
4.三亚是中国著名的城市 &&&&&&
1.London is the capital of England.&&&& 2.Yushu is in the south of Qinghai.3.People speak English in America.&& 4.Sanya is a famous city in China.5.I live in China.谁帮我把下面文字翻译成英语_百度知道
25,选用悬浮预热器和回转窑生产。硅酸盐水泥是在第一次产业革命中问世的。用量之大、产品档次偏低、环境污染严重等,加速发展采用先进的工业技术、产量、热耗等并进行物料衡量计算根据对国内外水泥资料的分析以及实习厂家数据确定三个率值和熟料热耗,符合国家标准,分析当前中国水泥的现状。水泥工业现状自从水泥工业性产品的实际应用,选择生产工艺流程根据任务书要求本次设计在淄博市张店区建材工业园建厂、落后生产能力仍占相当比重,水源充足,结合我国水泥工业具体情况;5-1&#47,但结构性矛盾仍比较突出,保护环境为原则,依据设计任务书我们在当地建设年产10万吨的特种水泥(G型油井水泥)厂,热耗指标明显下降,节约资源、质量进行分析研究,铁粉由附近矿山开采,其中单位质量的能耗只有刚才的1&#47,品种和质量也有极大的发展,尽快推进中国石油的储备能力,生产持续扩大,主要表现为企业规模小,人民生活水品的提高有很重要的意义,确定生产过程中各个主机的型号,大力推进水泥工业的现代化,用量大,也有近两年在市场需求拉动下,但是水泥与砂,还将是水泥和混凝土,解决油田的水泥用量,选用新型干法生产。依据厂址的选择、整齐美观、城市建设,根据预测,矿山资源丰富。水泥在国民经济中的重要性水泥是建筑工业三大基本材料之一.铝合金的1/6。因此我们要进一步优化产业布局,至今一个半世纪以来,工艺和设备不断改进,确定设备与建筑物,部分水泥制品在有些领域体现出优越的性能,粘土开采地点距共产2公里之内,主要包括水泥磨、农林,具有良好的建厂条件,广泛应用于工业与民用建筑。但从总体来看,该地区交通方便,下世纪的主要建筑材料,既有长期低水平发展积累的原因、利用率等,经济合理,整个布置过程中、功率。在一些技术较先进的地区选用新型干法生产,设备布置就是把车间内各个设备按工艺流程加以定位、螺旋输送机等,供电可靠。4进行全厂储库选型计算(数据以给)5进行全厂重点车间选型计算和附属设备选型计算根据全厂主机选型的计算。粉磨车间设计中。2确定率值,使工厂适应现代化的需要。我国水泥工业近十年来有了很大的发展。以切合实际,低水平盲目扩张所带来的后果,并绘制本车间工艺流程图,确定工作制度及劳动定员。6进行合理的车间和全厂工艺布置对提高磨机产量,比红砖还低35%、交通、收尘器,确定掺加的石膏量,合理配置机械设备,并标定产量,用汽车运输,进行配料计算3 进行全厂主机选型、道路等所进行的总体设计和竖向布置,一些企业不顾产业政策、能耗大,确定本次设计的内容为年产10万吨特种水泥熟料粉磨车间设计,对未来的发展进行分析,尽管我国水泥工业发展取得了很大成绩、水利等领域,坚持基本建设程序,长房的高度由设备高度等因素确定,石灰石由附近的矿山开采。这些问题的产生、资源消耗高。对于国家建设的顺利进行。本次设计依据相关经济和工业政策,比如油井水泥,使用广。设计任务、提升机,设备与设备之间的相对位置,合理的布置厂区建筑物。水泥生产虽需较多能源,该地区技术力量先进、方便安装,因此在该地建厂切实可行,产品质量大幅度提高,素有“建筑工业的粮食”之称,根据调查分析,标定主机产量根据设计任务的产量对主机进行选型、操作维修又便于管理和运输原则、石等集料所制成的混凝土则是一种低能耗型建筑材料,进行重点车间所需要的设备计算。为了支持我国油田开采的大力发展:1 确定生产方法,考虑各车间之间生产工艺的连续性和各车间的独立性、选粉机,因此水泥的生产和研究仍然极为重要,安全生产通过查阅相关水泥资料,要遵循流程顺畅
host output calibration
Design tasks in accordance with the output of the host selection, and drawing plans of the workshop process, the production continues to expand, since one
25. The emergence of these problems, cement production and therefore the study is stills livelihood improved water products have very im5-1&#47. Portland cement is the first time in the advent of the industrial revolution. for the overall design and vertical layout of the workshop to consider the continuity between the production process and the independence of the workshop to meet the modern needs of the factory,s cement金山快译翻译为;s oil reserves, according to the survey analysis The region enjoys convenient traffic, etc, selection of new dry process production, clean appearance, combined with the specific situation of China&#39, easy installation, and calibration of production, the continuous improvement of processes and equipment, still accounts for a significant proportion of backward6 earlier, the production process to identify the various host models, stone and other aggregates made of concrete is a low-power-type building materials. Therefore we have to further optimize the industrial layout. A practical, utilization, the use of wide usage, but the structural contradictions are still more prominent, separator, the plant has good conditions in the plant viable:Access to relevant information through the cement to analyze the current status of China&#39, some cement products embodied in some areas, energy, production, some companies regardless of industrial policy, the ls cement industry, resource-rich mines. Grinding plant design, equipment and the relative position between devices, choice of production process
Written request in accordance with the mandate of this design Zhangdian District of Zibo City in the industrial park building materials plant in the area of advanced technology. But overall, the height of a long room by the height of such factors as equipment identification, clay mining and distance of two kilometers of communism, mainly small-s oil field development. The amount of large, but the cement and sand, one of three basic materials:
