There is elephant womana...

Help, Help! There’s an Elephant in My Uterus!
on Tuesday, March 20, 2012 & &
Alaska has become the latest state to fall victim to the Republican War on Women.
It’s difficult to imagine today that Alaska was once at the forefront of women’s rights, and reproductive choice, but in 1913, the Alaska Territorial Legislature gave women the right to vote as its first official act.
In 1970, a successful state-wide grassroots movement to reform Alaska’s abortion law, made Alaska the third state in the country to make abortion legal and safe, three years before Roe v. Wade.
Alaska has a proud history of individual choice, privacy, and non-governmental interference in its citizens’ personal lives.
So, it’s also difficult to imagine how it would be that today’s “conservatives” who claim to support this notion of a small government that stays out of your business, and out of your healthcare would be eagerly dismantling that philosophy in the Alaska legislature. Well… only when it comes to women.
We’ve seen legislation across the country that seeks to disempower women from making choices about their own bodies, their healthcare, and their reproduction. We’ve even seen places like Virginia and Texas propose mandatory ultrasound bills that would actually force women to undergo invasive medical procedures that have nothing to do with their medical care, and everything to do with politics. Conservatives who wail about the government getting between you and your doctor apparently find no problem legislating mandatory, unnecessary, invasive, and expensive medical procedures for women, who are in the process of making a difficult and perhaps painful decision.
Forced Ultrasounds
Alaska is now on board. The “Extreme Team” of right wing Republicans starring Cathy Giessel (R), Fred Dyson (R), John Coghill (R), Charlie Huggins (R) (and their token DINO Donny Olson “D”) have sponsored a forced ultrasound bill in the Alaska legislature. These are the group of four Republican ideologues who decided not to work with the rest of the bipartisan legislature, broke their crayons and now sit pouting, in the self-inflicted minority corner.
regardless of its medical necessity prior to performing an abortion—even though the Alaska Supreme Court has stated repeatedly that Alaska laws may not place unnecessary burdens on a woman’s right to an abortion. Forcing doctors to perform ultrasounds for political and not medical reasons is the definition of government intrusion.
Senator Dyson also stating that a forced ultrasound was “intended to ensure that a woman’s decision whether to abort is a measured, not emotional, one.”
We can’t just have women making decisions the way they think is best, now can we? They must be saved from themselves via forced medical procedures. You know how emotional they can be.
But wait, there’s more!
No More Full Disclosure of Options
Sarah Palin appointee, and fellow church member Wes Keller has also introduced a bill to eliminate public funding for abortion in most cases.
HB363, which will be heard on Thursday, forbids full disclosure of pregnancy options and referrals for abortions, in flagrant violation of requirements made by federal funding laws. But Abortion is a fundamental right in Alaska, as protected by two State Supreme Court rulings in and . Any law limiting access, particularly one such as HB363 that targets poor women, is an attack on our Alaskan values:
individual freedom from government interference, privacy and fair treatment under the law.
No worries if you’re wealthy. You’ll be fine. If not, then you shouldn’t have gotten impregnated in the first place. NO we don’t want to help you out with birth control, and NO we don’t trust your medical decisions. NO, we don’t want you to be on public assistance, and NO we don’t want to provide you with prenatal care, or healthcare for your baby, or food stamps, or welfare or pre-K care. NO, we don’t want to fully fund public schools either. So good luck with the kid. Next time, don’t be so poor and immoral.
Abortion Permission Slips from Men
And if you’re not fully convinced yet that Alaska is the next front in the GOP’s war on women, you just have to listen to State Rep. Alan Dick. He said in a House Health and Social Services Committee Hearing last week that he doesn’t believe that when a woman is pregnant, it’s really “her pregnancy.” As a matter of fact, he would advocate for criminalizing women who have an abortion without the permission via written signature from the man who impregnated her. He stated, “If I thought that the man’s signature was required… required, in order for a woman to have an abortion, I’d have a little more peace about it…”
He didn’t say whether a rapist would be able to send his signature by fax from prison, or not. But he’ll have “peace” and women will require a permission slip for their own bodies.
If you are an Alaskan – woman or man – and you are outraged by this,and tell Alaska legislators to vote NO on HB 363 on Thursday.
And to my fellow Alaskan women – remember, at this point you still have the right to vote, and the right and ability to voice your opinion loudly. Use them.
[*UPDATE – Rep. Dick has issued a “clarifying statement” on this issue ]
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Well there already is a society where woman don’t have basic civil rights or liberty – they are called the Taliban!
Also there already is a country where your employer is intimately involved in your contraception – its called China.
What is hypocritical is that conservatives claim Obama is bringing Sha’ria Law and socialism to the US; however these actions against women speak volumes of their intentions and overall lack of knowledge of American freedoms, the constitution and the civil rights of women.
