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“Sayonara”是歌手Dan Byrd所唱的英文歌曲,Sayonara是的拉丁字母注音意思翻译出来是,该歌被香港歌手杜德伟翻唱改编成粤语的歌曲《》歌名:Sayonara主唱:Dan Byrd作曲:Paco Sara语言:英语歌曲原唱Dan Byrd歌曲语言英语
Sayonara means goodbye
Sayonara and I try, try to be the ones who leaves
Try to be the one who cares
Sayonara means goodbye
Sayonara one more cry
Though today I have to live
I still want you to believe
That since I met you, girl
I've been changing all the ways I live
And there's so much that I want to give
Will you please forgive
'Cause when I look at you
And I feel your lips so close to mine
Wonder whether we could find the time to be together again
Sayonara means goodbye
Let's give our love another try
Don't let your feelings pass you by
You know that it could break your heart
Sayonara, au revoir
But tomorrow I'll be fine
What I need is just a sign
Just a sign and you'll be mine
For since I met you, girl
I've been changing all the ways I live
And there's so much that I want to give
Could you please forgive
'Cause when I look at you
And I feel your lips so close to mine
Wonder whether we could find the time to be together again...again...
新手上路我有疑问投诉建议参考资料 查看sayonaya这个是什么意思?_百度作业帮
日语再见的意思.往而不来者,年也;不可再见者,亲也.” 宋 司马光 《刘道原十国纪年序》:“ 道原 水陆行数千里至 洛阳 ,自言比气羸惫,必病且死,恐不复再见.”巴金 《中岛健藏先生》:“我盼望着,等待着同他们再见.”


