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广告Game of War
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麻煩大家幫我睇下個4D3N 行程呀, 咁大個女第一次去台灣, 重要自由行tim! 有d 擔心 !!麻煩大家幫我睇下個行程得唔得呀, 我咁大個女第一次去台灣, 重要自由行tim, 所以有d 擔心 !! 我同朋友10月1日出發, 10月4日返HK, 總共4日3 夜, 住係假日環球 ^^ Day 1 機場 (10:30 a.m. 度到台灣) ==& 諗緊(10:30-2:00)可以去邊, 問左酒店要2:00 先可以CHECK IN ==& 酒店( 放好左D 行李先) ==& 淡水 ==& 士林及美麗華Day 2 酒店 ==& 鼎泰豐 ==& Ice Monster ==& 誠品書店及附近書街==&三越 ==&西門町Day 3 酒店 ==& 袖珍博物館 ==&木柵動物園 ==& (市政府站, 忠孝敦化站及忠孝復興站) 想去行下街, 有乜好介紹? ==& 遼寧夜市Day 4 我地係8:30 p.m.機, 咁幾點去到機場好呢? 重有Day4 諗唔到去邊好呀 &Day 1 機場~敦化誠品書店~CHECK IN ~北投溫泉~淡水日落(超靚,我每次會台北一定會去,小吃也很讚,淡江大學也很靚)~士林(不去也罷)及美麗華(在劍潭捷運站有免費巴士)Day 2 酒店~袖珍博物館~木柵動物園~台北車站(新光三越、太平洋崇光、地下商店)~饒河夜市Day 3 酒店~鼎泰豐~故宮~誠品書店及附近書街~西門町Day 4 酒店~東區商圈(華納威秀影城、台北101)~Ice Monster~機場
台灣自由行請幫我安排五日四夜台灣自由行,到北投、鳥來浸溫泉,Day 1 機場~敦化誠品書店~CHECK IN ~北投溫泉~淡水日落(超靚,我每次會台北一定會去,小吃也很讚,淡江大學也很靚)~士林(不去也罷)及美麗華(在劍潭捷運站有免費巴士)Day 2 酒店~木柵動物園~深坑豆腐街~饒河夜市Day 3 酒店~袖珍博物館~故宮~台北車站(新光三越、太平洋崇光、地下商店)~西門町Day 4 酒店~烏來~鼎泰豐~誠品書店及附近書街~龍山寺~華西街夜市Day 5 酒店~東區商圈(華納威秀影城、台北101)~Ice Monster~機場
英文/中文的問題!!~(10分)急急急!!~中文 幫我作唔該 ^^ 1.為什麼霞光照在不同的動物身上會有不同顏色? 2.如果霞光照在樹葉上,會變成什麼顏色? 3.詆形容一種葉子。 3.你有寫日記的習慣嗎? 你今天有什麼美妙的事件? 試說出以下兩句意思:
a. 「欲窮千里目,更上一層樓。」
b.「學如逆水行舟,不進則退。」 英文 Willy’s favourite snack was ice-cream , especially the chocolate ones . He had the bad habit of eating them one after another.
‘This is bad for your health . ‘ Scolded Willy’s mother . ‘ It will make you very fat . ‘
Willy was not going to listen to his mother .Willy was not going to stop eating ice – cream . He loved them too much.
One night , Willy had a nightmare . He dreamt that he has turned into an ugly and fat ice- cream monster. People would run away when they see him.The monster was so greedy . He would gobble up all the ice-cream cones.
The next day , Willy did not eat any ice-cream at all . Do you know why? 1.What was Willy’s favourite snack? 2.What bad habit does Willy have ? 3.Why did his mother want him to stop eating ice-cream? 4.Why wouldn’t Willy stop eating ice-cream? 5.Can you guess why he did not eat any ice-cream the next day?英文: (1)Willy’s favourite snack was ice-cream. (2)He had the bad habit of eating them one after another. (3)Because the ice-cream is bad for Willy’s health and make Willy very fat. (4)Because he loved them too much. (5)?
結界師 烏森妖奇談一問…當我打完第三話boss&土蝦蟆&之後,打下一關(…..探……),在(….附近)的地方開始.當殺完所有妖怪後,就會在結冰的泳池上出現【戰鬥結束】之後會直接進入學校中,但在一、二、三、四樓殺完所有妖怪後(包刮課室),也不能過關,(試了十幾次還是不行),究竟如何能過關?有沒有祕道?Help!!!!!!!!!!!! 「…….」是看不懂的日文On 一樓, there is a broken window, go out you will see the 結冰的泳池 areaRemeber to kill all the monster and beware of the bone dragon and the ghost holding a lamp.Bone Dragon:1) kill it when it is small, you need to make the square twice2) when it become big, do not try to kill it when it turn to a circle, make the square as big as you can ghost holding a lamp:1) make a square in front of its chest(not touching it or the square will dissolve) before its attack.As for the boss, it is an ice rat1) when it attack with small ice, make a lot of small square around you to block it, DO NOT MAKE BIG SQUARE2) when it attack with big cluck of ice, make a square in front of the ice, just like the ghost holding a lamp3) it will run toward you , jump to dodge it.4) it will run away, and develop a new attack , sprang up ice from the ground, jump to dodge it
有無D關於Rock或者結他,,,,Punk呀D算既電視Or電影好睇呀?有無D關於Rock或者結他,,,,Punk呀D算既電視Or電影好睇呀?最好就係Rock或者結他既電視,電影啦!!仲有,,有無D好聽既Rock或者結他Music呀??School of Rock阿sir嚟自樂人谷/trailer/index.asp?mov_id=1260&ver=B5Metallica 的音樂紀錄片Some kind of monster/title/tt0387412/Nirvana fans會睇Last days最後的日子http://www.hkifflink.net/index.php?s=Last+DaysJ rock/punk fans會鍾意NaNa重點推薦:The Wall迷牆~Pink Floyd1979年,他們推出了《The Wall》1,2概念專輯1982年,Alan Parker將《The Wall》拍成電影Bass手Roger Waters 所寫以不間斷的連續方式敘述了一位搖滾樂明星從嬰兒的降生開始到成人後的人生沉浮經歷,命運的陰影始終追隨在他待身旁左右,使其生存在瀕臨崩潰的人生邊緣上。這一預言式的宏大作品,通過其深刻的反思而概括了從泠戰陰影、教育危機、人性異化直至世界末日般恐怖的西方社會在那個時代的總特徵。每一首歌砌上一塊磚故事內容內容是圍繞著一個虛構的故事,將一位名為 Pink Floyd 歌星的孤獨比喻成一堵精神上的牆所展開的,而牆是由他在人生各個階段所產生的,而且無法排斥的一種精神失落,它不是以人的意志為轉移並隨他的人生成長演化發展而成。專輯的開篇便是通過邀請無意識的觀眾進入 Floyd 的演出 (&In The Flesh?&) 而展開的,剛一出世的 Floyd 就面對著如履薄冰的人生 (&The Thin Ice&) ,然後轉回到孩子時代對在二次大戰中陣亡的父親的回憶 (&Another Brick In The Wall Pt.1&) ,上學後又不得不面對填鴨式的刻板教育制度的傷害 (&The happiest Days Of Our Lives&以及 &Another Brick In The Wall Pt.2&) ;回到家中他的母親又對其過份愛護而使他感受不到任何家庭的溫暖 (&Mother&) ,他不由得自問: &我該相信政府嗎?他們會把我送上火線嗎?我該建築一道牆嗎?&;但在甜言蜜語的回答中,他看到的卻只是這個世界依然充斥著漫天而降的炸彈和奔向掩體的平民 (&Goodbye Blue Sky&) ;他迷惑了,不知何去何從 (&Empty Space&) ;於是他自甘墮落下去,在他對性的憧憬渴望中 (&Young Lust&) 高喊著: &I need a dirty girl.