做 该做的事run away with mee ! no...

20多岁的年轻人在2014年该做的9件事 英语轻松阅读
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It's crazy how quickly time is going by. Every year, I make goals for myself and can never seem to accomplish them all. It's like I try to cram all of these tasks -- for instance, starting a company, winning the lottery, getting a book deal, creating a TV show, etc. -- into a year, but most are not actually all that realistic. Like, I'm probably not going to become famous overnight, right? However, beyond the many things I hope to accomplish some time in the near future, there are a couple of things I -- and you -- should do in the new year no matter what.
Here are 9 things every 20-something should do in 2014:
1. Be active.
Whether you're going to the gym twice a day every day or you're taking walks around your neighborhood three times a week, make sure you are doing some sort of physical activity on the regular. Don't say you're too busy for it... we're all busy. You just need to make time for it (especially if you sit at a desk all week long). Whether that time is on the weekend, at 5:00 a.m. every day, or right before you go to bed, make it happen. Five minutes of crunches is better than nothing.
2. Take a vacation.
We are given mandatory vacation days for a reason. Don't use them all on days for appointments and visiting home. Go somewhere warm! Go somewhere romantic! Go somewhere exotic and different. You have your own money now. And you certainly deserve it.
3. Have a crazy night(s) out.
No, you don't have to get wasted every time you go out. You don't even have to drink every time you go out. In fact, you don't even need to go out that much. But make sure you have at least one wild night this year when you do go out (preferably more than one). And by wild night, I of course mean drink so much that you do stupid things you will most definitely regret the next morning. Everyone needs a good story every now and then.
Think before you spend. Think before you eat. Think before you tweet. Think before you drink. A problem with us 20-somethings is that we rarely think -- we just DO. We have (barely any) money, so we spend it. We hate saying no, so we constantly find ourselves eating poorly and drinking way too often. We are under pressure by Instagram and feel the need to add a filter to every single picture we take and then post it on all social media sites we use. We tweet whatever is on our mind. And we post things on Facebook in the heat of the moment. This year, think before you do any of the above. Please.
5. Cook something.
As a 20-something, you need to learn to cook. You should already know how to cook pasta and eggs -- and know how to use the oven. Now, spice up your pasta and eggs with new recipes... and of course learn what to do with meat, whether it's in a crock pot, the oven, the stove, or on a grill. Of course, microwavable meals are nice when you worked late or are just way too busy. But to be healthy, you must cook! I'm not saying turn into a chef... but look easy recipes up online. Cooking is really not that bad.
6. Get rid of fake friends.
And stop being fake yourself! You graduated college. You're in the real world. There's no need to keep pretending you like so-and-so just because they're friends with your friends and you feel you have to. But there's also no need to be mean to people. You're too old for that. Be cordial, but don't go out of your way to make a friendship happen that's just not going to happen. Focus that energy on new friendships with people you actually like. Don't exclude people, don't be cliquey, and ignore any drama that attempts to come your way. Do YOU and don't worry about anyone else.
7. Buy something valuable.
Whether it be a phone, a computer, a TV, a tablet, or a designer bag, treat yourself. Embrace your inner responsible adult by buying something you could never afford in college and then be responsible for that item. It will be good practice for having a child. Okay, not really, but whatever.
8. Call friends and family.
No one calls people anymore. We just tweet, text, and... well that's about it since Facebook wall writing is now a thing of the past. We don't listen to people anymore, so our conversations are completely impersonal. When someone is being nice, we sometimes mistake them for being rude and of course never say anything because it's just a text. This year, take a few minutes every week (or couple of weeks) to call people. Of course face to face communication is ideal, but if you have to resort to something else and you really want to catch up with someone -- or keep up with someone -- give them a call.
Stop planning something for every second of every day and take a break. It's okay to sit on the couch and watch trashy TV once in a while. It's okay to go to bed early to catch up on sleep on a weekend night. It's okay to do absolutely nothing for an entire weekend once in a while. In fact, it's almost necessary at this point in our lives. Take a minute or two to sit down and not think every once in a while. You'll appreciate the lack of stress in your life a lot more than you did back in college.
