My sonhad enjoyedd reading this kind of book. 为什么用过...

请帮我解决英语二.用关系代词或关系副词将下列每对句子连成一个定语从语句并译成汉语6.The car was going 90 miles an hour.The car just passed us.7.The man waved to us.The man was my uncle.8.I enjoyed reading the book._百度作业帮
请帮我解决英语二.用关系代词或关系副词将下列每对句子连成一个定语从语句并译成汉语6.The car was going 90 miles an hour.The car just passed us.7.The man waved to us.The man was my uncle.8.I enjoyed reading the book.
请帮我解决英语二.用关系代词或关系副词将下列每对句子连成一个定语从语句并译成汉语6.The car was going 90 miles an hour.The car just passed us.7.The man waved to us.The man was my uncle.8.I enjoyed reading the book.You gave me a book last week.9.I prefer the subject.The subject is science.10.I spoke to the man.The man is a professor.
6. The car that just passed us was going 90 miles an hour.
刚才从我们身边经过的汽车速度为90英里每小时7. The man who waved to us
was my uncle.
那个和我们挥手的人是我的叔叔.8. I enjoyed reading the book which you gave me last week.
我喜欢读你上星期给我的那本书.9. I prefer the subject science.
我喜欢科学.10. I spoke to the man who is a professor.
6,The car that passed us was going 90 miles an hour.刚刚从我们身边而过的汽车时速907,. The man who waved to us was my uncle.向我们招手的人是我舅舅。8,. I enjoyed reading the book that you gave me last week 你上个礼拜给我的书我很...
6. The car that just passed us was going 90 miles an hour.
刚才从我们身边经过的汽车速度为90英里每小时7. The man who waved to us
was my uncle.
那个和我们挥手的人是我的叔叔。8 . I enjoyed reading the book that ...“在...之前,我就已经...” 用什么时态?举例:在读这本书之前,我就已经知道故事的大概了.Before reading this book,I...the skeleton of the story._百度作业帮
“在...之前,我就已经...” 用什么时态?举例:在读这本书之前,我就已经知道故事的大概了.Before reading this book,I...the skeleton of the story.
“在...之前,我就已经...” 用什么时态?举例:在读这本书之前,我就已经知道故事的大概了.Before reading this book,I...the skeleton of the story.
before reading this book,i have known the skeleton of the story.My son enjoyed reading this kind of book.为什么用过去式?这句子不是表示一种习惯 一直喜欢阅读的意思应该用原型_百度作业帮
My son enjoyed reading this kind of book.为什么用过去式?这句子不是表示一种习惯 一直喜欢阅读的意思应该用原型
My son enjoyed reading this kind of book.为什么用过去式?这句子不是表示一种习惯 一直喜欢阅读的意思应该用原型
句子说我儿子(当时)很喜欢读这种书,具体是不是一直喜欢读还是过去喜欢现在不喜欢了,我们不知道,说话的人也没说,所以不必纠结这些,也不要妄加猜测Berkeley Parents Network:
Reading Comprehension Classes
Berkeley Parents Network
Reading Comprehension Classes
Reading Comprehension Classes
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Can anyone offer any feedback, positive or negative, about the Cal State East
Bay Reading Programs? I found the flyer for their summer sessions at my
daughter's school but her teacher didn't know anything about the program. I am
thinking of sending her to the session for entering first graders this summer
but would like to hear some reviews from other parents whose children have
participated in the program to see if it is worthwhile.
We did the
for both of my children when they were entering 1st grade.
It's a half day a week for about 4-6 weeks, and parents attends the 2nd half of
the session with their child. We valued the skills we learned to assist our kids
and we applied them through 3rd grade. You learn how to constructively cue
kids while they read out loud and keep everything upbeat when they begin to
struggle. Equally important, you'll gain an understanding of what type of book
constitutes a reader, a book that promotes reading skills. Surprisingly, most
books that are simplified for children to read don't meet this criteria.
Berkeley Parent
I think you are probably talking about the Institute for Reading Development
(IRD) summer reading classes, which are held in lots of different locations --
nationally, I think.
Not run by CSU, which is just one of many venues which
rent space to IRD for the classes -- but locally they heavily rely on the name
in their advertising.
IRD's ill-paid teachers are trained in their formulaic
program -- one size fits nobody -- and If you call them, you will find out that
the class is perfect for your child's situation, because it is ''perfect'' for
everyone who calls.
The hard sell over the phone is very off-putting and you
kind of feel you are being scammed by a telemarketer.
And maybe you are.
sure there are kids who benefit from it, but my middle schooler hated it and I
am sure there are better things we could have done with our time and money.
Most kids would get more out of working one-on-one with a parent or tutor Not
sure it's worth it
March 2009
Hello, My son had a hard time in first grade this year with his reading. While we never
identified any learning disabilities, he did go to a private reading specialist and we've
seen lots of improvement, he is finally up to grade level. But I''m worried about him
losing ground over the summer. Between K and 1st, he forgot everything, and he felt
really bad at the beginning of 1st when he couldn't read as well as his peers. It colored
his whole year, and he is finally just feeling some self confidence in this area. My
question is how do I keep him improving (or at least not forgetting) over the summer?