1 to determine production methods, but also the past two years s cement industry has developed over the past decade, reliable electricity, and resources high consumption, the entire layout of the course . More advanced technology in a number of selected new dry production areas, such as oil well cement. For the smooth progress of nation-building and the people&#39,&quot, mixing the plaster to determine the amount of ingredients to the calculation
3 plant host selection.
Design tasks, water conservancy and other fields, both long-term accumulation of the reasons for the low level of development, elevator, dust collector, as well as cement manufacturers training data to determine the value of the three rates of heat conthe construction industry of food, agriculture, and the accelerated development of advanced industrial technology and reasonable allocation of machinery and equipment, from the vicinity of iron mining, the importance of
Cement is the construction industry, brought about by blind expansion of low-level consequences, severe environmental pollution,000 tons for cement clinker grinding plant special design.Cement in the national economy, energy consumption per unit mass which is only 1&#47, widely used in industrial and civil construction, in line with national standards, reasonable layout factory buildings, superior performance, and vigorously promote the modernization of the cement industry, the next century, operation and maintenance of the principle of easy to manage and transport, and as soon as possible to promote the capacity of China&#39, substantial increase in product quality, and the choice of suspension preheater kiln production, power, it is necessary to follow the process smooth. Aluminum Alloy 1 &#47. China&#39. The basis of site selection.
6 to carry out a reasonable process workshop and factory layout
Mill to improve the yield and quality analysis of studies to determine the quota system of work and labor, economic rationality, urban construction, including cement mill, limestone from nearby mining.
In order to support the vigorous exploitation of China&#39, according to forecasts.
2 to determine the rate of the value of heat and materials, saving resources and protecting the environment for the principles of safety in production, car transportation,000 tons annual production capacity of special cement (G-type oil well cement) works to address the field of cement.
4 Selection of factory storage calculations (data for)
5 Selection of factory workshop focused on the calculation and calculation of subsidiary equipment selection
Host plant selection based on the calculation, the main construction materials will be cement and concrete, such as calculating the measure
Based on the analysis of the information at home and abroad, variety and quality have a great deal of development, equipment layout of the workshop is to process them according to various positioning equipment to determine equipment and buildings. Although cement productions cement industry has made great achievements, decreased heat consumption indicators, on the future development of an analysis designed to determine the content of the annual production capacity of 100, lower than 35% of red brick, according to the design task of the book in our local construction of the 100, transportation, and known as &quot, roads, screw conveyor and so on, the workshop focused on calculating the required equipment.
Cement Industry
Since the cement industry in the practical application of product.
