who's that? 那是李先生腾讯微博,用...

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Lesson 30 Were you at the doctor's? 第30课 你在诊所吗?Good morning,everyone.早上好,每个人。Good morning,Miss Parker.早上好, 帕克小姐
Lesson 29 There were a lot of cookies. 第29课 有很多饼干。Can I have a cookie,please,Mom?请问我可以吃饼干,妈妈?Yed,Dan.可以,丹
Lesson28 We were at the dentist's. 第28课 我们在牙医诊所Katie's writing in her diary.凯蒂在写日记。Where were we on Saturday,Mom?我们星期六在哪里,妈妈?
lesson 27 I was there in 1960 第27课 我1960年在这里When were you in Europe,Professor Boffin?你什么时候在欧洲的, 博芬教授?I can't remember.我不能记住。
Lesson 26 They were here. 第26课 他们在这里。I can't find my shoes.我找不到我的鞋子。They were here a minute ago.他们一分钟前在这里。
Lesson 25 Where were we yesterday? 第25课 我们昨天在哪里?What are you doing,Katie?你在做什么,凯蒂?I'm writing in my diary.我在写我的日记。
Lesson 24 It was in this box. 第24课 它在这个盒子I can't find the car key.我找不到车钥匙。Let's take a look.让我们看一看。
Lesson 23 Katie's having English class. 第23课 凯蒂有英语课。Katie's having English class.凯蒂有英语课。Dan's having a swimming lesson.丹有游泳课。
Lesson 22 You should have a haircut. 第22课 你应该理发。Your hair's very long,Dan.你的头发很长,丹。You should have a haircut.你应该理发。
Lesson 21 Have some meat,Dan. 第21课 吃一些肉,丹Have some meat,Dan.吃一些肉,丹Thanks,Mom.谢谢,妈妈And have some patatoes.吃了些马铃薯。
Lisson 20 Don't park here. 第20课 不要在这里停车The Boffins are going shopping.博芬一家都去购物。Don't park here.不要在这里停车。
Lesson 19 Dan should take this medicine. 第19课 丹应该服这种药。Dan should take this medicine every day,Mrs.Clark.丹应该每天服这种药,克拉克太太。Thank you Dr.White.Goodbye.谢谢你怀特医生,再见。
Lesson 18 Dan has the flu. 第18课 丹有流感Hello,Dr.White.你好,怀特先生Hello,Mrs.Clark.你好, 克拉克太太Dan has a temperature.丹有温度计。
Lesson 17 What does he look like? 第17课 他长什么样子?I'm going to walk to school with you today,Katie.我要跟你步行到学校与,凯蒂。Who's your new teacher?谁是你的新老师吗?
Lesson 16 It looks like cement. 第16课 它看起来像水泥。Professor Boffin wants to bake a cake.博芬教授想要烤一个蛋糕。I can't find the flour.我不能找到面粉。
1/6 转到第 页
[00:01.15]I am not impressed with the talent in here tonight.
[00:04.22]And the more I drink, the less attractive they get.
[00:04.22]我喝的越多 她们越没吸引力
[00:06.79]I'm one scotch and soda away from the Cantina scene in Star Wars.
[00:06.79]我是一杯远离了星战里的Cantina酒吧 的威士忌苏打
[00:10.66]What about those girls over there? They're hot.
[00:10.66]那边的女孩咋样? 她们很辣
[00:12.95]They're not hot.
[00:13.80]Are you kidding?
[00:14.84]I hated their guts the second I saw them.
[00:17.14]Which means they're hot.
[00:18.48]In fact, I hated them almost as much as I hated Robin when I first met her.
[00:18.48]事实上 和我第一眼看到Robin时一样厌恶
[00:22.57]- You hated me? - A lot.
[00:22.57]- 你厌恶我? - 非常
[00:26.73]Barney, they're hot.
[00:26.73]Barney 她们很辣
[00:28.90]Oh, there is so much to teach you all.
[00:31.44]You have just become victims of...
[00:34.47]The Cheerleader Effect.
[00:35.98]Glad you asked.
[00:36.73]The Cheerleader Effect is when a group of women seems hot but only as a group.
[00:36.73]拉拉队效应就是 一帮女人只有从整体看才辣
[00:42.02]Just like with cheerleaders.
