
&Red and black& by the world recognized as the classical literature history. &Red and black& French critical realism is the first a masterpiece. &Red and black& can make us understand the 19 th century France's social life, on the other hand in even the civilians in the personal biography of the youth today there is still a certain practical significance. Even in society is in the great changes of the torch during personal image. In order to squeeze into high society means, finally, a noble and senior
instead, they are involved in its traitorous plot. His view is also occupies view, its essence is for personal political future service. His failure have chance, but also have certain inevitability. This image has both pitiful side and a screening nasty side. This work is still in a certain extent reflects people to France the discontent of the restoration of the dynasty, also shows like the hero such resistance to will only last image compromise, novel, the image of the surrounding the hero resistance and compromise, draw the outline of the French restoration period social situation, distinct political color and time color. &Red and black& in the typical environment typical character molded, well-balanced art structure and technique of lyrics in use have outstanding achievements, while stendhal's critics called &the father of the modern novel&, it is because he is in &red and black& shows a remarkable psychological descriptive talent
&Red& by the world recognized as a classic of literary history. &Red& is the first remarkable works of French critical realism. &Red& allows us to understand the social life of 19th century France, on the other hand in to the civilian youth personal history of struggle in today, there are still some practical significance. Julien the careerists image in a period of social change. In order to squeeze into the high society unscrupulous, he was eventually reduced to the upper nobility and senior monks loyal minions to participate in its traitorous conspiracy. His view of love is also the possession of the concept, its essence is the service for personal political future. His failure chance, but there are also a certain inevitability. This image is both pitiful and contemptible.
This work is still to some extent, reflect the discontent of the people on the restoration dynasty in France, also demonstrated resistance such as the hero image to the end will only compromise the novel revolves around the image of the hero of resistance and compromise, and sketched out the French social conditions of the restoration period, there is a distinct political overtones and the era of color.
&Red& has outstanding achievements in the use of the shape of the typical character of the typical environment, the symmetry of the art structure and line drawing practices, Stendhal reason why critics called the &father& of modern fiction, it is because in the &Red& demonstrated excellence in the psychological description of talent.
Lisa Jane Smith, known as L. J. Smith, is an American author of a number best-selling books and series. Her books, which combine elements of the genres of supernatural, horror, science fiction/fantasy, and romance, are populated with young and apparently young human and supernatural characters locked in dark vs. light, good vs. evil conflict. A dark antagonist typically attempts to seduce a heroine into the darkness, and in some cases, is instead reborn into the light. Her books, particularly The Vampire Diaries and the Night World series, have been in the New York Times Bestselling and have been nominated for Favorite Book awards.For over centuries,I have been lived in sceret,hiding in the shadows, alone in the world. Until now, I know the risk, but I have to know her. The classic line of Stefan leads a way to the mystic world of a mystic species----vampire. The Vampire Diaries is an American teen supernatural drama television series developed by Kevin Williamson and Julie Plec, based on the book series of the same name written by L. J. Smith. The series takes place in Mystic Falls, Virginia, a fictional small town haunted by supernatural beings. The main focus of the series is the love triangle between the female protagonist Elena Gilbert and Stefan and Damon all of whom have dark pasts. Later light is thrown on the mysterious past of the town involving Elena's malevolent doppelganger Katherine who seeks revenge against the town, Stefan, Damon, and Elena. The show has received numerous award nominations, winning a People's Choice Award and many Teen Choice Awards. The Vampire Diaries is not only a visual impact and enjoyment, but also taught me a lot of philosophy of life. As a result, I learned to face love with tolerance and brave.
