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& 有趣的英语常用成语、俗语(每天发十个,大家一起猜意思、讨论、学习)更新到第四期
UID 1329522
福步币 50 块
阅读权限 40
A big hand 一个大手?
Please give the performers a big hand.
I got a big hang for my speech.
A dead duck 一个死鸭子?
I’m a dead duck if I don’t finish my homework.
He didn’t finish his report. He’s a dead duck.
A penny for your thoughts 一便士买你的想法?
You look sad. A penny for your thoughts.
What are you thinking? A penny for your thoughts.
Achilles’ heel 阿喀琉斯的脚踝?
He’s very brave, but fear of heights was his Achilles’ heel.
Beautiful girl is my Achilles’ heel.
Against the clock 发对时钟?
You have to race against the clock.
I have to work against the clock to finish this.
All eyes and ears 全都是眼睛和耳朵?
When the TV is on the children are all eyes and ears.
I want all eyes and ears on me.
All the rage 所有的愤怒?
Short skirts are all the rage this summer.
All thumbs 全都是拇指?
When it comes to sports I’m all thumbs.
I don’t want her on my team. She’s all thumbs.
Along for the ride 这个我也说不清楚。哎!鬼佬……
He’s just along for the rid
Apples and oranges 苹果和橙子
You can’t compare them. They’re like apples and oranges.
These two things are as different as apples and oranges.
Asleep at the wheel 在轮子上睡觉?
What’s wrong with you? Are you asleep at the wheel?
He’s always asleep at the wheel.
As fit as a fiddle 非常健康
If you exercise more you will be as fit as a fiddle.
What happen to you? You used to be as fit as a fiddle.
At each other’s throats 互相厮打
They are always at each other’s throats.
Don’t be at each other’s throats.
At the drop of a hat&&立即,毫不迟疑
He gets angry at the drop of a hat
I love you so much. I would die for you at the drop of a hat.
At the top of your lungs 撕心裂肺地
Scream at the top of your lungs! Help!
I yelled at the top of my lungs, but no one heard me.
Back to the drawing-board 从头开始
You better go back to the drawing-board and get it right this time.
It’s time to go back to the drawing-board
Bad blood 怨恨,不满
Why are you hurting me? There is no bad blood between us.
I don’t want any bad blood between us.
Bank on me 指望,依靠
You can bank on me, if you need money.
Trust me. You can bank on my word.
Bark up the wrong tree 弄错(认错目标,错怪了人,花错精力)
If you are looking for the killer, I think you are barking up the wrong tree.
Don’t go barking up the wrong tree.
Be strapped for cash&&身无分文,手头紧
You better not be strapped for cash now.
I’m strapped for cash
Bear fruit 有结果,凑效
I have a lot of good ideas, but none of them have borne fruit.
I believe that this plan will bear fruit.
[ 本帖最后由 laputavatar 于
11:08 编辑 ]
UID 100905
福步币 12 块
阅读权限 40
A big hand :热烈鼓掌
a dead duck:& &完蛋的人
A penny for your thoughts=what are you thinking
Achilles’ heel&&唯一致命的弱点& & Achiles-----荷马伊利亚特中的希腊英雄;在围攻特洛伊中最重要的希腊战士;幼年时母亲将他浸在神河中以使他不死,但母亲手握住的脚后跟是他的致命弱点。
against the clock 争分夺秒地
all eyes and ear 仔细看,留心听
all the rage: 非常流行
All thumbs: 笨手笨脚
Along for the ride:逢场做戏,陪伴
Apples and oranges: 不同类型的东西
Asleep at the wheel: 在车上睡着了&&wheel=a vehicle or a ship
UID 424080
积分 281991
帖子 14668
福步币 7151 块
阅读权限 150
来自 皖-浙
A big hand 一个大手?&&鼓掌
Please give the performers a big hand.
I got a big hang for my speech.
A dead duck 一个死鸭子? 完了。
I’m a dead duck if I don’t finish my homework.
He didn’t finish his report. He’s a dead duck.
A penny for your thoughts 一便士买你的想法?
You look sad. A penny for your thoughts.
What are you thinking? A penny for your thoughts.
Achilles’ heel 阿喀琉斯的脚踝?致命缺点
He’s very brave, but fear of heights was his Achilles’ heel.
Beautiful girl is my Achilles’ heel.
Against the clock 发对时钟?分秒必争
You have to race against the clock.
I have to work against the clock to finish this.
All eyes and ears 全都是眼睛和耳朵?&&聚精会神
When the TV is on the children are all eyes and ears.
I want all eyes and ears on me.
All the rage 所有的愤怒? 流行?
Short skirts are all the rage this summer.
All thumbs 全都是拇指? 笨
When it comes to sports I’m all thumbs.
I don’t want her on my team. She’s all thumbs.
