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官方公共微信汉译英翻译的一些例子__汉译英 中译英 英译汉 在线翻译【经纬国际翻译网】
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详细内容 - 【】
1. 人们刚到时,吉姆组织了几个游戏来活跃气氛。
Jim organized a few games to break the ice when people first arrived.
2. 他们开始怀疑他的行为,于是就报了警。
They became suspicious of his behavior and reported to the police.
3. 那里有不下1000人在购票。
There were no less than a thousand people buying tickets.
4. 人们往往以为这个问题永远不会影响到他们。
People tend to think that the problem will never affect them.
5. 我不能这样子去上班――大家会笑话我的。
I can’t go to work looking like this―everyone will laugh at me.
6. 纽约以购物和夜生活闻名。
New York is a city famous for its shopping and night life .
7. 如果你下周遇到他,告诉他我下周迁往伦敦。
If you happen to meet him, tell him that I will move to London next week.
8. 这些桌椅可以根据孩子的身高进行调整。
These desks and seats can be adjusted to the height of any child.
9. 他们把他的到来理解为他愿意与他们交朋友。
They interpreted his arrival as showing that he wished to be their friends.
10. 我希望能对你的信件发表自己的看法,但确实没时间。
I often wish I could make comments on your letters but there is never time.
11. 你说的这些让我想起了你的父亲。
You remind me of your father when you say that.
12. 玛丽冒着生命的危险从大火中救出了自己的孩子。
Mary risked her life to save her child from the fire.
13. 他把这项工作看成是一次挑战,欣然接受。
He saw this work as a challenge to him and accepted it with pleasure.
14. 每个人都应该努力为社会做出积极地贡献。
Everyone should try his best to contribute positively to the society.
15. 在一些危险的工作中,机器人已经取代了人类。
Robots have been substituted for human beings in doing some dangerous work.
16. 他想到什么就说什么,还不考虑别人的感受。
She says what she thinks, regardless of other people’s feelings .
17. 他的演讲使我们对于教育中所存在的问题有了更深入的了解。
His speech gave us a deeper insight into the problems of education.
18. 有些动物会调整自己的行为去适应周围的环境。
Some animals will modify their behavior to adapt to their environment.
19. 游泳的时候,你应该知道如何协调自己的动作。
You should know how to coordinate your movements when you are swimming.
20. 星期五之前,我们最多只能完成任务的一半。
At best we can only finish half of the task before Friday.
21. 这所学校开始只有300学生,不过现在已经翻番了。
The school started with three hundred pupils, but now there are double that number.
22. 如果她已经尽了最大努力,别人如何评价她都没有关系。
If she does her best, it doesn’t matter what other people think of her.
23. 她因擅长演讲而著称。
She made a name for herself as an expert at giving speeches.
24. 无论什么人的成功都离不开勤奋。
Whoever he is, his success goes hand in hand with his hard work.
25. 晚会结束后,她因为他的幽默风趣而喜欢上了他。
After the evening party, she fell for him because of his humor.
26. 考试时太紧张,她没有拿到驾照。
She failed to get the driving license because she was too nervous in the test.
27. 在42岁时,他收养了一个孤儿。
He adopted an orphan at the age of 42.
28. 他确实把这题目讲活了。
His lectures on the subject really brought it to life.
29. 改革开放以来,社会发展进入了一个新时代。
Since reform and opening-up, the development of the society has stepped into a new era.
30. 这本书包含了你需要的信息。
This book contains all the information you need.
31. 那小偷整天提心吊胆怕被人发现。
That thief passed the day in fear of discovery.
32. 商店橱窗里陈列着各种商品。
Various goods are on display in the store window.
33. 老年人往往很保守,并对任何可能的进步都有点不信任。
Older people tend to be quite conservative and a bit suspicious of any possible advances.
34. 她总是很愉快的向我们打招呼。
She always gave us a cheery greeting.
35. 最后他们有点勉强地同意了我们的条件。
They finally agreed to our terms with a certain reluctance.
36. 因为家境贫困,她在17岁时就不得不辍学了。
She has to quit school at age of 17 because of her poor family.
37. 你看起来很眼熟,过去我可能在这儿见过你。
Your face seems familiar. I’ve probably met you here in the old days.
