
I NISS YOU_百度作业帮
是个误笔,应该是I miss u,我想你!·
i miss you我想你希望我的回答对您有帮助,祝好!学习进步哦!及时采纳,谢谢。
I miss you
应该是 i miss you .我想你
I miss you 我想你
您可能关注的推广I miss you 到底是什么意思啊?怎么别人评价我百度空间里的相片都这么说呢?_百度知道
I miss you 到底是什么意思啊?怎么别人评价我百度空间里的相片都这么说呢?
我思念你 的意思,楼主艳福不浅啊.........
Don't release any pieces of friendship. 不要错过任何一份难得的友谊。09.5.17Many Hiers asked me, why I could earn so much honor on the net in only one year. I just said, &Don't release any pieces of friendship.&Friendship never comes to you just whenever you want. It depends on your action. Often, you are interested in someone, but not also for him or her! You need to be generous first, but not just wait others care about you.I just want to say some skills. Hiers often have the experience that someone wants to make friends with you. For some people, they just have a look absent-mindedly, then forget. They never pay attention to the new friends, so they miss so many chances to make friends. At the beginning, I do as they did. But, after that, I noticed that this is not a fine method. The chances are all valuable. It's such a pity if we release them. For me, I write down a piece of message to the new friend first. Then I read his/her passages, and write down comments on my own initiative, if I'm interested in them. As you do that, you make good impression on him/her. He/She will think you are a warm-hearted man. He/She is willing to make friends with you! Now you have a new friend imperceptibly.If suddenly someone says he/she wants to make friends with you, not absent-minded, not so willing either. Between you two, you are still stranged, in fact. If you just absent-minded, you may miss a real friend. If you behave so willing to make friends with him/her, now you may be feel happy. But as the time goes, you will also find disadvantages on him/her. You bring more sadness to yourself. What a pity. You can just add his/her space to your link board, and care about him/her for some time. If you think you are very glad to make friends with him/her, then got it. Never late.The Extremed Sky, and The Bamboo in Dreamed Rain, I first be warm-hearted to them, then I got their good impression. Of course, a good many friends are all like them.In a word, being more initiative, more warm-hearted, and pay attention to every small chances.许多 Hier 都问我,为什么仅仅一年的时间,我就能在网上赢得这么多的荣誉。我只想说,不要错过任何一份难得的友谊。友谊不是你想来就来的,这要看你的实际行动。很多时候,你可能会对另外一个朋友感兴趣,但是 ta 并不也对你感兴趣呀!你需要自己首先大方起来,而不只是自己一个人默默地等待别人来关心你。我只想说一些小技巧。Hier 们都经常会碰到哪个 Hier 把你加为好友了。许多人可能只是不屑地过去一看,看不上就走了,然后就忘到九霄云外去了,一点不重视这位新朋友,这样就丢了那么多做朋友的机会,多可惜。我呢,最开始也是这样。可是,后来,我觉得这样不好。毕竟这样的机会很难得,失去了就太可惜。我呢,就先去留言,说以后会关注的。然后,主动一点,去看 ta 的文章,感兴趣的呢,就发评论。这样呢,别人会对你有很好的印象,觉得你很热情,非常愿意和你做朋友。这样,你就不知不觉又多了一个朋友。看到别人加你为好友,你既不要不管不问,也不要很高兴似的也迫不及待把 ta 加为好友。毕竟都还是陌生的,彼此不了解。如果不管不问,那你就有可能丢失了一个原本已经到来的知心朋友。如果迫不及待的加,那等相处的时间长了,才发现了 ta 身上有很多瑕疵,觉得不适合,又要去删除,这多可惜。你可以先把 ta 的空间加为友情链接,一旦有更新就及时去看。如果你们俩有很多相同点,你觉得和 ta 做朋友很合适的话,就再添加好友也不迟。虚幻DE天空、梦雨筱竹,这两个朋友都是我自己先对他们热情,才赢得了他们的好感。当然还有许多朋友都是这样的,我就不一一说了。总之,要主动一点,要热情一点,要珍惜每一次难得的机会!另外,站长团上有产品团购,便宜有保证
出门在外也不愁I forlow you是我服你的意思吗_百度作业帮
I forlow you是我服你的意思吗
是哦,i follow you 1.我服了你2.我跟着你
是没有forlow 只有followfollow 是跟随的意思I forlow you我跟随你也就是我服从你所以I forlow you是我服你的意思的海词问答和网友补充:


