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HTC Tattoo_百度百科
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HTC Tattoo是台湾公司继还有之后的第4款采用操作系统的智能手机,它是A series的一款采用3.5mm标准耳机插口的机型。 HTC Tattoo是在日于新加坡正式发布的,Dopod以A3288的名称在中国大陆销售Htc Tattoo。它同时也成为了中国大陆首两款Android手机之一。另外一款是Dopod A6288(即HTC Hero)。隶&&&&属台湾公司类&&&&型智能手机
HTC Tattoo采用直板触摸屏设计,外形朴素大方,定位中低端市场。HTC Tattoo内置320万像素,支持有声视频拍摄,该机采用Google Android可以看出HTC的用心在于将Google Android推广到中低端手机市场。首先最值得说的就是她无比强大的网络支持了,他支持的3G网络,还有我们平时说的E、G网,并且向下兼容了我们普通的手机卡的GSM网络,另一方面,还能使用wifi这一不错的功能,想象我们去M记或者KFC那边就可以上超快的网速,实在是心痒痒的。
支持的是最流行的TF存储卡,具体上限不太清楚,但是是528MHZ,内存是256MB RAM+512MB ROM,已经相当不错了。
最后说说他的摄像头是300万像素的,小M觉得这样已经足够了,基本能满足平时的应用了。毕竟你觉得自己要高清摄像的话就不适合使用手机了。上市日期 2009年
报价 (行货) (水货)
手机类型 3G手机,,音乐手机,拍照手机
支持频段 GSM 850/900/
WCDMA 2100MHz (泰国版没有)
屏幕材质 TFT
屏幕色彩 65536色
主屏尺寸 2.8英寸
主屏参数 240×320像素
触摸屏 支持
铃音描述 支持MP3,MIDI,WMA,AMR,ACC等格式
操作系统 Android OS v1.6
CPU型号MSM7201A / MSM7225
CPU频率 528MHz
机身内存 256MB RAM+512MB ROM
电池规格 1100毫安时锂电池
理论待机时间 520小时外观设计 直板
机身颜色 黑色,白色,灰色 ,紫色
产品尺寸 106×55.2×14mm
手机重量 113g[1]
机身特点 传统 PDA 风格的造型
QWERTY全键盘 虚拟
产品天线 内置摄像头 内置
摄像头像素 320万像素
传感器类型 CMOS
连拍功能 支持
其他功能 人脸识别,白平衡,,曝光测量,防震
视频拍摄 支持功能录音功能
视频播放 支持H.263/H.264/MPEG4/WMV/DIVX等格式
音乐播放 支持MP3/AAC/AAC+/E-AAC+/AMR/WMA等格式
收音机 支持FM发射器
插孔 3.5mm
数据线接口 Mini USB v2.0短信(SMS) 彩信(MMS) 免提通话 闹钟功能 日历功能
输入方式 手写
通话记录 已接+已拨+未接电话
通讯录 名片式存储电子邮件 WWWWAP浏览器 功能 即时通讯 日程表 世界时间GPS功能 电子罗盘
待机图片 计算器 来电铃声识别 动画屏保 图形菜单 秒表 自动键盘锁Rom 很稳定[2]+完美的,版本:cn042-H2(见图)
新手上路我有疑问投诉建议参考资料 查看Tattoo Clip Art_百度百科
收藏 查看&Tattoo Clip Art本词条缺少概述,补充相关内容使词条更完整,还能快速升级,赶紧来吧!作&&&&者Author:Danny Fuller(丹尼·福勒)&出版时间
作 者/Author:Danny Fuller(丹尼·福勒) 著
出 版 社/Publisher:Ilex Press
中文书名/Chinese Title:纹身剪贴画
出版时间/Publication Date:
页 数/Pages:128
装 帧/Format:平装
纸 张/Paper:胶版纸
正文语种/Language:法语What was once the preserve of sailors and convicts is now recognised as being one of the cutting edges of popular culture and a constant source of new and surprising visual motifs. Tattoos have become ubiquitous, with more and more people choosing to adorn their bodies every year, and new fashions and motifs constantly emerging. Whether youre a pro tattooist, or simply wondering what to have done next, the pressure to come up with a unique design is considerable: Tattoo Clip Art helps to do just that. The disc has multi-layered designs ranging from cute devils and animals to sinister gothic and horror motifs, and elegant tribal patterns: you can choose which elements to combine, or use them as a jumping-off point for your own designs. The book also includes how to choose a colour scheme, shade and highlight the tattoos. Of course, the designs will also be useful for graphic designers and other creatives needing the tattoo look.Danny Fuller is an award winning tattooist who has been a professional since 1980 ? long before the current boom in the art. His work has been widely published in the tattoo press, and he is founder of the Professional Tattoo Academy, which has a successful track record in preparing young artists for a career in the trade.
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A grandmother's love tattoo tribute to sick grandson
LOVE for a dying grandson yesterday saw 77-year-old Scottsdale resident Margaret Caulfield sitting for what she says will be her final tattoo.``The Power of Love'' and ``Family'' were punctured into her thinning skin as family members huddled into a Mowbray tattoo parlour in support of her gesture.The pain was nothing compared with what it represented, according to Mrs Caulfield, who proudly showed the work - a tribute to her 23-year-old grandson with cancer.``I did it because he loves tattoos,'' she said.``He's got Love, Respect, Family tattooed around his neck.一位来自美国斯科茨代尔市的77岁老奶奶Margaret Caulfield最近为其孙子纹了一个爱的纹身,因为其孙子患有癌症即将离世,而这个纹身图案正是献给孙子的。这位老奶奶将&The Power of Love&(爱的力量)、&Family&(家庭)纹在了身上,老奶奶Caulfield透露,纹身时的疼痛相比其所代表的含义,算不了什么,她将这个纹身图案展示给自己患癌的孙子看,&我之所以纹身,是因为我的孙子喜欢纹身,他的脖子上纹着爱、尊重和家庭的图案。&
``He's dying of lymphoma and the only thing he's worried about is the family, it's pretty tough.''She said maintaining strong bonds between the family were deeply ingrained values, with seven children, 20 grandchildren and 17 great-grandchildren within her immediate circle.``We had a reception with all the family on Friday, he made a speech which had us all pretty upset,'' Mrs Caulfield said.&他即将因淋巴癌去世,唯一让他放心不下的是他的家庭,这个确实很难。&这位77岁的老奶奶,有7个孩子,20个子孙,17个重子孙,&在周五的时候,他召集所有的家庭成员们开会,并告之我们他的病情,这个消息让大家十分难过&,Caulfield回忆道。``I've lost two brothers, my daughter and my husband to cancer.''The touching tribute does not stand alone and adds to a butterfly on her shoulder - gained while she was in her mid-70s.``When my daughter died, I got the butterfly,'' Mrs Caulfield said, explaining attempts to reach through to her after the death.I said, `If you can hear me, tell me when you have' . . . I didn't hear anything and I didn't hear anything, but then two big butterflies flew into my apex, circled twice and flew out again.``That was her and her dad.''Mrs Caulfield will turn 78 in November.&我的两个儿子,女儿和丈夫都是因为癌症而去世的,&这个向生命致敬的纹身图案并不是才有的,老奶奶的肩膀上已经有一个蝴蝶纹身图案了,这个纹身图案是在她七十多岁的时候纹的,&我女儿去世的时候,我纹下了这个蝴蝶纹身图案,有一天做梦,我梦到了两只蝴蝶在我的头顶上飞舞,飞了两圈儿,又飞走了,我想这两只蝴蝶应该就是我女儿和我丈夫,于是我便纹了这个蝴蝶纹身。&&
Woman Gets Barbara Walters Tattoo On Leg “LIVE” on TV
美传奇女记者芭芭拉退休 粉丝纹身纪念
People all over the country are paying tribute to legendary ABC newswoman, Barbara Walters.Walters is retiring from &The View& tomorrow.全美国的人民日前都在赞颂ABC的传奇女记者芭芭拉-沃尔特斯(Barbara Walters),因为他在5月16号主持完其经典节目《观点》后将退休。芭芭拉&沃尔特斯(Barbara Jill Walters,日-)是一位美国记者、作者、媒体从业人.其职业生涯长达半世纪以上,她以专访政治人物和名流知名。现年84岁的芭芭拉华特斯早已证实,将在2014年退休。为了表达对这位传奇女记者的敬佩和怀念,铁粉们纷纷纹起了纹身。
Liz Dodd of New Orleans already has three tattoos. &A dragon, lizard, and piranha are all on our body.Now she&s adding a tribute tattoo of her favorite anchor of all-time.&I&m probably the first woman to get a Barbara Walters tattoo. &She was a pioneer for women all over the world. &Now I&m a pioneer too,& &she said.She went to Orleans Ink to get the tattoo of &the 84-year old news woman.Tarinno Taplin designed the tattoo and it took about 5 hours.
来自新奥尔良市的Liz Dodd目前有三处纹身图案,分别是龙纹身,蜥蜴纹身和水虎鱼纹身。现在她又新添了一处纹身图案,那就是她一直最爱的新闻主播芭芭拉-沃尔特斯的头像纹身图案,&我可能是第一个纹芭芭拉头像纹身的人,她是全世界女性的先驱,而如今我也是一位先驱啦。&Liz Dodd的是在当地的一家纹身店里将这位82岁的记者头像纹在身上的。纹身师Tarinno Taplin为其设计了这个纹身图案,整个纹身图案花费了5个小时。
&I really want it to look like Barbara Walters. &I want to honor her with the tattoo,& &Taplin said.There was no question in Liz&s mind that she wanted to get a tattoo of Walters once she found out she was retiring.&She went after her stories like a man. &She was aggressive like a man. &She got it done and proved that women could do it too. &She really had an impact on my generation, and I hope she&s flattered,& &Dodd said.Walters started her career in 1961. &At ABC, she anchored &20/20&P for 25 years and &The View& for 17 years.
How to protect your tattoo from the sun
Ways to prevent your permanent tattoo from sun damage and fading this summer.The sun tends to quickly fade the ink in permanent tattoos. Taking cover is not the bravest solution to this summer dilemma. Here's what to do instead.炎炎夏日就要来了,强烈的阳光对于纹身控们来说并不是什么好事儿,因为它会破坏纹身图案,使其退色的更快,只是将纹身遮盖住,貌似并不是什么好的办法,下面小编为您推荐一些更好的方法。
Apply sunblock with a high SPF
Find a sublock & meant for the body & with the highest SPF you can find. Apply it generously onto your body's tattooed area. Look for a sunblock with a minimum SPF of 30. When you step out, reapply sunblock every two hours. This is an essential step if you are swimming or have a tendency to sweat profusely in summer.
Time it right
Apply sunscreen right before going outdoors. Ask yourself if you need to use sunblock or sunscreen every time you partake in a sport or outdoor activity. Ideally, make applying sunscreen on tattooed areas a part of your morning routine. This process is important if you have tattoos on your hands, arms, neck or legs since these areas tend to be exposed to UV rays the most. Women who wear tank tops, short skirts and low rise jeans in summer need to beware of this too.
Avoid tattooing in summer
Summer is not the best time to get a tattoo since the sun fades new tattoos faster and you can't use sunblock on a freshly healed one. So, no matter how excited you are about getting inked right now, postpone your plans to a cooler season.
Brad Pitt displays new tattoo of Rumi poem
He's known to be a big fan of the tattoo with close to a dozen inkings adorning various parts of his body.And on Saturday Ocean's Eleven star Brad Pitt gave photographers a glimpse of his latest piece of body art.On the inside of his right bicep, three lines of black lettering could be seen when he raised a hand to fellow actor Matthew McConaughey as they played ball across a New Orleans street.众所周知,布拉德皮特是一位超级纹身控,在其身上大约有将近12个纹身图案,而在上周六,布拉德皮特又被眼尖的媒体拍到了一处新纹身,当布拉德皮特在自家阳台上向对面的马秀康麦纳互相投球的时候,记者发现在其左上臂内侧,有三排黑色的英文纹身图案。
The tattooo is a variation of part of a Rumi poem, and reads: There exists a field, beyond all notions of right and wrong. I will meet you there.'It has been reported by Radar Online that he and fiancee Angelina Jolie are planning tattoos ahead of their wedding, and the marking adds to a collection which includes one of Oetzi the Ice Age Caveman on his left arm and Jolie&s birth date in written in Khmer on his stomach.据北京纹身爱好者透露,布拉德皮特的这个新纹身的内容取自著名诗人Rumi的一句诗,纹身内容为:There exists a field, beyond all notions of right and wrong. I will meet you there.(在那个没有是非纷扰的地方,我会遇见你。)之前有媒体报道,布拉德皮特和未婚妻安吉丽娜朱莉计划一起纹身来迎接两人的大婚。除了这个纹身图案外,布拉德皮特还纹有一处冰人奥兹的纹身图案,和安吉丽娜朱莉生日的纹身图案。His wife-to-be has several of her own which include a tiger on her lower back.皮特的未婚妻朱莉也是一位纹身控,其身上也有无数个纹身图案,例如后腰上的老虎纹身。&
Beyonce displays faded wedding ring tattoo
&Fans are still trying to make sense of Solange viciously attacking Jay Z in the Standard's elevator at a Met Gala after-party last week.And Beyonc& kept them guessing Saturday after displaying her faded wedding ring tattoo while sitting courtside at the Brooklyn Nets playoff game.The red Roman numerals IV - the number 4 - were dull enough to spark speculation the 32-year-old pop diva has been lasering the symbol off.就在粉丝们尚未搞清楚为何Jay-Z会在上周派对后的电梯内遭到Solange的恶意攻击时,Jay-Z的爱妻碧昂斯又给粉丝们留下了一个悬疑,在上周六的布鲁克林季后赛中,碧昂斯和Jay-Z一同现身观众席,眼尖的媒体发现碧昂斯无名指上的红色罗马数字4纹身已经变模糊了,这样的变化不得不让人猜疑这位32岁的流行歌手已经将无名指上的这个纹身标记去除掉了。
The 17-time Grammy winner inked the 'IV' on her left-ring finger in 2008 - due to her birthday (Sept. 4), Jay Z's birthday (Dec. 4), and their wedding (Apr. 4).The hip-hop power couple even named their two-year-old daughter Blue Ivy, which sounds a lot like I.V.The tattoo serves as Bey's permanent wedding band when she doesn't wear her $5 million 18-carat diamond Lorraine Schwartz bauble.The 44-year-old rap mogul - born Shawn Carter - has a matching finger tattoo which appeared just as faded on Saturday.这位曾获得17座格莱美大奖的著名歌手于2008年在其左手无名指上纹上了这个纹身图案'IV',纹这个纹身图案的原因是她的生日是9月4号,Jay Z的身日是12月4号,而两人结婚的日子是4月4号,这对嘻哈重量级歌手甚至还为其女儿取名为Blue Ivy,这个名字听起来也和纹身图案'IV'十分相像,当碧昂斯不方便佩戴其价值五百万的18克拉钻戒时,这个纹身图案被用来当做永远的结婚钻戒,而如今这个无与伦比的手指纹身图案开始退色了。
Even more curiously, Beyonc& shared a Tumblr snap a few weeks ago which showed her wearing a plaster over the tattoo.The good news for the Partition singer - if she is having it lasered - is red and black ink are the easiest to remove.