38. 该计划是成功还是失败,将完全取决于你。
The success or failure of the plan all depends on you.
39. 从某种意义上说,你拒绝加入那个俱乐部是对的。
In a sense you are right in refusing to join that club.
40. 在周六的足球赛上采取了什么措施来维持人群的秩序?
What measures have been taken to control the crowd at Saturday’s football match?
41. 做任何事都很急躁没有耐心是我们这个年龄段的人的一个特点。
Impatience in everything is a feature of our age.
42. 这个秘书已经为同一个老板工作20年了。
The secretary has worked for the same employer for 20 years.
43. 他不相信此类事情非常重要。
She did not believe that such things mattered much.
44. 伟人能以人格的力量征服他人。
A great man can dominate others by the force of character.
45. 他们进入银行的时候被警察发现了。
They were spotted by the police as they were entering the bank.
46. 你旅游时走陆路还是水路?
Are you traveling by land or by sea?
47. 他花了太多的时间玩游戏,所以期末考试不及格。
He failed the final exam because he had spent too much time in playing games.
48. 他的发明引发了一场工业革命。
His invention has led to a revolution in industry.
49. 他很自责错过了这绝好的机会。
He blamed himself bitterly for missing a golden opportunity.
50. 这项工作需要相关领域的经验。
Experience in a related field is a requirement for this job.
1. The conservative attitude is only to accept things familiar to them and to be suspicious of anything that is strange or foreign.
2. A lot of British people have a strong liking for coal or wood fireplaces, although it causes a great deal of work and adds to the pollution of the air.
3. Some of them liked to spend a great deal of money and trouble in putting in dummy fireplaces, which would never be used.
4. Closely related to English reserve is English modesty.
5. Sympathy is felt to be stronger than laughter.
6. Handshakes are only exchanged on a first introduction, special occasions, or as an expression of agreement or congratulation.
7. But they do hug or kiss a lot whenever or wherever they meet if they are friends.
8. Does the thought of failure send a cold shiver down your spine?
9. I spend too much time watching television.
10. Human beings learn by failure, by understanding what does not work, and by continuing to adjust their strategies until they find out what does work.
11. All of us made countless attempts trying to find out what to do so we could walk without constantly falling down.
12. Then somewhere down the line we were taught not to take risks, to play it safe, to only do what we knew would bring us success.
13. As a matter of fact, we might fail many times, but only by risking failure will we ever be able to grow.
14. If you are failing, you are in great company.
15. This allows you to obtain some benefit from the experience and then to move on.
16. He dedicated the following year to writing The Scarlet Letter which became a classic novel in American Literature.
17. We have all heard stories of the self-made person who, with very little formal education, has made a great success of life.
18. In many cases the simple measure of success is personal wealth, but whatever the measure they are perceived as being successful in their lifetime.
19. Leonardo da Vinci, who was a great painter and technological inventor, was also a pioneer in human anatomy, not because he was interested in medical education, but because he felt that to draw the human form well he needed to know what was under the skin.
20. In a sense one of his technological contributions was the development of his own ,so characteristic“yellow” , which made paintings like The Sunflowers so special.
21. Of course, providing a formal education for the truly gifted can produce people of spectacular ability such as Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking.
22. There are also examples of people well qualified in one field or discipline who are successful in another.
23. I believe that a university education should equip a person to be a creative contributor to society mainly in the discipline of their programme studies, but not exclusively so.
24. This definition of the purpose of a university education should be contrasted with the current widely accepted view that a university education is for employment or for getting a job.
25. Regardless of the purpose of university education, however, it is true that the better the qualification, the higher is the probability of getting the job one wants.
26. If you are thinking about a university education, see it as an opportunity to pursue a discipline you are interested in and through which you can be a creative contributor and initiator of creative endeavour.
27. America started the Internet Revolution, but it is my belief that it cannot finish it.
美国发起了因特网革命,但我相信她完成不了这一革命 。
28. A historical analogy to the Internet Revolution is the Industrial Revolution.
29. However, the newly rich were much disliked by British society, and although businessmen and engineers had money, they had no social standing.