Lisa Jane Smith也可以称为L. J. Smith,是美国一系列畅销书和小说作者。她的书充满了超自然,恐怖,魔幻以及罗曼蒂克元素,非常受年轻人的欢迎。其超自然角色们有黑暗和光明,善与恶的冲突。例如,一个典型的黑暗角色引诱女主角进入黑暗(引诱她变坏),有的桥段则正相反,坏人变好(reborn in the light如果直译为“在光明中重生”)。她的书,特别是吸血鬼日记系列和暗夜世界系列被纽约时报评为最畅销书并被提名最喜爱书籍奖。“几个世纪以来,我一直隐秘的生活着,藏在阴影中,独自一人在这世界上。现在,虽然我知道有风险,但我希望了解她。“这是吸血鬼日记中吸血鬼Stefan的经典台词。吸血鬼日记是美国年轻人中流行的电视剧,由Kevin Williamson和Julie Plec在L.J.Smith的原同名系列小说基础上改编的。小说讲述了在虚构的小镇Virginia上,超自然生物的故事。主要讲的是主角们的三角恋爱,女主角Elena和Stefan以及Damon的感情纠缠,还有他们的黑暗过去。电视剧已经得到几个奖项和提名,赢得了美国最受观众喜爱剧集奖。吸血鬼日记不仅仅是给观众视觉冲击和娱乐,它也教会了我很多人生哲理。我学会了勇敢包容的去爱人。
Lisa Jane Smith, known as L. J. Smith, is an American author of a number best-selling books and series. Her books, which combine elements of the genres of supernatural, horror, science fiction/fantasy, and romance, are populated with young and apparently young human and supernatural characters locked in dark vs. light, good vs. evil conflict. A dark antagonist typically attempts to seduce a heroine into the darkness, and in some cases, is instead reborn into the light. Her books, particularly The Vampire Diaries and the Night World series, have been in the New York Times Bestselling and have been nominated for Favorite Book awards.L.J.史密斯是个美国拥有很多畅销书的小说家。她的作品通常以年轻人为主题,混合了无数惊悚、奇幻和浪漫的成分。她的小说里的人物们向来是很多俊男美女、人类和超自然东西。其中大多数角色都是年轻人,或者说看上去很年轻。她的故事里一直充斥着黑暗和光明,正邪之争,循环因果。其中那些男主角的性格也通常是模棱两可,时而引诱女主角堕入黑暗,却又在结尾处变成光明的化身而成为英雄。有时她的故事情节也会颠倒过来,要不然就是根据不同的主题。在《Night World》系列中,光明和黑暗之争被制度性地进入了改变现实的阴谋当中,而黑暗与光明之争的矛盾也渐渐地转入了浪漫性和心灵相通的模式里。她的说,特别是《吸血鬼日记》和《Night World》系列都曾经出现在纽约时报的畅销书榜单中并被提名过最受欢迎书奖。For over centuries,I have been lived in sceret,hiding in the shadows, alone in the world. Until now, I know the risk, but I have to know her. The classic line of Stefan leads a way to the mystic world of a mystic species----vampire. The Vampire Diaries is an American teen supernatural drama television series developed by Kevin Williamson and Julie Plec, based on the book series of the same name written by L. J. Smith. The series takes place in Mystic Falls, Virginia, a fictional small town haunted by supernatural beings. The main focus of the series is the love triangle between the female protagonist Elena Gilbert and Stefan and Damon all of whom have dark pasts. ”好几个世纪以来,我一直都活在秘密里,躲藏在阴暗的角落,孤独的活着。直到现在,我知道这很冒险,但我必须去了解她。“ 这个出自《吸血鬼日记》中Sefan经典的独白给我们揭开了一个神秘物种的面纱---吸血鬼。 《吸血鬼日记》是被Kevin Williamson和 Julie Plec基于L.J. Smith的同名小说所改编的美国青少年超自然电视连续剧。这部电视剧的故事发生在弗吉尼亚洲的 Mystic Falls,一个被超自然生物所窥视的小镇。这部电视剧的主线是女主角Elena Gilbert和两个吸血鬼Stefan和Damon之间的三角恋,这三个人都有着不为人知的过去。Later light is thrown on the mysterious past of the town involving Elena's malevolent doppelganger Katherine who seeks revenge against the town, Stefan, Damon, and Elena. The show has received numerous award nominations, winning a People's Choice Award and many Teen Choice Awards. The Vampire Diaries is not only a visual impact and enjoyment, but also taught me a lot of philosophy of life. As a result, I learned to face love with tolerance and brave.剧情发展到后来,故事又集中小镇神秘的过去,Elena的邪恶分身Katherine,对于小镇,Stefan, Damon 和Elena的复仇。这部电视剧收到了很多提名,并赢得了People's Choice Award(人民最喜爱的选择奖)和很多青少年选择奖。《吸血鬼日记》不仅仅是一个视觉上的盛宴,同时也教会了我很多人生这里。从中,我学会了对爱的宽容和勇气。除了最后两句话,其他的都是从wikipedia上复制粘贴的?