毕业于摄影系却成为了律师的美国人Dave Engledow拍摄
The phrases and names most used this year 2011年度
  1. DO Turn up on time.
  Imagine that for every minute you are delayed your date will bethinking about how the possibility of them being stood up. You’llhave left them in the restaurant or bar looking at their watchfeeling self-conscious about everyone watching them sitting therealone。
  2. Don’t talk about how great you are。
  How off-putting! Your date does not, I repeat NOT want to hearall about you. They want to be listened to, respected and engagedwith. There will be plenty of time for them get to know you, justwait your turn and reveal more about you when the time calls forit。
  3. DO be interested。
  If you’re meeting for the first time it’s likely you’ll find outa lot about your date that you never knew. Some of it may be ofinterest to you, some not, but act like you are interested. Thinkof the effort they have made to tell you things that are importantto them and show some interest in what they are saying. Which leadsme to my next point。
  4. Don’t keep checking your phone。
  This shows total lack of interest and disrespect to theconversation. If you check your phone you are clearly saying thatyour phone is more important than the person sitting opposite you.Prepare to get the bus home。
  5. DO Listen more。
  We all like the sound of our own voice but when you are gettingto know someone and the relationship is in it’s raw phase thenquieten and take in what has been said. Speak less and show yourinterest by listening more。
  6. Don’t be under-dressed。
  Being overdressed is far better than turning up looking ascruff. Your date will appreciate the effort you made and if theyhaven’t made as much of an effort then they will aim to the nexttime you meet up。
  7. DO ask more questions。
  That’s right by now you are so interested in what they aresaying that you want to know more. Listen, take in the informationand ask questions to prove that what you have heard iscomputing。
  8. Don’t try and be perfect。
  No one is perfect and no one is looking for Mr or Mrs perfect.No relationship is built on perfection so no need to worry if yourdate doesn’t seem too impressed with your little quirks or sillyhabits. Your imperfection is what makes you perfect。
  9. DO Make eye contact。
  People will assess honesty through eye contact. The more youlook away when you are speaking the more dishonest you will seem.You don’t need to stare your date out with your lovers eyes, justknow that a better connection will be made if you keep your focuson them。
  10. Don’t spend too long talking about past relationships。
  This subject is best mentioned and not elaborated on. Nobodywants to hear how much you loved your ex and how wonderful yourlife was with them. If you find yourself in the middle of thisconversation I suggest you moonwalk out the bar and get a taxihome。
  11. DO be honest。
  The relationship between you two will start off in the bestpossible way if you are totally honest with your date. This is theway I see it. You should always be proud of expressing exactly whoyou are and what you stand for and if it doesn’t sit well with themthen you know that they aren’t the right person for you。
  12. Don’t think too far ahead
  Enjoy the moment! Forget what might happen, what could happenand all the variables and just enjoy your date, focus on connectingand being happy in the moment。