30. There, computer entrepreneurs can become billionaires before they turn 30.
31. However, American society does not accept these newly rich, preferring to call them “computer geeks”.
32. Worse, American corporations do not respect their foreign employees ― Chinese and Indian graduate students.
33. So, like the Industrial Revolution in Britain, America’s prejudices will prove its downfall in the race to finish the Internet Revolution.
34. 中国 is the world’s youngest economic power, filled with great hope about the future.
35. Whereas Americans think it is “uncool” to know how to work the computer, every Chinese student loves the computer.
36. America’s mastering of the Industrial Revolution allowed it to speed past Britain economically, and 中国 may just speed past America.
37. But this is just one example of Chinese domination, and 中国’s talented young will provide other examples, and perhaps even complete the Internet Revolution.
38. Wang became a fashion designer in large part because of her own experience as a bride.
39. Wang solved the problem by having a wedding dress specially made.
40. With her connections and her unique bridal designs, Wang quickly made a name for herself as a designer.
41. Vera Wang has always lived a charmed life.
42. Wang had some talent on the ice, but she failed to make the U.S. Olympic team in 1968.
43. Her father wanted her to pursue a graduate degree in a practical subject like law or business.
44. She landed a job at Vogue magazine.
45. Becker spent the next nine years chasing Wang until she finally agreed to marry him.
46. But Tower Bridge, the first bridge over the Thames as you travel to London by sea, is the most famous of them all.
但是,惟有泰晤士河入海口处的第一座桥 ――塔桥,最为著名。
47. Tower Bridge, near the Tower of London, is one of the city’s principal landmarks.
48. The thing that is surprising about Tower Bridge is that it opens in the middle.
49. On its south side there are many tall, old buildings ― warehouses which hold things that have come to London by ship and are waiting to be sold.
50. On its north side stands the Tower of London itself.
Directions: In this exercise, there are five sentences. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence.1) As a college student, he was determined to independent________ his family.A. from B. of C. on D. with2) Professor of our university may have free______ to the library.A. entrance B. access C. cooperation D. abandonment3) Hopes are fading for the_________ of the missing climbers.A. arrival B. approval C. dismissed D. survival4) The task wasn’t easy, but we managed it ___________.A. some day B. somewhat C. somewhere D. somehow5) He was ______ of selling state secrets and arrested last month.A. Doubted B. suspicion C. suspected D. doubtful6) He is a ______ and kind- I am sure that he will help you.A. considered B. considerate C. considerable D. considering7) Some bars_____ the right to refuse entrance to teenagers.A. conserve B. preserve C. reserve D.deserve8) I ______ from this comments that the income tax would be increased.A. inferred B. implied C. suggested D. hinted9) Sounds are so familiar__________ us that we rarely try to find out their nature.A. with B. for C. to D. of10) It is impolite for children to cut______ when their seniors are talking.A down B. across C. away D. in11) They had no chance of winning, _______ they fought very bravely.A. since B. as C. if D. although12) She was ______ to death because of the strange noise she heard outside her house.A. reminded B. amazed C. scared D. amused13) The soldiers showed perfect______ under the fire of the enemy.A. principle B. potential C. ability D. discipline14) To be frank, I really prefer the former program to the_____A. late B. later C. lately D. latter15) I should like to rent a house Cmodern, comfortable and _____ in a quite location.A. after all B. above all C. at all D. in all16) The size of the audience, _______ we had expected, was well over one thousand.A. whom B. who C. which D. as17) The teacher as well as the students _________ watching a football match on TV.A. are B. to be C. is D. were18) I can hardly imagine Peter ________ across the Atlantic Ocean in five days.A. sail B. to sail C. sailing D. to have sailed 19) Remember that customers don’t _______ about prices in that city.A. debate B. consult C. dispute D. bargain 20)The British ______ with the French in building a space vehicle that neither country could afford by itself. A. cooperate B. cope C. correspond D. convey 21)Mr. Smith gradually ______ a knowledge of the subject through his self study. A. achieved B. attained C. acquired D. inquired 22)Several days after the operation Jack was beginning to feel ______ better. A. somehow B. somewhat C. anyhow D. anyway 23)As each contingent(代表团)______, there was a burst of applause from the watching crowd. A. went by