It's not an overnight procedure either - laser tattoo removal is a long and painful process done in 8 to 13-week intervals.
Tattoo from intricate tribal inkings to bold modern designs 2
纹身:从部落标志到现代流行 2
Meanwhile Europe, which had always been fond of 'curiosities' in which the marvellous, the farce and scientific illusions merged, welcomed these artists with open arms. Thanks to these performers, the spectacle of the tattooed body entered its golden age at the start of the 20th Century.Less willing to embrace the art, Christianity outlawed tattooing. It was prohibited in Leviticus and the New Testament, then officially repressed in 787 by the second Council of Nicaea. It was still practiced, however, by pilgrims in the Middle Ages and even today by the Copts, Armenians and Christians of the Holy Land.&与此同时,向来就喜欢猎奇的欧洲人也开始喜欢这种新鲜的纹身艺术,多亏了这些纹身表演者,使得纹身艺术在20世纪初期进入了它的黄金时期。然而对于基督教来说,纹身却是被禁止的行为,这一点在其圣经中有记载,在787年,基督教曾官方禁止纹身行为,然而,在中世纪的朝圣者中和现今的科普特人、美国人和圣城地区的基督教徒中,纹身行为依然存在。
But all that changed in the 1700s, when tattoos came to be seen as a mark of rebellion and free-thinking, and were adopted by bohemian society as well as members of the armed forces.Sailors, in particular, got tattoos to mark the lands they had voyaged to: a turtle meant crossing the Equator, an anchor signified he had traversed the Atlantic, while a dragon symbolised he had travelled East.但是到了18世纪,所有的都改变了,这时候纹身成为了宗教的一种标记,并被波西米亚人和武装人员采用。尤其是水手们,纷纷用纹身图案来标记他们去过的地方:乌龟纹身代表着穿越了赤道地区;船锚纹身象征着去过了大西洋,而龙纹身则意味着到过了东方。By the end of the 19th century, tattoos had become part of mainstream society, although some still retained their original connotations. A particularly noxious part of Victorian Britain was the kidnap and forcible tattooing of women, who were then press-ganged into work as circus attractions.Although the popularity of tattooing remained buoyant throughout the 1920s, 30s and 40s, the post-war period saw inking consigned to the wilderness once more.到19世纪末期,纹身成为了主流社会中的一种装饰,即使这种艺术依然保留着最原始的一些内涵。在英国的维多利亚时代,纹身是被绑架和被施暴的女子的标记,他们被强行纹身来进行纹身表演。虽然在19世纪的二三四十年代,纹身十分流行,但是在战前的那一段时期,纹身曾被视为野蛮的标志。
Left to languish in the fashion wilderness for nearly 40 years, the tattoo next staged a comeback in the 1970s, when they were claimed by the nascent feminist movement before becoming part of the body-conscious beautifying of the 1980s and then gaining mainstream status in the 1990s.在将近40年的时间里,纹身被视为一种野蛮的时尚,但是在18世纪70年代的女权运动初期,纹身艺术得到了回归,到了80年代,纹身艺术成为了增添人体魅力的工具,并且在90年代进入了主流时尚。&
tattoo from intricate tribal inkings to bold modern designs 1
Once a rare sight, spotting a tattoo on a female ankle or shoulder has become an ubiquitous part of modern life. But as this stunning collection of images shows, getting inked isn't quite the modern phenomenon it's often thought to be.while tattoos are a relatively recent phenomenon in Europe and the US, body art has long been part of Polynesian culture and has also been found on the mummified remains of Ancient Egyptian priests and priestesses.Although tattoos first made an appearance on the bodies of neolithic men and woman and again in the woad etchings of Iron Age Britons, they didn't reappear in Western culture until the 19th century and the first recorded body art craze which originated in Victorian high society.如今,女性们在脚踝上或者肩膀上纹身的现象十分常见,然而这在过去绝对是十分罕见的,但是事实证明,纹身艺术并非是当代只有的现象,北美和欧洲的纹身历史比较短暂,但是在波利尼西亚文化中,纹身艺术早已是文化中的一部分,并且在古埃及公主和王子的木乃伊上也发现了这种纹身印记。纹身最早出现在新石器时代,在铁器时代英国的刻画艺术中再次出现,直到19世纪,西方文化中才出现了纹身艺术,并且在维多利亚时期首次出现了纹身热潮。
Popularised by 19th century explorers returning home to the UK full of tales about the weird and wonderful tattooed women they saw on their travels, tattoos swiftly became the accessory of choice for upper class women.Such was the intensity of the craze for body art during the Victorian period, even Queen Victoria is believed to have had one in the form of a Bengal tiger fighting with a python.By contrast, in many Oriental, African and Pacific cultures, tattoos have long played a significant part in the religious and ceremonial life of communities - and continue to do so in some.纹身艺术在19世纪的英国十分流行,使得这个国家到处都是有纹身的男女,很快纹身艺术成为了英国上层社会女性们最爱的装饰品,即使是维多利亚女王也在自己的身上纹了一只孟加拉虎和巨蟒打斗的纹身图案。与之对应的是,在东方、非洲和太平洋文化中,纹身艺术一只被视为宗教和集体仪式的一种标志,并且至今仍在一些地方存在。
In the West, however, tattoos were seen as marginalising and were often used to mark slaves or stigmatise wrongdoers, as was the case with Colbert's Code noir (black code) in France, which marked criminals and prostitutes.然而在西方,纹身被视为边缘化的东西,常常用来标记奴隶和罪犯,这一点在法国的&黑人法令&中也有存在,纹身被用来标记罪犯和妓女。At the beginning of the 1830s in North America, sideshows set up their caravans around the big top of travelling circuses. They were the itinerant expression of the dime museum, where fairground attractions and anatomical phenomena were exhibited: the armless and legless man, the bearded lady and the person tattooed 'from head to toe'. In these antechambers of the sensational, which often employed seasonal or itinerant tattooers, the tattooed performer moreover became a sword-swallower, an animal-tamer, a fireeater, a telepathist, a wrestler, a knifethrower.在19世纪30年代早期的北美,串演节目在大型的巡回马戏团旁边也架起了自己的大篷车舞台,这种节目是一种流动的简易博物馆,在这里聚集着裸露的和残疾的表演者:例如没有胳膊腿的男子,长有胡子的女士,和从头到脚都有纹身的人,这样的串演节目经常雇佣临时的有纹身的人,而这些有纹身的人渐渐成为了主唱秀的表演者,吞剑者、驯兽师、吞火者、读心术者、摔跤手、和玩飞镖的都纹有纹身。&&
Tattoo King to donate preserved body art