Accounting information of listed companies to disclose the exact effective functioning of the capital market is the basis for the healthy development of the capital market is the cornerstone. Current. China's listed companies to disclose information violations happen even though the rise of a listed company to disclose information the integrity of the accounting crisis. This paper analyzes the information the disclosure of listed companies in terms of quality, systems, and other aspects of problems and causes of the problem and the solution false information disclosure of listed companies Countermeasures
随着21世纪 信息技术的发展,机电行业的国际学术和技术合作越来越频繁。
我们都知道机械类的工作非常的累,工作环境又不 好,在 这行业中毕业出来的 大学生主要从事机械产品的设计,制造和计算机应用技术的复合型的工作。
我是 学 机械的,我 就亲身体验过。我来读大学一年了,我 在 学校
差不多有 两个月的 实训。主要学习的内容有车工,铣工,钳工。还有
磨刀等一些工作。这些工作对 我 来说是 非常的累。
特别是 车工是 非常累 的工作,又危险,每天都站着工作。
车工主要是 车外圆,螺纹,内孔等 一些零件。
要求的尺寸,粗糙度非常的 高。
所以是 一个非常复杂,要求很高的工作。在安全方面,在开车床之前必须戴上眼镜,不 要戴手套。
然而,钳工对我 来说是一个非常有趣得工作。它主要磨平一 个零件,非常的简单,铣工一跟钳工差不 多 ,但铣工有一点危险。
听我 的叙述你 了解机械行业的工作情景了 吗??非常的累。所以呢我要更加的努力学习
21 century with the development of information technology, mechanical and electrical industry international academic and technical cooperation is more and more frequent.
We all know that mechanical work is very tired, the working environment and not good, in this industry out of college students graduated from mainly engaged in mechanical product design, manufacture and application technology of the complex computer work.
I learn mechanical, I will personally experience. I'll read university for about a year, and I in the school
Is almost two months of training. Main the content of study have Turner, xigong, fitter. and
Sharpening, etc some work. These work to me is very tired.
Especially Turner is very tired, and dangerous, standing work every day.
Turner is mainly outside the circle, thread, inside the hole and some parts.
The size of the requirements, roughness is very high.
So it's a very complex, demanding job. In terms of security, in the open lathe must wear glasses before, not to wear gloves.
However, fitter for me it is a very interesting job. It mainly grinding even a parts, very simple, xigong a difference to many with fitter, but xigong are a little dangerous.
Do this industry, machinery is the most important is: (1) to seriously, careful. (2) to pay attention to safety.
Listen to my account you understand machinery industry work scene????? Very tired. And so I want more study hard
21 century with the development of information technology, mechanical and electrical industry international academic and technical cooperation is more and more frequent.We all know that mechanical work is very tired, the working environment and not good, in this industry out of college students graduated from mainly engaged in mechanical product design, manufacture and application technology of the complex computer work.I learn mechanical, I will personally experience. I'll read university for about a year, and I in the schoolIs almost two months of training. Main the content of study have Turner, xigong, fitter. andSharpening, etc some work. These work to me is very tired.Especially Turner is very tired, and dangerous, standing work every day.Turner is mainly outside the circle, thread, inside the hole and some parts.The size of the requirements, roughness is very high.So it's a very complex, demanding job. In terms of security, in the open lathe must wear glasses before, not to wear gloves.However, fitter for me it is a very interesting job. It mainly grinding even a parts, very simple, xigong a difference to many with fitter, but xigong are a little dangerous.Do this industry, machinery is the most important is: (1) to seriously, careful. (2) to pay attention to safety.Listen to my account you understand machinery industry work scene? Very tired. And so I want more study hard注:可能有的专属词不是十分准确,但是意思应该差不多。
随着21世纪 信息技术的发展,机电行业的国际学术和技术合作越来越频繁。
21 century with the development of information technology, mechanical and electrical industry international academic and technical cooperation is more and more frequent.
