
各位大哥大姐,帮我解释一下英语短文,然后顺便回答几个问题,是英语高手的就进哈!There are more than 3,000 million people on the earth and about 2,500 languages.Of these languages only about twelve are used by more than 50 million people.Here are the names of some languages which have very wide use:Chinese,English,French,German,Japanese.etc.All these languages have more people speaking them today than ever before.A hundred and fifty years ago there were only about twenty million people who talked in English,for example.Now there are at least two hundred and fifty million,and there may be many,many moreMany students in China are learning English.Some of these students are small children.Others are teenagers.Many are adults.Some learn at school,other study by themselves.A few learn English language over the radio,on television,or in films.One must work hard to learn another language.Why do all these people want to learn English It is difficult to answer that question.Many boys and girls learn English at school because it is one of their subjects.They study their own language and math and Enlish.Some people learn English because at college or university some of their books are in English.Other people learn English because they want to read newspaper and magazines in English.1.What must one do if he wants to learn another language well?2.What does the sentence “It is difficult to answer the question.”mean?3.What does "their own language"mean?4.What's the Chinese of "study by themselves"?
翻译:世界上有超过30亿人和大约2500中语言.其中仅有12种使用人数超过5000万.以下这些语言被极其广泛的使用:汉语、英语、法语、德语、日语等等.现在人们使用这些语言超过以往任何时候.例如:在150年前,仅有大概2千万人使用英语交谈.而现在至少有两亿五千万人,而且会越来越多.许多中国学生在学习英语.有些学生是小孩子.还有些是青少年.多数是成年人.一些在课堂上学习,一些自学.有少数通过收音机、电视或者看电影去学习英语.学习别的语言必须非常努力.为什么这些都想学英语?回答这个问题很难.许多男生女生学英语,因为这是他们的课程.他们学习汉语、数学和英语……有些人学习英语是因为他们在大学用的书是英文的.另一些人学英语因为他们想阅读英文的报纸和杂志.1.如果想学好一门外语应该怎么做2.句子“难以回答这个问题”是什么意思3.这个“他们自己的语言”是什么意思4.“study by themselves”用汉语怎么说回答:1.work hard2.People learn English for many different reasons3.It means Chinese4.自学 这么长你也叫它短文.拜托,别开玩笑了,手都抽筋了.早点睡觉吧,不用这么刻苦...o(∩_∩)o
1.he must work hard to learn another language !2.why many people want to learn english ?what's for?3.mother language ,the language you spoke since you were born!4自学
1.they must work hard if he wants to learn another language well2.in chinese:"回答这个问题是困难的"3.in chinese:"用他们自己的语言"4.自学本文主要讲述了世界上语言的发展,着重介绍了英语的推广使用,以中国人学习英语的方法、目的阐述全文。第2题和第3题的意思是用中文解释...
他问的是这两句话的意思,总不见得让你用英语再同义句转换把,而且这两句一句是巨型,一句是常用短语,应该只要用中文翻译就可以了。 如果你要用英语的话 2.To answer the question is difficult. 3.use their mother language
1. One must work hard to learn another language.2. There are many reasons to this question.3. It means mother/native language.4. 自学。大意:世界上一共有30多亿人口,差不多2500种语言。只有12种语言被超过5000万人...
