性,统一性。土木工程为国民经济的发展和人民生活的改善提供了重要的物质技术基础,对众多产业的振兴发挥了促进作用,工程建设是形成固定资产的基本生产过程,因此,建筑业和房地产成为许多国家和地区的经济支柱之一。.古代的土木工程有很长的时间跨度,大致从公元前500年新石器时代出现原始的土木工程活动到16世纪末意大利的文艺复兴,导致土木工程走上迅速发展的道路为止,前后经历了两千多年。在这段时间内,由于科学理论发展及其缓慢,土木工程也没有突破习惯的发展。从17世纪中页开始到20 世纪40年代第二次世界大战结束为止的300年间,国外的建筑取得了长足的进步。土木工程进入了定量分析阶段。一些理论的发展,新材料的出现,新工具的发明,都使土木工程科学日渐完善和成熟。到了近代,二战结束之后,许多国家经济起飞,现代科学日益进步,从而为进一步发展提供了强大的动力和物质基础。人们生活水平的不断提高,必然要求越来越舒适的居住环境,在这种情况下,建筑的发展直接推动了土木工程的发展。总的来说土木工程是一门古老的学科,它已经取得了巨大的成就,未来的土木工程将在人们的生活中占据更重要的地位。地球环境的日益恶化,人口的不断增加,人们为了争取生存,为了争取更舒适的生存环境,必将更加重视土木工程。在不久的将来,一些重大项目将会陆续兴建,插入云霄的摩天大楼,横跨大样的桥梁,更加方便的交通将不是梦想。科技的发展,以及地球不断恶化的环境必将促使土木工程向太空和海洋发展,为人类提供更广阔的生存空间。近年来,工程材料主要是钢筋,混凝土,木材和砖材,在未来,传统材料将得到改观,一些全新的更加适合建筑的材料将问世,尤其是化学合成材料将推动建筑走向更高点。同时,设计方法的精确化,设计工作的自动化,信息和智能话技术的全面引入,将会是人们有一个更加舒适的居住环境。一句话,理论的发展,新材料的出现,计算机的应用,高新技术的引入等都将使土木工程有一个新的飞跃.English is the Civil Engineering Civil Engineering, civil engineering is literally, it is the construction of the project collectively. It means building objects that the construction on the ground, underground, water works facilities, equipment and materials to use in surveying, design construction, maintenance, repair and other professional skills. Civil Engineering with the progress of the human society, has been transformed into large integrated disciplines, it has a number of branches, such as : construction, rail projects, road projects, bridge projects, special project structure, water drainage works, the port project, water, environmental engineering disciplines. A total of six professional Civil Engineering : architecture, urban planning, civil engineering, construction and environmental engineering equipment, water drainage works and road bridge project.Civil Engineering as an important foundation subjects, its important attribute : an integrated, social, practicality, uniformity. Civil Engineering for the development of the national economy and improve the living standards of the people provided important material and technological foundation for the revitalization of many industries played a catalytic role in the construction of fixed assets is a basic production process, the construction and real estate in many countries and regions become a pillar of the economyAncient Civil Engineering has a long time span, roughly 500 years before Christ from the original date in civil engineering activities to the 16 century Italian Renaissance, resulting in the rapid development of the Civil Engineering on the road today, and has experienced more than 2,000 years. During this period, due to the development of scientific theories and slow, there is no breakthrough in civil engineering practices.Century from 17 pages to 40 years in the 20th century end of the Second World War 300 years, foreign construction made great strides. Civil Engineering has entered a phase of quantitative analysis. Some theoretical development, the emergence of new materials, new tools of invention, the Civil Engineering Science is perfection and maturity. In modern times, after the end of World War II, many countries economic takeoff, the increasing advances of modern science, so as to provide a powerful impetus to further development and material basis. People's living conditions continue to improve, more and more comfortable living environment for the inevitable in the circumstances, the construction of development directly to the Civil Engineering development.