& ;然而在現實無奈的空虛中,只能假裝一切都好,但日復一日,愛變得灰暗,他卻變老而得不到任何快樂 (&One Of My Turns&) ;他感到的只是冰冷葬禮的鼓聲以及女友的離去後所發出的悽慘的哀鳴 (&Don’t Leave Me Now&) ;此時的 Floyd 已經完全絕望,他已不再相信任何人,他覺得他就像一塊牆上的磚頭被強行禁錮在其中迷失了自我 (&Another Brick In The Wall Pt.3&) ;最後,在他結束曲終人散 (&Goodbye Cruel World&) 中徹底將自己和週圍的世界隔離開而結束了第一盤唱片的內容,而此時 Pink Floyd 已完全建立起來的自我封閉的牆,它表明他已深深地陷入精神失落的旋渦之中。第二盤在 Pink Floyd 面對外面的世界尋求自我解脫 (&Hey You&) 中開始,而美妙的吉他演奏曲終人散(&Is There Anybody Out There?&) 以及低沉的管樂 (&Nobody Home&) 折射出此時 Floyd 的孤獨情感,對人生迷茫的他哀嘆到 &……But I’ve got nowhere to fly to.& ;精神憂鬱的 Floyd 面對著電視中反映二次大戰時期的電影時喚起他悲傷的回憶,不由發出痛苦的哀鳴 (&Vera&) ;隨後在一片鼓樂齊鳴般古典彌撤風格的頌歌合唱中,引出了整部專輯的核心曲目錄 (&Bring The Boys Back Home&) 中則唱出了他強烈的反戰心聲;當他的唱片公司使用藥物誘使其完成 (&Comfortably Numb&) 後,他不由得想逃避,並發問到 &這場表演還要繼續下去嗎?&為何不轉身逃走?然而此時此刻,他已沒有退路,他不由不將這場表演進行下去 (&The Show Must Go On&) ;在演出現場,他那種憂鬱不振的情緒最終異化為一種莫名的憎惡和歇斯底里般的法西斯式發作成 (&In The Flesh&) ,他嚎叫到 &If I had my way, I’d have of you shut.& ;他不願被社會帶走的靈魂,寧願 (&Run Like Hell&) ;在溫暖但混亂的戰慄中,他再度迷茫,孤立無援只能 (&Waiting For The Worms&) ,伴隨著痛苦,他的心在流血,精神已疲憊不堪,終於將這埸表演 (&Stop&) ;而在 (&The Trial&) 中,他通過精神上進行的審判,最終將他心靈的這道牆推倒後,Pink Floyd 終於走出牆外出 (&Outside The Wall&) 和人們又聚在一起而結束全曲。回首往事,牆那邊又是一群瘋狂的小孩子們,他們是否又在建造自己的牆嗎?這張唱片向我們展示了追求理想的曲折路程,它以內心的沉思為主,以 &牆&比喻人性的枷鎖,在經歷種種挫折和失敗後,不再沉淪,不再逃避,勇敢地走出 &牆&外,尋找自己的新天地。
runescape 的任務我想知how can i finish the knights sword, the restless ghost and
where can i find julietPLEASE!!!Restless ghost , The quest:1- Father Aereck sends you to his friend Father Urhney in Lumbridge Swamp.2- Go north and west around Lumbridge Castle, and then south . You will come to a wall that blocks off the Swamp. Follow the wall west until it ends, then go east and south as far as you can to a small house near a mining area (or you can take the shortcut mentioned in the notes if possible to avoid this walk).3- Speak to Father Urhney to get a Ghostspeak amulet.4- Wear the amulet and go back to Lumbridge graveyard and talk to the ghost in the crypt. He wants you to bring his skull back. 5- You can find the skull in the basement of Wizard Tower, located southeast of Draynor Village. In the eastern room there is an altar, search this to find the skull and you will get attacked by level 13 Skeleton that you can either fight or just run from. 6- Return to the ghost and speak to it, then place the skull on his coffin. He can finally rest in peace. Reward: Ghostspeak amulet and 1,125 prayer xp. Quest points gained on completion: 1Knight sword , The quest:Reldo: Head to Varrock and talk with Reldo in the palace, and ask him about the Imcando Dwarves. Once you have done this, go make a redberry pie if you haven’t done that already.Thurgo: When you have the pie, go as far south of Port Sarim as you can (until you see the sea, further south than Rimmington) and find the dwarf called Thurgo. Ask if he’d like some pie, and then speak with him again about making a special sword.Getting the picture: Go back and talk with the Squire. He’ll tell you that Sir Vyvin has a portrait of his father with the sword. Go to the third floor of the Falador castle and locate Sir Vyvin. Either get a friend to talk with him (choosing distraction) then search the cupboard on the wall. You can also leave the door open and wait for him to go out of the room. When he does, close the door and then search the cupboard. Either method works.Dwarf: Once you have the portrait, go back to the dwarf. He’ll tell you that you need to get him 2 iron bars and a blurite ore. The iron bars shouldn’t be a problem, however the blurite ore is a bit tricky. You might want to bring a friend to protect you in this part of the quest, unless you think you can take on a level 57 monster. Go down the ladder just east of Thurgo’s house, and then all the way in. Once you’re at the ice warriors, look around for some blue rocks near the back of the cave. Mine one of them, and get out again. When you have the 2 iron bars and the blurite ore, go back to Thurgo again. See &Getting a second sword& below for instructions on how to get a second blurite sword you can keep for yourself.Finishing: When you have the sword, simply head back to the Squire and get your reward