The design based on relevant economic and industrial policy, and adhere to the capital program, forestry, despite the development of China&#39
6 earlier, etc, economic rationality, substantial increase in product quality, one of three basic materials, such as calculating the measure Based on the analysis of the information at home and abroad, from the vicinity of iron mining, brought about by blind expansion of low-level consequences, some companies regardless of industrial policy, adequate water. 6 to carry out a reasonable process workshop and factory layout Mill to improve the yield and quality analysis of studies to determine the quota system of work and labor, still accounts for a significant proportion of backward production capacity, some cement products embodied in some areas, water conservancy and other fields, severe environmental pollution, the importance of Cement is the construction industry, easy installation, mainly small-scale enterprises. Aluminum Alloy 1 &#47. In order to support the vigorous exploitation of China&#39. Cement Industry Since the cement industry in the practical application of product, saving resources and protecting the environment for the principles of safety in production, reliable electricity, but the cement and sand, and the accelerated development of advanced industrial technology and reasonable allocation of macs oil field development, the production continues to expand. for the overall design and vertical layout of the workshop to consider the continuity between the production process and the independence of the workshop to meet the modern needs of the factory, according to the design task of the book in our local construction of the 100, it is necessary to follow the process smooth, according to the survey analysis The region enjoys convenient traffic, widely used in industrial and civil construction, power, selection of new dry process production, reasonable layout factory buildings. Therefore we have to further optimize the industrial layout, the low grade of products. 4 Selection of factory storage calculations (data for) 5 Selection of factory workshop focused on the calculation and calculation of subsidiary equipment selection Host plant selection based on the calculation, including cement mill, limestone from nearby mining, the height of a long room by the height of such factors as equipment identification, lower than 35% of red brick, energyAccess to relevant information through the cement to analyze the current status of China&#39, clean appearance, dust collector, according to forecasts, since one and a half centuries, despite the development of China&#39, the workshop focused on calculating the required equipment, energy consumption per unit mass which is only 1&#47,s oil reserves, choice of production process Written request in accordance with the mandate of this design Zhangdian District of Zibo City in the industrial park building materials plant in the area of advanced technology. China&#39, such as oil well cement, stone and other aggregates made of concrete is a low-power-type building materials, and vigorously promote the modernization of the cement industry, agriculture. The design based on relevant economic and industrial policy, transportation. The emergence of these problems, superior performance, cement production and therefore the study is still extremely important, combined with the specific situation of China&#39,the construction industry of food, and known as &s livelihood improved water products have very important significance. Cement in the national economy, and calibration of production, as well as cement manufacturers training data to determine the value of the three rates of heat consumption and clinker. For the smooth progress of nation-building and the people&#39, the entire layout of the course , but the structural contradictions are still more prominent, equipment layout of the workshop is to process them according to various positioning equipment to determine equipment and buildings. The amount of large. More advanced technology in a number of selected new s cement industry has made great achievements, and drawing plans of the workshop process, screw conveyor and so on, elevator, both long-term accumulation of the reasons for the low level of development, mixing the plaster to determine the amount of ingredients to the calculation 3 plant host selection, the production process to identify thes cement industry has developed over the past decade, and resources high consumption, and the choice of suspension preheater kiln production. Although cement production require more energy. Design tasks, but also the past two years demand in the market,&quot,000 tons for cement clinker grinding plant special design!. 真好长, on the future development of an analysis designed to determine the content of the annual production capacity of 100. The basis of site selection, the plant has good conditions in the plant viable, roads, resource-rich mines, operation and maintenance of the principle of easy to manage and transport. But overall. Portland cement is the first time in the advent of the industrial revolution, the next century, the main construction materials will be5-1&#47, the use of wide usage. Grinding plant design, equipment and the relative position between devices, host output calibration Design tasks in accordance with the output of the host selection, clay mining and distance of two kilometers of communism!: 1 to determine production methods,000 tons annual production capacity of special cement (G-type oil well cement) works to address the field of cement, variety and quality have a great deal of development,s cement, urban construction, production, and adhere to the capital program. 2 to determine the rate of the value o known, the continuous improvement of processes and equipment, decreased heat consumption indicators, car transportation, and as soon as possible to promote the capacity of China&#39, in line with national standards. A 25
cement, on the future development of an analysis designed to determine the content of the annual production capacity of 100,000 tons for cement clinker grinding plant special design. Design tasks: 1 to determine production methods, choice of production process Written request in accordance with the mandate of this design Zhangdian District of Zibo City in the industrial park building materials plant in the area of advanced technology, combined with the specific situation of China's cement industry, selection of new dry process production, and the choice of suspension preheater kiln production. 2 to determine the rate of the value of heat and materials, such as calculating the measure Based on the analysis of the information at home and abroad, as well as cement manufacturers training data to determine the value of the three rates of heat consumption and clinker, mixing the plaster to determine the amount of ingredients to the calculation 3 plant host selection, host output calibration Design tasks in accordance with the output of the host selection, the production process to identify the various host models, production, power, utilization, and calibration of production. 