请以“The Rules in the zoo”为题,帮动物园写写给儿子的一封信规定....

How many in the zoo? 伦敦动物园动物大盘点
编辑点评:How many in the zoo? BBC英语教学给你带来伦敦动物园动物大盘点
One, two, three... It's census time at London Zoo.
Zookeepers are kicking off the New Year with the mammoth task of counting every single animal. The zoo houses more than 750 different species.
For penguins, food is an incentive to show up for the count.
Monkeys are known to be clever animals. Here the question is: who's counting who?
Vocabulary 词汇:
census 人口普查
kicking off 开始干某事
mammoth task 艰巨的任务
houses (动词)为&提供住所,容纳
incentive 激励
How many in the zoo? BBC英语教学给你带来伦敦动物园动物大盘点
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CopyRight & 沪江网 2015&动物园里有各种各样的动物there are all 【】【】animals in the zoo_百度作业帮
动物园里有各种各样的动物there are all 【】【】animals in the zoo
Kinds of 各种各样的
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In the zoo在动物园|
你可能喜欢请以“The Rules in the Zoo”为题,帮动物园写一份规定大概60词左右.我今年初一,所以内容最好中英文对照,不要太深,不要复制.14:30截止,好的话可以追加.感激不尽~格式如下:Don't feed animals .don't throw rubbish.don't swim in the _百度作业帮
请以“The Rules in the Zoo”为题,帮动物园写一份规定大概60词左右.我今年初一,所以内容最好中英文对照,不要太深,不要复制.14:30截止,好的话可以追加.感激不尽~格式如下:Don't feed animals .don't throw rubbish.don't swim in the river.don't get too closed to the animals.
The rules in the zooWelcome to our zoo,here you can see animals of different kinds.We have pandas,monkeys,snakes and so on.But there is something I want to tell you,that is to keep the rules in our zoo.We have several rules for you to keep in mind :1,don't feed animals when you are watching them2,don't throw rubbish in the zoo,or you will at least 100 yuan fine3,don't swim in the river4,don't get too closed to the animals,because some animals will hurt you misunderstandly.please keep these rules in mind ,thanks for your cooperation.
可是我没去过动物园,连中文规定都不知道诶,我只会写校规 (*^__^*)~~~
虽然没有什么实际帮助,还是很感谢你,谢谢,我会努力的!Happiness in the Zoo 快乐动物园
Happiness in the Zoo 快乐动物园
&& 23:41:54&&
 上面是视频的下载链接,以下是听写稿:Happiness in the Zoo快乐动物园AnchorIf zoo animals could talk, they might sound something like these guys. Kids on summer vacation. I'm bored, there's nothing to do. Well, it is up to zoo keepers to find ways to keep animals active and interested. Our Jeanne Moos checked out one innovation in New York's Central Park Zoo in the depth of the polar bear pool. 主播如果动物园的动物能够说话,也许就像这些人一样。孩子们放暑假了,&我可真烦,无所事事。&没错,动物园的管理员也该想点办法让动物们活动活动,激发它们的兴趣。珍妮?穆丝在纽约中央公园动物园查看北极熊水池里的一个新发明。JEANNE MOOS, CNN CORRESPONDENTWhat do you get for the polar bear who has everything? How about an endless pool? They normally sell to humans for around 17,000 bucks. Now the manufacturer has donated one to Gus and his two girlfriends at the Central Park Zoo. 珍妮?穆丝,CNN特派记者北极熊什么都有了,你还要为它添置什么呢?一个游不到尽头的游泳池怎么样?卖给人们的售价是1.7万美金。现在游泳池厂商把它赠给了中心公园动物馆里的北极熊格斯和他的两个女友。