Getting a second sword: When you go back to the Squire with the blurite sword, he will take it from you. If you want to have your own blurite sword that you can keep, you have to ask Thurgo to make one for you before you return to the Squire.When you go into the ice cave to get the blurite ore, get an extra ore. You will also need another 2 iron bars (4 total). When you speak to Thurgo, he will take 1 blurite ore and 2 iron bars to make your first blurite sword. After he gives you the first sword, drop or wield it before you speak to him again. Then speak to him quickly before it disappears. Thurgo will make you another sword. Then all you have to do is pick up the one you dropped if you did drop it.Drop the second sword, keep it wielded or bank it before you speak to the Squire for your reward. Be sure to drop or wield one of the swords before you speak to him. You can pick it up after you get your reward if you dropped it. If you keep both swords in your inventory when you speak to the Squire, he’ll take both of them.Reward: 12,725 smithing exp. Quest points gained on completion: 1juliet is on the upstare near the varrock bank
英文歌一問 15分我想問以下幾位歌手有啲咩係好聽嘅歌,請列表 1. Lady Gaga 2. Taylor Swift 3. Miley Cyrus 4. Britney Spears 5. Beyonce 6. Avril Lavigne 7. 楊丞琳 8. 梁文音 9. F.I.R. 如果你地有咩覺得好聽嘅歌都歡迎推薦俾我,中英新舊皆可。多謝 P.S. The Fame, Poker Face, Paparazzi, Money Honey, Love Game, Just Dance, Boys Boys Boys, Beautiful Dirty Rich, Bad Romance, Telephone, Starstruck, Love Story, Fearless, Change, Fifteen, Party in the U.S.A, The Climb, The Time Of Our Lives, 3, Toxic, Gimme More, Piece of Me, Womanizer, Irreplaceable, Innocent, When You're Gone, Complicated, 雨愛, 匿名的好友, 可以不愛了, 千年之戀, 我們的愛 等等呢啲都聽過所以可以剔除 Thx X 100000!1. Gaga: -Alejandro -Christmas Tree -Eh Eh (Nothing Else I Can Say) -I Like It Rough -Monster -Paper Gangsta -Speechless -Vanity -Wish You Were Here -Wonderful
2. Taylor: -American Boy -American Girl -Beautiful Eyes -Breathe -Crazier -Forever And Always -Hey Stephen -Invisible -Jump Then Fall -Our Last Night -Our Song -Place In This World -Should've Said No -Teardrops On My Guitar -The Best Day -Tim McGraw -Untouchable -White Christmas -White Horse -You're Not Sorry -You Belong With Me
3. Miley Cyrus -7 Things -As I Am -Before The Storm -Butterfly Fly Away -Breakout -Girls Just Wanna Have Fun -G.N.O (Girls Night Out) -Hoedown Throwdown -If We Were A Movie -Just A Girl -Let's Get Crazy -Nobody's Perfect -One In A Million -Rock Star -Spotlight -The Best Of Both Worlds -You'll Always Find Your Way Back Home
4. Britney -…Baby One More Time -Amnesia -And Then We Kiss -Blur -Boys -Break The Ice -Circus -Don't Let Me Be The Last To Know -Everytime -If U Seek Amy -I'm A Slave 4 U -I'm Not A Girl, Not Yet A Woman -Kill The Lights -Lucky -Me Against The Music (ft Madonna) -My Baby -Oops…I Did It Again -Out From Under -Piece Of Me -Quicksand (ft Lady Gaga) -Radar -Shattered Glass -Stronger -Unusual You
5. Beyonce -Beautiful Liar -Crazy In Love -Deja Vu -Get Me Bodied -Halo -If I Were A Boy -My Man -Naughty Girl -Poison -Radio -Single Ladies (Put A Ring On It) -Video Phone
6. Avril -Alice -All You Will Never Know -Alone -Complicated -Contagious -Don't Tell Me -Everything Back But You -Falling Down -Fall To Pieces -Girlfriend -He Wasn't -Hot -I'm With You -I Always Get What I Want -I Can Do Better -I Don't Give A Damn -I Don't Have To Try -I Will Be -Keep Holding On -Mobile -Nobody's Home -One Of Those Girls -Runaway -Sk8er Boi -The Best Damn Thing -Things I'll Never Say -Tomorrow -Too Much To Ask -Under My Skin -Unwanted -When You're Gone -Why -You Never Satisfy Me
7. 楊丞琳 -任意門 -曖昧 -下一次微笑 -左邊 -半熟宣言 -狼來了 -單眼皮 -理想情人 -習慣 -不見 -太煩惱 -女生我最大 -缺氧 -你是壞人 -學會
8. 梁文音 -最幸褔的事 -我不是你想像那麼勇敢 -第一眼 -哭過就好了 -愛一直存在 -親愛的是我 -滿滿 -咬人貓 -第六感 -三個願望 -最最 -很久很久以後 -小眼睛放大鏡
9. FIR -尋夢之途 -Fly Away -光芒 -塔羅牌 -我要飛 -刺鳥 -I can't go on -無限 -盛宴 -應許之地 -把愛放開 -愛的力量
runescape slayer master(15分)My stats: Attack:70 Strengh:66 Defence:63 ranged:72 Hp:73 pray:46 slayer:46 COMBAT LV:80 What slayer master should I choose? 1:Vannaka(Edgeville) 2:Chaeldar(Zanaris)(I have done lost city quest) And what is their common order? (like(e.g.)Now you go kill 60 orges) 19:58:50sor,I forget I have Black D’hide full,obby cape,dragon med helm,dragon boots,rune kiteshield as normal shield,and amulet of glory,combat bracelet.Now,can you note me again please?If you don’t have some high defence points armour(dragon or barrow) I prefer you to chooseVannaka,because his task’s monsters’ level are not too high and your level can afford it(such as Mogres and Moss Giants). And their are always change,so we can’t know what they always want to order us but they will usually call you to kill some large amount of lower level monster(ice warrior) or kill a little amount of higher level monsters(blue dragon).