[00:43.23]They seem hot, but take each one of them individually?
[00:43.23]她们似乎很辣 但单独看她们中的一个
[00:46.93]Sled dogs.
[00:48.56]That's insane.
[00:49.98]Take a good, hard look at each one of those girls. Individually.
[00:49.98]好好看看她们中的每一个 单独地
[01:12.54]I don't know. The one on the end is kind of cute.
[01:12.54]说不好 最后一个还有点可爱
[01:15.49]Yeah, she really is.
[01:15.49]恩 确实是
[01:17.72]And that, my friends, is &The Cheerleader Effect.&
[01:17.72]所以 伙计们 这就是拉拉队效应
[01:20.22]Also known as the Bridesmaid Paradox, Sorority Girl Syndrome,
[01:20.22]也称为伴娘悖论 或者联谊会女生综合症
[01:24.52]and for a brief window in the mid -'90s,
[01:26.51]the Spice Girls Conspiracy.
[01:28.70]Scary Spice indeed.
[01:34.89]Barney Stinson.
[01:34.89]Barney Stinson
[01:39.33]Okay. Got it.
[01:39.33]好 知道了
[01:42.49]Great, we'll be in touch.
[01:42.49]太好了 我们再联系
[01:48.72]Apparently, I'm gonna be a dad.
[02:03.46]How I Met Your Mother Season04 Episode07
[02:03.46]老爸老妈浪漫史 第四季 第7集
[02:05.46]What do you mean you're gonna be a dad?
[02:07.05]How did, how did this happen?
[02:07.05]怎么 怎么会?
[02:08.50]It was just some girl I hooked up with a few weeks back.
[02:11.70]She's not sure. She's gonna go to the doctor in the morning.
[02:11.70]她不确定 早上要去看了医生才知道
[02:14.06]Maybe it's a false alarm. Maybe she's not pregnant.
[02:14.06]可能搞错了 可能她没怀孕
[02:16.97]Lily, no part of Barney Stinson does anything less than 110%.
[02:16.97]Lily 无论是Barney Stinson哪个部分 他的成功率都不会少于110%
[02:21.59]If one of my little Michael Phelpses got loose,
[02:23.61]he's swimming for the gold.
[02:25.59]Oh, this is a nightmare. I don't want kids.
[02:25.59]这是噩梦 我不想要小孩
[02:28.20]Who in their right mind would ever want kids?
[02:31.46]Now, when you turn 30 and you're in a couple, a strange thing happens.
[02:31.46]当你30岁了 结了婚 奇怪的事就发生了
[02:35.65]You start to see babies everywhere.
[02:51.46]Oh, come on.
[02:53.37]Yes, Marshall and Lily were coming down with baby fever.
[02:53.37]是的 Marshall和Lily对孩子着了魔
[02:56.57]And their new neighbors weren't helping.
[02:58.33]Did you lose a sock there, little dude?
[02:58.33]你把袜子丢这儿了吗 小伙计?
[03:02.19]That is without a doubt the cutest little thing I've ever seen.
[03:06.87]There's my little peanut.
[03:08.63]That night they sat down to have a serious practical discussion about having kids.
[03:08.63]那天晚上 他们认真讨论了要孩子的事
[03:12.59]So, if we have a baby,
[03:12.59]所以 如果我们要孩子
[03:14.46]do you think you could work fewer hours?
[03:16.87]Doesn't matter-- he's gonna be so cute,
[03:16.87]没关系 他肯定可爱的不行了
[03:18.95]I'm gonna eat him up on the first day.
[03:22.17]Okay. But, but what about money? We're still in a ton of debt.
[03:22.17]好 但是钱怎么办? 我们还有一屁股债
[03:25.88]Oh, well, we'll count our overdue bills on his teenie tiny fingers.
[03:31.01]Let's have a baby.
[03:36.96]Oh, oh, right now? Oh, okay.
[03:36.96]现在? 好吧
[03:40.38]There was just one thing in their way.
[03:42.21]Scooch over. I TiVo'd The View.
[03:42.21]Scooch演完了 我把它录下来了
[03:45.88]And that thing happened to be unemployed and sleeping on their couch.
