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time flies so quickly_乔奄家畜一猫阅读答案_why is pink or purple_雪夜阅读答案
发布时间: 18:41:19来源:互联网
Timeflies - I Choose U - 1080P - Music Video长:1920高:1080px[原创]Time Flies.长:1600高:1128px[原创]Time Flies.长:1600高:966px迅】日最新专辑《Time Flies》长:1306高:899px站在窗台,望着夜空,晚风吹过,思绪惆怅万千,心如长:1280高:1024px106个激励自己的英语句子 - 天狼星的日志 - 网长:1024高:768px==ll--o The WITCHER 3: Wild Hunt HYPE and D长:1280高:960pxdeviantART: More Like Paint Tool SAI - Hair Tu长:1024高:745px小方. - 广东实验中学 - 广州学生网 - www.gz4u长:1024高:768px
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Crédit Photos : Fran?ois Tancré
It’s been 4 years since I arrived in Paris to set up We Are Social France, after having worked at We Are Social in the UK for a couple of years before that.
Time flies quickly, and the Paris team is now almost 70-strong, and as a result we moved into a brand new office earlier in the year which will allow our ‘Gremlins’ to grow and multiply even more in the coming years.
So, on Thursday 6th of February, we coupled our 4th birthday with a housewarming party and celebrated this double event with our clients, partners, colleagues and business friends with a huge #weare4 party. And we had a couple of guest stars from the We Are Social global team: Nathan McDonald and Robin Grant!
A big thanks to those who partied and celebrated with us until late in the morning but, most of all, thank you to everyone for their support over the past 4 great years. We’re already looking forward to celebrating our 5th birthday in style!
on the increasingly social nature of customers, and how brands are responding to them.
The guys at Sprout have created the infographic to highlight certain findings from their Sprout Social Index. It draws attention to the rise in consumers engaging with brands on social media, and how brands seem to be finding it more and more difficult to respond. In Q3 2013, for example, Sprout claims that four out of five consumer enquiries went unanswered.
It’s clear that, with social media becoming increasingly important for brands’ customer service, they need to be doing more to handle this communication effectively.
If you’re serious photographer, you need a big camera with a whopping lens, right? That’s the assumption many people make, so they follow the herd and head straight for a DSLR. Less bulky ‘mirrorless’ cameras aren’t even on the radar.
As you , our job was to disrupt this purchase journey, drawing attention to Panasonic’s Lumix range. How? By doing one of the things We Are Social does best. Listening.
Google Trends revealed something very interesting: growing speculation about the future of DSLRs. The most popular search terms about DSLRs were overwhelmingly negative:
Further probing revealed a great deal more debate, mostly on niche camera forums, buried far, far away from the typical purchase journey.
And so our idea was born. We’d simply surface the genuine opinion and evidence already out there.
We built , a web forum organised entirely around the most commonly asked search queries, curating the latest articles from bloggers and experts around the web to answer them:
We also created the first in a series of video tests pitching DSLRs against comparable mirrorless Lumix models, all answering common Google search queries.
To create an audience, we bought the top slot on Google Adwords, ensuring that when anyone searches for DSLR cameras, their journey is interrupted by considerable speculation about the big demise of the big cameras.
Blogger outreach is underway too: we’ve set the most relevant bloggers and influencers their own Lumix vs DSLR tests to complete. While a comprehensive listening and responding programme ensures that when people are chatting online about the merits of DSLRs, we’re quick to respond, inviting people to visit our forum before they buy their new camera.
After just a couple of weeks, we’ve already had over 2,600 inbound links to whydslr.co.uk helping the site appear near the top of organic DSLR search queries – and we’ve had thousands of unique visitors to the site, without any paid media beyond adwords.
This is just early days for a platform designed to last as long as DSLRs do. But already, we like to think Why DSLR? proves two things. You don’t need a huge camera to take nice pictures. And you don’t need a big, traditional media spend to create a hard-hitting social campaign.