05-06年香港上映外語片列舉 (20 marks)有冇人可以列晒05-06年香港上映過o既西片名(中文&英文)!!列晒~20 marks~無限感激!thanks!這是2006年在香港上映過的西片 1)無國界追兇 (The Constant Gardener)2)布達佩斯之戀(Gloomy Sunday)3)King Kong 4)哈利波特:火盃的考驗(Harry Potter abd the Goblet of fire)5)聖誕快樂(Merry Chirstmas)6)四眼雞丁(Chicken Little)7)冒牌伴郎生擒姐妹團(Wedding crashers)8)賊壇新人王(Fun with Dick and Jane)9)魔幻王國:獅子.女巫.魔衣櫥(The Chronicles of Narnis:The Lion The Witch abd The Wardrobe)10)隔著阿媽說愛你(Prime)11)慕尼克(Munich)12)平頭日記(Jarhead)13)傲慢與偏見(Pride and Prejudice)14)冷血字傳(Capote)15)銅牆火壁(Firewall)16)V煞(V for Vendetta)17)搞咩得愛情爛片王(Date Movie)18)死神再3來了(Final Destination 3)19)本能2(Basic Instinct 2)20)油激間暗戰(Syriana)21)深山大屠殺(Tje Hills have eyes)22)案內人(Inside Man)23)極地雪犬(Eight Below)24)弦途有你(Walk the line)25)冰河世紀2(Ice Age :the meltdown)26)魔法保母麥菲(Nanny Mcphee)27)舞.出色(Take the Lead)28)好狗先生(The Shaggy dog)29)獸猛盔奇兵(The Wild)30)職業特工隊 3(Mission Impossible 3)31)達文西密碼(The Da Vinci Code)32)變種特工 3(X-Men : the last stand)33)海神號(Poseidon)34)凶(The Omen)35)你.我.他她他(Me and You and Everyone we know)36)球愛可人兒(She's the man)37)四條腿拯救隊(Over the Hedge)38)撞車(Crash)39)我和茱茱有個約會(Date with Drew)40)加菲貓2(Garfield 2)41)超人:強勢回歸uperman Returns)42)反斗車王(Cars)43)魔怪屋(Monster House)44)加勒比海海盜:決戰魔盜王(Pirates of the Caribbean:Dead man's chest)45)魔入口(Slither)46)邁阿密風暴(MiamiVice)47)禍水(Lady in the water)48)小蟻霸(The Ant Bully)49)聯合93(Unites 93)50)毒蛇嚇機(Snakes on plane)51)旋風特務(Stormbreaker)52)情流戀屋(The Lake House)53)命令自選台(Click)54)穿Prada的惡魔(The Devil wears Parda)55)生死格鬥(DOA : Dead or Alive)56)超女.強勢回歸(MySuperEx-Girlfriend)57)絕望的真相(An Inconvenient Truth)58)浮花(Volve)59)無間道風雲(The Departed)60)艷屍案中案(The Black Dehila)61)死亡魔法(The Prestige)62)世貿中心(World Trade Centre)63)舞出真我(Step Up)64)驚濤搶救(The Guardian)65)遇上塔羅牌殺手(Scoop)66)沖出水世界(Flushed Away)67)陽光小小姐(ittle Miss Sunsine)68)俠影魔龍(TheEragon)69)新鐵金剛智破皇家賭場(Casino Royale)70)踢蹥小企鵝(HappyFeet)71)聖誕頌(The Nativity Story)72)恐懼鬥室3(Saw 3)73)德州電鋸殺人狂:成魔之路(The Texas Chainsaw Massacre:The Beginning)74)閉門誘惑一家親(Marisco Beach)75)傲氣藍天(TheFlyboys)大致是這麼多
有冇人比我搞笑的卡通電影名(10分)卡通!!!!電影!!!!卡通電影!!!!搞笑^^!!!!!!搞笑的卡通電影^^!!!!!!! 13:28:21愈多愈易選為最佳答案1) Monster Incorporation 2) Ice Age3) Shrek
可唔可以我翻譯成英文啊..please…我聽日要交啊…please…魔幻王國:獅子?女巫?魔衣櫥(Narnia-tne lion,the witch and wardrobe)Peter為人勇敢正直,進入納尼亞後,獲獅王阿斯蘭選為統領正義大軍的首領,首度執起劍盾英勇作戰,更有預言他將會成為納尼亞的國王! Aslan納尼亞王國的創造者,正義、莊嚴、慈愛,充滿智慧和力量,蟄伏多年後,決挺身而出,率領來自人類世界的四兄妹,與白女巫決戰,為解救納尼亞,不惜作任何犧牲! Susan為人理智、成熟、有責任心,負責團結四兄妹,在終極決戰中主力以弓箭對付敵軍。 Edmund)但亦頑劣、愛說謊,經常欺負幼妹露西。因貪圖享樂和權力,竟受白女巫誘惑投身其下,希望自己能取代彼得成為國王,不久卻發現白女巫的恐怖力量white Witch自封為納尼亞女王,其實並非人類,而是巨人和夜妖的後代。魔法強大,把納尼亞長年冰封在寒冬之中,更可隨意把任何生物變成石像,或奴役他們。視獅王阿斯蘭為死敵,不惜一切力阻他再次現身納尼亞。魔幻王國:獅子?女巫?魔衣櫥(Narnia-tne lion,the witch and wardrobe)Peter為人勇敢正直,進入納尼亞後,獲獅王阿斯蘭選為統領正義大軍的首領,首度執起劍盾英勇作戰,更有預言他將會成為納尼亞的國王! Aslan納尼亞王國的創造者,正義、莊嚴、慈愛,充滿智慧和力量,蟄伏多年後,決挺身而出,率領來自人類世界的四兄妹,與白女巫決戰,為解救納尼亞,不惜作任何犧牲! Susan為人理智、成熟、有責任心,負責團結四兄妹,在終極決戰中主力以弓箭對付敵軍。 Edmund)但亦頑劣、愛說謊,經常欺負幼妹露西。因貪圖享樂和權力,竟受白女巫誘惑投身其下,希望自己能取代彼得成為國王,不久卻發現白女巫的恐怖力量white Witch自封為納尼亞女王,其實並非人類,而是巨人和夜妖的後代。魔法強大,把納尼亞長年冰封在寒冬之中,更可隨意把任何生物變成石像,或奴役他們。視獅王阿斯蘭為死敵,不惜一切力阻他再次現身納尼亞。 Evil spirit imaginary kingdom:Lion ? sorceress ? evil spirit wardrobe (Narnia-tne lion,the witch and wardrobe)PeterManner brave honest, after enters accepts the Nepali Asia, attains lion Wang Asi to elect blue for commands the just army the leader, holds the sword shield heroic combat for the first time, has predicted he will be able to become accepts Nepali Asia's king! Aslan accepts the Nepali Asia empire inventor, justice, dignified, affection, fill wisdom and strength, after is dormant many years, bravely steps forward definitely, the leadership comes from the human world four brother younger sister, fights a decisive battle with the white sorceress, for rescues accepts the Nepali Asia, does not hesitate to make any sacrifice! The Susan manner reason, mature, has the sense of responsibility, is responsible to unite four brother younger sisters, the main force copes with the enemy troop in the ultimate decisive battle by the arrow. But Edmund) also stubbornly disobedient, likes lying, bullies young younger sister Lucy frequently. Because seeks after leads a life of comfort with the authority, receives the white sorceress to entice unexpectedly joins in its under, hoped oneself can substitute for Peter to become king, actually discovered soon white sorceress's terrorist strength white Witch proclaims for accepts Nepali Asia queen, actually by no means humanity, but is the giant and the night of monster descendant. The black magic is formidable, accepts ice-bound the Nepali Asia elder during the cold winter, may turn at will any living thing the statue, or enslaves them. Regards lion Wang Asi the orchid is the mortal enemy, does not hesitate all mechanical resistances he this present existence to accept the Nepali Asia once more.