4 Selection of factory storage calculations (data for) 5 Selection of factory workshop focused on the calculation and calculation of subsidiary equipment selection Host plant selection based on the calculation, the workshop focused on calculating the required equipment, including cement mill, dust collector, separator, elevator, screw conveyor and so on. 6 to carry out a reasonable process workshop and factory layout Mill to improve the yield and quality analysis of studies to determine the quota system of work and labor, and drawing plans of the workshop process. The basis of site selection, reasonable layout factory buildings, roads, etc. for the overall design and vertical layout of the workshop to consider the continuity between the production process and the independence of the workshop to meet the modern needs of the factory. Grinding plant design, the height of a long room by the height of such factors as equipment identification, equipment layout of the workshop is to process them according to various positioning equipment to determine equipment and buildings, equipment and the relative position between devices, the entire layout of the course , it is necessary to follow the process smooth, clean appearance, easy installation, operation and maintenance of the principle of easy to manage and transport. Cement in the national economy, the importance of Cement is the construction industry, one of three basic materials, the use of wide usage, and known as &the construction industry of food,& known. The amount of large, widely used in industrial and civil construction, transportation, urban construction, agriculture, forestry, water conservancy and other fields, some cement products embodied in some areas, superior performance, such as oil well cement. Although cement production require more energy, but the cement and sand, stone and other aggregates made of concrete is a low-power-type building materials, energy consumption per unit mass which is only 1/5-1/6 earlier. Aluminum Alloy 1 / 25, lower than 35% of red brick, according to forecasts, the next century, the main construction materials will be cement and concrete, cement production and therefore the study is still extremely important. For the smooth progress of nation-building and the people's livelihood improved water products have very important significance. Cement Industry Since the cement industry in the practical application of product, since one and a half centuries, the production continues to expand, the continuous improvement of processes and equipment, variety and quality have a great deal of development. Portland cement is the first time in the advent of the industrial revolution. China's cement industry has developed over the past decade, substantial increase in product quality, decreased heat consumption indicators. But overall, despite the development of China's cement industry has made great achievements, but the structural contradictions are still more prominent, mainly small-scale enterprises, the low grade of products, still accounts for a significant proportion of backward production capacity, energy, and resources high consumption, severe environmental pollution. The emergence of these problems, both long-term accumulation of the reasons for the low level of development, but also the past two years demand in the market, some companies regardless of industrial policy, brought about by blind expansion of low-level consequences. Therefore we have to further optimize the industrial layout, and the accelerated development of advanced industrial technology and reasonable allocation of machinery and equipment, and vigorously promote the modernization of the cement industry. More advanced technology in a number of selected new dry production areas. In order to support the vigorous exploitation of China's oil field development, and as soon as possible to promote the capacity of China's oil reserves, according
through access to related information, analysis of current cement China cement, for the future development of analysis to determine the contents of this total, spezialmaschinenfabrik tons of cement clinker pregrinding workshop design.design tasks:1 determine the production method, select the production processAccording to task requires this book design in zhibo in zhangdian, 园建 factory building materials industry in the region - the - art technical expertise, combined with our country's specific circumstances of the cement industry, addicts'choice precalcining, chooes suspended production preheater kiln and production.2 determine the rate of value, such as heat consumption and item measureAccording to the cement data analysis and practice manufacturers data to determine the rate of three values and determine the clinker heat loss, by adding the amount of gypsum, carried out in blendig calculation3 the factory calibration host host lectotype, yieldAccording to the design tasks on the host for the production of lectotype, determine the production process in each host models, yield, power, toleracne, cablibration and yield.4 calculation of the factory storage lectotype (data) to give5 key factory workshop lectotype computation and ancillary equipment selection and calculationAccording to the factory host lectotype, for the calculation of workshop equipment needed for prices, including cement mill, filter, separator, hoister, screw conveyor, etc.6 reasonable technology workshop and the factoryon the iimprove yield, quality analysis and research to determine work system and work, and draw this workshop process flow diagrams.pursuant to the choice of no.605, a reasonable arrangement of factory buildings, roads carried out by the General design and vertical layout, taking into account all workshop between the production process of continuity and independence of the workshop, the factory to adapt to modern needs.pregrinding workshop design, line height the height of the equipment, equipment and other factors to determine the layout is workshop within individual equipment according to the technological process to determine the location, equipment and buildings, equipment and equipment between the relative position of the whole process, the layout you want to follow the process smooth, neat, beautiful, easy operation and maintenance and easier to manage and transport.cement in the national economy in the importance ofcement is epitoipar three basic materials, use one of the pogostemon, dosase, known as &a large “ epitoipar food. ”consumption of large, widely used in industrial and civil construction, transport, urban construction, agriculture and forestry, water conservancy fields such as part of the cement products in some areas reflect excellent performance, such as cement.cement production, though you need more energy, but the cement and sand, as well as aggregate of concrete is a low energy consumption of epitoanyag units, where the quality of energy consumption is only just made by 1/5-1/6, 1/25, crack_getlastmessage() of aluminum alloys than red brick also low 35%, according to forecasts, the next century the main building materials, you will be the cement and concrete cement production and research is still extremely important.for national construction of the smooth conduct of the people to improve the living water products there are important.cement industrySince the cement industry products, since the practical application of a half a century, continued to expand production, technology and equipment of continuous improvement, variety and quality also has great development.Portland cement is the first industrial revolution in wenshi.China cement industry over the past decade has been much of the development of a substantial increase, product quality, heat index fell sharply.but, in spite of the cement industry development in China has made great achievements, but structural contradiction still outstanding, mainly small, low pay and product grades produtuivity are still lagging behind quite a large proportion of energy consumption, resource consumption, high, serious environmental pollution, etc.These problems, there is long-term, low levels of development and accumulation of and the last two years in the market demand, some enterprise mockeryof industrygh'km, a low level blindly expansion of the consequences.Therefore we need to further refine the industrial distribution, accelerate the development of the use of advanced industrial technology, rational allocation of machinery and equipment, promptiong beings'modernization cement industry.in some more advanced technology areas and Brown(whole precalcining production.in order to support the development of forest-plate(paper), iiron, as soon as possible promoting China's oil reserve capacity, pursuant to the design work for us at the local construction total of speciat .abundant (g) - cement factory, cementatory dasage oilfield, according to the investigation and analysis, the region, mine is rich in resources, limestone nearby mining, clay mining locations within the 2 km distance from the Communist system, iron powder nearby mining, transportation, use the car, adequate and reliable water supply, with good factory conditions, so he built factory practicable.This design according to economic and industrial policy, persist in the wor.to meet the practical, economic and reasonable and conserve resources, environmental protection, on the principle of safe production.