纹身大师欲成立组织 保存纹身皮肤
World-renowned Amsterdam tattoo artist Henk Schiffmacher wants to make it possible to preserve tattooed skin, and leave it in a will. He has set up a donor codicil that would allow people to give these pieces to family or collectors, the Algemeen Dagblad reports.&闻名于世的阿姆斯特丹纹身艺术家Henk Schiffmacher提出了一个大胆的想法,那就是将纹有纹身的皮肤保存下来。为此他已经成立了一个捐赠者遗嘱项目,来允许那些纹身捐献者们将纹身皮肤留给自己的家人或者纹身皮肤收藏家。&I want to leave a few pieces of my skin behind, yes&, says Schiffmacher. In a bid to make permanent his body art even more permanent, the tattoo artist and enthusiast wants to set up an official donor codicil with which people can indicate that when they die, part or parts of their tattooed skin can be taken off, and left to family or collectors.Schiffmacher has been toying with this idea for some time, but has now made actual progress. &A notary public is now figuring everything out for me. Because a codicil like this has to be judicially intact. You have to arrange it neatly.&&我肯定也会将我的一些纹身皮肤保存下来,&纹身师Henk Schiffmacher透露道,而其目的就是让这些永久性的纹身作品再永久些,他和一些纹身爱好者们已经成立了一个官方的捐赠者遗嘱项目,那些捐赠纹身皮肤的纹身者们可以通过这个项目来留下遗嘱:在自己死后,其身上的纹身皮肤将会割下来,并将其保留给自己的家人或者纹身收藏者们,纹身师Henk Schiffmacher之前还曾嘲笑这个保存纹身皮肤的想法,但是现在他已经将其付诸实践了。&现在我们的这个项目正在接受公正机关的公正,因为这样的项目必须要做到合法公正,所以你必须要考虑周全。&
&In Japan, a pathologist has already started a collection of tattooed human skin. Donors gave permission for this, and doctors then surgically removed these pieces and preserved them.Schiffmacher has seen this collection and became fascinated by it. &It&s amazing: all those bits of skin are hanging there in frames and around dolls.& He said this at a tattoo exhibition in Paris where he was an honored guest at the opening.The business of preserving tattoos is not new, then. But leaving these works of art behind in a will is.&在日本,已经有一位病理学家开始收集这样的纹身皮肤,纹身者在同意捐赠纹身皮肤后,医生们便开始对其进行外科手术,将纹身皮肤割下来并保存。纹身师Henk Schiffmacher参观过日本的这些纹身皮肤,并被其深深震撼了。在一次纹身展会中,纹身师Henk Schiffmacher作为贵宾被邀请到现场,他透露到:&太疯狂了:所有收集来的纹身皮肤被框在框子里。&纹身皮肤保存行业已经不再是什么新鲜事儿了,但是自愿保存纹身皮肤的纹身者还的确十分新鲜。&
Bills fan gets Ralph Wilson Jr. tattoo
Fans have decorated their bodies with tattoos of team logos and even images of players, but 32-year-old Buffalo Bills fan Jack Meredith might be the first sports fan to get a tattoo of his team's owner.为了表达对球队的喜爱,粉丝们会在身上纹上球队的标志纹身,或者将球员的头像纹在身上,但是对于32岁的比尔队粉丝Jack Meredith来说却是一个例外,他或许是第一位将球队老板的头像纹在身上的粉丝。The season ticket holder from upstate New York said he went to a tattoo parlor on Saturday and got his right arm inked with an image of the team's late owner Ralph Wilson Jr., who died at the age of 95 in March."We wouldn't have the team without him," Meredith . "And so I felt it would be nice to pay tribute to him."Meredith, a general manager of a car dealership, said those who have seen the tattoo, especially those on social media, have had mixed reviews.这位来自美国纽约北部的粉丝Meredith透露道,他于周六前往纹身店,并在他的右胳膊上纹上了比尔球队的老板Ralph Wilson Jr.的头像纹身,这位老板在三月份去世了,享年95岁,&如果没有他就没有我们这支球队,所以我觉得以纹身的方式向他致敬很好!&Meredith是一家汽车代理店的总经理,当他把这个纹身图案上传到网络上后,网友们褒贬不一。
"Some people think I'm crazy," Meredith said. "I don't care. It's my arm."The Wilson tattoo is Meredith's second tattoo, joining the Bills logo on his left arm. Meredith, who travels two and a half hours each way for Bills home game, says the Wilson tattoo will soon be joined by an image of former Bills quarterback Jim Kelly. He said he plans to get that tattoo next month.&一些网友认为我疯了,但是我不在乎他们怎么说,这是我自己的胳膊,&这位球队老板的纹身图案是他的第二个纹身图案,其第一个纹身图案位于其左臂上,是比尔队的标志纹身,Meredith每次都会花费两个半小时的路程前往赛场观看比尔球队的比赛,并表示下个月将会把这支球队的四分卫Jim Kelly的头像也纹在身上。&
Tattoo parlour bans customers who cannot speak English
Owners of the New Romantic Ink Tattoo Studio in Wolverhampton removed the sign within hours, but not before it was photographed and put on Twitter and prompted a visit from council officers.It was put up after an Iranian man allegedly made threats to kill and was arrested by police.The sign read: "If you can't speak English don't even bother coming in."The owners stressed they were not banning foreign customers but had become concerned that they could put permanent markings on people's bodies they did not want if there was a breakdown in communication.一家名为&新浪漫主义&的纹身店在接待一位伊朗男子时,因为语言沟通障碍而导致这位纹身顾客扬言要杀死纹身师,幸好这位嚣张的纹身顾客被警察制止了,事后,这家纹身店的老板火速在纹身店的橱窗上挂上了一个通告招牌:不会说英文者勿扰!然而在几个小时后,纹身店老板又火速将这块招牌摘了下来,然而,就在这短短的几个小时内,这家纹身店的招牌已经成为了网络上热议的话题,纹身店老板解释道:我们的纹身店并不是不接待国外纹身顾客,而是考虑到纹身是一种永久性的艺术标记,如果语言沟通上出现障碍,可能会纹成错误的纹身。
Tattooist Dan Flavell said there had been 'death threats' from an Iranian man who had had a tattoo and had disputed the price before bringing his friends into the parlour with him.Mr Flavell, who is in his mid 20s and runs the Berry Street shop with girlfriend April Gibson, said he took the sign down a few hours later after worrying it could be 'misconstrued'.He said: "We're not racist. We would never dream of saying we won't tattoo people because of their race or where they may be from.这家店的纹身师Dan Flavell回忆道:有一位伊朗男子在纹身结束后,因为弄错了纹身价格,导致其招来在纹身店外的朋友们,扬言要杀死我们。这位纹身师20多岁,和女朋友一起经营了一家纹身店,在张贴完通告后,这位纹身师又在几个小时后将其摘了下来,因为担心这样的纹身通告可能会引起误解。纹身师坦承道:&我们不是种族主义者,我们也从未因为种族或者国籍而不给顾客们纹身。&"The reason for the sign is tattoos are permanent and we cannot take the risk of making a mistake because we cannot communicate with a customer."W The price was £90 for an tattoo he wanted on his back. But he only wanted to pay £70. He became very aggressive then got three friends who were waiting in a car outside to come in."He was threatening to kill us. We called the police and he was arrested."That's when I wrote the sign. A university lecturer said: "If someone cannot understand English they would not have been able to read the sign."&Not only is this damaging to the reputation of the business, but it is also damaging to the reputation of the city which is very much a tolerant and multi-cultural one.&"我们贴出这样的通告是因为纹身是永久性的艺术品,我们不想因为语言沟通障碍而导致出现纹身错误,这有点冒险,&这位伊朗男子的纹身价格是90美元,但是他只想给70美元,当时他特别气愤叫来等在车里的三个朋友,扬言要杀死我们,我们报了警,他被逮捕了。一位大学讲师在网上看到这个纹身通告后,说道:&如果纹身顾客不懂英文,那么这样的英文通告他也是读不懂的,&&这样的纹身通告不仅会让整个纹身行业蒙羞,而且还会让这个包容的多元的城市蒙羞。&&