英文作野/.\;要用一個詞語好似作詩咁._.;(要多過5個字母) eg. a_____________________ p_____________________ l _____________________ l _____________________ e_____________________ 每句野都要有關番個題目(apple); 題目可以自定/.\; 唔一定要係apple. 幫幫手諗):SUMMER Summer is coming, Under the sunshine, Men and women go to beach, Mum takes me to the swimming pool, Either ice cream or drinks are my favourite! Ready for summer? GAMBLE Gamble is not good for you.You will be, Addicted,Gamble is a Monster,after he has ‘eaten up’ you,you will say ‘Bye bye’ to your family. Life is essential for everyone,so,give up gambling Early!
我想知道D hip hop 用語我想知道D hip hop 用語,最好a-z都有,同my想知咩叫check it out同my點用。thx現在再介紹黑人英文的文法,就可以對饒舌歌詞有更深刻的瞭解。 ※All That Jazz:這也是一部電影(1979年,Bob Fosse執導的「爵士春秋」)的名稱,但Rap樂中它的意思是All That Stuff、All That Nonsense(那些廢物)。※Chartbuster:(主要為D.J.及音樂刊物上用語)指在排行榜上極為成功的作品。Buster意為馴服者、征服者,它可與許多名詞形成複合字,例如:Ghostbuster(電影「魔鬼剋星」)的意思便是征服魔鬼的人。 ※Check This Out:Check This Out本物有叫人看看,注意之意;Rap歌中常出現的Check This Out有兩種情況,後面接著繼續說唱的,表示說唱者(Rapper)有重要訊息要告訴你,請你思考他的話;後面接著出現一段音樂的,表示他要你仔細聽音樂中特別的變化。※Chilling:(表行動派,積極者的)冷靜、沉著與冷漠傲視周遭的態度。類似的詞語有Chill Out、Cool It、Cool Off、Caim Down等。※Deep:Real之意,與形容詞連用,如:Deep True(真是實話)、Deep Dumb(真是夠笨),加強形容詞之用。 ※Def:是Definite的簡寫,黑人用語中是Cool、Better之意,表示一堅定冷靜不畏縮的黑人,是很Cool及Better的人,Rap樂手常吹噓自己是Defiest(最Cool的,最棒的)。※D.J.(Dee Jay):是Disk Jockey的縮寫,Disk是唱片(黑膠大唱片),Jockey是操縱者之意。國內字典翻成「廣播節目主持人」是錯誤的(英渶辭典中有關搖滾樂用語的中譯幾乎少有正確的),正確意思應為「在電臺節目或舞會中選播音樂的人」。在Rap樂中最重要的人物,一為負責口白說唱的Rapper(可為一人、兩人甚至一群人)及負責放唱片,作混音、Scratch等提供Rap中Background Music的D.J.。※Dope:原為Heroin(海洛英)的別稱,後亦可用於Cannabis(大麻)等各種毒品的稱呼,Rap樂中黑人所用的Dope是指服用毒品後興奮、振作的感覺,後亦可與Funky通用,都是指很好、很過癮之意。許多Rap樂手都標榜自己是Dopest(最厲害的;最好的)。※Get It Going On:原來的完整句型是Get Something Going With Someone:意指與某人展開某種羅曼蒂克的愛情故事。Get It Going On即是指某人的戀愛故事(通常是邂逅之類)進行順利。※Hype:這個字對唱片公司的人來說是指「完整行銷計畫的宣傳」,但換個角度就愛樂的有識之士而言是指「對藝人或唱片作虛假或誇大的宣傳」之意。Public Enemy1988年的一首歌Don’t Believe The Hype主題即是諷剌過多宣傳(Too Damn Hype)造成另一種形式的混淆大眾視聽。※Illing:作怪之意。這是音樂作風上的代表,像Heavy Metal講求Rebellion及Fast Life;Rap樂手則大多標榜自己Bad及Get Illed。※Killer:另一個同義詞是Monster,意指「超級令人興奮的,絕佳的」。常用語像是Killer Album、That Song Is A Monster等。※Ku Klux Klan:這三個字原始字義是指手槍扳機時三步驟聲響,為學習射擊時的口訣。現在指美國恐怖主義秘密組織--3K黨。3K黨在美國史上有兩個,一個成立於南北戰爭後不久,到19世紀’70年代消失;另一個創始於1951年喬治亞州亞特蘭大城,活動至今。3K党的宗旨雖隨時代改變而不盡一致,但基本上它反黑人、天主教徒及猶太人,並以恐怖暴力活動著稱。※Number One:從Run-D.M.C.、L.L. Cool J.、Public Enemy、Big Daddy Kane等幾乎每個Rap樂手都說自己是Number One(第一名),另外他們也常自封為King,團中的D.J.則喜歡自稱為Master(大師)。※M.C.:是Master Of Ceremony(節目主持人)的簡寫,在舞會中通常有一位D.J.負責放唱片,一位M.C.負責串場作介紹及帶動氣氛。Rap樂中M.C.即是Rapper(負責口白的說唱者),許多Rap樂手更直接在藝名前加上M.C.讓大家知道他是主角,像是M.C. Hammer、Young M.C.、M.C. Lyte等。※Piss Me Off:字面上意思是說「對著我撒尿」,實際上是指「激怒我、惹火我」的意思。看過電影「早安越南」的人,相信都對主角Robin Williams教越南人這個片語的那一段,印象深刻。※Posse:白人是指「暴民」,黑人指「一群有共同目標或利益的人」,後來因Rap樂手M.C. Hammer將他的說唱舞蹈群稱為The Posse,於是漸漸Posse一詞取代Rappers(說唱群),而被廣泛用。※Turnable Hit:指電臺上經常播放,但銷售市場上卻不賣座的歌曲。Tone-Loc的Wild Thing是恰好相反的例子,’89年這張單曲在全美賣出兩百多萬張,是1989年最暢銷的單曲,但因許多白人電臺或搖滾電臺(至今仍有許多搖滾守舊人士,認為Rap是不入流的音樂,只適合街頭)都不曾播放這首歌,結果它最高名次只得到第二名,年終排行榜只名列第33。※Whack:指喝烈酒。例如:Take A Whack.It Helps.而Whacked是指喝醉酒或吸食毒品陷得很深。※Yo!What’s Up, Man?:黑人習慣將You簡稱為Yo,白人稱Fllow(老兄,夥伴)時,黑人則用Man稱呼對方。黑人習慣的打呼用語便是Hi, Man!及Yo!What’s Up, Man?Funky:這個字黑人與白人間用法不盡相同,在Rap樂歌中(黑人用法)是指類似性愛高潮時的一種感覺,是很棒、很過癮的意思。常用衍生詞為Get Funky。※HIP-HOP:HIP是屁股,HOP是跳躍的意思,HIP-HOP在七O年代專指黑人源于R&B(節奏藍調),但與R&B截然不同,強調舞廳中D.J. Remix技巧的純舞曲,這種音樂在八O年代由於加上Scratch(將唱片間歇式倒轉地放,而發出與唱針摩擦音的特殊效果)及黑人特有的街頭式韻角口白形成Rap音樂,因此可以說HIP-HOP是Rap的前身,但今天這兩個名詞往往可以混用,只是Rap偏重說唱,HIP-HOP則較傾向於指Beat(節拍)明顯強烈的流行舞曲。※Hardcore:Extreme,Entrenched之意。國內有人翻為硬蕊是照字面上翻,但看不出是什麼意思,或許死硬派,堅守派是較恰當的意譯。Hardcore是一個形容詞,並非一種音樂,因此有Hardcore Punk(例如Sonic Youth)、Hardcore Heavy Metal(例如Dio)、Hardcore Rap樂手像是Schooly D、Just-Ice、The D.O.C.、Too $hort、Chilli Rob G、Ghetto Boys等。Hardcore的認定標準往往會因人而異。※Break It Down:將伴奏及演唱全停下來,只留下最基本拍子不斷反復,通常Rap樂手喊出Break It Down時,往往舞臺上舞群便開始跳舞。