[03:53.48]So, Robin, um, how's the job and apartment search going?
[03:57.61]Oh, you didn't hear?
[03:58.67]I'm the lead anchor on CNN.
[04:00.33]And I got a penthouse overlooking Central Park made of gold.
[04:04.36]Get your head out of your ass, Marshall.
[04:04.36]你搞搞清楚 Marshall
[04:07.48]They realized if they were going to start a family
[04:10.10]they had to plan ahead.
[04:11.27]So, Robin,would you mind crashing at Ted's tomorrow night?
[04:11.27]Robin 你介意明晚睡在Ted那儿吗?
[04:15.27]I'm, uh, cooking Marshall a special dinner.
[04:18.64]Just dinner. That's it. Nothing else.
[04:18.64]就仅仅是晚餐 没别的了
[04:21.31]Fine. But you'd better not be as uptight as these idiots about me shooting beer cans on the roof.
[04:21.31]好吧 但你最好别急躁到 逼我往屋顶上扔啤酒罐
[04:26.42]&Oh,it hurts my ears.&
[04:28.90]&The neighbors called the cops. You almost hit me.&
[04:28.90]邻居叫警察了 你几乎砸中我了
[04:32.51]Enjoy her, Ted. She's in a real good place right now.
[04:32.51]忍忍她吧 Ted 她现在是非常时期
[04:39.18]God? It's me. Barney. What up?
[04:39.18]上帝? 是我Barney 什么事?
[04:44.30]I know we don't talk much,
[04:46.35]though a lot of girls call out your name because of me.
[04:46.35]虽然因为我的关系 许多女孩呼唤你的名字
[04:51.29]But, God...
[04:51.29]但 上帝
[04:53.75]if you could get me out of this,
[04:56.72]I swear I will never ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever...
[05:07.21]Ooh, hang on, bro. Go for Barney.
[05:07.21]等下哥们 我是Barney
[05:25.52]Marshall, great news! I'm not a father!
[05:25.52]Marshall 好消息! 我不是爸爸!
[05:28.85]Congratulations, buddy.
[05:28.85]恭喜你 哥们
[05:30.86]This is the happiest moment of my life, Marshall.
[05:30.86]这是我一生中最快乐的时刻 Marshall
[05:33.53]The way I feel about not having kids?
[05:36.61]I never knew I could love something this much.
[05:39.23]That's why I'm creating a holiday.
[05:42.08]From now on, today will be known as &Not a Father's Day.&
[05:42.08]从现在开始 今天将成为不是爸爸节
[05:46.65]You're creating a holiday?
[05:48.13]Yeah, why not? Everyone else gets a day:
[05:48.13]恩 为啥不呢? 别人都有节日
[05:50.15]Mothers, Fathers, Bastilles.
[05:50.15]母亲节 父亲节 巴士底狱解放日
[05:52.63]Why can't there be a day for people who are single and like it that way?
[05:52.63]为啥不能有 喜欢单生生活的单身汉节日呢?
[05:55.85]Well, now you just sound like the chubby girl on Valentine's Day.
[05:59.26]Hello, Stinson.
[05:59.26]你好 Stinson
[06:00.16]Hey, Nolan.How are the kids?
[06:00.16]你好 Nolan 孩子们咋样?
[06:04.66]You ready for tonight, Eriksen? Big merger.
[06:04.66]你今晚作好准备 Eriksen 大动作的合并啊
[06:07.27]Well, that's between me and my wife, sir.
[06:10.69]No. The meeting with Mr. Li. Tonight.
[06:10.69]不 我说的是今晚和李先生开会
[06:13.12]I thought, I thought that was a breakfast meeting.
[06:13.12]我想 我想那应该是早餐会议
[06:14.67]It is. Breakfast in China. We're teleconferencing with the Chinese. I'm counting on you, kid.
[06:14.67]是 中国的早餐 我们和中国人开电视会议 我就指望你了 孩子
[06:24.23]Hey, babe. It's breakfast time in China.
[06:24.23]嘿 亲爱的 是中国的早餐时间了
[06:27.48]Yeah, it is.
[06:29.08]Not a euphemism. Look, I... Wait, what would that even mean?
[06:29.08]一点也不委婉 听着 我 等下 那是啥意思?
