
American Is a Place Where Hard Work Should Be Rewarded(October 11, 2014)《美国应该是一个辛勤工作能得到回报的地方》(日) Hi,everybody.大家好。For the first time in more than 6 years, the unemployment rate is below 6%.6年多以来的第一次,失业率降到了6%以下。Over the past four and a half years, our businesses have created more than 10 million new jobs.在过去的四年半里,我们的经济已经创造了超过1000万新的就业岗位。That’s the longest uninterrupted stretch of private sector job creation in our history. 这是我们历史上持续最长时间私营部门不间断地创造着就业岗位。But while our businesses are creating jobs at the fastest pace since the 90s,the typical family hasn’t seen a raise since the 90s also.但当我们的经济自90年代以来以最快的速度创造着就业岗位,一个典型的家庭却自90年代以来从未看到工资的上涨。Forks are feeling as squeezed as ever. 人们一如既往地感觉受到压榨。That’s why I’m going to keep pushing policies that will create more jobs faster and raise wages faster,也因此我将继续推进,更快创造就业岗位,更快提高工资的政策policies like rebuilding our infrastructure,making sure women are paid fairly, and making it easier for young people to pay off their student loans.比如重建我们的基础设施,确保妇女可以获得公平的报酬,以及让年轻人更容易地付清他们的学生贷款。But one of the simplest and fastest ways to start helping folks get ahead is by raising the minimum wage.但其中最简单最快捷的帮助人们取得成功的方式,是提高最低工资标准。Ask yourself : could you live on $14,500 a year?问一下你自己:一年$14,500,你能生活得很幸福吗?That’s what someone working full-time on the minimum wage makes.这正是一些全职工作的拿最低工资的人所挣到的薪水。If they’re raising kids, that’s below the poverty line.如果他们在抚养孩子,那就在贫困线以下了。And that’s not right. 这是不对的。A hard day’s work deserves a fair day’s pay.一天辛勤的工作应该得到一天公平的薪水。Right now, a worker on the federal minimum wage earns $7.25 an hour.当下,在联邦最低工资标准下,一个员工每小时可以挣到$7.25.It’s time to raise that to $10.10 an hour.是时候将其提高到每小时$10.10了。Raising the federal minimum wage to $10.10 an hour, or ten-ten, would benefit 28 million American workers,28 million.提高联邦最低工资标准到每小时$10.10,或者10-10,将造福于美国2800万的国人。2800万。 And these aren’t just high schoolers on their first job.这不仅仅包括刚开始第一份工作的高中生。The average worker who would benefit is 35 years old.受益于此的人们的平均年龄是35岁。Most low-wage workers are women, and that extra money would help them pay the bills and provide for their families.大多数低工资的人是妇女,这些额外的钱,将帮助他们付清账单,并供养他们的家人。It also means they’ll have more money to spend at local businesses, which grows the economy for everyone.这也意味着他们将有更多的钱在当地的商家进行消费,这是在为每一个人发展经济。But Congress hasn’t voted to raise the minimum wage in seven years. Seven years.但国会已经七年没有就提高最低工资标准投票了。七年了。And when it got a vote earlier this year, Republicans flat-out voted “no”当今年早些时候有一个投票的机会,共和党人断然投票反对。That’s why, 也因此,Since the first time I asked Congress to give America a raise, 13 states, 21 cities and D.C., have gone around Congress to raise their workers’ wages.自我首次要求国会给美国提高工资的机会开始,13个州,21个城市以及哥伦比亚特区,已经绕过国会提高了他们那里工人的工资。 Five more states, have minimum wage initiatives on the ballot next month.还有五个州,在下个月就有最低工资标准的投票议程。More companies are choosing to raise their workers’ wages.更多的企业正在选择提高他们员工的工资。A recent survey shows that a majority of small business owners support a gradual increase to ten-ten an hour, too.一项近期的调查显示,大部分的小企业主,也支持将工资标准逐步提高到每小时$10.10.And I’ve done what I can on my own by requiring federal contractors, to pay their workers at least ten-ten an hour.我已经做了我能做的事情,要求联邦的承包商,支付给他们员工的工资最少是每小时$10.10. On Friday, a coalition of citizens, including business leaders, working moms, labor unions, and more than 65 mayors, told Republicans in Congress, to stop blocking a raise for millions of hard-working Americans.在周五,一个由公民们组成的团体,包括商界领袖,工作中的母亲,工会以及65位以上的市长,告诉国会的共和党人,停止阻挠对数百万辛勤工作国人有益的工资上涨。Because we believe that in America, nobody who works full-time, should ever have to raise a family in poverty.因为我们相信,在美国,全职工作的人,不应该在贫困中支撑着整个家庭。And I’m going to keep up this fight until we win.我将继续进行这样的努力直到我们取得胜利。 Because America deserves a raise right now.因为美国现在应该得到一个提高工资的机会。And America should forever be a place where your hard work is rewarded.美国永远都应该是一个辛勤工作能得到回报的地方。Thanks, and have a great weekend.谢谢大家,周末快乐。 包含各类专业文献、应用写作文书、幼儿教育、小学教育、中学教育、专业论文、行业资料、外语学习资料、生活休闲娱乐、高等教育、70奥巴马每周演讲中英翻译――美国应该是一个辛勤工作能得到回报的地方等内容。
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at a time when the womens’voices were silenced and their hopes dismissed,she lived to see them stand up and speak out and reach for
the ballot ,yes we can!
—— hb437012
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