Campaign recently published this article by me . They’ve been kind enough to let us reproduce it in full here:
Social media recently overtook pornography as the number one activity on the web. (Stop press, get this onto the front page!)
Armed with this and many more startling insights, we recently approached Cannes Lions to put our case forward for a new Social Lion. And although a dedicated Social Lion hasn’t yet materialised, 15 new Social specific categories within Cyber Lions 2014 have.
It’s a great step forward because social thinking will define the ideas of the future. To be clear, by ‘social thinking’ I don’t mean Facebook and Twitter tactics. I mean ideas based on an understanding of social behaviour. Big ideas that people want to share, talk about, get involved with and belong to.
Let me throw more stats at you. Brace yourselves for this one… Social media is more popular than TV.
What?! You’re thinking I’m biased, but I have numbers: social media now absorbs 26% of people’s media time, compared to TV’s 23% .
And the trend’s only going one way. In the last two weeks alone, 2 million more people have become active users of social platforms.
So if all this is the case, why are we still heroing the big budget TV ad in the UK? Why does TV make up such a disproportionate chunk of most campaign budgets? And why are most TV ads still talking at people, not with people?
Maybe it’s because we’re a mature market. Whole marketing departments, agencies and processes have been set up around producing the TV extravaganza, airing it with Coronation Street, then if there’s any budget left, asking a digital agency to ‘do something social that fits with it.’
That’s not always an easy or especially productive task and is perhaps that’s why our nation isn’t winning many Lions any more. There’s also an assumption that big expensive business problems require big expensive advertising solutions (see Rory Sutherland’s excellent talks for more on this).
The model usually goes like this:
Come up with a big ‘broadcast’ idea. Socialise it.
But what if it went like this?
Come up with a big ‘social’ idea. Broadcast it.
Look at the world’s ten most award-winning campaigns of 2013 according to the Big Won Report. You could argue every one of them is closer to the second model, not the first:
1: , 2: , 3: , 4: , 5: , 6: , 7: , 8: , 9:
The Beauty Inside in particular is a shining example of the social-first model. A profound, episodic brand film that beautifully taps a human truth, acted out by real fans. The idea would have made for a spine-tingling TV campaign. It didn’t need one, receiving 70 million views without traditional media costs.
More and more clients are cottoning on to the explosion in social. Apparently almost half are planning to increase social media budgets this year, at the expense of traditional channels. Some forward-thinking clients are even placing social as the starting point of the idea rather than a bolt on.
For instance, our , which you’ll hopefully have seen in the Metro every day last month. It’s one of the UK’s biggest print campaigns of the year so far, yet it’s first and foremost a social campaign, using traditional media to drive buzz. That’s the way we like it.
evian no doubt has greater trust in the potential of social after our
last year, a dance craze that reached over 90 million people at a fraction of the cost of a traditional TV ad.
Let me finish with what personally made me a social convert: , an idea created by We Are Social colleagues Graham Jenks, Nick Hearne and myself, back at OgilvyOne.
Reach after one month was over 350 million – triple that of the Superbowl. The Gnome Experiment is now part of the teaching curriculum in several countries and I’m one of the only people to have ever held a TED Talk about an advertising campaign. All this cost less than ?30,000 (plus blood, sweat, tears – and a near law-suit from lawyers at the CERN Hadron Collider, but that’s another story).
And yes, the gnome performed in awards too – it was the world’s most awarded Direct idea of 2012 (The Big Won Report) and the world’s most awarded PR campaign of 2013 (The Holmes Report).
Why did it do so well? Because it was something people wanted to talk about. It didn’t rely on Twitter, Facebook… or any channel actually. It was a conversation piece that tapped into genuine interests of real communities: scientists, teachers, students and gnome lovers everywhere. A social idea.
So if you’re gunning for a Lion, the new Social categories represent a huge and untapped creative territory to mine. They also give the UK a big chance to reclaim our credibility – but we might need to change the order we look at advertising first.