[06:33.11]I don't know, hot buns, spicy pork? There's something there. You're not coming home tonight, are you?
[06:33.11]我不知道 热辣臀部 香辣的猪肉? 反正有好东西 你今晚不回来了 是吧?
[06:41.67]Are you shaking your head &no?&
[06:45.42]I thought so.
[06:48.43]Oh, thank you, guys, for coming over so fast.
[06:50.63]Are you all right? You sounded upset on the phone.
[06:50.63]你还好吧? 电话里你听上去很不安
[06:53.25]Marshall and I made this big decision to have... dinner.
[06:53.25]Marshall和我 做了吃 &晚餐& 的重大决定
[06:58.70]And I thought I was ready to-to have... dinner.
[06:58.70]我想我准备好吃 &晚餐&了
[07:02.25]But then he called and canceled, and it got me thinking.
[07:02.25]但是他打电话给我说取消了 于是我就开始想
[07:05.37]Is it too early for us to have... dinner?
[07:05.37]我们是不是太早吃 &晚餐& 了?
[07:09.45]Well, I had an early lunch, so I'm ready for dinner.
[07:09.45]我午餐吃得蛮早 反正我是准备好吃晚餐了
[07:11.23]Dinner is a baby!
[07:12.36]Lily, that's horrible!
[07:12.36]Lily 太恐怖了!
[07:14.82]No, no, I, I need you guys to figure something out for me.
[07:14.82]不不 我要你们帮我解决件事
[07:20.14]Are Marshall and I ready to have a baby?
[07:27.27]Marshall and I ready to have a baby or not?
[07:30.60]Lily, we can't make this decision for you.It's huge.
[07:30.60]Lily 我们不能帮你做这个决定 它太重大了
[07:33.79]You know what else is huge? Marshall's head.
[07:33.79]你知道还有什么东西大吗? Marshall的脑袋
[07:36.15]That thing's the size of a late August watermelon.
[07:38.63]Marshall's baby coming through there?
[07:43.05]What does Marshall think?
[07:44.13]Probably a lot in that 1950s space helmet of a head he's walking around with.
[07:44.13]他那颗好像顶着上世纪50年代 宇航员头盔的脑袋里想的肯定不少
[07:48.95]Marshall's really excited.
[07:51.04]But I think he only sees what's cute about having a baby, not what's hard about it.
[07:51.04]但是我想他只看见了拥有孩子后 美好的一面 而没看见艰难的一面
[07:55.62]Like the other day, while Marshall was playing with baby Jeremy,
[07:58.39]I was talking to Jeremy's mom.
[08:00.22]Thanks so much for inviting us over.
[08:01.76]I have not talked to another adult in, like, weeks.
[08:01.76]我已经好象几个礼拜 没和别的成年人说过话了
[08:03.96]Well, besides my husband. But &It's your turn to change him&
[08:03.96]包括我那口子 除了 &轮到你换尿布了&
[08:06.28]and &Make him shut up& really doesn't count as conversation.
[08:06.28]和 &让他别哭了& 这些算不上谈话
[08:09.37]Sorry, I'm rambling. I haven't gotten laid in seven months. Oh, I just did it again!
[08:09.37]不好意思 我话多了点 我已经7个月 没和他上过床了 我刚刚又说过头了
[08:13.12]Sleep deprivation!
[08:15.92]Oh, wait, I'm not crying, am I? I usually am. I don't mean to complain.
[08:15.92]等下 我不是在哭 是吧? 通常我是... 我不是故意抱怨
[08:19.92]Oh, now I feel bad! Oh, there's my little peanut! Oh, I love you so much!
[08:19.92]我感觉很差! 我可爱的小花生 我太爱你了
[08:26.38]I'm going to be as strung out as Charlotte. Worse actually.
[08:26.38]我得像Charlotte那样坚强 也许得更坚强一些
[08:30.28]At least her husband works from home.
[08:32.39]I mean, he's a pot dealer, but he's a very involved parent.
[08:32.39]我的意思是 他是个卖锅的 但他是个非常负责的家长
[08:35.78]Marshall will be a great dad.
[08:37.41]Marshall's always at the office,
[08:39.54]and, and I'm afraid that if we have a baby now,
[08:41.54]all the work will fall on me.