扫描下载二维码各位大哥大姐们,英语好的帮我写两篇英语作文,题目分别是My dream,不少于二百字的,还一个是The most important thing in my life,一共六十分.后天要交,
My deamI know my dream about to become an excellent soldier is quite different from the other people’s dreams.Such as become a lawyer,a manager or a teacher.And my parents didn’t agree me to be a soldier because they know there are so many latent rules in the society that I can’t understand now.they told me if I don’t go up to be a officer in battalion,I’ll become a ex-soldier after two years when finish my army’s life.And then I will become a simple college student and maybe I won’t have route of retreat about my work even my life.The most important reason is I will two years older than the others who are also the first time to get a job.The managers will choose the younger students but not me.In fact.I’m a simplex girl.I only hope I will become an excellent soldier in the future.Because I’m looking forward to wearing regimental.Hearing bugle.Saluting to national flag.I’m proud of militarism and blest duty of soldiers.When I have problems,I try my best to face to them because I believe an excellent soldier not only has a strong body but also need doughty soul.From now on,I will continue studying more hard and doing a good job for my beautiful dream.Maybe it won’t come true one day but I also have a fantastic recollection by militarismThe most important person in my lifeThe most important person in my life---my motherDuring my past 20 years,my mother gave me constant encouragement to go ahead.She was the most important person in my life.Every time I recall my childhood time,I will give my best thanks to my mother.From primary school to university,my classmates always admired my handwriting,and it brought me a lot of honors.It was my mother who led me into the handwriting field.Although she was not good at handwriting,she wanted her son to succeed in handwriting.So,she supervised me while I practiced.But the process of learning to write is not an easy one.In fact,it is quite difficult and tedious.That time it was my biggest headache to practice everyday.Thus,my steadfast nature and my various honors can be attributed to my mother.At that time I misunderstood my mother.I thought I was forced to practice this.But now I recognize this truth when I think of the past and then realize that it is all good for me.My mother is an optimistic person.No matter what difficulties she encounters she can always find hope.I am thankful for my mother.She has given me a comfortable environment during my childhood and adult years.She never forces me to achieve the highest level in my studies.When I succeed,she feels happy for me.When I have failed,as far as I can recall,she has never scolded me,nor has she punished me.Each time my mother has always listened to my problems and she has offered advice.From that time on,I will never make the same mistakes.Of course,love is the most important thing my mother gives me.It is difficult to describe al that my mother has done for me.These actions can not be expressed with any words.Our parents want us to live well.They want us to live better than them.They don’t expect us to repay them with anything.The love of our parents doesn’t need repay.They don’t care how much they pay out.The only thing they want is that their children visit them often,write to them frequently,telephone them more.Finally,I wish all mothers in the world can spend everyday happily.I hope that all of them can love to be 100 years old.Thank you!
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I Think I Can
If you think you are 【beaten】,
If you think you dare not, you don't;
If you want to win but think you can't;
It's almost a 【cinch 】you won't.
If you think you'll lose, you'
For out of the world we find
Success begins with a 【fellow's】
It's all in a state of mind.
Life's 【battles】 don't always go
To the stronger and faster man,
But sooner or later the man who wins
Is the man who thinks he can.
亲,这读的话大概1分钟就读完了,还没上台就下来了,亲,而且我刚才看到了 ,就是太短不然为什么没用?亲,再帮我找找吧亲,跪求啊,麻烦你了啊亲。。。
这是作文!!亲,好吧,我就在书中再给你找一个长一点的打上来~~亲等一会~~&& & It&is&well&known&that&we&should&write&our&own&english&essay&to&improve&our&language.&However,&I&once&got&difficult&with&it,&and&posted&a&help&shout&at&BAIDU.公认的人们应该独立完成自己的作文来提高水平。尽管如此,我曾一度陷入困难所以在百度求助。A&man&came&to&me&and&helped&me&a&lot,&with&an&essay&with&a&proper&length&of&200&words:)&He&blamed&to&me,&and&told&me&the&importance&of&developing&our&own&writing&skills.一个好心的男孩帮我写完了200字的作文。但是他责备我还教育我下次要独立写作的重要性。I&realized&that&although&i&lost&the&sense&of&individual&work&this&time.&I&was&completely&inspired&to&help&others&like&the&great&man(boy,&plz)&who&was&so&warm-hearted&to&me.&In&addition&I&should&hopefuly&learnt&a&lot&about&to&be&independent&next&time,&because&I&was&encouraged&to!我意识到虽然我失去了独立学习的机会,但是我被深深激励要像那个男孩一样多多帮助别人,助人为乐!同时我想我也被激励下次一定要独立克服困难。我还有更长的,你要吗??这是我课件上的~~&
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