UNIDENTIFIED MALEIt is like watching a kid in a water park, you know, with a water slide. 男被访者这就像在水上乐园看着一个小家伙玩水中滑梯。MOOSThe press has dubbed Gus &the neurotic, bipolar bear.& It started eight years ago when Gus was swimming around and around so obsessively that the zoo hired the animal behaviorists who trained the whale in &Free Willy& to try and help Gus. A couple of wise guys even published a humor book called &What's Worrying Gus?& You'd worry, too, if you were mistaken for a turtle. 穆丝媒体称格斯为&敏感、狂躁的抑郁型北极熊&。8年前,当格斯一圈一圈地绕着水池不停地游,动物园就请来了在电影《放生威利》中训练鲸鱼的动物行为学家,旨在帮助格斯。一些自作聪明的家伙甚至出版了一本幽默书,名为《格斯为什么苦恼》。如果你被误认为是乌龟,你也会苦恼的。 UNIDENTIFIED MALETurtle. 男被访者大乌龟。UNIDENTIFIED FEMALEPolar bear. 女被访者北极熊。MOOSBut Gus was no more neurotic than many bored zoo animals, and Gus's keepers have been going out of their way to spice up his life. 穆丝格斯不再像诸多烦躁的园中动物那样敏感了,管理员想尽办法来调节它的生活。UNIDENTIFIED MALEHe's writing Gus' name right on there. 男被访者他在这儿写下了格斯的名字。MOOSIn peanut butter. Keepers now routinely hide treats for the bears, so they can forage for food. They encase food in ice and supply toys such as the polar bear log. And now C 穆丝用的是花生酱。管理员现在通常把食物藏起来,以便它们能自己捕食。他们把食物装在冰块里,还提供诸如北极熊喜爱的圆木之类的玩具。现在……UNIDENTIFIED FEMALEThey put in a new special swimming pool for them. 女被访者 他们为北极熊设置了一个新式的游泳池。MOOSActually, it is a pumping propeller that creates enough current to hold a bear in place. So you swim but you don't go anywhere. You still have exercise? 穆丝事实上,它是一个抽水涡轮,可以产生足够的水流使北极熊保持在原来位置。因此,你虽然游了,但还是在原地不动。你还在锻炼吗?UNIDENTIFIED MALELike a hamster wheel? 女被访者像仓鼠踩轮子?MOOSWell, sort of like a hamster wheel. 穆丝哦,有点像仓鼠轮子。UNIDENTIFIED FEMALEAnd when it's on, they Gus li he swims against it. Ivy just floats on it. She doesn't push right to the back of it I think they like it a lot. 女被访者当涡轮打开的时候,格斯喜欢在涡流底下游泳,它逆水而动。而艾维则在水面漂浮,它不喜欢在后面用劲。我觉得它们非常喜欢这个涡轮。UNIDENTIFIED FEMALEMaybe it is a massage for a polar bear. 女被访者也许它只是为北极熊按摩。MOOSOr at least a place for a bear to scratch its head. But if the bears get an endless pool, what do the sea lions get? Coming soon, car wash strips. Keepers plan to anchor them to the bottom of the sea lion exhibit. 穆丝它或许算是一个能为北极熊的头挠痒痒的地方。但是,北极熊有了涡轮游泳池,海狮有什么?很快就有了,洗车的条布。管理员打算在海狮馆底部安装洗车条布。 UNIDENTIFIED FEMALETo replicate the long algae beds that you find in nature. 女被访者模仿大自然中有长条海带的海底。MOOSThis is a zoo where they even play taped toad mating calls to encourage breeding. 穆丝这个动物园还播放录好的蟾蜍求偶时的叫声,来增进蟾蜍繁殖。UNIDENTIFIED MALELike little toad love music, we call it, to get the females in the mood, basically. 男被访者我们把这种叫声当作小蟾蜍喜欢的音乐,雌性蟾蜍基本上都很有兴致。MOOSThe maker of the endless pool has put the bears to music on his Web site. A Jacuzzi may make things bearable but heaven is a polar ice cap. 穆丝涡轮游泳池的制造者把配有音乐的北极熊放到他的网站上。一个如意按摩浴缸也许能让北极熊受用,但是真正的天堂还是一块北极冰盖。


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