We will read with him as usual, but I feel he needs something more. Can anyone
recommend at home reading programs we can do? Maybe something we can do online
or buy a kit? We would also be open to academic camps where he would be able to
have a couple of intensive weeks of reading/writing. Any and all suggestions welcome.
Hi- I can recommend the Institute of Reading Development Summer
Reading Program. It is offered for one day a week, for five
weeks, at random times through the summer for pre-kinder
students to Adults.My children have been involved in the
program for the past 2 years and they not only love it and look
forward to going every summer now, but they are now advanced in
their reading/comprehension skills.(My daughter is in
kindergarten and is now able to read at the 3rd/4th grade
level). The web site is, good
luck and hope this helps.
Reading mom- You
can find some programs for reading specifically-CSUEB has
exactly the program you are looking for (am reading program for children your son's
age)-the Athenian school in Danville has
an academic program that incorporates
standards-we are doing the let's get ready for 2nd grade-I have an incoming 2nd
grader and 4th grader respectfully-both boys-both ''got'' reading'' in K-their
and I had them read to us EVERY morning over the summer-we spent some cash at
Lakeshore and a lot at our local bookstore. I picked appropriate leveled books and
both my sons who left K at level 3-6 started 1st at level 6-8-the now 3rd grader
finished first grade at level 20-his brother just passed that benchmark (16 is
required)-we have a remarkable first grade teacher and her methodology is quite
simple-to learn to read you must practice reading daily until it clicks and then
with it until you get really good-Testing in public schools starts looking at
non-fiction in second grade-so it's pretty key to stay on top of reading.
It took me halfway into my son's second grade to find the genre my son ENJOYED
reading-for us it was the Treehouse series, Jeronimo Stilton and his current guilty
pleasure is the SECRET of DROON. He however has tested OUT of third grade
reading at level 44 a month ago so his teacher told us we should ''push'' his
level-The Phantom Tollbooth was our first more difficult read-he loved it. We now
do my books m-th and his ''guilty pleasures'' Fri-Sun
I loved to read as a kid so
was feeling that without my son's having books in their world (for fun) I was
somehow failing
If you need a program because you can't/won't keep your son going by all means
check out what I listed. However with a current library card, some time in the am
you can maintain your son's reading without a program and definitely check out
Lakeshore Learning in San Leandro off of Marina Blvd. for resources(sight word
games etc) to back up your at home program. As we outgrew the items we passed
them onto our local elementary school's Kindergarten classes and friends.
mom of bookworm
My daughter's 3rd Grade teacher recommended The Storyteller's Summer Reading
Program to us and we're sooooo glad she did!
My daughter's have been
enthusiastically participating ever since (this will be their fourth summer).
younger daughter started when she began to read.
The Storyteller is a children's
book store in Lafayette (worth the drive -- I promise!)
Kids can sign up during
month of June and it concludes in the beginning of September.
When you arrive at
the store, one of the staff will talk to your child about what books they have been
reading and enjoy.
Then, your child (with guidance from the staff member) will
select from which reading list they want to read, as well as the number of total
The reading lists are extensive, divided into different categories
diversity, mystery...), and every 5th book is ''free choice.''
There is a small
fee ($15),
but your child will get a golden coupon for that amount (good toward books at the
store) when they reach their goal.
They will give you a discount on any books you
purchase at their store, but most of the books you can find at your local library.
girls read a lot during the summers now, including many books outside of their
favorite genre (mystery and adventure). Also, there is a party for all the kids who
reached their reading goal, complete with storytelling, ice cream and receipt of
golden coupon!
The Storyteller, 30 Lafayette Circle, 925-284-3480.
August 2006
My daughter (and my oldest)will be a junior this coming
school year and I am concerned for her because of the
stressful year she is facing academically, SAT tests,
gearing up for college planning,etc.
She attends an extremely academic oriented school but is
one of those students who works extremely hard for her
grades. She has always had issues with time management and
slow processing speed, slow reading comprehension, and for
her freshman and sophomore years, she received extra help
from her school's learning center (extra time on tests,
I'd like to know: how can I REALLy help her with her time
management issues (so far breaking down her work into 20
minute tasks hasn't worked like in business), and help her
prepare for her junior year so she can succeed?
Thank you,
Concerned Mom
I would suggest either a program or a tutor that can help her with:
Advanced reading skills, time management, note taking and other
appropriate study skills.
Many bright hard working students do not read as well as you think. This
makes it much harder to do their work - they read every word slowly - and
often must reread since they will lose their place, drift off, or may
overloaded by the workload required.
This will not get easier as she goes along. And it is really OK to say,
help''. This is the kind of help that schools usually do not provide.
