his gayflower spiritss,his...

By: Alice Cain |
Published By: Alice Cain
Published: Dec 19, 2015
ISBN # LCXCNX0000039
Word Count:&13,500
Heat Index:&&&&&
Price: $1.99
Available in: Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft Reader, Epub, Mobipocket (.mobi)
Keeping His Christmas Spirit [Gay Erotic Romance] by Alice Cain - Romance>Erotic Romance
Andrew usually loves Christmas—the celebration, the feeling of family, the anticipation and happiness that surrounds most people. But this December is not turning out the way Andrew expected. Manufacturing issues, import troubles, and distribution problems plague him at every step. It's definitely the wrong time of the year for a toy company to be making a loss.
The only bright spark is the temp his PA hired. Joel is hardworking and sweet, and sexy as hell, but his competence at his job is even more welcome right now.
With Joel's help maybe, just maybe, Andrew can figure out what the hell is going on and find a solution while he's still holding onto his sanity and his Christmas spirit.
Reader Rating:&&
(2 Ratings)
Sensuality Rating: &&
12 shopping days to Christmas…
Andrew was almost afraid to walk into the building. Every day this week something else had happened. It was as if Hilliard Industries had suddenly become a magnet for every disastrous outcome any given situation could have.
It was fucking hilarious that the very least of his problems had been the real fleas on toy dogs two weeks ago. He closed his eyes, opening them quickly when he saw that strange blue light again, this time even through his eyelids.
"Andrew?" his temporary PA asked from behind him. "Everything okay?"
His first instinct was to simply nod and reply with an affirmative, but really nothing was okay. Right now it felt as if nothing was ever going to be okay again.
"Have you had breakfast yet?" he asked instead of admitting how defeated he felt right now.
"I could eat," Joel replied with that gorgeous smile Andrew was quickly becoming addicted to.
It was very likely his attraction to the younger man was the result of him being the only bright spot in a couple of weeks of dark clouds, but Andrew was mature enough to control it. It wasn't unusual for a boss to take their PA out for a meal, especially if it was combined with conversations about work. In fact it was a very good idea since they'd be multitasking.
Andrew held on to that innocent thought all the way up to Joel turning around and walking back toward the parking lot. Seriously, the guy had a gorgeous ass.
And yeah, Andrew was so fucking screwed.
Submitted By: Lisa B on Jan 5, 2016
This one was just ODD.
I like a lot of what Alice Cain writes as I read 3 of her series, but this one just didn't work for me.
The storyline was odd and really didn't make sense to me.
It wasn't explained/detailed enough to understand how exactly Joel came to work as the PA, and then throw in the paranormal aspect (which I was completely surprised at) and it made it even odder.
Although I love many of the items written by Alice Cain I cannot recommend this one.
Keeping His Christmas Spirit [Gay Erotic Romance]
By: Alice Cain
<span property="rdfs:label" content="Keeping His Christmas Spirit [Gay Erotic Romance] by Alice Cain
Erotic Romance">Gay Spirits - David Rose & His Orchestra | Song Info | AllMusic
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Gay Spirits
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Capitol/EMI Records / Capitol
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