对土木工程的发展起关键作用的,首先是作为工程物质基础的土木建筑材料,其次是随之发展起来的设计理论和施工技术.每当出现新的优良的建筑材料时,土木工程就 会有飞跃式的发展. 人们在早期只能依靠泥土、木料及其它天然材料从事营造活动,后来出现了砖和瓦这种人工建筑材料,使人类第一次冲破了天然建筑材料的束缚.中国在公元前十一世纪 的西周初期制造出瓦.最早的砖出现在公元前五世纪至公元前三世纪战国时的墓室中.砖和瓦具有比土更优越的力学性能,可以就地取材,而又易于加工制作. 砖和瓦的出现使人们开始广泛地、大量地修建房屋和城防工程等.由此土木工程技术得到了飞速的发展.直至18~19世纪,在长达两千多年时间里,砖和瓦一直是土木工程的重要建筑材料,为人类文明作出了伟大的贡献,甚至在目前还被广泛采用. 钢材的大量应用是土木工程的第二次飞跃. 十七世纪70年代开始使用生铁、十九世纪初开始使用熟铁建造桥梁和房屋,这是钢结构出现的前奏. 从十九世纪中叶开始,冶金业冶炼并轧制出抗拉和抗压强度都很高、延性好、质量均匀的建筑钢材,随后又生产出高强度钢丝、钢索 .于是适应发展需要的钢结构得到蓬勃发展.除应用原有的粱、拱结构外,新兴的桁架、框架、网架结构、悬索结构逐渐推广,出现了结构形式百花争艳的局面. 建筑物跨径从砖结构、石结构、木结构的几米、几十米发展到钢结构的百米、几百米,直到现代的千米以上.于是在大江、海峡上架起大桥,在地面上建造起摩天大楼和高耸铁塔,甚至在地面下铺设铁路,创造出前所未有的奇迹. 为适应钢结构工程发展的需要,在牛顿力学的基础上,材料力学、结构力学、工程结构设计理论等就应运而生.施工机械、施工技术和施工组织设计的理论也随之发展,土木工程从经验上升成为科学,在工程实践和基础理论方面都面貌一新,从而促成了土木工程更迅速的发展. 十九世纪20年代,波特兰水泥制成后,混凝土问世了.混凝土骨料可以就地取材,混凝土构件易于成型,但混凝土的抗拉强度很小,用途受到限制. 十九世纪中叶以后,钢铁产量激增,随之出现了钢筋混凝土这种新型的复合建筑材料,其中钢筋承担拉力,混凝土承担压力,发挥了各自的优点. 二十世纪初以来,钢筋混凝土广泛应用于土木工程的各个领域. 从三十年代开始,出现了预应力混凝土.预应力混凝土结构的抗裂性能、刚度和承载能力,大大高于钢筋混凝土结构,因而用途更为广阔.土木工程进入了钢筋混凝土和预应力混凝土占统治地位的历史时期.混凝土的出现给建筑物带来了新的经济、美观的工程结构形式,使土木工程产生了新的施工技术和工程结构设计理论.这是土木工程的又一次飞跃发展. 建造一项工程设施一般要经过勘察、设计和施工三个阶段,需要运用工程地质勘察、水文地质勘察、工程测量、土力学、工程力学、工程设计、建筑材料、建筑设备、工程机械、建筑经济等学科和施工技术、施工组织等领域的知识 ,以及电子计算机和力学测试等技术.因而土木工程是一门范围广阔的综合性学科.随着科学技术的进步和工程实践的发展,土木工程这个学科也已发展成为内涵广泛、门类众多、结构复杂的综合体系. 土木工程是伴随着人类社会的发展而发展起来的.它所建造的工程设施反映出各个历史时期社会经济、文化、科学、技术发展的面貌,因而土木工程也就成为社会历史发展的见证之一. 远古时代,人们就开始修筑简陋的房舍、道路、桥梁和沟澶,以满足简单的生活和生产需要.后来,人们为了适应战争、生产和生活以及宗教传播的需要,兴建了城池、运河、宫殿、寺庙以及其他各种建筑物. 许多著名的工程设施显示出人类在这个历史时期的创造力.例如,中国的长城、都江堰、大运河、赵州桥、应县木塔,埃及的金字塔,希腊的巴台农神庙,罗马的给水工程、科洛西姆圆形竞技场(罗马大斗兽场),以及其他许多著名的教堂、宫殿等. 产业革命以后,特别是到了20世纪,一方面社会向土木工程提出了新的需求;另一方面,社会各个领域为土木工程的前进创造了良好的条件.因而这个时期的土木工程得到突飞猛进的发展.在世界各地出现了现代化规模宏大的工业厂房、摩天大厦,核电站、高速公路和铁路、大跨桥梁、大直径运输管道长隧道、大运河、大堤坝、大飞机场、大海港以及海洋工程等等.现代土木工程不断地为人类社会创造崭新的物质环境,成为人类社会现代文明的重要组成部分. 土木工程是具有很强的实践性的学科.在早期,土木工程是通过工程实践,总结成功的经验,尤其是吸取失败的教训发展起来的.从17世纪开始,以伽利略和牛顿为先导的近代力学同土木工程实践结合起来,逐渐形成材料力学、结构力学、流体力学、岩体力学,作为土木工程的基础理论的学科.这样土木工程才逐渐从经验发展成为科学. 在土木工程的发展过程中,工程实践经验常先行于理论,工程事故常显示出未能预见的新因素,触发新理论的研究和发展.至今不少工程问题的处理,在很大程度上仍然依靠实践经验. 土木工程技术的发展之所以主要凭借工程实践而不是凭借科学试验和理论研究,有两个原因:一是有些客观情况过于复杂,难以如实地进行室内实验或现场测试和理论分析.例如,地基基础、隧道及地下工程的受力和变形的状态及其随时间的变化,至今还需要参考工程经验进行分析判断.二是只有进行新的工程实践,才能揭示新的问题.例如,建造了高层建筑、高耸塔桅和大跨桥梁等,工程的抗风和抗震问题突出了,才能发展出这方面的新理论和技术.在土木工程的长期实践中,人们不仅对房屋建筑艺术给予很大注意,取得了卓越的成就;而且对其他工程设施,也通过选用不同的建筑材料,例如采用石料、钢材和钢筋混凝土,配合自然环境建造了许多在艺术上十分优美、功能上又十分良好的工程.古代中国的万里长城,现代世界上的许多电视塔和斜张桥,都是这方面的例子.Plays a key role in the development of civil engineering, is the first civil construction materials as the basis for engineering material, followed by the subsequent development of the design theory and construction technology. Whenever there is a fine new building materials, civil engineering will be a leap type development.People can only rely on the early Earth, wood and other natural materials in the construction activities, and later appeared in brick and tile that artificial materials, so that the first human to break the shackles of natural building materials. Chinese in Eleventh Century BC in the early Western Zhou Dynasty created the tile. The first brick in the fifth Century BC to the third Century BC, the tomb of the Warring States period. Brick and tile has superior mechanical properties,soil can obtain raw material locally, and easy to manufacture.Emergence of brick and tile so that people began to widely, a large number of housing construction and urban flood control engineering. This civil engineering technology has been rapid