※Cut:是指專輯中的一段,可為一首歌,也可為歌中演唱或演奏部份一段。※Jam:許多樂手即興共同演奏或彈唱之意。Rap/HIP-HOP中,Sample Music串聯混音之後的一段,也稱為Jam。※(Get) On The Mic:Mic是麥克風(Microphone)的簡稱,On The Mic是在說唱(Rapping)之意,有擔任主角之意。例如Marvin Young(Young M.C.的本名)Is On The Mic就是說Marvin Young正在說唱,他是麥克風前的主角。※Pump It Up:原意是指健身運動時為防止運動傷害,要先「拉筋」之意,後來這種運動先充分舒張肌肉的作法被比喻在舞會上,D.J.要製造熱烈良好氣氛,必須先將音樂開大,在震耳欲聾中逼得人不得不跳舞。因此Pump It Up可指加大(或加強)音樂,使熱絡之意。※Remix:混音。目前12吋舞曲唱片都是利用Remix。不過混音是指不改變原主調而將旋律加長,基本上這是錄音師及D.J.常用的技巧。※Scratch:Rap團D.J.通常使用兩座唱盤中,中間放一個「多軌混音器」(Multi-Track Console)放唱片時可以手指按住唱片或輕輕將唱片往反方向撥,發出唱針與唱片「咻!咻!」的摩擦音,這種倒轉或暫停唱片的技巧就叫Scratch由於不能盡錄,更多請看:/mvnforum/viewthread?thread=10122
外國片問題唔知有冇D咩外國片好睇@@?最好係00年之後開始既可以係動話Saw III恐懼鬥室3死神在齒 驚慄 戴倫連達畢士曼 Darren Lynn Bousman 托賓貝爾 Tobin Bell莎莉史密夫 Shawnee Smith安吉斯麥費恩 Angus Macfadyen芭凱索美克 Bahar Soomekh The Guardian驚濤搶救 劇情 安德魯戴維斯 Andrew Davis 奇雲高士拿 Kevin Costner艾斯頓吉查 Ashton Kutcher The Prestige死亡魔法 懸疑 基斯杜化路蘭 Christopher Nolan 基斯頓比爾 Christian Bale曉治積曼 Hugh Jackman米高堅 Michael Caine史嘉莉祖安遜 Scarlett Johansson大衛寶兒 David Bowie The Departed無間道風雲 劇情警匪 馬田史高西斯 Martin Scorsese 里安納度狄卡比奧 Leonardo DiCaprio麥迪文 Matt Damo積尼高遜 Jack Nicholson馬田辛 Martin Sheen麥克華堡 Mark Wahlberg Click命運自選台 喜劇 法蘭哥里斯 Frank Coraci 阿當桑迪拿 Adam Sandler 姬蒂碧金莎 Kate Beckinsale基斯杜化華堅 Christopher Walken Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Mans Chest 加勒比海盜:決戰魔盜王 動作 高爾韋賓斯基 Gore Verbinski 尊尼特普 Johnny Depp奧蘭度布林 Orlando Bloom姬拉麗莉 Keira Knightley Monster House魔怪屋 動畫 基爾簡拿 Gil Kenan 英文配音史提夫布斯米 Steve BuscemiCars反斗車王 動畫 尊賴斯達 John Lasseter 英語配音:保羅紐曼 Paul Newman奧雲韋遜 Owen Wilson卓治馬連 Cheech Marin邦尼亨特 Bonnie Hunt丹尼爾韋尼 Larry the Cable Guy粵語配音林海峰、葛民輝、林嘉欣 Superman Returns超人- 強戰回歸 科幻 拜仁辛格 Bryan Singer 班頓洛夫 Brandon Routh姬蒂寶絲禾芙 Kate Bosworth占士馬斯頓 James Marsden 法蘭朗基拿 Frank Langella 伊娃瑪莉仙特 Eva Maire Saint Over the Hedge4條腿拯救隊 動畫 添莊遜 Tim Johnson嘉莉克柏積 Karey Kirkpatrick 英語配音:布斯韋利斯 Bruce Willis尼基諾 Nick Nolte艾薇兒 Avril Lavigne粵語配音:黃子華、張達明、森美 Poseidon海神號 劇情 胡夫根彼得遜 Wolfgang Petersen 卻羅素 Kurt Russell祖斯魯卡斯 Josh Lucas李察杜里福斯 Richard Dreyfuss積仙達芭列 Jacinda Barrett艾美羅森 Emmy Rossum She's the Man球愛可人兒 劇情 安迪費克曼 Andy Fickman 雅曼特拜恩絲 Amanda Bynes查尼塔圖 Channing Tatum羅拔荷夫曼 Robert HoffmanThe Da Vinci Code達文西密碼 劇情 朗侯活 Ron Howard 湯漢斯 Tom Hanks柯德莉塔圖 Audrey Tautou伊恩麥基倫 Ian McKellen艾佛莫連拿 Alfred Molina Match Point迷失決勝分 愛情 活地亞倫 Woody Allen 拜仁確斯遜 Brian Cox馬菲古迪 Matthew Goode史嘉莉祖安遜 Scarlett Johansson艾美莫迪瑪 Emily Mortimer尊納敦邁亞斯 Jonathan Rhys Meyers彭妮露比韋頓 Penelope Wilton Ice Age2 : The Meltdown冰河世紀2 動畫 卡路斯薩丹哈 Carlos Saldanha 英語配音:雷羅曼諾 Ray Romano尊力古森姆 John Leguizamo丹尼斯利維 Denis Leary昆拉蒂法 Queen Latifah粵語配音版:應昌佑、李璨琛、少爺占、林海峰、林曉峰、張達明、官恩娜 Nanny McPhee魔法保姆麥菲 劇情 卻克鍾斯 Kirk Jones 愛瑪湯遜 Emma Thompson哥連卓夫 Colin Firth姬莉麥當奴 Kelly Macdonald Eight Below極地雪犬 動作、冒險 法蘭馬素 Frank Marshall Paul WalkerJason BiggsBruce GreenwoodMoon Bloodgood Brokeback Mountain斷背山 愛情 李安 Ang Lee 希夫烈達 Heath Ledger積基倫荷 Jake Gyllenhaal安妮夏菲維 Anne Hathaway Pride and Prejudice 傲慢與偏見 愛情 祖韋特 Joe Wright 姬拉麗莉 Keira Knightley馬修麥費恩 Matthew MacfadyenTRANSAMERICA尋找 他媽…的故事 劇情 登勤托加 Duncan Tucker 法莉茜蒂克芙曼 Felicity Huffman基雲沙格斯 Kevin Zegers佛安娜法蘭曼 Fionnula Flanagan伊莉莎伯班納 Elizabeth Pena Fun With Dick and Jane賊壇新人王 喜劇 甸柏烈斯多 Dean Parisot 占基利 Jim Carrey泰莉安妮 Tea Leoni艾力寶雲 Alec Baldwin李察贊堅斯 Richard Jenkins Wedding Crashers冒牌伴郎生擒姊妹團 愛情 大衛鐸堅 David Dobkin 奧雲韋遜 Owen Wilson雲斯漢 Vince VaughnElizabethtown 下一站…伊莉莎伯鎮 劇情 金馬倫高爾 Cameron Crowe 奧蘭多布林 Orlando Bloom姬絲汀登絲 Kirsten Dunst蘇珊莎朗頓 Susan Sarandon艾力寶雲 Alec Baldwin A Lot Like Love愛多你幾次 愛情 尼哥高爾 Nigel Cole 艾斯頓古查 Ashton Kutcher艾曼達彼特 Amanda PeetSaw II恐懼鬥室 2 之死亡困局 恐怖 戴倫連恩鮑斯曼 Darren Lynn Bousman 唐尼華堡 Donnie Wahlberg莎莉史密夫 Shawnee Smith托賓貝爾 Tobin Bell
want one english songgirl sing ga (around around………) thx~Here are some choices: 1. Bad romance 2. Just dance 3. Poker face 4. Love game 5. Rader 6. Tik tok 7. Animal 8. Kiss ‘n tell 9. Stephen I hope I can help you!!!! =]