Twitter is growing strongly in the UK
Twitter’s UK growth is set to , according to eMarketer. Growth is estimated at 13.4% in 2014, compared with 4.8% for rival Facebook, which means that almost half of the UK’s social networkers will be on Twitter by 2018. However, it is set to slow to 4.3% by 2017 and 2018.
Facebook’s ROI has been underestimated
A study by seven large packaged-goods companies, in partnership with Facebook, Google and Nielsen, has found that marketing-mix models tend to
by up to 48%. By measuring impressions instead of clicks, the ROI of Facebook ads increased by up to 75%.
Facebook buys WhatsApp
Facebook last week announced its
for $16bn, or $36 per monthly active user. The Guardian produced a , including the history of WhatsApp, which examines the pros and cons for Facebook. Benefits include the potential for reaching younger users and those in emerging markets. T here’s how its user base compares with other big names within the same time period:
Buzzfeed shares on WhatsApp
Last week, Quartz reported that Buzzfeed articles were being
than on Twitter by iOS users, leading to the consideration that publishers may need a WhatsApp strategy.
claimed the they showed the number of times a user clicked on the ‘share’ button for each platform at the bottom of a Buzzfeed article, not the actual number of impressions. D the piece argues that, while the platform is undoubtedly huge in terms of its user base, it may be a while until it is considered a place to share news.
Changes to Facebook ad targeting
Facebook has updated the way in which advertisers can target different audiences on the platform. First of all, it’s good news for business-to-business marketers (but bad for LinkedIn) as users can now be . That isn’t all,
include location, demographic, interest and offsite behaviour.
Facebook ad spend focussed on Europe and North America
, despite huge user bases across the world. North America accounts for 52% of global ad spend for just 15% of users, while Western Europe gets 35% for a 14% share of users. The map below shows the potential for growth in other markets, though it’s worth remembering that the average value of each consumer will vary by region.
Twitter’s Marketing Platform Program
Twitter has expanded its Ads API and is now calling it the . The set of partners is intended to increase ROI on Twitter ads and, according to the network, includes all “Ads API partners as well as those in measurement and targeting”.
LinkedIn publishing platform for all
LinkedIn has for some time allowed a network of certain ‘influencers’ to post long-form blogs on the site. It is now
in a staged move over the next couple of months.
Tide’s Winter Olympic Vines
After the success of using Vine in a Halloween campaign last year, Tide has produced ten more . Two examples, with different levels of success, can be seen below.
It couldn’t have happened to a better pair!
clean up on the ice.
— Tide (@tide)
Sharing one feels so good, you won’t know what hit you
— Tide (@tide)
Coke’s World Cup Moments of Happiness
Coca-Cola has launched a , in which it asks filmmakers to submit video clips around happiness, for the chance to appear in the video for their World Cup ‘anthem’, entitled ‘The World is Ours’. At least 20 winners will appear in the video, while three will be selected to receive $1,000 each.
The Brit Awards and social media
Despite their lowest TV ratings for 15 years, the , with over 4.17 million tweets. Roughly 2 million of these were votes for the ‘best video’ award, won (shock horror!) by One Direction and their Twitter army. Naturally, brands wanted to get a slice of the action, and it was the first time that .
Twitter users could get exclusive video content through Amplify, with pre-roll ads for Brits sponsor, the haircare brand, VO5. Another sponsor of the event, Mastercard, was not so successful in its social media offering, when news that it had
in exchange for accreditation went viral. Bookmakers Paddy Power were quick to react on Twitter.
Hey . If you send us to the Brits & ply us with booze, we’ll tweet anything you want. We’re shameless.
— Paddy Power (@paddypower)
Pepsi Max using Vines for billboard ads
Pepsi Max is , under the hasthtag #LiveForNow. The billboards, which have already been taken over, currently ask people to submit their ‘unbelievable Vines’, which will then be filtered and shown on screen.