By looking up the relevance cement data, current situation analysing current Chinese cement, the workshop who carries out analysis on development of future , ascertains the content designing that originally time for annual output of 100,000 tons of particular kind cement chamotte powder dawdles away designs that. Design a mission: 1 ascertains production method , the book choosing the mission producing process flow basis demands capital to design that the garden builds a factory in Zi Bo City Zhang Dian District building materials industry time, that area technology strength is advanced , is tied in wedlock our country cement industry concrete conditions, select and use a new model following preheater and rotary kiln producing , selecting and using suspension with no result giving birth to a child. The manufacturer data 2 for sure rate value , heat rate etc. and the measurement carrying out material are calculated according to analysis and practice to home and abroad cement data ascertains three rates value and chamotte heat rates , adulterate the gupse amounts adding for sure, the lead plane carrying out burden calculation 3 go along entire factory chooses a type , the output demarcating a lead plane chooses a type according to designing that the mission output is in progress to the lead plane , ascertain procedure of production type , output , power , utilization ratio being hit by each lead planes etc., and calibrate output. 4 carries out entire factory storing a warehouse up choosing a type calculating (a data to give 5 the workshop who carries out entire factory priority to choose secretly scheme against and subsidiary equipment of type choosing a type calculating the calculation choosing a type according to entire factory lead plane) , equipment needed by the workshop who carries out priority secretly schemes against , includes the cement mill , collects the dust implement , chooses powder machine , hoister , conveying worm etc. mainly. Output , mass carrying out the rational workshop and entire factory handicraft arrange to grind machine to rise carry out analysis 6 studying , ascertain working system and the fixed number of workers needed for a job , draw and this workshop process flowsheet. Design and erect to arrangement population carried out by the building , road choosing in-plant , arranging rationally etc. judging by factory site, think that every produces the handicraft continuity and every workshop's independent character between the workshop , adapt factory to the need being modernized. Powder keeps on at a workshop for designing middle , the eldest branch altitude waits for a factor from equipment altitude for sure, equipment arrangement is that equipment gives the equipment and building fixing position , ascertaining that one by one according to the process flow with workshop inner , process is hit by equipment with relative location , entire arrangement between equipment , need to abide by smooth , tidy beautiful , convenient technological process installation , easy to manage and transport principle of operation be maintained. Cement is that building industry one of three big stock , usage are broad , dosages are big in significance cement in national economy, name of usually &grain having building industry&. Fields such as big , apply to industry broadly and civil architecture , traffic , city construction , agriculture and forestry , water conservancy of dosages, part cement products embodies out the advantageous function , Bi Ru oil well cement in some fields. Cement is produced though needing more sources of energy, cement and collection such as grit , stone expect that the what be made from concrete is one kind of low energy consumption type building material then but , unit mass among them energy consumption only has 1/5- 1/6 of a moment ago. The aluminium alloy 1/25, 35% fairly lower than red brick , forecasts in the light of, go down main century building material , will be cement and a concrete, cement turn out and go into are therefore still most important. Be in progress to smooth that the country builds, the people life water product rise has very important meaning. Cement industry current situation applies since cement industrialness product reality , one and a half produces so far during the past the century, continuing expanding, handicraft and equipment improve unceasingly, the breed and mass also development having maximum. The portland cement is coming out in the first time Industrial Revolution. Our country cement industry has had very big development , product quality to increase by a big margin coming being close to 10 , the heat rate index has come down obviously. Have got very big achievement, but structure contradiction judging from population but, despite of our country cement industry develops be outstanding still comparatively, main behaviour is that enterprise scale is small , the product grade insists to hang down , the outmoded production capacity still takes up specific gravity suitable , energy consumption is big , resource consumes height , environmental pollution waits gravely. Both having long range low level to develop build-up cause and, have being close to 2 years in the market demand these problem creation, play under moving, a little enterprise give no consideration to industrial policy, low level expands what be brought about consequence blindly. We want to optimize estate further therefore layout, speeds up developing adopt advanced industrial technology , rational distribution machinery equipment, modernization pushing forward cement industry's energetically. In a few technologies, more advanced area selects and uses a new model doing law give birth to a child. For supporting the strive to develop that our country oil field exploits, the ability pushing forward Chinese petroleum reserve as soon as possible, judges by design specification our particular kind cement (G type oil well cement) factory building annual output of 100,000 tons in locality , dosages , basis resolving the oil field cement inquire into analysis , that area has a good transport service , the mine is abound in natural resources, chalk exploits from mine neighbouring, clay exploits a place from when within 2 kilometres of property-communization , the mine exploits iron pink from nearby , use motor transport, to supply electricity reliable , plentiful of source of water, have fine building factory condition, Can be carried out therefore conscientiously in being a field's turn to build a factory. Originally, time, design basis relevance economy and industrial policy , insist on capital construction procedure , accord with a national standard. To suit the actual condition of, economy saves resource rationally, protects the environment for principle , safety at work.标准人工翻译、、希望可以帮助你、、翻译了半天、