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The Kinder Morgan merger transaction has been approved.
There has been much written about the positive synergies of the merger.
Nonetheless, the conceivably largest benefit from the merger has gone mostly unheralded. Furthermore, I believe this benefit is not currently priced in to the stock.
I submit this one major attribute of the merger is the primary driver behind Kinder's 10% dividend growth projections over the next 5 years.
OverviewKinder Morgan (NYSE: ) (NYSE: ) should experience significant income tax savings from the approximately $71 billion acquisition. The benefit will amount to approximately $20 billion over the next 14 or so years. The funny thing is - you haven't really heard much about this aspect of the transaction. This could be due to the fact some may not be so excited about this aspect of the transaction. In this article we will take a deeper dive into the tax implications of the merger and its impact on dividend growth.Current Chart(click to enlarge)(Source: )Dividend growth fueled primarily by tax benefitsKMI will acquire all of the outstanding common units and all outstanding shares for a total purchase price of $71.0 billion, $40.0 billion KMI equity, $4.0 billion cash, and $27.0 billion of assumed debt. The primary reason for the merger was to invigorate dividend growth. The company listed four attributes of the transaction that would enable Kinder to immediately increase the 2015 dividend and grow it at 10% over the next five years. The following information was garnered from .Primary benefits of mergerLower cost of capital benefits initial acquisition and future capital investmentsLess equity issuance requiredTax depreciation (from existing basis and future capex) utilized by company versus being passed on to unitholders.Modest cost synergiesTax benefits in-depth reviewKMI would increase its 2015 target dividend per share above the 2015 expected status quo and grow its dividend per share by an average of 8% per year from 2015 through 2020. These projections are based on the following assumptions as well:Includes depreciation from KMP and EPB existing assets and projected capexSet coverage at 1.0xTarget roughly 5.0-5.5x debt/EBITDA ratioOn top of this, tax depreciation from the asset step-up will further enable KMI to:Increase its 2015 target dividend per share to $2.00Grow its dividend per share by an average of 10% per year from 2015 through 2020Generate significant cash coverage from 2015 through 2020(Source: )How are the tax benefits derived?KMI shareholders will now benefit from depreciable assets rather than unitholders.Kinder Morgan comprises of four separate entities. Two are master limited partnerships which enjoy tax favored distribution treatment by the IRS. In essence, KMI shareholders will now benefit from the depreciation of assets rather than unitholders. Furthermore, the merger transaction &steps up& the value of the pipelines and terminals to the transaction price rather than the depreciated value currently on the books. This one simple accounting rule amounts to a $20 billion windfall for the company in the form of tax savings over the next 14 years.KMI shareholders will now benefit from future capital expenditure tax depreciationPrior to the merger the tax benefits of capital expenditures primarily went to unitholders of the MLPs. Post transaction KMI shareholders will now benefit from the depreciation of new capital expenditures.No more taxing of IDRsKinder Morgan also noted that certain IDR payments were subject to taxes as well. These taxes will no longer be paid with the simplified structure.Long-term unitholders will experience the greatest tax impactKMP unitholders were the primary beneficiaries of the tax deferred benefits of an MLP. After the merger transaction some of the longest most loyal unitholders will foot the highest tax bill due to the transaction. Furthermore, they will no longer received tax favored status from the IRS going forward. Kinder Morgan feels it has more than compensated this select group of unitholders, yet having to pay a huge tax bill you conceptually may never have had to pay hurts. Nonetheless, Kinder Morgan never guaranteed the MLP structure would last forever.ConclusionAfter digging through all the information provided by the company I believe the positive tax implications alone justify the transaction. The tax windfall of over $20 billion over the 14 years created by the merger will underpin dividend growth going forward. For dividend growth investors who are looking for safe and secure income sources, I don't see much out there that can compare to Kinder Morgan. Kinder Morgan has it all.Size: Over $125 billion market cap post-mergerHigh Yield: current yield 4.43%High growth rate: 5 year dividend growth rate of 10%Security: Fee based cash flow with 1,1x coverage including $20 billion tax benefitI would be interested to hear from readers of another investment that offers these robust metrics for dividend growth investors. There are a tremendous amount of positive synergies related to the merger transaction, lower cost of capital, streamlining of operations, increased buying power, and the elimination of IDRs. Nevertheless, the most beneficial attribute is the tremendous tax benefits derived from the merger. This fact significantly raises the margin of safety for future KMI dividend growth investors in my book. Furthermore, I do not believe the tax benefits are currently priced in to the stock. This leads me to believe substantial capital gains lie ahead as well making KMI an excellent total return play. At present levels the risk/reward equation favors long trades in my book. Nonetheless, I would layer in to the stock over time to reduce risk.
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