KLM partners with Facebook and Twitter for social commerce
The Dutch airline, KLM, announced a partnership with Facebook and Twitter that will allow customers to purchase tickets through the networks. As well as the obvious ease for consumers,
highlights the principal benefits for the brand.
Burberry partners with WeChat
Burberry is looking to grow its Chinese consumer base by . Burberry followers will be able to view the brand’s Fashion Week AW14 Womenswear show and personalise digital versions of the collection, in order to unlock exclusive audio content from a senior member of the Burberry design team.
Madewell’s Instagram Flash Mob
Clothes retailer
last week, in order to promote its denim range. Using the hashtags #denimmadewell and #flashtagram, a group of 500 Madewell employees, bloggers and magazine editors all simultaneously uploaded images of their favourite Madewell jeans.
Betfair uses Snapchat for exclusive odds
Betfair, the bookmakers, offered
this weekend. Only those who followed the brand’s account were eligible to receive a message containing the increased odds.
Create your own Instagram adventure
Macmillan Publishers is using Instagram to promote a new book for teenagers. Making use of the ‘tagging’ feature, users can follow a , with each click directing the participant to a different account to continue the story. An example is seen below – do you fight back or keep still?
Creme Egg’s Google+ bake off
Cadbury’s Creme Egg is . Hosted by Eric Lanlard, the mastermind behind Creme Egg brownies, the #CremeEggBake asks users to submit their own crazy ideas, with Lanlard set to bake his favourites in a live hangout on the network.
Google and Saatchi Gallery’s Motion Photography Prize
Google+ has partnered with the Saatchi Gallery to produce a , dubbed the ‘Motion Photography Prize’. Users can submit their creations to a panel including director Baz Luhrmann and artist Tracey Emin, with the winner’s work set to appear in the gallery.
#UseMeLeaveMe at SXSW
Those attending this year’s SXSW in Texas may be able to make use of free transport and accomodation. Adobe’s
includes a free biking programme, in which the vehicles have their own personalities and are capable of posting to Twitter while you use them. There is also a ‘Buds for Beds’ competition, which encourages attendees to explain why they are the ‘deservingest of the deserving’ (sic), for the chance of winning free accomodation at the event.
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<, owned by Delhi-based Jasper Infotech Pvt Ltd .
The acquisition will enable Snapdeal to further personalise user experience and also drive conversions through intelligent recommendations, it said in a press release. Early this year, the e-commerce major had acquired fashion products discovery platform Doozton for an undisclosed sum.
“ our focus is to leverage technology to create life changing experiences for buyers and sellers. We are investing in strengthening our technology platform
is an excellent platform with top-tier entrepreneurial, engineering talent and fits in perfectly with our vision,” said Rohit Bansal, co-founder of Snapdeal.
Courtesy: Techcircle.in
What is it?
mGinger sends offers, vouchers, news, event information, exclusive promotions and deals of the day to your phone via text message.
For each message you receive, you are paid a small amount.
The beauty about the service is that you can sign-up your friends up you will receive a portion of their earnings too.
How does it work?
and enter your phone number and personal details.
You will then start receiving SMS messages directly to your phone.
You can set a maximum amount of ads per day, but this doesn&#8217;t mean that you will receive that many (i.e. if there aren&#8217;t enough advertisers).
What&#8217;s in it for me?
You will receive 20p for every advert you view. For every advert that your friend receives, you get 10p and for every advert that your friend&#8217;s friend receives you get 5p.
After accumulating Rs.300, you are entitled to receive a cheque from mGinger, although you will have to request the cheque through their website.
Type of ads Ads will be related to your field of interest which you specify during the signup process.
What&#8217;s in it for me?
&#8211; It&#8217;s free to join
&#8211; It&#8217;s free to receive SMS messages (you will not be charged by your carrier)
&#8211; You will be exposed to great offers, deals and exclusive information Are there any catches? The payouts are not particularly high, but if you sign up friends (and they sign up their friends) then you generate some good money.