B. went through C. went over D. went out 24)If you want a cheap ticket, you must ______ it well in advance. A. resolve B. represent C. reserve D. resemble 25)One of the attractive features of the course was the way the practical work had been ______ with the theoretical aspects of the subject. A. adjusted B. inspired C. installed D. integrated 26)In recent years the cost of living has been increasing ______ . A. primarily B. approximately C. significantly D. eventually 27)The box was so heavy that it was difficult for the old lady to ______ it. A. lift B. grab C. rise D. seize 28)Usually people under stress ______ express their full range of potential(潜能). A. care for B. tend to C. happen to D. lead to 29)It’s a bit ______ that no one knows where he was at the time of the murder. A. suspicious B. common C. excellent D. familiar 30)She tried to steer(转移)the ______ away from the topic of marriage. A. importance B. custom C. conversation D. sympathy31)When I first met him I had the ______ that he was a shy sort of a guy. A. impression B. meaning C. viewpoint D. reluctance 32)Every month the group meets so its members can _____ their views. A. change B. imply C. find D. exchange 33)He sent her a note of ______ on her election victory. A. thanks B. sympathy C. congratulation D. remark 34) Some kinds of birds which were once a(n)______ sight are now becoming rare. A. excellent B. common C. often D. ordinary 35) The fall in interest rates (利率) is ______ news for the borrowers. A. usual B. latest C. satisfied D. excellent 36)It took her a while to ________ to living alone after the divorce.A. adopt B. assign C. avoid D. adjust37) Please _______ a recent photograph to your application form.A. attach B. attract C. attack D. distract38) Are you _______ with the computer software they use?A. similar B. familiar C. peculiar D. particular39) I didn’t know whether to _______ her silence as acceptance or refusal.A. interrupt B. intend C. interpret D. invest40) It suddenly _______ to me that we could use a computer to do the job.A. happened B. occurred C. took place D. recalled41) Teachers have a limited amount of time to _______ with each child.A. interview B. interact C. review D. previewed42) She has the _______ to be our best player, but she needs to practice much harder.A. potential B. poverty C. position D. present43) The number of new students _______ from 210 to 160 this year.A. increases B. decreases C. defeats D. demands44) He is very ______; his understanding of what people say always goes beyond the surface meaning. A. patient B. intelligent C. literate D. diligent45) On entering his house, we at once ______ him to be a man of taste. A. perceived B. observed C. preserved D. received46) These journeys will give you an even deeper ______ into our language and culture. A. investigation B. inquiry C. insight D. communication46) For the first time in history, a man-made heart had been used to ______ for a human heart. A. create B. combine C. substitute D. replace47) Writing for the magazine has not been his ______ employment. He has other jobs. A. excessive B. instructive C. inclusive D. exclusive 48) This advertising campaign has ______ significantly to the success of the new car. A. achieved B. contributed C. resulted D. promoted49) He didn’t intend to ______ this conversation further himself, for he was not interested in it at all. A. follow B. provide C. pursue D. forgive50) Please remind me of the meeting again tomorrow, ______ I forget. A. in case B. in any case C. in case of D. in many cases51)Finding it difficult to ______ to the climate in the city, he decided to move to the north. A. adopt B. conform C. adapt D. suit 52)Nowadays streets in most of the big cities are ______ by motor vehicles. A. confronted B. constituted C. distributed D. dominated 53)The thing that ______ is not whether you succeed or fail,but that you at least try. A. minds B. matters C. cares D. plays 54)They have equipped the office with the ______ business machines. A. latest B. lately C. later D. latter 55)I prefer to walk along the river ______ play basketball on the playground. A. to B. more than C. better than D. rather than 56)When I saw Jane, I stopped and smiled, but she ______ me and walked on. A. refused B. ignored C. denied D. deserted57)She is a(n)______ housekeeper and feeds her family cheaply. A. economical B. economic C. beneficial D. efficient 58)They will try to keep us out, but we shall get in ______. A. whatever B. however C. somehow D. somewhat 59)This couple approaching their 40s had no children, so they _______ a child. A. adopted B. adapted C. adjusted D. absorbed 60)She first _______ as a writer of children’s books. A. was notified B. made a name for herself C. was noted D. was not interested 61)Dirt _______ to avoid disease we should keep as clean as possible. A. is