中译英词典 翻译!!!!!!!一句话!!!...

你问的应该是这句:"The mark of the immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause,while the mark of the mature man is that he wants to live humbly for one."这是《麦田里的守望者》里的一句,是原文.直译是一个不成熟的男人的标志是愿意为某个事业英勇的死去;一个成熟的男人的标志是愿意为某个事业卑微的活着.英语翻译“The following program contains images that may cause heart attcks and are not suitable for CNN and FOX viewers.Parental discretion is advised.”我向非翻译工具使用者致敬!_百度作业帮
英语翻译“The following program contains images that may cause heart attcks and are not suitable for CNN and FOX viewers.Parental discretion is advised.”我向非翻译工具使用者致敬!
“The following program contains images that may cause heart attcks and are not suitable for CNN and FOX viewers.以下包含图片的程序可能引起心脏病,并且对使用CNN和Fox浏览器的用户不适宜Parental discretion is advised.discretion 在这里有 判断、谨慎、自行处理的意思,很多电视剧、电影,在分级上很模糊,其中有些可能被认为不适合青少年看的内容、语言,这个时候,电视上就会打出这末一句,意思是家长们你们自己根据自己的判断看着办,是不是让你们的孩子看,翻译出来,可以是:忠告家长谨慎(决定是不是让孩子看).
下面的节目含有可能会导致心脏病发作的画面(紧张或恐怖的场景),并且不适合CNN 和 FOX (电视台)的观众收看,(有小孩子的话)建议家长慎重考虑
以下节目含有可能会导致心脏病的镜头,并且不适合CNN和FOX的观众。建议在家长监督下观看。(CNN 和 FOX是美国的两个电视台名字)
Online shopping has become the main reason for 92.8% Chinese users who Surfing the Internet, increased by 12.8% from 2011.希望对你有帮助哦~
Online shopping has been the main reason that 92.8% respondents of mainland China, up from 19% in 2011.
Online shopping has contributed to 92.8% of the repondents in Chinese mainland in surfing the internet with an increase by 12.8% over the year 2011.望能帮助到你, 呵呵!
(It is reported that) 92.8% respondents of mainland China agree that online shopping has been the main reson of using the Internet, which is 12.8% more than that in 2011. 括号里面的要不要意思都通,但一般正式的文章里不会直接以数字开头,所以我加了括号里的东西
Online shopping has become the main reason for the 92.8% of the respondents from the Chinese Mainland to surf the internet, 12.8% higher than in 2011. 完全人工翻译,希望采纳
网购已经成为92.8%的中国大陆受访者上网的主要原因,同比2011年上升12.8%Online shopping has already become to be the main reason
for 92.8% of the Mainland China interviewees to go on line, rising 12.8% over levels of 2011.
Cyber-shopping has been a major reason for 92.8% of the respondents in China mainland to surf the internet, increased by 12.8% from 2011.中国大陆翻译成 mainland China从政治上来说似有不妥。
Online shopping has became the main reason for
mainland Chinese to log on and the number increased 12.8% from 2011.希望能够帮到你。英语翻译While fieldwork is carried out in other behavioral sciences,anthropology is seen by many as having imparted a special quality to "the field" tied up with the intensive,all-encompassing character of participant-observation,which is not found in notions about fieldwork _百度作业帮
英语翻译While fieldwork is carried out in other behavioral sciences,anthropology is seen by many as having imparted a special quality to "the field" tied up with the intensive,all-encompassing character of participant-observation,which is not found in notions about fieldwork in related disciplines.
您可能关注的推广英语翻译I discovered that my own little postage stamp of native soil was worth writing about and that I would never live long enough to exhaust it,and that by sublimating the actual into the apocryphal I would have complete liberty to use whatever talent I might have to its a_百度作业帮
英语翻译I discovered that my own little postage stamp of native soil was worth writing about and that I would never live long enough to exhaust it,and that by sublimating the actual into the apocryphal I would have complete liberty to use whatever talent I might have to its absolute top.It opened up a gold mine of other people,so I created a cosmos of my own."出自威廉福克纳的一句话,大概是在说他的写作特色,但是我不理解这段话的意思,请高手赐教.机器翻译的还是别发上来了,那些找机器翻译的也不看看句子通不通。
I discovered that my own little postage stamp of native soil was worth writing about and that I would never live long enough to exhaust it,and that by sublimating the actual into the apocryphal I would have complete liberty to use whatever talent I might have to its absolute top.It opened up a gold mine of other people,so I created a cosmos of my own.参考译文:我发现:出自我本土家乡的我自己的那个可爱的小邮票值得写出来【写出其xxx 价值 或把其写到xxx地方】,我发现我活的时间再长也难以让我去详尽无遗地写作我的这种小邮票作品,但是,如果我把真实的东西升华或提纯写成虚伪的东西,我将会有完全的自由来发挥或使用我的(写作方面的)天才-----无论我可能拥有什么写作天才都行 或倾我所有写作的才能------把我写”这个小邮票“的写作天才发挥到极致.那时,这个邮票肯定会打开别人的金库啊,所以,我要创造“属于我自己的宇宙世界【这儿的宇宙世界指代他写作的构思世界】”.
我发现自己的小小的家乡/或者是想象力 非常值得一写,穷我一生也无法写尽。我发现通过把现实写成小说,我将能够自由的将每一项才能发挥到极致。写作打开了一座了解他人的金矿,因此我创造了一个自己的世界。希望对你有帮助,虽然还是很费解。有时间再改。...
我发现我那小小的家乡, 非常值得一写,穷我一生也无法写尽。我发现通过把现实写成小说,我将能够自由的将每一项才能发挥到极致。写作打开了一座了解他人的金矿,因此我创造了一个自己的世界。


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