[08:43.60]You're just panicking and focusing on the downside.
[08:43.60]你只是有点慌乱 只看到消极的一面
[08:46.18]I think Lily's just being realistic.
[08:48.09]See, this is good. This is why I called you guys both over here.
[08:48.09]看吧 很好 所以我叫你们两个都过来
[08:51.82]Ted, you're pro kids. Robin, you're against.
[08:51.82]Ted 你是正方 Robin 你是反方
[08:54.52]Counselors, opening statements.
[08:54.52]顾问们 开始陈述
[08:57.11]Okay, I know you're afraid that you're not ready.
[09:00.32]But no one ever thinks they're ready. You-you just have to take the leap.
[09:00.32]但是人们总觉得还准备不足 你放手去做就好了
[09:03.38]Parenthood will come naturally.
[09:04.67]Well, of course you think it comes naturally.
[09:04.67]当然 你觉得是自然而然的
[09:06.65]You're basically a dad already.
[09:08.42]You're a total dad.
[09:10.23]What are you talking about?
[09:11.03]Ted,think about it.
[09:11.03]Ted 想想吧
[09:13.34]You tell super corny dad jokes.
[09:16.10]Shredded tweet!
[09:17.77]Oh, man! Shredded tweet.
[09:17.77]伙计们! 碎掉的吱吱声
[09:23.21]You lecture us. Like when we broke your stupid ship in a bottle.
[09:23.21]你教育我们 当我们打破你一个瓶子里烂船
[09:26.51]I'm not angry. I'm just disappointed.
[09:26.51]我没有生气 我只是对你们很失望
[09:30.16]- She did it! - Shut up!
[09:30.16]- 她干的! - 闭嘴!
[09:33.63]And you do that thing all dads do with waitresses.
[09:36.72]Hi, I'm Lori. I'll be your waitress this evening.
[09:36.72]你们好 我是Lori 我是你们今晚的服务生
[09:39.18]Hi, Lori, I'm Ted. I'll be your customer this evening.
[09:39.18]你好 Lori 我是Ted 我是你今晚的顾客
[09:43.48]Hey, Lori, before you go, tell me, what do you get when you cross a canary with a lawn mower?
[09:43.48]嘿 Lori 你走之前 告诉我 拿除草机从金丝雀身上碾过去会怎样?
[09:47.31]No hints.No hints.
[09:47.31]不准提示 不准提示
[09:49.46]She's right. Ted, you maybe single and childless, but you're totally a dorky dad.
[09:49.46]她是对的 Ted 你单身没有孩子 但你已经完全是个傻瓜爸爸了
[09:56.33]I don't think I like your tone, young lady.
[09:56.33]我不喜欢你的语气 小姑娘
[10:00.06]Marshall, Not a Father's Day is a hit!
[10:00.06]Marshall 不是爸爸节
[10:02.75]Laraby and Finklestein are helping me celebrate. Check it.
[10:02.75]Laraby和Finklestein在帮我庆祝 看看
[10:05.60]World's Greatest Not A Dad mugs.
[10:08.49]There's, uh... ha! Who's Not Your Daddy? T-shirts.
[10:08.49]这是 哈! &谁不是你爸爸&T恤
[10:11.79]Both available at Not A Father'.
[10:14.51]Oh, check out the greeting cards.
[10:19.61]&For everything you do for yourself,For all the scotch upon your shelf,&
[10:19.61]为了每件你为自己做的事 为了所有你酒柜上的威士忌
[10:24.37]&Your Porsche Carrera rules the freeway,Here's wishing you an all night three-way.&
[10:24.37]你的保时捷Carrera主宰着高速公路 祝愿你拥有美好的&三人行&之夜
[10:29.48]Happy Not a Father's Day.&
[10:31.47]Check out the illustration. No, no.
[10:31.47]看看插图 不不
[10:37.26]It appears to be some sort of Asian hooker.
[10:39.94]Yes. Because on Not a Father's Day,
[10:39.94]没错 为了庆祝不是爸爸节
[10:42.59]you get a Thai you'd actually wear.
[10:44.80]Wordplay five!
[10:47.63]She's really kicking your ass here, Mosby.