北極熊…我想搵d關於北極熊既資料..10點!急!吾洗成段野..只要好似列點都ok..要系英文..吾洗成段架…吾好俾成篇野我..吾該! 22:15:42我系要英文牙… 吾系要中文牙-3- 吾該!&Polar bear the average ge is 30 years old or so, opposite in mankind seven, 80-year-old life, about 10-18-month-old need to start learning then how to beg existence in the realistic environment.The region in North Pole, everywhere it is thus clear that the trace of Polar bear. They the extensive life is in Russia, Norway, Greenland, Canada and Alaska, the seal is the most favorite food of Polar bear. The Polar bear mainly hunts to take food with&concealment&(and isn't nimble).The Polar bear has life generally for 25-30 years, finally meeting because of get hurt, disease or hunger and depart fromthis life.They bred the next generation, the life was forthcoming to will face in the future of the spring again launches, circulating not an interest. Categorize:Mammalia, carnivorous eyes, bear sectionCategory:Bear, black bear, glasses bear, lazy bear, Polar bearLife:About 15~30 years, the zoo can reach to for 47 yearsThe Xi goes:Act aloneDistribute:Northern Hemisphere, South AmericaFood:Root, caulis, leaf, fruit and each kind of animal of plant Bear of oneself huge and stupid, the whole body grows thickVision, listen to power not sharp, the sense of smell only fairly good, can smell several hundred Mr.Sharp-edged claw son is its main weapon, suiting to tore, dig, fight, plusing energy very greatly, slap can with the result that person in die.Don't see it hug a swollen shape, but a flee can reach to three meters far, fight is more brave and incomparable, really provoke can not of wild beast.The bear is always completely independent, seldom forming into groups.Mating the period, male bear and female bear will have time to live together for a month, hereafter separate then, the female bear finds a place to need to be produced, the male bear then continues to wander about everywhere.Greatly part of bears all will climb a tree, the Polar bear isThe bear of Frigid Zone gets into the habit of hibernating.(Polar bear excepted)
Considering from the angle of ecosystem balance, if Polar bear this kind of huge monster also strolls aimlessly on the steppe, not only would to original is the existence of the reindeer and She cattle etc. which counts not much to cause huge threat, and will also contend for a food with wolves, make the wolves sink into hungry Jing ground.Ising probably demiurgic deep consideration and skillful arrangement is probably a Polar bear despise in with wolf is five, Polar bear life of the center region is in the ice to cover.Because that mile of type which has a great deal of walrus and seal is multiplying, in addition to for number rarely love to kill a whale to have no the natural enemy of Shi Yao outside and basically, they that large fat body has to have again a kind of strong and be greedy for the animal of food to consume, the Polar bear finds out to use violence at the right moment of ground.In BE, Polar bear then the boundless limitless ice snow world mile made sure oneself a beyond dispute governance position here, becoming this white Kingdom to dominate. The Polar bear is a carnivore, staple food seal.Whenever in spring with early summer, form into groups of the seal lies then on the ice to bask a sun, the Polar bear will then observe a find carefully, however behind make use of geography situation skillfully, close to toward the seal stage by stage, be go to catch effectively inside distance, then as if leave the arrows of Xian, fierce wash pass by, exert tube the seal time is careful, but wait for a detection for hour already late, huge bear's paw with extremely sudden and swift clap down certainly, immediately brains ground.