Access to relevant information through the cement to analyze the current status of China's cement, on the future development of an analysis designed to determine the content of the annual production capacity of 100,000 tons for cement clinker grinding plant special design. Design tasks: 1 to determine production methods, choice of production process Written request in accordance with the mandate of this design Zhangdian District of Zibo City in the industrial park building materials plant in the area of advanced technology, combined with the specific situation of China's cement industry, selection of new dry process production, and the choice of suspension preheater kiln production. 2 to determine the rate of the value of heat and materials, such as calculating the measure Based on the analysis of the information at home and abroad, as well as cement manufacturers training data to determine the value of the three rates of heat consumption and clinker, mixing the plaster to determine the amount of ingredients to the calculation 3 plant host selection, host output calibration Design tasks in accordance with the output of the host selection, the production process to identify the various host models, production, power, utilization, and calibration of production. 4 Selection of factory storage calculations (data for) 5 Selection of factory workshop focused on the calculation and calculation of subsidiary equipment selection Host plant selection based on the calculation, the workshop focused on calculating the required equipment, including cement mill, dust collector, separator, elevator, screw conveyor and so on. 6 to carry out a reasonable process workshop and factory layout Mill to improve the yield and quality analysis of studies to determine the quota system of work and labor, and drawing plans of the workshop process. The basis of site selection, reasonable layout factory buildings, roads, etc. for the overall design and vertical layout of the workshop to consider the continuity between the production process and the independence of the workshop to meet the modern needs of the factory. Grinding plant design, the height of a long room by the height of such factors as equipment identification, equipment layout of the workshop is to process them according to various positioning equipment to determine equipment and buildings, equipment and the relative position between devices, the entire layout of the course , it is necessary to follow the process smooth, clean appearance, easy installation, operation and maintenance of the principle of easy to manage and transport. Cement in the national economy, the importance of Cement is the construction industry, one of three basic materials, the use of wide usage, and known as &the construction industry of food,& known. The amount of large, widely used in industrial and civil construction, transportation, urban construction, agriculture, forestry, water conservancy and other fields, some cement products embodied in some areas, superior performance, such as oil well cement. Although cement production require more energy, but the cement and sand, stone and other aggregates made of concrete is a low-power-type building materials, energy consumption per unit mass which is only 1/5-1/6 earlier. Aluminum Alloy 1 / 25, lower than 35% of red brick, according to forecasts, the next century, the main construction materials will be cement and concrete, cement production and therefore the study is still extremely important. For the smooth progress of nation-building and the people's livelihood improved water products have very important significance. Cement Industry Since the cement industry in the practical application of product, since one and a half centuries, the production continues to expand, the continuous improvement of processes and equipment, variety and quality have a great deal of development. Portland cement is the first time in the advent of the industrial revolution. China's cement industry has developed over the past decade, substantial increase in product quality, decreased heat consumption indicators. But overall, despite the development of China's cement industry has made great achievements, but the structural contradictions are still more prominent, mainly small-scale enterprises, the low grade of products, still accounts for a significant proportion of backward production capacity, energy, and resources high consumption, severe environmental pollution. The emergence of these problems, both long-term accumulation of the reasons for the low level of development, but also the past two years demand in the market, some companies regardless of industrial policy, brought about by blind expansion of low-level consequences. Therefore we have to further optimize the industrial layout, and the accelerated development of advanced industrial technology and reasonable allocation of machinery and equipment, and vigorously promote the modernization of the cement industry. More advanced technology in a number of selected new dry production areas. In order to support the vigorous exploitation of China's oil field development, and as soon as possible to promote the capacity of China's oil reserves, according to the design task of the book in our local construction of the 100,000 tons annual production capacity of special cement (G-type oil well cement) works to address the field of cement, according to the survey analysis The region enjoys convenient traffic, resource-rich mines, limestone from nearby mining, clay mining and distance of two kilometers of communism, from the vicinity of iron mining, car transportation, reliable electricity, adequate water, the plant has good conditions in the plant viable. The design based on relevant economic and industrial policy, and adhere to the capital program, in line with national standards. A practical, economic rationality, saving resources and protecting the environment for the principles of safety in production.