  13.Do offer to pay for the bill。
  Guys find it attractive if a lady shows intention of paying forthe bill. It’s sexy, and shows that she is able to look afterherself, but guys if you are reading this do not let the lady payon the first date. Take control of the payment as the ladies likethe same quality in us。
  14. Don’t use cheesy lines。
  You’re not thirteen years old any more so don’t even go there.Cheesy lines should be left to teenagers, movies and people thathave no interest in ever dating again. Not wise and not cool,enough said on that one。
  15. Do throw in a compliment or two。
  We all love a compliment and I suggest that throwing one in tothe conversation will only be a positive move. Keep it simple, keepit clean and say it like you mean it, not just because you arereturning a compliment。
  Now go and get working my good people and may cupid be lookingdown on you. Adios!
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我最大的错误就是放弃了形象。曾经的倪萍是很多人心中的女神,赵本山嘴里的“梦中情人”。2012年,倪萍在青岛会1.晚上睡觉前是做面膜的最佳时间 人体的新陈代谢在夜间处于一天中的低谷,而细胞的生长和修复活动在这个时间中最所谓女神,都是能把苦难当糖吃的马拉松冠军历经142天卧床养胎、300针安胎保育,8月13日,不老女神徐若瑄终化妆品就该这样抹!自从学了之后,感觉抹乳液的时候的确皮肤吸收的更快!但是把化妆水随便一倒就往脸上糊的那纯粹是
女人厌倦一个男人会从生活习惯开始! 男人好色,女人就要出色: 很多女人骄傲的说:我从不美容,从不化妆。其 今天是重阳节,每逢重阳必登高,深圳的山不计其数,但可以叫得出名字的并不多,这23座叫得出名字的我只去过5座秋高气爽的日子,是令人心旷神宜的季节,因为秋天不会好像夏天令我们容易出汗,大家在秋天都是清清爽爽。不过,在这看到9岁的她和67的她,再次相信气质与年龄无关,美丽与年龄无关。岁月可以在皮肤上留下皱纹,却无法为灵魂刻上一女人,去工作吧不要为家庭舍弃工作孩子大了,会远离你老公烦了,会讨厌你在家里什么是你的?你只是一个不同姓氏的女作为妈妈,你可曾想过,不一定要把所有精力都放在孩子身上,陪读陪练陪熬夜,只要你做好自己,活出自己的精彩,孩子1每一份自信和优雅的背后,都有一份对于梦想的坚持和追求。2有时候,成功和失败只是一念之间,所以,无论多艰难,老伴过世后,因为在孙子生日趴上的一段对话,68岁的她决定成为世界上最年长的电音DJ!“活到老,学到老”向来是独立,不光是经济上的自由,还有精神上的丰盈。用自己的努力过想要的生活,你会发现生活远比你想象的要丰富多彩。一有一次,香港作家蔡澜到北京做活动,其中有一位北京女记者,看起来年纪不大,而且长相也不错,每说一句话总会带个“别低头,王冠会掉,别哭泣,坏人会笑,别抽啼,爹妈会疼。女人,一定要好好减肥,一定要好好护肤,一定要好好赚钱。“新时代的旧女性”,常常有三个特点:第一,经济能够独立,思想上却一定要依附其他人。第二,永远生活在别人的评价
敷面膜看似很简单的功课,但是想让面膜敷得服贴有型,让营养得到更好的吸收,让保养效果大大的加倍,那么我们就需要美拍直播!彭麻麻在联合国的演讲《我的中国梦》!全程英文!国母范十足!赶紧戳开视频感受一下!↓我们的国母,我们靠自己的努力得来,才值得炫耀。女孩,记住你除了身体之外,你还有很多很多。你有迷人的外表,你有超强的学习力,你为成功而打扮,为胜利而穿着形象,不是简单的穿衣、外表、长相、发型、化妆的组合概念,而是人的综合素质的表现,一 Yasmina Rossi不老精灵人们都说模特吃的是青春饭,凡事都有例外,这位59岁已有两个孙子的女神奶奶像柴一样热情。像柴一样燃烧自己,并且燃烧得越大越好,要让人和你一接触就能够感受到你的能量,你的热情。因此做人话说各位年轻力壮、青春貌美的筒子萌,在你观念里94岁应该是个什么样子的呢?是含饴弄孙,是颐养天年,还是拄着拐被赵雅芝一家三口刷爆了屏。。。当你60岁的时候,你丈夫看起来像大叔,你儿子看起来像男朋友,你还是容颜未老,确忘不了您和风细雨般的话语,荡涤了我心灵上的尘泥;忘不了您浩荡东风般的叮咛,鼓起我前进的勇气。老师,我终生感激MM们都知道敷面膜是针对皮肤问题最好的办法。现在市面上的面膜功效很齐全,有补水,保湿,美白,祛痘,祛印,抗衰日全国人大常委会批准在深圳设置经济特区从此,这座“老城”迎来了新生35岁,深圳依然年轻气盛错误一:随便用手挤痘痘痘痘完全好的时间是7-10天,还会留下疤痕,而如果你不管它,好的时间只会是2-3天,如农历七夕节期间10万飞火流萤入侵龙华观澜山水田园联合深圳朶妃生物科技有限公司共同策划朶妃生物科技旗下品牌诺俪皮肤是女人的生命,皮肤好的女人,不用化妆也很美,皮肤不好的,再怎么涂抹看起来依旧失色。影响皮肤好坏的因素有很护肤也会遇到瓶颈期,这时盲目更换护肤品,甚至加大护肤品用量都是无济于事的,巧妙做一点小改变,让肌肤换个“胃口一直以来,知道德芙巧克力,却不知道"DOVE”是“DO YOU LOVE ME”的英文缩写,更不知道它背后有在“不化妆就不出门”的韩国,能见到素颜也漂亮的美女真的是太难得了。即使看起来是裸妆的女孩也都是经过细致妆容的1第一,照照镜子,看看自己有没有倾国倾城的花容月貌?2第二,看看自己银行卡上的余额,明白自己是否有足够的财面膜的重要性不言而喻,但你真的知道怎么敷面膜吗?你知道如何选择合适自己的面膜吗?你知道不同肤质在敷面膜时需要衣服好贵,鞋子好贵!好贵好贵!好才贵!喜欢了,该买就买,过了那个年龄段,心境不一样,一切都变了。叫你年轻时爱由于我们习惯把补水和保湿合在一起称呼,造成补水保湿只是一项工作的误区,其实补水和保湿是两者不同含义,很容易混梅伊马斯克 (Maye Musk) 是特斯拉创始人马斯克(Elon Musk)的妈妈。看了她的经历,我简直立她和奥黛丽·赫本是闺蜜,与玛丽莲·梦露是好友。她是英国女王钦准的礼仪皇后,被她培养出的优秀学生有 40 万,9年前她结婚了,撇下张惠妹离开了娱乐圈,做起了全职太太。她是谁?她是张惠妹的亲妹妹张惠春,不仅外形很像阿妹,——思想独立。有主见、有自己的人生观、价值观。有上进心,永远不放弃自己的理想,做一份自己喜爱的事业,拥有快乐导读:人生的策略布局和生涯规划,很像我们去大城市的车站或交通转运站搭车,当你想离开这个转运站,一小时后你会在有钱人任性已经在网上疯传,有钱人可以明知道是骗局依然任性给骗子送钱,有钱人可以任性地买iPhone6折断试验gh_fac许 一世美丽 挚岁月传奇!热门文章最新文章gh_fac许 一世美丽 挚岁月传奇!


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