what is lyoko?I went to know what is lyoko.利奧高(Lyoko,又叫李奧高、尼奧高、蘭科;)是至Net奇兵中的虛擬世界,共分為五個(或六個)地區。第一輯利奧高在至Net奇兵第一輯中,共分為四大區域: 沙漠如同其它沙漠,這是一塊一眼望去乾燥、黃色和多沙的地帶。就連點綴在其中的綠洲也不很綠。英雄們尤其要當心不要碰到針一般尖的石頭。最大的危險是從它的邊緣掉下去,因為這塊高地並不很大。 森林這座美麗的森林充滿了秘密。高壯的樹木浮在半空中,它們的根飄動在空間。森林可以被看作是最漂亮的地區了。 它沒有平臺,但有路,從這裡落下去的危險比沙漠中小(但尤美就落下去了)。森林也提供很好的保護,這使得這裡有許多埋伏。 冰川冰川由巨大的冰川和它邊緣的路組成。冰川與實際世界中的冰一樣滑。這裡的塔隱蔽得非常好,有時他們要滑下隧道才到得了那裡。在隧道里,高速度時石筍和石鐘乳構成嚴峻的危險。他們還必須走過一座迷宮才找得到隧道。 山脈它的山頂多隙,它的石頭鋒利,走錯一步,英雄就會提滾石頭落入虛空。山脈里到處都有移動的平臺和難辦的障礙。而且在雲下還有隱藏的平臺。在低的平臺上這些雲阻礙跳躍,即使英雄們跳得對,他們在著陸時也會失去20個生命點。 第二輯 中心/中央(第五區域)第五區域。(第52集「密碼」,無線在畫面中把lyoko誤為loyko)這區是第二輯中新加的。這個區藏在利奧高的中心,只有通過使用密碼SCIPIO才能到達那裡。在其它區的邊緣英雄們可以呼喚一個運輸球,這個運輸球可以將他們帶到中心。這個區本身是一個巨大的球,四個數據流從它伸出到其它四個區。中心區所有的東西都是藍色的和幾何形狀的。球的內部是一個不斷變化的迷宮,其作用在於防止入侵。英雄進入中心區後必須在三分鐘內通過迷宮,解除其防禦系統。假如英雄無法解除防禦系統的話他就會被扣押在中心區,只好等別人來解救。走出迷宮後英雄必須跳上一個帶有兩隻眼睛的全方向電梯。這個電梯帶著英雄去中心區的外圍,那裡有一個控制台。中心區是山拿自己控制的區域,它主要存在於此。從最後平臺上的控制台英雄可以完全控制超級電腦和利奧高。雖然實驗室里的控制台失效了,但從中心區可以控制利奧高。這個區與一般的實體化程序沒有聯接,因此英雄在這裡失去生命點後不會自動會到地球上,而需要啟動相應的程序才行。這裡也是山那製造怪物的地方。中心區的密碼是SCIPIO,它來自前202年擊敗迦太基及漢尼拔的阿非利加·西庇阿。
第三輯 刪除/摧毀區域在第54集:「減去一區」中,森林區被山拿控制的亞烈達刪除。 在某集,沙漠區被山拿控制的亞烈達刪除。 在第61集:「破壞」,冰區域被山拿控制的亞烈達刪除。 在某集,山區域同樣被山拿控制的亞烈達刪除。 在本輯大結局,65集,利奧高的最後一區:第五區被山拿控制的威廉摧毀。
數碼空洞此不是利奧高的分區之一。空洞圍繞利奧高的區域,是一個死亡陷阱。只有使用傑理明的反虛化程序才能得脫。數據生物如亞烈達和怪物掉入後會被摧毀。===========================Lyoko (pronounced either l'yoh-koh or lee-oh-koh, IPA: [l'j?uk?u]) is a virtual world in the French animated television series Code Lyoko. In some French texts, the word appears as &Lyok?&.DescriptionLyoko is contained within a supercomputer within the factory. It is divided into five separate sectors, all with their own unique features. The first four sectors are arranged around the fifth, like the spokes of a bicycle wheel. Each sector is isolated from the others by the digital sea, also known as the digital void. The Ice Barrier is the first sector. The others are numbered counter-clockwise starting from the first. Carthage is the fifth sector.There are exactly forty towers scattered about L ten in each main sector and one in Carthage. They act as data processing nodes, pathways to the real world, and safe haven for those on Lyoko. It is through these towers that Xana can attack Earth. Throughout the four main sectors, giant wires wind their way out from the fifth sector to each of the towers in each of the sectors, acting as conduits for data. Red energy can be seen pulsing through these wires whenever Xana activates a tower. These wires can be severed, which will isolate the tower, much like disconnecting a network cable on a traditional computer.If the supercomputer is shut down, Lyoko begins to dematerialize from the edges inward. The void seems to remain, though it may just be the last thing to disappear. Any monster or vehicles present when the shut down takes place will dematerialize as well. The supercomputer has never been shut down long enough for the full extent of the shutdown to take place.In the third season, Xana begins deleting the sectors one by one by using the Scyphozoa to possess Aelita. Once possessed, Aelita heads for the way tower and enters the code &Xana& into the interface at the top, deleting the entire sector. In &Double Trouble&, Xana finishes deleting every sector, leaving only Carthage intact. In &Final Round&, Xana uses William as a medium to destroy Lyoko's core, thus destroying Carthage and rendering the supercomputer useless.詳情 :http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lyoko
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流動小販雪糕車外國除了有大型車輛的雪糕車,還有像香港一樣的流動小販雪糕車嗎?Ice cream is not only in HK, they are every where.
Frankenstein(科學怪人)的內容?(急)Frankenstein(科學怪人)的內容? 不要打無謂的答案.For example,上網複製. 請認真答問題. 很急的,請快Frankenstein is written by Mary Shelley. The story is about an adventurer called Robert Walton. In a place far from civilization, surrounded by daggers of ice sprung from profound arctic seas, Walton rescues Victor Frankenstein, and nurses him. When Frankenstein hears of Walton’s quest–to uncover the unknown lands at the North Pole–he insists on telling his own bizarre and cautionary tale.Hard work and matchless intellect had once revealed to Frankenstein a thrilling secret: no less than the secret of life itself. Obsessed by his discovery, he began assembling a human creature of superior proportions. He persevered even as he grew to loathe his morbid task, until one dreary night in November he applied the spark of life to the form and made it live. But he beheld what he had wrought with disgust and horror, and fled.Eventually returning home to his family, Frankenstein was mortified to learn of his brother’s murder. Certain the vengeful creature was guilty, but unable to speak without seeming mad, he watched in agony as an innocent woman was executed. Encountering the monster later in the trackless mountains, Franke but the creature implored him to hear his story. He had watched a rustic family for many months, said the creature, learning speech and the ways of humans from them, only to be beaten when he revealed himself. He now despaired of society with humans and instead demanded a mate of his own kind, with whom he would live in exile.Frankenstein reluctantly agreed, but soon recoiled from the task. The creature reacted with fury. Frankenstein tried in vain to protect his family and friends, and now was bound to the ends of the earth to kill, or be killed by, his own loathsome creation.


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