[10:47.63]她可是一拳击中你要害咯 Mosby
[10:50.17]Your only hope is to go negative.
[10:53.34]I'll tell you why my opponent is saying all this.
[10:56.40]Three words: scared of babies.
[10:59.95]What? That is crazy.I am not.
[10:59.95]什么? 太荒谬了 我才没有呢
[11:03.23]Oh, yeah?
[11:03.23]哦 真的?
[11:04.23]Remember that time you met my cousin and her kid?
[11:06.26]Oh, she is so cute!
[11:06.26]哦 她真可爱啊!
[11:08.96]Oh, do you want to hold her?
[11:08.96]哦 你想抱抱吗?
[11:14.83]Or the baby shower Lily threw for her friend Erika?
[11:20.12]Are you leing that baby sniff you?
[11:21.97]I don't want to get bitten.
[11:24.86]And don't forget about...
[11:30.51]- Talking baby commercial? - Talking baby commercial.
[11:30.51]- 宝宝脱口秀广告? - 宝宝脱口秀广告
[11:34.79]But you're not like that, Lily.
[11:34.79]但你不同 Lily
[11:35.89]You love kids and they love you.
[11:35.89]你爱孩子 孩子也爱你
[11:37.90]Yes, I'm loveable, pretty and wise, but is it enough?
[11:37.90]没错 我确实讨人喜欢 既漂亮又聪明 光这些有什么用啊?
[11:41.85]Look, it all comes down to one word: you.
[11:41.85]瞧 实际上这只关于一个人:你
[11:45.12]Are you ready to put your own dreams on the back burner?
[11:47.57]Grad school, teaching art at the college level?
[11:47.57]去美术研究院 或者教大学生级别的美术?
[11:50.16]Look, you need to focus on Project Lily before you can start Project Baby.
[11:50.16]瞧 Lily 在你开始宝贝计划之前 首先得有自己的Lily计划
[11:54.68]If you don't, you'll always regret it.
[11:54.68]如果不是这样的话 你会经常反悔的
[11:56.80]And that wouldn't be fair to you or the baby.
[12:01.36]What's that?
[12:03.30]It's Jeremy's sock.
[12:07.05]I'm having a baby.
[12:09.35]But what about all the things I just said?
[12:11.58]But, but sock.
[12:11.58]但是 但是 小袜子耶
[12:13.66]But what about Marshall working all the time?
[12:15.91]But sock.
[12:15.91]但是 小袜子耶
[12:17.14]But, but Project Lily!
[12:17.14]但是 Lily你自己的计划呢!
[12:19.49]Little fishies on it.
[12:21.71]We made all of these arguments,
[12:23.58]and a sock is what makes your decision for you?
[12:23.58]还抵不过一只袜子 它让你做出决定?
[12:27.30]I guess that was the sock-out punch, huh, Robin?
[12:27.30]我想这就是袜子冲击波的威力吧 对吧 Robin?
[12:30.67]Shut up, Dad.
[12:30.67]闭嘴 老爹
[12:32.16]You shut up, baby hater.
[12:32.16]你才闭嘴 恐娃症的
[12:33.70]Babies are scary, okay?
[12:33.70]宝宝很恐怖的 好吧?
[12:35.60]They have giant eyes.
[12:36.74]And then, come on, the soft spot?
[12:36.74]还有 拜托 脑袋后面所谓不能碰的&软点&?
[12:38.51]If there's gonna be a self-destruct button,
[12:40.71]at least hide it somewhere it won't accidentally get pressed.
[12:40.71]至少也长点什么盖着 不那么容易被碰到嘛
[12:45.71]Where's Lily?
[12:45.71] Lily哪去了?
[12:49.06]Hey, did you drink any of this?
[12:49.06]嘿 你喝了这个吗?
[12:50.45]- Not a drop. - Me, neither.
[12:50.45]- 一滴未喝 - 我也没喝
[12:55.38]Eriksen, meeting in five minutes.
[12:55.38]Eriksen 五分钟会开会
[12:57.14]And you'd better bring your A-game for Mr. Li.
[12:59.87]That guy haunts my nightmares.
[13:02.05]Anyway, have fun out there, kid.
