光头 的我爱你用法语怎么说说

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英文翻译le roi soleilsun king:&&&&the sun:&&&&rule over
例句与用法1.If you have extra day , you may also visit another popular destination coral island at isla contoy , is a biosphere reserve and national bird sanctuary where visitor can view herons , pelicans and other birds in a unspoiled environment . one da废墟,是世界著名的七大奇景之一,也是目前保存最为完整的玛亚文明遗址太阳王电影在此拍摄,而不远的土隆2.If you re a mayan culture lover , you may spend extra day to visit tulume corridor . one day for a abundance of water sport activities , such as : swimming , snorkeling , diving , parachuting , windsurfing , jet skiing and wate r skiing中年纪的朋友们,或许还记得太阳王这部电影,是由光头影帝尤勃连纳主演,该片就是叙述玛亚人为了逃避人祸,远走坎宫,最后与当地的印第安人合作,击败追兵的故事。


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