Roll up your sleeves: The temporary tattoo recipes
A pair of Italian designers have come up with a rather ingenious way to keep your cookbooks free of sauce, flour and any other baking supply or byproduct that could potentially end up covering a good meatloaf recipe: Tattoos.Designers Marina Cinciripini and Sarah Richiuso have designed a collection of temporary tattoos that can be applied to a cook's forearm and act as guides for several classic Italian meals.The duos slogan: 'Roll up your sleeves.'一对意大利设计师想出了一种便捷的方式来记录烘肉卷的食谱,这个方式就是纹身。这对设计师分别叫Marina Cinciripini 和 Sarah Richiuso,他们将制作烘肉卷的食材酱油,面粉和其他的烘焙材料纹在了自己的胳膊上,当然这种纹身是临时性的,根据纹身图案来制作烘肉卷,为此这对设计师还给其起了一个名字:卷起你的袖子!
Cinciripini and Richiuso initially designed the tattoos for a design competition in 2013. The pair came in second in that contest in the 'ritual' category.'The project plays down traditional behavior, that of food preparation through cookbooks,' the pair says of their idea. 'Food conveying a message through the original use of the body, which becomes support of image guidance for the creation of a recipe.'这个纹身食谱的创意是在2013年的一场设计大赛中提出的,为此两人还获得了第二名的好成绩,这个设计大赛旨在不依赖传统的食谱书籍,于是这对设计者想到了用临时纹身的方式来记录食谱。&用纹身画出所需的食材,以此来记录食谱,不是很好嘛?&
&Some of the current recipes are for classic Italian meals like grandmother artichokes and spaghetti with dried tomatoes and anchovies.The tattoos are currently available in four packs that cost about $14 a piece. The only downside is each tattoo is only for a single use - assuming the cook showers regularly, of course.Cinciripini and Richiusoare are hoping to expand their fledgling business and are raising money for the venture on the crowd-funding site Eppela.当下被做成临时纹身的经典意大利菜有洋骊和意大利面,这两个纹身图案中分别有4中食材,每一个纹身图案要价14美元,这些纹身图案唯一的缺点是每一个纹身图案只能记录一种食谱。两位设计师希望将其纹身计划向市场推广,以此来为慈善组织募集善款。&
Tattoos Come in Vegan and Non-Vegan?
Shocker, right? It just never occurs to many of us that a tattoo could be considered &vegan& or &non-vegan,& but it&s true. Like pretty much everything else in the world, the vast majority of tattoo products often contain animal ingredients.很震惊,是吗?纹身竟然也会涉及到&素食者&和&非素食者&,然而这是事实存在的。跟世界上的其他东西一样,大多数纹身产品也含有动物成分。Inks and aftercare products use a variety of animal products:Glycerin: Made from animal fat, glycerin is a common ink stabilizer used to make the ink easier to work with.Bone char: Black ink, the most popular and widely used color of all, is usually made with bone char, which is the soot from burned animal bones. Inks formulated with bone char are said to achieve the darkest, crispest shade of black.纹身色料和纹身护理产品中也含有大量的动物成分:甘油:甘油是从动物的脂肪中提取的,它是纹身工程中常见的稳定剂,可以帮助纹身进行的更顺利。骨炭:黑色的纹身色料是最流行也最广泛使用的纹身色料,而这种色料正是由骨炭制成的,而骨炭是从动物的骨骼焚烧物中提取的,由骨炭制成的纹身色料据说会使得色料变得更黑,效果更好!
Gelatin: Made from animal hooves, gelatin is a binding agent and a frequent ink ingredient.
Shellac: Shellac is used as a binding agent and is made from beetles.
Lanolin: Made from sheep wool, lanolin is a common ingredient in lotions, ointments and salves used during the tattooing process, as well as in after care products. Some say lanolin is used in essentially all stencil paper as well.
Teen tattooed Nando’s logo for a Black Card
Some people will do anything for a free lunch & take Nando&s-obsessed foodie Bradley Holman, for example.The 19-year-old is such a big fan of the restaurant chain he had Barcelos, the cockerel mascot of Nando&s, tattooed on his right buttock.为了得到免费的午餐,一些吃货们会千方百计,例如南多炸鸡店的超级粉丝Bradley Holman,这位19岁的男孩十分喜欢这家炸鸡店的食物,于是他将这家炸鸡店的logo做成了纹身,纹在了自己的屁股上。
Mr Holman, who spends £1,500 a year on his favourite meal & an extra-hot whole chicken, garlic bread and a bottomless drink & thought his cheeky gesture was worth a free feed, so asked the store for a loyalty card.But Nando&s have given him the bum&s rush and snubbed his request.&Surely I&m due something for my commitment to Nando&s,& he said.
Bradley Holman每年都会在这家炸鸡店花费1500美元,其最喜爱的食物是一份炸鸡,一个蒜香面包和一杯饮料,在纹身结束后,Bradley Holman要求炸鸡店给其一张优惠卡,但是南多炸鸡店却拒绝了他的请求,Bradley Holman说:&我对这家炸鸡店如此捧场,我应该得到一点回馈,&
"Nando"s give free stuff to celebrities and footballers but they never reward loyal customers like me,& he ranted.He has even offered to get an image of a black card on his left buttock if the South African-based chain relents and rewards his loyalty.And if it refuses, he tweeted: &I&ll get it lasered off and get KFC on there instead& let&s be honest, it&s much better.&Despite his request going bottoms up, Mr Holman, of Lower Kingswood, Surrey, has no regrets about the tattoo, inked on his behind during a lads& holiday to Malia, in Crete.
&这家炸鸡店会将优惠卡赠送给名人或者足球运动员,但是从来不会给像我一样忠诚的顾客们,&Bradley Holman抱怨道,他曾经为了报答一家连锁店的优惠,在其屁股的另一边画上了这家店的贵宾卡。在被南多炸鸡店拒绝后,他在推特上写道:&我会把这个纹身图案去掉的,在上面纹上肯德基的标志纹身,说实话,这样会更好点,&尽管该男孩的优惠请求被炸鸡店拒绝了,但是他表示自己并不后悔做这个纹身,因为这个纹身为其博得了异性的好感!&
Weirdest Super Mario Brothers Tattoos Ever
&Mario and Luigi are, without a doubt, some of the most popular video-game characters in history and some people do the most outrageous things to prove their love for them.毫无疑问,马里奥和路易基是视频游戏史上最受欢迎的游戏人物,一些粉丝们为了表达自己对这对兄弟的喜爱,的确做了许多令人大跌眼镜的事情。例如下面这位粉丝将这对兄弟分别纹在了脚底板上的。
This dude, for example, got the Super Mario Brothers tattooed on the soles of his feet. I can&t even imagine how much this hurt and, even though the tattoo artist did a terrific job, I seriously doubt these tattoos are going to last a lifetime.& 在脚底板上纹身,很显然这种纹身方式十分难以想象,应该会比较疼,而为其创作脚底板纹身的纹身师应该也费了好大一番功夫才完成了这一对纹身杰作,当然,将马里奥兄弟做成纹身踩在脚下,这对纹身兄弟应该很快就消失原形了吧。 &马里奥和路易基的冒险故事讲述了30年,曾开创了一个新游戏时代,可谓伴随了一代又一代人的成长,而如今这位粉丝将这对兄弟以纹身的方式永久的踩在脚下,跟随着自己继续人生之旅,的确很有一番新意!&
Crazy Fan Covers His Body with Tattoos of Julia Roberts
&Miljenko Parserisas Bukovic, a 56-year-old newspaper salesman from Mexico, has 82 tattoos of Julia Roberts& face inked on his body.Miljenko Parserisas Bukovic,56岁,是一位来自墨西哥的报纸推销员,他在身上纹上了82个茱莉亚罗伯茨的头像纹身图案。
After watching &Erin Brockovich&, a great movie that earned Julia Roberts an Academy Award, Mexican Miljenko Parserisas Bukovic decided to show his appreciation for her talent by getting tattoos of her face all over his body. He now has 82 tattoos of Roberts, all inspired by movie scenes. He has images of &her smiling, waving, pouting, looking serious and even sitting in a chair, all over his chest, back and arms.茱莉亚罗伯茨曾主演电影《永不妥协》,该片为她赢得了奥斯卡金像奖,这位纹身老头正是在观看完这部电影后,决定在身上纹身来表达自己对茱莉亚罗伯茨的赞赏之情,如今他的身上纹有82个纹身图案,这些纹身图案均取自这部电影中的场景,茱莉亚罗伯茨的笑脸、生气、撅嘴、严肃、甚至坐在椅子里等形象都被茱莉亚罗伯茨纹在了胸前,后背和胳膊上。Although Bukovic claims he has spent around $81,000 (around 1 million pesos) on his tattoos of Julia Roberts, so far, his planning to add more ink artworks as long as he has room on his body. If you ask me, he paid way too much for his tats, especially since some of them don&t even look like Julia Roberts&虽然这位纹身老头说自己为这身纹身杰作已经花费了将近81,000美元,但是到目前为止,他依然计划着在剩下的地方纹身,当然,这些纹身图案并非都是茱莉亚罗伯茨的头像纹身,有些纹身图案并不像!&
Disney’s Biggest Fan: the whole body tattoo designs
George Reiger considers himself Disney&s number one fan and to prove it, he has covered most of his body with over 1,900 Disney tattoos.When people ask George Reiger why he has almost 2,000 tattoos relating to Disney, his answers that Disney practically raised him when he was a child and he wanted to have Mickey and the entire Magical Kingdom with him everywhere he went. George had his first tattoo, Fantasia Mickey, when he was just 18 years old. By the time he turned 20, he already had 80 Disney tattoos.George Reiger认为自己是迪斯尼的头号粉丝,并且还用行动证实了这件事情,他在自己的身上纹上了1900个迪斯尼人物纹身图案,这些纹身图案覆盖了他大半个身体,当人们问他为什么要在身上纹上将近2000个跟迪斯尼有关的纹身图案时,George Reiger这样回答道:迪斯尼伴随着长大,他想让米奇和这个魔法乐园的卡通人物一直伴随着他,在George Reiger18岁的时候,他在身上纹上了第一个纹身图案,纹身图案是米奇,在他20岁的时候,他身上的迪斯尼纹身图案已经达到了20个。
&That&s when he went to the company&s owners and asked them for permission to have even more characters permanently inked on his skin. Disney agreed to let him become a walking Disney canvas, as long as he used just one tattoo artist for every one of his tattoos and didn&t make any money from them. He agreed and went one to cover about 85% of his body with Disney characters and settings. He has 4-5 new tattoos done every week.后来他向迪斯尼公司申请,允许他在身上纹更多的迪斯尼卡通纹身图案,迪斯尼公司答应了他的纹身请求,并提出条件,他必须让同一个纹身师为其创作迪斯尼纹身图案,并且不得利用这些纹身图案去赚钱,于是他同意了迪斯尼的条件,并将身上85%的皮肤用迪斯尼人物和背景纹身覆盖,每星期都会有4、5个纹身图案完成。
To George Reiger, nothing is more important than Disney. That&s probably why he&s currently at wife number 6, with all six honeymoons spent at Walt Disney World. He lives in a Disney-themed house, full of over 24,000 Disney collector&s items.He admits that it&s pretty bizarre for a 50-year-old man to be covered in tattoos of children&s characters, but this is what makes him happy. He spends around $50,000 on Disney every year and when he dies, he wants his ashes spread over the Pirates of the Caribbean ride, so he can live in Wald Disney World forever.对于George Reiger来说,没有什么东西比迪斯尼还重要,这或许就能够解释为什么他会有6任妻子,并且每段婚姻都是在迪斯尼度蜜月的。如今他居住在迪斯尼主题公园的房间里,里面堆满了24000多个的迪斯尼玩具,他承认自己的纹身行为有点疯狂,一个50岁的老头却在身上纹了这么多孩子才会喜欢的迪斯尼人物,但是这样的纹身图案让他很开心,每年他会在迪斯尼花费将近50000美元,George Reiger希望在自己死后,将骨灰撒在加勒比海盗的游乐场内,这样他就会在迪斯尼世界里得到永生。&
Man skips out on bill at Calgary tattoo parlour