Access to relevant information through the cement to analyze the current status of China's cement, on the future development of an analysis designed to determine the content of the annual production capacity of 100,000 tons for cement clinker grinding plant special design. Design tasks: 1 to determine production methods, choice of production process Written request in accordance with the mandate of this design Zhangdian District of Zibo City in the industrial park building materials plant in the area of advanced technology, combined with the specific situation of China's cement industry, selection of new dry process production, and the choice of suspension preheater kiln production. 2 to determine the rate of the value of heat and materials, such as calculating the measure Based on the analysis of the information at home and abroad, as well as cement manufacturers training data to determine the value of the three rates of heat consumption and clinker, mixing the plaster to determine the amount of ingredients to the calculation 3 plant host selection, host output calibration Design tasks in accordance with the output of the host selection, the production process to identify the various host models, production, power, utilization, and calibration of production. 4 Selection of factory storage calculations (data for) 5 Selection of factory workshop focused on the calculation and calculation of subsidiary equipment selection Host plant selection based on the calculation, the workshop focused on calculating the required equipment, including cement mill, dust collector, separator, elevator, screw conveyor and so on. 6 to carry out a reasonable process workshop and factory layout Mill to improve the yield and quality analysis of studies to determine the quota system of work and labor, and drawing plans of the workshop process. The basis of site selection, reasonable layout factory buildings, roads, etc. for the overall design and vertical layout of the workshop to consider the continuity between the production process and the independence of the workshop to meet the modern needs of the factory. Grinding plant design, the height of a long room by the height of such factors as equipment identification, equipment layout of the workshop is to process them according to various positioning equipment to determine equipment and buildings, equipment and the relative position between devices, the entire layout of the course , it is necessary to follow the process smooth, clean appearance, easy installation, operation and maintenance of the principle of easy to manage and transport. Cement in the national economy, the importance of Cement is the construction industry, one of three basic materials, the use of wide usage, and known as &the construction industry of food,& known. The amount of large, widely used in industrial and civil construction, transportation, urban construction, agriculture, forestry, water conservancy and other fields, some cement products embodied in some areas, superior performance, such as oil well cement. Although cement production require more energy, but the cement and sand, stone and other aggregates made of concrete is a low-power-type building materials, energy consumption per unit mass which is only 1/5-1/6 earlier. Aluminum Alloy 1 / 25, lower than 35% of red brick, according to forecasts, the next century, the main construction materials will be cement and concrete, cement production and therefore the study is still extremely important. For the smooth progress of nation-building and the people's livelihood improved water products have very important significance. Cement Industry Since the cement industry in the practical application of product, since one and a half centuries, the production continues to expand, the continuous improvement of processes and equipment, variety and quality have a great deal of development. Portland cement is the first time in the advent of the industrial revolution. China's cement industry has developed over the past decade, substantial increase in product quality, decreased heat consumption indicators. But overall, despite the development of China's cement industry has made great achievements, but the structural contradictions are still more prominent, mainly small-scale enterprises, the low grade of products, still accounts for a significant proportion of backward production capacity, energy, and resources high consumption, severe environmental pollution. The emergence of these problems, both long-term accumulation of the reasons for the low level of development, but also the past two years demand in the market, some companies regardless of industrial policy, brought about by blind expansion of low-level consequences. Therefore we have to further optimize the industrial layout, and the accelerated development of advanced industrial technology and reasonable allocation of machinery and equipment, and vigorously promote the modernization of the cement industry. More advanced technology in a number of selected new dry production areas. In order to support the vigorous exploitation of China's oil field development, and as soon as possible to promote the capacity of China's oil reserves, according to the design task of the book in our local construction of the 100,000 tons annual production capacity of special cement (G-type oil well cement) works to address the field of cement, according to the survey analysis The region enjoys convenient traffic, resource-rich mines, limestone from nearby mining, clay mining and distance of two kilometers of communism, from the vicinity of iron mining, car transportation, reliable electricity, adequate water, the plant has good conditions in the plant viable. The design based on relevant economic and industrial policy, and adhere to the capital program, in line with national standards. A practical, economic rationality, saving resources and protecting the environment for the principles of safety in productio。