related B. has linked C. goes hand in hand D. is concerned 62)_______ we had a good time in Peter’s home last Saturday. A. At end B. All in all C. Although D. At last 63)He didn’t feel very well in the middle of the process, and then he decided to_______ climbing to the top of the mountain. A. give in B. give off C. give out D. give up 64)Finally we all _______ his proposal because it is quite practical. A. agree with B. agree to C. agree on D. agree of 65)She _______ him at first sight and would follow him anywhere. A. fell for B. was attractive to C. fell to D. fell in love for 66)This should be read by some of them, in whole or _______ . A. partly B. as a whole C. wholly D. in part 67) The _______ reason for the great amount of pollution is that government does not take the lead in passing strong legislation against it. A. principle B. practical C. principal D. productive 68) It is _______ that he get the text of his revision typed. A. eventual B. apparent C. frequent D. necessary 69) Most of the people there are _______ in rags and wear no shoes. A. clothed B. cloth C. clothing D. clothes 70) It is believed that milk _______ something that will promote the health of human beings. A. regains B. contains C. maintains D. covers 71) We are happy that they are ______ willing to help at the news that we are in trouble. A. other than B. more than C. rather than D. less than 72) The stranger _______ his eyebrows as we walked by. A. lifted B. gifted C. lit D. shifted 73) Mary she always _______ when we take her to a party. A. holds out B. holds on C. holds up D. holds back 74) Mr. Hunter managed to______ his neglect of duty on the basis of his poor health.A. remember B. forget C. reject D. justify75) His salary went into five ______ a year.A. figures B. numerals C. numbers D. fingers76) His attitude to work mainly depends on ______ from the work.A. the offer B. the awardC. the reward D. the reflection77) At present, even selling newspapers and magazines will make a very good ________.A. benefit B. interest C. advantage D. profit78) I came here for nothing else but to see you ________.A. purpose B. on purposeC. to the purpose D. for the purpose79) Father’s smile ______ that he had forgiven the child, so the child became at ease again.A. implied B. inferred C. impressed D. improved80) The committee ______ of men of widely different views.A. is composed B. is consistedC. is concerned D. is contained81) This book is ______ to be read.A. worthy B. worth C. worthwhile D. worthless82) The incident aroused some ________ in the press.A. commands B. commentsC. committees D. commissions83) The train was met with a(n) ________ and many people were injured. A. accident B. affair C. matter D. incident84) Traffic in the city was ________ by a snowstorm.A. interpreted B. interviewedC. interrupted D. interfered85) If she could ________ the conditions there, we could take her.A. put forward B. put offC. put aside D. put up with86) I’m sorry , those overcoats are not ________ in your color and size.A. available B. favorableC. imaginable D. average87) I’ve been ________ the job of looking after the new students.A. resigned B. designedC. assigned D. signed 88) These material may help the students to be ________ of the teacher.A. depend B. dependentC. independence D. independent89) They ________ to have discovered a cure for the disease, but this had not yet been proved. A. claim B. exclaimC. complain D. explain90)The brain performs a very important ________; it controls the nervous system of the body. A. part B. function C. role D. service 91)They had ________ won the game when they had to stop playing. A. just think B. just then C. just about D. just when 92)I worked on a farm for a long time and so got a(n) ________ into the life of a farmer. A. insight B. finding C. realization D. understanding 93)Has Mary been informed ________ her father’s death yet? A. on B. against C. that D. of 94)So ________ was she in the novel that I hadn’t dared to make a sound. A. taken in B. absorbed C. missing D. concentrating 95)Just think what a mess the whole party ________ withoutyour timely arrival to stop the fight. A. would be like B. would be C. should be like D. would have been 96)If any lady owns this watch, will she please come forward and ________ it? A. demand B. require C. claim D. return 97)It was my younger brother who ________ me to jazz. A. informed B. introduced C. familiarized D. performed 98)I’m surprised that anyone of your intelligence ________ be so foolish as to believe this. A. is going to B. ought to C. should D. will 99)He always has some ________ ideas on company policy. A. positive B. imaginaryC. assuring D. critic 100) On the opposite wall ____ one map _____ dozens of pictures.A. including B. together with C. with D. as well as
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