[13:02.05]不管怎么说 去倒腾吧 小子
[13:08.06]Put a baby in me, Marshall. I'm ready.
[13:08.06]给我播种吧 Marshall 我准备好了
[13:17.40]Lily... Lily, what are you doing here?
[13:17.40]Lily... Lily 你在这干嘛啊?
[13:19.61]I'm ready, Marshall. Tonight's the night.
[13:19.61]我准备好了 Marshall 就是今晚了
[13:22.08]Put your melon-headed spawn in my belly.
[13:22.08]把你那西瓜头的种子 产到我肚子里去吧
[13:26.24]Yeah!Come on, right now. Baby me. I'm ready. Oh, hey, look.
[13:26.24]耶! 来嘛 趁现在啊 让我生孩子吧 我准备好了 嘿 看啊
[13:31.58]The guys in the next building are waving at me.
[13:34.65]Hello, gentlemen!
[13:34.65]先生们 大家好!
[13:36.68]We're going to make a baby!
[13:41.01]I can't believe we lost her.
[13:41.01]我真不敢相信 竟然跟丢她了
[13:42.66]See, this is exactly why I'm never having kids.
[13:42.66]瞧 这就是为什么我决不生小孩
[13:44.69]You can't let them out of your sight for even a second.
[13:46.97]I can't find my file.
[13:48.82]I pulled out &A& through &G.&
[13:55.85]They just sit there with their stupid bottles.
[14:01.44]They cry.
[14:11.54]They spit up.
[14:16.41]And that's why kids suck.
[14:18.48]Wow, it is a good thing we broke up.
[14:18.48]哇 看来我们分手了还真是好事啊
[14:19.97]I forgot how totally psycho you are on the kids thing.
[14:19.97]我都忘了 一谈起孩子你就神经质了
[14:22.59]I'm psycho?
[14:23.96]Any time you even hear the word &kids,&
[14:26.62]you get two little lactation stains on your shirt.
[14:29.81]Thank God you're not a mom.
[14:29.81]老天爷啊 多亏你没有孩子
[14:31.40]You are such an ice queen.
[14:32.56]Any baby nursing from you would get brain freeze.
[14:32.56]被你养大的孩子啊 估计也都是脑残
[14:35.62]Look, don't paint me as some sort of a freak for wanting to remain independent.
[14:35.62]瞧 别想把我损成特立独行怪胎
[14:39.01]There are plenty of normal people out there who don't want to have kids.
[14:41.59]Brother, lay your hand on this box of condoms and repeat after me.
[14:41.59]伙计 把你的手放在这避孕套盒子上 跟着我起誓
[14:46.12]I, state the fake name you give to women.
[14:46.12]我 然后说你给娘们介绍自己时用的化名
[14:48.79]I, Johnny Banana.
[14:48.79]我 Johnny Banana
[14:51.54]Vow to always choose wet T-shirts over wet diapers. Vow to always...
[14:51.54]发誓 将永远选择湿的T-恤胜于湿的尿布 发誓 永远...
[14:55.97]Yeah, you're in great company there.
[14:55.97]对哇 你们阵容强大啊
[14:59.20]I'm gonna look for Lily in the bathroom.
[15:01.05]While I'm in there, I'll grab you a tampon.
[15:02.93]Great.Great, and when you're done shaking off at the urinal,
[15:02.93]不错 不错 那么你在小便池上抖擞完了后
[15:05.07]maybe you could ask the wizard to give you a heart.
[15:07.94]You know what? Maybe I should find somewhere else to stay this weekend.
[15:07.94]你知道吗? 我看我这周得找别的地方住了
[15:11.00]- No argument here. - Fine.
[15:11.00]- 我没异议 - 很好
[15:13.51]Welcome to our fraternity of non-paternity.
[15:18.11]He is one of us.
[15:22.55]Gentlemen, Mr. Li,
[15:22.55]先生们 李先生
[15:25.32]if you would all please open to page five of your merger documents. I think the...
[15:25.32]请你们打开手头文件的第五页 我想说...
[15:34.47]What is it, Eriksen?
[15:34.47]怎么啦 Eriksen?
[15:35.81]Nothing. I just think that you look... very nice today.
[15:35.81]没事 我只是觉得你今天看起来...很不错
[15:52.12]What are you looking at?