development. Until 18 ~ nineteenth Century, as long as two thousand years, brick and tile has been a major civil engineering construction materials, made a great contribution to the human civilization, and was also widely used in the present.A large number of applications of steel products is the second leap in civil engineering. In seventeenth Century 70 time began using pig iron, the early nineteenth Century began to usewrought iron bridges and the construction of housing, which is a prelude to the emergence of steel.From the beginning of the mid nineteenth Century, the metallurgical industry smelting and rolling out high tensile and compressive strength, good ductility, uniformity of the quality of construction steel, then produce high-strength steel wire, steel wire. And meet the needs for development of steel structure has been booming. In addition to the application of the original beam, arch structure, the new truss, frame, grid structure, and gradually promote the suspension structure,the form of the structure of a hundred flowers contend in beauty situation.From the brick building long-span structure, stone structure, wood structure of a few meters, the development of tens of meters to 100 meters of steel structures, several hundred meters, 1000 meters until modern. So the bridge in the river, channel, since the construction of skyscrapersand high-rise tower on the ground, even in the laying of underground railway, to create ahitherto unknown.To meet the development needs of the steel structure engineering, on the basis of Newton's mechanics, material mechanics, structural mechanics, structural engineering design theory would emerge as the times require. Theoretical design of machinery, construction technology and organization construction also development, civil engineering from the experience of rising to become science, both in engineering practice and theoretical basis for a new, which led tomore rapid development of civil engineering.In nineteenth Century 20, Portland cement concrete was made. Concrete aggregate can obtain raw material locally, easy to concrete structures forming, but the tensile strength of concrete is very small, limited use. By the middle of the nineteenth Century, the surge in steel production,followed by a composite building material of this new type of reinforced concrete, which bear the tension steel, concrete bear the pressure, to play their respective advantages. Since the beginning of twentieth Century, each field of reinforced concrete is widely used in civilengineering.From the beginning of the thirty's, the prestressed concrete. The crack resistance, stiffness and bearing capacity of prestressed concrete structure, much higher than the reinforced concrete structure, which uses broader. Civil engineering into the reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete dominant historical period. Concrete brings the structural form of new economic,aesthetic to the building, civil engineering so that a theory of new construction technology and engineering structure design. This is a leap in the development of civil engineering.A project to build the facilities in general to go through investigation, design and construction in three stages, need to discipline the use of geological prospecting projects, hydro geological survey, engineering survey, soil mechanics, engineering mechanics, engineering