&A Calgary tattoo parlour is dealing with its own version of the &dine and dash& after a customer skipped out on his bill.一家名叫&Calgary tattoo&的纹身工作室日前遭遇了一位&吃霸王餐&的纹身顾客,这位纹身顾客纹身结束后没有付钱就逃跑了。The man got a tattoo on his back at Tiki Town Tattoo and Spa earlier this week, in a session that took the artist about an hour-and-a-half to complete, and cost $225.When the man&s credit card was declined, he told the receptionist he would leave his cellphone and wallet at the business, and run to his car to get some cash.&(The receptionist) turned her back for a quick minute and when she did he took his cell phone and credit card and bolted out the door,& Tiki Town employee Alex Eremko told CTV Calgary.一名男子在这家纹身店纹了一个后背纹身,这个纹身耗时一个半小时,应付225美元,当纹身店的收银员拒绝其使用信用卡后,这名纹身男子将自己的手机和钱包押给收银员,说要去自己的汽车上取钱,&就在收银员转过身的那会功夫,这名纹身男子拿起他的手机和信用卡转身逃走,&一位店员回忆道。
&&Eremko said, in his seven years in the tattoo business, he&s never seen anyone skip out on the bill.&It&s really foolish and pretty bizarre,& he said. &The guy is wearing the evidence of the crime on his skin for the rest of his life.&Using footage from a surveillance camera, the tattoo parlour was able to capture a photo of the suspect, which was posted to Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.&纹身师Eremko说道,自己在这里从事纹身有7年了,从未遇到过这种&吃霸王餐&的纹身顾客,&这件事太愚蠢,太奇葩了,这个家伙身上还有纹身的标记,估计他要带着这个犯罪标记度过余生了。&纹身师从店内的摄像头内截出了这名纹身男子身上的纹身图案,并将其纹身照片上传到了Facebook, Twitter 和Instagram上。&The posts have since been shared thousands of times, and Eremko said Tiki Tattoo has received plenty of feedback from individuals who say they may know the suspect. However, they don&t have a name yet.Eremko said the tattoo & a combination of a Masonic compass and an all-seeing eye & is one of the only clues that could point to the suspect&s identity, as he&s believed to have given Tiki Town a fake name and phone number.But Eremko is confident that the suspect will be identified.&(The tattoo) is definitely very recognizable,& he said.&这张纹身照片被转发了上千次,纹身师Eremko说,受到了许多网友们的举报,然而他们只是表示见过这个人,但并不知道他的名字,纹身师Eremko回忆道,该名男子身上的纹身图案是一个指南针和眼睛纹身的混合体,这个纹身图案或许是唯一的破案线索,因为这名男子在纹身店所登记的名字和电话号码都是假的,但是纹身师坚信这名男子一定会被逮到的,&因为这个纹身图案十分容易辨识!&&&
The Japanese tattoo master Horiyoshi III 1
日本纹身大师——Horiyoshi III
Master Horiyoshi III (Nakano Yoshihito) was born on the 9th of March 1946 in Japan.While tattooing traditional Japanese Irezumi for over 40 years, at the same time continuosly drawing and painting, &Horiyoshi lll has reached unmatched levels of craftmanship aestathics. He is by far the most well known Japanese tattooist . &While still in the first half of his career he became the international ambassador of Japanese traditional Irezumi tattooing, befriending people like Mr. Don Ed Hardy amongst others. During the early 1980&s he made extensive travels to the west showing his skills and artwork, which proved high in demand.日本纹身大师三代目雕佑西(Horiyoshi III),又名Nakano Yoshihito,于日出生于日本,从事日本传统纹身已经有40年的时间了,同时也擅长绘画和油画。三代目的纹身技艺已经达到了炉火纯青的地步,他是到目前为止最著名的日本纹身大师。在其从事纹身事业的初期,就已经是闻名国际的日本传统纹身师,并且和&美国纹身教父&Ed Hardy是好友,在20世纪80年代早期,三代目环游西方国家,并向西方的纹身爱好者们展示其日本传统纹身技艺和作品,大获好评。
The Yokohama Tattoo Museum was founded by Horiyoshi lll in 2000, housing and displaying his vast collection of tattoo related artwork and traditional tattoo artefacts from all over the world. He is now also closely collaborating with the National Amsterdam Tattoo Museum, founded by his long time friend Henk Schiffmacher in 2011.Horiyoshi lll launched his own exclusive high end clothing line Horiyoshi the third in 2009, which immediately became a great success. The Horiyoshi lll couture is sold in selected high class boutiques the world over.纹身师三代目于2000年创办了&横滨纹身博物馆&,保存和展示他从世界各地收集到的优秀纹身作品和日本传统纹身作品。他的多年好友Henk Schiffmacher于2011年也创办了&the National Amsterdam&纹身博物馆,如今两座博物馆有着密切的合作交流。三代目于2009年推出了他自己的独家高端服装系列,一经推出便大获成功,这些服装在世界各地的精品店中都有出售。
The books exploring Horiyoshi III and his art are many and in constant high demand. &His productivity is always set in high gear and this fact was imperative in the founding of Kofuu-Senju Publications, a high quality independent book publishing effort which is a creative vision concinved by his senior apprentice Alexander Kofuu Reinke Horikitsune and Matti Senju Sedholm Horimatsu.The company was founded in 2010 in the honour of &Horiyoshi III&s. &Their goal is to produce legendary, quality books on the subjects of Irezumi, Zen and Japanese Culture in general under mentorship of Horiyoshi III.