Along for the ride 这个我也说不清楚。哎!鬼佬……& &
He’s just along for the rid
Apples and oranges 苹果和橙子& &截然不同?
You can’t compare them. They’re like apples and oranges.
These two things are as different as apples and oranges.
Asleep at the wheel 在轮子上睡觉?& &
What’s wrong with you? Are you asleep as the wheel?
He’s always asleep as the wheel.
UID 424080
积分 281991
帖子 14668
福步币 7151 块
阅读权限 150
来自 皖-浙
UID 1310436
阅读权限 40
回复 #1 laputavatar 的帖子
UID 1329522
福步币 50 块
阅读权限 40
回复 #2 蓦然 的帖子
看来不用我给答案了。这位仁兄基本都对了,除了一个不太准确:asleep at the wheel--心不在焉
UID 1296957
积分 18798
帖子 23039
阅读权限 120
UID 1329522
福步币 50 块
阅读权限 40
回复 #7 Poison_Biting 的帖子
UID 1335955
积分 24665
帖子 25398
阅读权限 0
*** 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽 查看内容可尝试用搜索引擎网页快照 ***
UID 1010068
积分 17004
福步币 499 块
阅读权限 0
来自 Guangdong, shenzhen
*** 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽 查看内容可尝试用搜索引擎网页快照 ***
UID 1329522
福步币 50 块
阅读权限 40
回复 #9 nonohll 的帖子
不在状态,心不在焉 都可以
UID 1329522
福步币 50 块
阅读权限 40
Why don’t you beef up rent money?
If we wanna win the game, we have to beef up the team.
Beg to differ
They think that this movie is fantastic, but I beg to differ.
Begin to see the light
Since you have explained it to me, I began to see the light.
Bend over backwards
You don’t have to bend over backwards to do this. There’s an easy way.
I really bend over backwards to help you.
Between a rock and a hard place
You’ve put me between a rock and a hard place.
He’s always between a rock and a hard place.
Birds and the bees
Did your parents ever teach you about birds and the bees?
Bite the bullet
Sometimes you just have to bite the bullet and do it even if you don’t want to
Bite the dust
I promise you that I will not bite the dust.
Once the lightning struck him, he bit the bust.
Black sheep
The playboy is a black sheep of the family.
He’s been seem as a black sheep of the team.
This is Kevin▂ ▄ ▅ ▇
UID 1130412
积分 10424
福步币 1 块
阅读权限 80
beats me 难倒我了(10)
Beef up& &增强enhance(1)
Why don’t you beef up rent money?
If we wanna win the game, we have to beef up the team.
Beg to differ 不赞同do not agree with sb/sth.(2)
They think that this movie is fantastic, but I beg to differ.
Begin to see the light 懂了got it(3)
Since you have explained it to me, I began to see the light.
Bend over backwards
太努力,竭力try one's best(4)
You don’t have to bend over backwards to do this. There’s an easy way.
I really bend over backwards to help you.
Between a rock and a hard place 进退两难,进退维谷(字母D 开头的记不起了~)(5)
You’ve put me between a rock and a hard place.
He’s always between a rock and a hard place.
Birds and the bees (6)
Did your parents ever teach you about birds and the bees?
Bite the bullet (7)
Sometimes you just have to bite the bullet and do it even if you don’t want to
Bite the dust&&第一个是放弃give up,第二个是死了die(8)
I promise you that I will not bite the dust.
Once the lightning struck him, he bit the bust.
Black sheep&&第一个花花公子playboy 第二个不知道(9)
The playboy is a black sheep of the family.
He’s been seem as a black sheep of the team.
[ 本帖最后由 Melissa_Ma 于
16:58 编辑 ]
UID 1190829
阅读权限 40
Beef up 增加,加强
Why don’t you beef up rent money?
If we wanna win the game, we have to beef up the team.
Beg to differ&&恕不同意
They think that this movie is fantastic, but I beg to differ.
Begin to see the light 恍然大悟
Since you have explained it to me, I began to see the light.
Bend over backwards 竭尽全力
You don’t have to bend over backwards to do this. There’s an easy way.
I really bend over backwards to help you.
Between a rock and a hard place&&进退两难
You’ve put me between a rock and a hard place.
He’s always between a rock and a hard place.
Birds and the bees 性常识
Did your parents ever teach you about birds and the bees?
Bite the bullet 咬紧牙关
Sometimes you just have to bite the bullet and do it even if you don’t want to
Bite the dust 一败涂地/到地
I promise you that I will not bite the dust.
Once the lightning struck him, he bit the bust.
Black sheep 害群之马
The playboy is a black sheep of the family.
He’s been seem as a black sheep of the team.
UID 1329522
福步币 50 块
阅读权限 40
ps:楼上正解 我就不用给答案了
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