design,building materials, construction equipment, engineering machinery, building the economy, and the construction technology, construction and other fields of knowledge, as well as the computer and mechanical testing technology. Civil engineering is therefore a broad range of integrated disciplines. With the development of science and technology development and engineering practice, the civil engineering disciplines have also been developed into a comprehensivesystem of broad connotation, category numerous, complicated structure.Civil engineering is accompanied by the development of human society and the development of.It works in the construction of facilities reflect the face of social and economic development,technology, science, culture in every historical period, so the civil engineering has become one of the social and historical development of the witness.In ancient times, people began to build simple houses, roads, bridges and water channel, to meet the simple life and production needs. Later, people in order to adapt to the war, productionand dissemination of religious life and the need to build the city, canals, palaces, temples and other buildings.Many well-known works shown in this historical period of human creativity. For example, Chinathe Great Wall, Dujiangyan, the Grande Canale, the Zhaozhou Bridge, the Yingxian Wood Tower, the Pyramid of Egypt, Greece's Parthenon, Rome's water supply project, Kolo Sim Arena(Rome Coliseum), and many other famous churches, palaces.After the industrial revolution, especially in twentieth Century, on one hand, the society puts forward new requirements to t on the other hand, each field of the society to create good conditions for the advancement of civil engineering. Thus this period of civil engineering has make a spurt of progress of development.In the rest of the world in the modern large-scale industrial plants, skyscrapers, nuclear power plants, highways and railways, long-span bridge, large diameter pipelines long tunnel, the Grande Canale, big dams, big airport, port and marine engineering etc.. Modern civil engineering to create a new physical environment for the human society, has become an important part of modern civilization of human society.Civil engineering is a very practical subject. In the early days, through the civil engineering practice, summing up successful experience, especially draw lessons from the failure of developed. From the beginning of seventeenth Century, with Galileo and Newton as a combination of pilot with the mechanics of the modern civil engineering practice, gradually formed the mechanical material mechanics, structural mechanics, fluid mechanics, rock mass, as the basis of the theory of civil engineering discipline. This experience in civil engineering from the gradually developed into a science.In the process of the development of civil engineering, engineering practice often first experience in theory, engineering accidents often show a new unforeseen factors, triggering a new theory of research and development. Yet many engineering problems, still rely on practical experience in the very great degree.
对土木工程的发展起关键作用的,首先是作为工程物质基础的土木建筑材料,其次是随之发展起来的设计理论和施工技术。每当出现新的优良的建筑材料时,土木工程就 会有飞跃式的发展。 人们在早期只能依靠泥土、木料及其它天然材料从事营造活动,后来出现了砖和瓦这种人工建筑材料,使人类第一次冲破了天然建筑材料的束缚。中国在公元前十一世纪 的西周初期制造出瓦。最早的砖出现在公元前五世纪至公元前三世纪战国时的墓...


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