我们都知道机械类的工作非常的累,工作环境又不 好,在 这行业中毕业出来的 大学生主要从事机械产品的设计,制造和计算机应用技术的复合型的工作。
We all know that mechanical work is very tired, the working environment and not good, in this industry out of college students graduated from mainly engaged in mechanical product design, manufacture and application technology of the complex computer work.
我是 学 机械的,我 就亲身体验过。我来读大学一年了,我 在 学校
I learn mechanical, I will personally experience. I'll read university for about a year, and I in the school
差不多有 两个月的 实训。主要学习的内容有车工,铣工,钳工。还有
Is almost two months of training. Main the content of study have Turner, xigong, fitter. and
磨刀等一些工作。这些工作对 我 来说是 非常的累。
Sharpening, etc some work. These work to me is very tired.
特别是 车工是 非常累 的工作,又危险,每天都站着工作。
Especially Turner is very tired, and dangerous, standing work every day.
车工主要是 车外圆,螺纹,内孔等 一些零件。
Turner is mainly outside the circle, thread, inside the hole and some parts.
要求的尺寸,粗糙度非常的 高。
The size of the requirements, roughness is very high.
所以是 一个非常复杂,要求很高的工作。在安全方面,在开车床之前必须戴上眼镜,不 要戴手套。
So it's a very complex, demanding job. In terms of security, in the open lathe must wear glasses before, not to wear gloves.
然而,钳工对我 来说是一个非常有趣得工作。它主要磨平一 个零件,非常的简单,铣工一跟钳工差不 多 ,但铣工有一点危险。
However, fitter for me it is a very interesting job. It mainly grinding even a parts, very simple, xigong a difference to many with fitter, but xigong are a little dangerous.
Do this industry, machinery is the most important is: (1) to seriously, careful. (2) to pay attention to safety.
听我 的叙述你 了解机械行业的工作情景了 吗??非常的累。所以呢我要更加的努力学习
Listen to my account you understand machinery industry work scene????? Very tired. And so I want more study hard
Although many people think that language only exists in dictionaries and grammar books, it actually only exists in people's mind. So it is with the culture nature. When there is no time for a trade-off analysis before making a critical decision, such as jumping into the rushing water to save a child from drowning, the culture nature will manifest one's value system clearly.
Language,though considered to be only existed in dictionary and grammar books, just restsin human’s brain, so does culture character. One’s value system distinctively realizesitself from culture character when there’s almost no time to decide the choicebefore necessary crucial decision, such as jumping into torrent to save a drowningchild.
Although many people think that languages exist in dictionaries and grammar books, but it only exists in people's mind. The nature of Cultural also like this. When there is no time to think about how to take what give up and must make critical decisions, such as jumping in the fast-flowing water to rescue a drowning child, cultural nature will clearly shows a person's value system.
尽管许多人认为语言只存在于字典和语法书中,其实它只存在于人的头脑里。文化秉性亦然。在没有时间考虑何取何舍而必须作出关键性决定时,如跳进湍急的水流中去救一个溺水的孩子,文化秉性会清楚地表现一个人的价值体系。Although many people think that language exists only in a dictionary and grammar book, in fact, it only exists in the minds of men. Cultural mettle versa. In the absence of time to consider how to take what they needed to make critical care decisions, such as jumping into the rushing water to save a drowning child, cultural mettle will be clearly demonstrated a person's value system.
Although many people think that language only exists in dictionaries and grammar books, in fact, it only exists in the minds of humman beings. So does cultural insticts. An urgent and crucial decision without thinking, such as jumping into the rushing water to save a drowning child,
will show a person's values clearly.