Access to relevant information through the cement to analyze the current status of China's cement, on the future development of an analysis designed to determine the content of the annual production capacity of 100,000 tons for cement clinker grinding plant special design. Design tasks: 1 to determine production methods, choice of production process Written request in accordance with the mandate of this design Zhangdian District of Zibo City in the industrial park building materials plant in the area of advanced technology, combined with the specific situation of China's cement industry, selection of new dry process production, and the choice of suspension preheater kiln production. 2 to determine the rate of the value of heat and materials, such as calculating the measure Based on the analysis of the information at home and abroad, as well as cement manufacturers training data to determine the value of the three rates of heat consumption and clinker, mixing the plaster to determine the amount of ingredients to the calculation 3 plant host selection, host output calibration Design tasks in accordance with the output of the host selection, the production process to identify the various host models, production, power, utilization, and calibration of production. 4 Selection of factory storage calculations (data for) 5 Selection of factory workshop focused on the calculation and calculation of subsidiary equipment selection Host plant selection based on the calculation, the workshop focused on calculating the required equipment, including cement mill, dust collector, separator, elevator, screw conveyor and so on. 6 to carry out a reasonable process workshop and factory layout Mill to improve the yield and quality analysis of studies to determine the quota system of work and labor, and drawing plans of the workshop process. The basis of site selection, reasonable layout factory buildings, roads, etc. for the overall design and vertical layout of the workshop to consider the continuity between the production process and the independence of the workshop to meet the modern needs of the factory. Grinding plant design, the height of a long room by the height of such factors as equipment identification, equipment layout of the workshop is to process them according to various positioning equipment to determine equipment and buildings, equipment and the relative position between devices, the entire layout of the course , it is necessary to follow the process smooth, clean appearance, easy installation, operation and maintenance of the principle of easy to manage and transport. Cement in the national economy, the importance of Cement is the construction industry, one of three basic materials, the use of wide usage, and known as &the construction industry of food,& known. The amount of large, widely used in industrial and civil construction, transportation, urban construction, agriculture, forestry, water conservancy and other fields, some cement products embodied in some areas, superior performance, such as oil well cement. Although cement production require more energy, but the cement and sand, stone and other aggregates made of concrete is a low-power-type building materials, energy consumption per unit mass which is only 1/5-1/6 earlier. Aluminum Alloy 1 / 25, lower than 35% of red brick, according to forecasts, the next century, the main construction materials will be cement and concrete, cement production and therefore the study is still extremely important. For the smooth progress of nation-building and the people's livelihood improved water products have very important significance. Cement Industry Since the cement industry in the practical application of product, since one and a half centuries, the production continues to expand, the continuous improvement of processes and equipment, variety and quality have a great deal of development. Portland cement is the first time in the advent of the industrial revolution. China's cement industry has developed over the past decade, substantial increase in product quality, decreased heat consumption indicators. But overall, despite the development of China's cement industry has made great achievements, but the structural contradictions are still more prominent, mainly small-scale enterprises, the low grade of products, still accounts for a significant proportion of backward production capacity, energy, and resources high consumption, severe environmental pollution. The emergence of these problems, both long-term accumulation of the reasons for the low level of development, but also the past two years demand in the market, some companies regardless of industrial policy, brought about by blind expansion of low-level consequences. Therefore we have to further optimize the industrial layout, and the accelerated development of advanced industrial technology and reasonable allocation of machinery and equipment, and vigorously promote the modernization of the cement industry. More advanced technology in a number of selected new dry production areas. In order to support the vigorous exploitation of China's oil field development, and as soon as possible to promote the capacity of China's oil reserves, according to the design task of the book in our local construction of the 100,000 tons annual production capacity of special cement (G-type oil well cement) works to address the field of cement, according to the survey analysis The region enjoys convenient traffic, resource-rich mines, limestone from nearby mining, clay mining and distance of two kilometers of communism, from the vicinity of iron mining, car transportation, reliable electricity, adequate water, the plant has good conditions in the plant viable. The design based on relevant economic and industrial policy, and adhere to the capital program, in line with national standards. A practical, economic rationality, saving resources and protecting the environment for the principles of safety in production.


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