&#8211; See more at: /make-money-from-your-phone/#sthash.3sQva4jC.dpuf
“Everyone should pull their finger out and start a business and to believe in themselves. There is nothing else to it. Anyone can make a ?100m. But most people don’t go out and try. They just stand in the pub and complain.”
Duncan Bennatyne, Author/TV personality
From the rich cauldron of TaorminaGourmet2014 we want to extrapolate a couple of concepts on which key you could argue for hours. Without taking anything away from those who have given their valuable contribution to the event, we would like from the &#8220;cooking lesson number zero&#8221; of Fabio Picchi , and the presentation of Andrea Ribaldone to make some points and possibly open a debate.
People doesn&#8217;t care about their food habit nowadays which leads to many health issues. Following the proper food diet and exercise will helpful in healthier life.
is the place where you can get the important food diets and helpful tips to keep you fit. The thing you doing is right or wrong can also be explained.
First topic: food as experience
How many of us are somewhat excited at the sight of a pretty sweet, the smell of the sauce, the taste a delicious dish? And how many of us are excited to hiss instead of notes? Peaks part of this comparison to open access to the kitchen as experience all round, as a moment of emotion. In Italy there is not, unlike in France, the culture culinary experience in the large restaurant. If we exclude the fans who do not make no scruple to invest time and money in the restaurant, the other does not reward you for once with a nice dinner. All the others are not looking for emotional experience and / or cultural to the restaurant. Not only that, there is now a tendency to only order one dish at a restaurant, yes, even in the &#8220;great&#8221; restaurant.
What are the reasons for the distance between haute cuisine and ordinary people, in a country like Italy that makes good food one of its highest flags? Why do you prefer to reward themselves with a new phone rather than a dinner gourmet?
According to the theme of tradition and innovation
The words of Ribaldone have been a breath of fresh air: no false diplomacy has pointed the finger at &#8211; among other things &#8211; against the much-vaunted fight between tradition and innovation in the kitchen. Although we believe there is nothing more foolish: the kitchen is, and always has been, transformation and contamination. Conversion of raw material into something more palatable, techniques evolving, continuous metamorphosis of the presentations, historical change in the perception of &#8220;taste&#8221; (take for example the disappearance of the intense spiciness of a few centuries ago). And then contamination of ingredients, import and export of plants and animals, contacts and exchanges among the peoples, all of this was when we moved on mules, ships and cars, let alone now. So we can only say that what we perceive as &#8220;tradition&#8221; it is only because our historical memory of &#8220;human of our time&#8221; you get it or not fifty years ago. For us, &#8220;tradition&#8221; is the bread soup Grandma&#8217;s: a little &#8216;little, temporally speaking, than the history of man. And you probably need to shake off the tradition understood as a static to consider, however, a soil fertile by which to grow a new kitchen dynamics and &#8220;cool&#8221;.
What do you think?
This time, the Taiwanese have decided to attract buyers in the standard way: they have established a new ASUS Padfone S quite modern &#8220;iron&#8221;, wrapped it in a nice wrapper and set on this whole thing very humane price. Smartphone with Full HD-screen, Snapdragon 801 and 13-megapixel camera for 15 thousand rubles. Officially.
If all of a sudden the last couple of years you have spent somewhere &#8220;in the tank&#8221;, we briefly remind you about the main feature of smartphones series Padfone. It is possible to establish a moderately compact cell phone into a special docking station configured in the form of a tablet, and view the data stored on your phone, on a 10.1-inch screen. Of course, tablet dock sold separately. A brief history of the line gadgets ASUS Padfone we cited in our review of the Padfone Mini 4.3 , so we will not repeat itself.
Note that this is perhaps the most extravagant gadgets ASUS Series is now in its fourth year, and the test Padfone S &#8211; it&#8217;s already the 7th unit of the same name in the lineup. And that is radically different from its predecessors. The fact that the original series smartphones were Padfone flagship solutions &#8211;
inside and out, in that it concerns the price.