I like the Institute of Reading Development - their approach may seem corny
but it works if you go to class and do the assignments. The majority of
people who are not happy with this program are people that did not get their
kids to class. The program worked for my child and me - they may have
classes still available this summer:
If not, look for private individuals or other commercial programs with
outcomes that meet your need. When kids read well they love reading and
they can read a book or more a day. It can make the whole study deal much
less of a chore. It is possible that a little help will go a long way
I am considering a summer speed reading, comprehension, study skills
program for my middle school son. The course is offered by Cal State East
Bay, Institude of Reading Development. Has anyone had experience with this
organization or taken this course and found it helpful? Any feedback woud be
We were very disappointed with the Reading Institute
Program ''sponsored by Cal State Hayward.''
Two of my kids
were enrolled in the program.
We were interested in
advancing our children's speed and comprehension.
class is aimed more for children with problems reading.
had to beg to move up our daughter to a higher grade level
and even there it was geared towards problem readers. She
learned very little with the program. They do not even let
you keep the paper back books they are reading in the
program even though you paid for them.
They give you a
reading list which you could find on any education
We cancelled our second and third session with
the program and they would not give us our money back.
found out later the teacher had nothing to do with Cal
State and I think the whole program is private and uses the
Cal State name with very little oversite.
My advise is
avoid this program at all cost.
Spend the money for a
private tutor or other program.
We never got our money
I can personally vouch for the effectiveness of Institute of Reading
Developments classes - my daugher took these classes entering fourth grade
and entering 6th grade and gained about a year or a year and a half each
time. She has some language delay due a disability and it slowed her interest
and ability to acquire vocabulary and read the way she wanted to. She is now
an Honors student, on the Dean's List at one of the most competitive High
Schools in the Bay Area.
There is no course more effective, easier on your time schedule or checkbook
with as much proven result for decades. I took the adult class and quadrupled
my reading speed and recently retook the class for free to get a boost. Adults
have lifetime retake priveleges. People wonder how I can get thru all the
material I need to read every day, but most people will not believe such a
simple effort will yield this result - people are full of excuses and bad
they have heard about other methods.
I recently gave my daughter the adult vocabulary workbook to help her study
for the SAT. It is based on root words, prefixes, and suffixes - things they
used to teach in school before ''whole language''.
Institute of Reading Development teaches you to read faster but generally you
still read every word - they teach you how to prepare yourself to read, read
more words at one time, stengthen your eyes and change your reading
attitude and habits. When people take in more words their brains are more
focused on the material, and reading is more fun.
After IRD my daughter picked up one of the Harry Potter volumes and read it
nonstop in 3 days. Before this I could barely get her to read chapter
books.She still devores novels, completely pulls out the most important
quotes for history papers, digests advanced math and science texts, and has
learned another language - she now knows three.
She takes the best notes I
have ever seen.
I also learned that whatever she wants to read it is fine as long as she is
reading and have bought whatever magazine subscription she is interested
in. There is a complete Parents manual that you need to take seriously too to
support your child.
If this company was started today they would charge 5 times the amount and
get it and it would be way worth it. You are getting an advantage in that the
founder of the company Paul Copperman is very dedicated to making the
classes affordable. They give enormous numbers of scholarships to anyone
without income, or has a large family every year.
Your job will be to get your son to the class, make sure he spends some time
on the homework. If you need to miss a class they will try to find one
somewhere else to substitute if you give them notice. Your child needs to go
to every class. My daughter was pretty good with her homework - I was pretty
bad. We both went to class without missing and gained a great deal. Your son
does not have to like it - he needs to go and not give the teacher a hard
It is a private school, they don't put up with bad behavior in class. This
makes A students less stressed, and it gets underachieving students to excel.
I set up a reward system for my daughter. She did not like class, but she
to read. She later said the classes made a huge difference.
Anyone else intrested they are enrolling now:
Registration & Information
For more information or to register, call the Institute of Reading Development
at 1-800-964-8888
8 a.m.? 9 p.m. Monday?Friday and 10 a.m.? 4 p.m. Saturday.
IRD grad family
Does anyone know of a speed reading/comprehension class suitable for teens
this summer -
preferably in the evenings?
(She will never finish War and
Peace for AP English next year!!!)
I know there are some Speed Reading courses being offered at Cal State
Hayward this summer,specifically for kids and teens.
Some of them are on
I don't know if any are in the evenings.
Contact them directly
about it, as I don't have the information here with me at work.
I taught speed reading both here at Berkeley and at U.T. Austin.
is not a class I would recommend for anyone to take.
The only thing
you can gain from these classes is how to skim through books.
example, let's say you have to review lots of journal articles for
your dissertation, then it's okay.
You can get an idea of which ones
you want to go back over more carefully, but that's about it.
Anyone who thinks that speed reading will help them read their
biology textbook more quickly or to read any sort of literature in
any kind of meaningful fashion is mistaken. The only reason I think
colleges offer this service is so that students don't waste their
money paying for this sort of class somewhere else.
If a person has a reading comprehension problem, a speed-reading
class is definitely not recommended.
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