介绍和研究纹身师三代目及其纹身技艺的书籍有很多,并且有着不错的市场,他的纹身创作是十分惊人的,因此三代目的资深弟子们Alexander Kofuu Reinke Horikitsune 和Matti Senju Sedholm Horimatsu,创作并出版了独家书籍&Kofuu-Senju&,以资深弟子的角度来介绍和研究自己的师傅三代目,2010年,在三代目的授权下,弟子们创办了出版公司,这个公司旨在创作并出版关于日本传统纹身、禅学和日本文化的高质量著作。&
he Yokohama Tattoo Museum tells you Japanese tattoo art
&The only place in Japan dedicated to the history of body ink is the Yokohama Tattoo Museum.Packed with venerable tattoo tools, prints and photographs, it catalogs the turbulent development of Japanese tattooing, including a large display of the numerous historic prohibitions against the tattoo art form. Other exhibits detail the tattooed cultures of Okinawa and Hokkaido, as well as Taiwan where, in the early 20th century with the island under Japanese rule, tribal tattooing was outlawed primarily to eradicate the associated custom of headhunting.在日本,唯一一个可以了解到日本纹身历史的地方就是坐落在横滨的纹身博物馆,在这里收集了各种各样的纹身工具、纹身色料和纹身照片,这些纹身展览品分门别类的向后人展示着日本纹身的发展历史,其中还包括历代王朝对于纹身艺术的禁令,和冲绳县、北海道以及台湾的纹身发展景观,在20世纪早期,台湾曾是日本的殖民地,为了根除这种纹身习俗,台湾当地土著的部落纹身还被日本殖民政府宣布为非法。
Featured in many international guidebooks, the museum is popular among overseas visitors. However, despite the government&s campaigns to tout Cool Japan, the museum & not to mention Japanese tattooing in general & remains missing from the official tourist trail.&The authorities think tattooing is equated with the yakuza and so they believe tattooing is bad,& Horiyoshi III, the museum&s founder & and arguably the most famous tattooist in the nation & tells The Japan Times in an interview at his studio.这座纹身博物馆有着丰富的海外纹身资料,因此备受外国游客的欢迎,尽管日本政府曾大力宣传日本的时尚,但是这座纹身博物馆却没有在日本政府旅游宣传内容之列。&日本政府将纹身和日本黑帮等同起来,所以他们认为纹身也是非法的。&纹身博物馆的创建者三代目雕佑西如实说,他是公认的这个国家最优秀的纹身大师。&Although Horiyoshi respects the yakuza & citing their relief efforts for Tohoku communities following the March 11, 2011, earthquake and tsunami & he said the government&s assessment is out of touch with reality.&In the past, a lot of yakuza used to get tattoos but nowadays that number has dropped significantly,& he says.The stream of clients he worked on during this interview supported his assertion. Factory workers and construction laborers all addressed Horiyoshi in hyper polite honorifics before bowing and lying down for him to tattoo another section of their works in progress & some of which can take more than 100 hours to complete.因为日本黑帮在2011年的日本地震和海啸灾难中积极施救,所以三代目表示自己对日本黑帮还是比较敬重的,然而日本政府却无视其救助行为。&在过去,日本黑帮成员都会纹身,但是在现在前来纹身的日本黑帮们已经大大减少了。&而从其前来纹身的顾客中也可以证明这一点。一些工人们也会给纹身师三代目写信,预约纹身,而有些纹身者的纹身过程可能要超过100个小时。After each 45-minute session was over, Horiyoshi swaddled his clients in cling film and began setting up for the next customer. The nonstop process & reminiscent of an assembly line & belied the true artistry of his work. Each one of Horiyoshi&s tattoos is as carefully constructed as a haiku poem, from the season of the flowers to the historical accuracy of the swords and kimonos, depicted in his designs.During his four-decade career, Horiyoshi has tattooed around 7,000 people and witnessed countless changes in &&45分钟过后,纹身师三代目用保鲜膜将纹身顾客的纹身图案包裹上,并让下一个纹身顾客进来。类似流水线的快速纹身,委实是大师级的纹身水平。从流行的花朵纹身到古老的剑纹身和艺妓纹身,纹身师三代目的每一个纹身作品都像日本的小诗一样精致。在他40年的纹身师生涯中,三代目已经为约7000个顾客创作过纹身图案,并见证了无数个纹身图案和纹身工具的变迁。
&When the 2020 Olympics come to Tokyo, many tattooed athletes will visit from overseas. Will foreign (tattooed) swimmers be banned from training in pools? If they are allowed to enter but not (tattooed) Japanese people, that will be a form of discrimination,& he says. &How will the public react?&Whatever changes the future brings, Horiyoshi is confident of one thing.&No matter how many times the government tries to prohibit tattooing, it will never disappear,& he says. &To receive and to give tattoos is a human instinct.&&到2020年东京举办奥运会的时候,会有许多有纹身的国外运动员来到日本,这些运动员们是不是也不允许进入游泳池中训练呢?如果允许有纹身的老外们进入游泳池训练,而不允许日本人民进入,这是不是一种歧视呢?到时候日本民众会是神马样的反应呢?&,不管未来如何发展,纹身师三代目可以肯定的是,&不管日本政府如何禁止纹身,纹身艺术是不会在日本消失的。纹身和被纹身是人类的一种本能。&&
Superman tattoo for a Provan man of steel
澳洲男子见义勇为获赞 免费得超人纹身
A delivery driver has commemorated his daring deeds in a dramatic Angus flat fire rescue with a &super& tattoo.Perth dad Brian Provan marked his memorable moment by getting Superman&s iconic emblem inked on to his chest to stand as a lasting reminder of the day he helped save a number of Arbroath residents from their burning block of flats.一位货车司机在胸前纹上了超人标志的纹身来庆祝自己在一次消防救灾中勇敢壮举。这位司机来自澳大利亚珀斯,名叫Brian Provan,是一位父亲,在一次公寓起火中,Brian Provan十分勇敢从大火中救出了许多人,为了永久的纪念这一勇敢的时刻,Brian Provan 在胸前纹上了这个超人标志的纹身图案。While on his regular rounds as a Parcelforce delivery driver back on April 1, Mr Provan came across a fire at a property in Dishlandtown Street in Arbroath.Faster than a speeding bullet, he jumped into action with no regard for his own safety and alerted the building&s occupants to the developing fire.The 43-year-old driver smashed the front window of a ground-floor flat and kicked down a door to save a stranded woman.在4月1号,Brian Provan 像往常一样开车回家,在路过一条街道时,他发现这里的一幢公寓起火了,43岁Brian Provan以比子弹还快的速度赶到现场并加入到救援活动中,他没有丝毫担忧自己的危险,紧急通知居住者快速撤离火灾,并撞碎一个落地窗,踢开一扇门,救出来一位受困者。
After hearing of Mr Provan&s heroic turn, local tattoo artist Bry Prow, who runs Idle Hands Tattoo Parlour on the High Street, offered to give him a free tattoo fitting of his selfless act.The two men met up last week in Arbroath and Mr Provan has been showing off the super symbol, known the world over, with pride.He told The Courier: &The day after it all happened I pulled up for a delivery at Bry&s shop and he saw the van and me and put two and two together.
在听说了Brian Provan的英雄事迹后,当地的一位纹身艺术家Bry Prow表示,愿意为Brian Provan提供免费的纹身服务,来表彰其勇敢行为。于是纹身师和Brian Provan见了面并完成了这个广为人知的超人标志纹身图案,&那天我停了一天工,并前往Bry Prow的纹身店纹身,他看到了我和我的货车,并将其联系到一起。&
&He said, &You&re Superman, you deserve a tattoo to show it.& And said he&d give me the Superman emblem for free, so we set it up.&It was a lot more painful than going into the building that day, I can tell you that, but I&m very grateful to Bryan for doing it. He took his time and did a great job.&It just shows you that there are some truly remarkable and generous people in the world & and he is one of them.&
纹身师说道:&你是一个超人,你值得拥有这样的超人纹身图案&,随后便为Brian Provan进行了免费的纹身,&这个纹身图案对我来说意义重大,我很感激纹身师为我而创作纹身,他占用自己的时间,并创作了一个很棒的纹身图案。&纹身师说道:&这个纹身图案仅仅是告诉大家,这个世界上有一些真正的超人,而Brian Provan就是其中之一。&
Mr Prow said he was happy to provide the tattoo for free as he believes that one good turn deserves another.&It&s Karma isn&t it?& said Mr Prow. &You just treat people the way you want to be treated yourself.&Brian is a good lad and he always delivers stuff to the shop. Everyone was calling him a hero so I said he needed the tattoo to show it. I&m glad he likes it.&
纹身师透露道:能够给Brian Provan免费纹身,他很开心,Brian Provan值得纹这样的纹身图案。这就是所谓的善有善报吧!你如何对待别人,别人就如何对待你,Brian Provan是一个好人,他经常为我的纹身店送东西,大家都称呼他为英雄,所以我觉得他需要一个这样的纹身图案,我很高兴他也喜欢这样的纹身图案。


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