look fitfit是什么意思思

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多品牌综合店,独家引入『英国潮流行动』,让这鼓席卷全球的行动塑身潮流带到中国。FitFlop自2007年推出以来,旋即牵起行动塑身风潮,成为世界各地明星红人的热捧对象。 全球首创Microwobbleboard - 「三重多密度中底」, 有效舒缓足部压力,亦令健康舒适与潮流时尚得以融合,实现了FitFlop“ 我穿我鞋,掌控世界”的品牌口号。
MAP精心挑选FitFlop最新男女鞋款,踏出潮流行动塑身春夏。 亮点推介设计灵感来自嘉年华会的女鞋,桃红亮丽帮面结合串珠流梳,跟随步履徐徐舞动,摇曳多姿,娇媚迷人。要感受FitFlop前所未有的时尚舒适,唯有在MAP。
* MAP独家发售
品牌简介 - map by BeLLE
MAP是百丽集团旗下的多品牌鞋履综合店,网罗多个一线及来自世界各地最前瞻的鞋履品牌,汇集过千款不同风格的鞋品,将时尚精髓汇聚一家。 MAP现开设有48家店铺,于全国25个城市的一线购物中心,引发无限时尚购物新惊喜。
品牌简介 C FitFlop
FitFlop创办人Marcia Kilgore连同英国伦敦南岸大学生物机械学专家,将生物机械工程技术和人体工程学融合,成功研制Microwobbleboard& - 「三重多密度中底」,并于2007年推出FitFlop鞋品,有效舒缓足部压力,减轻关节负荷,成为既舒适又时尚的潮流行动塑身鞋。
实际收录穿搭困扰,为你一一揭晓关于红色的穿搭秘技,成为这个冬天的当“红”女孩!当前位置: &
求翻译:You always look fit .How do you manage it是什么意思?
You always look fit .How do you manage it
你始终看合适的 .How 做你管理它
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Fit 长相帅/漂亮
Colin Firth in Pride and Prejudice
Jo: Hello and welcome to Real English from BBC Learning English C I'm Jo.
Li: Hi 大家好。我是杨莉, 欢迎收听 BBC 的地道英语节目,希望在接下来的2分钟里,你能学到英式英语中常用的一些表达方式。
Jo: What are you reading there Li?
Li: Oh it's just this week's celebrity gossip magazine. 我有空的时候就喜欢看娱乐新闻的杂志,里面有好多明星的小道消息。Look have you seen this picture of George Clooney at the film festival?
Jo: Ooo yes, he's really fit isn't he?
Li: Fit? Well, I don't know if he likes sports or not Jo.
Jo: No I don't mean fit as in healthy or sporty.
Li: 是吗?难道这里 fit 不是健康,身体好的意思吗?
Jo: Well it does but in informal English it means good looking. So if you think a man is really handsome then you can say C he's really fit!
Jo: Wow that’s something new. 你是说他看起来很帅,那 fit 这个词能用在漂亮的女孩身上吗?
Jo: Yes you can. You might hear a man say C look at her C she's really fit. And you often hear people say C he or she is well fit. 'Well' means very in informal English.
Li: Well 是 very 的口语表达,那么 he's well fit 就是 he is very good looking 他长得可真帅,真有型。那Jo, 我们是不是经常在非常随便的情况下才能听到这个词的使用呢?
Jo: Yes that's right. Lots of young people use this word when they're talking to their friend about who they like and don't like. Here's some more examples.
A: Look, it's Justin Timberlake on the TV. I love him C he's really fit.
B: Do you think so? He's not really my type!
A: There's a new girl started working in my office and she's well fit. I'm finding it hard to concentrate on my work!
B: What's she like?
A: She's got long brown hair and a lovely smile. She's gorgeous!
Jo: So do you think George Clooney's fit Li?
Li: He's OK C but I prefer Johnny Depp C he's extremely fit! 好了,今天的地道英 语又要结束了。
Jo: You've been listening to Real English from BBC Learning English. We'll see you again soon.
Li: Bye Bye.
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