Display of ASUS Padfone S
The ASUS Padfone S is set five inch screen with a resolution of Full HD. Such displays &#8211; is a kind of minimum for flagships, released this year. More and more manufacturers are set to their devices Quad HD-screens (40), thereby continuing to race pixels. Is there such authorization practical sense? We find it difficult to answer. On the one hand, yes, the picture on the screen Quad HD looks very smooth, and with another &#8211; he actively consumes resources batteries and computer subsystems. Yes, and they are expensive.
Perhaps this is the answer to the question why ASUS engineers decided to limit the resolution of 20 pixels. Frankly, users from not lost. The pixel density of the display is high &#8211; more than four hundred forty dpi. Of course, it is impossible to see the individual pixels. The picture looks very clear, the effect of &#8220;smearing&#8221; is not even in the fine print.
The display is made by the most common technology &#8211; IPS. The viewing angles are quite wide at it &#8211; the colors are natural even in strong deviation from the perpendicular view. However, the black color gets faintly purple hue, but it is a small thing, do not hinder the work of the gadget. Movies on screen Padfone S quite comfortable to watch together.
The main feature of Epson Moverio BT-200 is that they are not primarily for total immersion in the virtual world of illusions, and in order to supplement the real world of virtual information &#8211; as well as the pilot&#8217;s helmet modern fighter complements the actual image data on the purpose and condition of the aircraft. Points can already buy. But what happened to them after this do?
Seven years ago, the Japanese animators filmed almost childish, but almost sci-fi TV series Dennou Coil (<<Kibervitok&#8221;), which is set in the not too distant 2026. Retell his story now, we will not, we need only recall the basic idea: every second inhabitant of the planet appeared augmented reality glasses, wearing which he begins to see the new living creatures, uses different virtual means, lives on other physical laws. This fantasy world has evolved over eleven years, immediately after the appearance (in 2015, by the way), most of these points of augmented reality.
In our, non-animated world of these glasses have already appeared. Moreover, we arrived at our test lab models Epson Moverio BT-200 has a predecessor model Epson Moverio BT-100, published two years ago. But the revolution in all that time never happened. No one, as in the aforementioned anime series, the streets in these glasses is still not walking around, and even Google Glass, which still represents a little different, widely available until received. The thing is that for a technological breakthrough is needed not only a hardware component, but also the software. In other words: glasses-that is, but on supplementing reality yet somehow not enough.
Main feature points Epson Moverio BT-200 is to use a binocular system in its base. In this they differ radically, for example, high-profile Google Glass, having a single display. Display resolution is stated as 960h540 pixels. Uses an active matrix thin-film-based polysilicon transistors are most often used in projectors. Two displays are perfect for viewing 3D-content. Thus it is not surprising that the device only works with Side by Side (Side-by-side), in which two images are placed horizontally one beside
Controller Epson Moverio BT-200 is running a TI OMAP processor 4460, manufactured by Texas Instruments . This processor is based on a dual core ARM Cortex-A9 processor with a clock frequency of 1.2 GHz. He belongs to the fourth generation &#8211; in addition to which the model and the TI OMAP 4430, behind the famous glasses Google Glass.
RAM in the device is enough &#8211; 1 GB. With regard to the volume of the built-in flash unit, it is small &#8211; only 8 GB, which may not be enough to store various cartographic information or databases for augmented reality. But this is easily remedied: the controller works with MicroSD cards up to 32 GB. As for the wireless communication interfaces, then the Epson Moverio BT-200 and there is Wi-Fi module standard 802.11b / g / n, Bluetooth module and a third version.
But the most important features of the hardware are not in the base frequency of the processor and amount of RAM. Model Epson Moverio BT-200 is radically different from the previous generation Epson Moverio BT-100 is that it has in its arsenal a full set of those functions without which it is simply impossible to imagine an augmented reality glasses, digital camera, gyroscope accelerometer, GPS and compass . All this set allows both points, and the controller does not get lost in space and clearly follow the movements of his master, displaying a variety of information from the augmented reality in time and place.


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