[15:54.23]I am looking at the future...
[15:58.06]of our two companies, and it looks very... naked.
[15:58.06]我们两家公司的未来 看起来非常...显露无&衣&
[16:04.27]Would you excuse me just for a brief second?
[16:04.27]抱歉 我出去小会 好吗?
[16:10.85]Did anyone else see the drunk chick?
[16:15.13]Hey, you guys didn't have to...
[16:15.13]嘿 你们不需这么客气...
[16:17.43]It's a picture of me with no kids.
[16:17.43]是我的照片 无孩子版的
[16:20.01]And there's macaroni glued on the frame.
[16:22.23]Guys, I love it.
[16:22.23]伙计们 我爱死它了
[16:24.39]Well, Lily's not in there.
[16:24.39]嗯 Lily不在那
[16:26.31]Your phone rang. I answered it. I hope you don't mind.
[16:26.31]刚你电话响了 我接了 希望你别介意
[16:28.89]Marshall's got Lily.She's fine.
[16:28.89]Marshall找到Lily了 她没事
[16:30.19]Oh, thank God.
[16:30.19]哦 谢天谢地
[16:35.97]When I was putting your phone back, and, uh, I found something in your bag.
[16:35.97]当我把你手机放回的时候 在你的包里找到了些东东
[16:38.92]I have a permit for that.
[16:38.92]我保证 那可不违法
[16:40.21]And the other thing was a gift.
[16:41.56]No. This.
[16:41.56]不是的 是这个
[16:46.35]You stole Jeremy's sock.
[16:48.03]No, I didn't.
[16:48.03]不 我才没有
[16:49.32]I don't know how that got in there. It must've fallen in. Weird!
[16:49.32]我也不知道这怎么来的 可能刚好掉进包里的吧 白痴!
[16:53.69]Fallen in?
[16:54.59]Or Lily put it in there as a joke. That bitch be drunk.
[16:54.59]或者是Lily跟我开玩笑放进去的吧 那婊子喝醉了
[17:00.12]Okay, I took it. It's just... so cute.
[17:00.12]好吧 是我拿的 它真的是...很可爱
[17:08.32]Robin Scherbatsky, are you warming to the idea of having children?
[17:08.32]Robin Scherbatsky 你那不生孩子的铁心开始溶化啦?
[17:12.33]No. I don't know. Maybe someday.
[17:12.33]没有 我不知道 以后也许吧
[17:17.14]When I'm, like, 70. Science will catch up.
[17:17.14]当我 70岁那天 科技会让我无所不能
[17:21.28]Look, I'm just... I'm confused lately. I'm unemployed. I'm living on a couch.
[17:21.28]瞧 我只是... 我最近很迷茫啊 我失业了 我寄居沙发一角
[17:27.23]Yeah. It's been a rough couple of months for both of us.
[17:27.23]没错 我们这几个月都不好过呢
[17:33.29]Hey, I have a spare bedroom.
[17:33.29]嘿 我还有间空房
[17:35.18]Why don't you stay with me while you look for a place?
[17:35.18]既然找房 为什么不搬来跟我住?
[17:38.03]- Really? - Yeah.
[17:38.03]- 真的? - 没错
[17:40.07]Thanks, Ted. I already have some leads, so it'll be one week, two weeks tops.
[17:40.07]谢谢你 Ted 我已经在着手找了 可能打扰你一周 最多两周
[17:44.52]And that's how your Aunt Robin moved in with me.
[17:44.52]这就是你们的Robin阿姨 搬来和我住的全过程啦
[17:49.50]I'm bored. Let's go dancing.
[17:49.50]好无聊哦 我们来跳舞吧
[17:52.24]Oh, let's rob a liquor store!
[17:52.24]哦 咱去打劫烟酒店吧!
[17:54.68]Lily, we're not going anywhere, okay?
[17:54.68]Lily 我们哪儿也不去 好吗?
[17:56.46]Whenever we go somewhere when you're drunk,
[17:56.46]每次你酒醉时 无论我们想去哪
[17:57.73]you always fall asleep as soon as we get in the...
[17:57.73]只要我们一坐进... 你立马倒头大睡
[18:01.47]We're going dancing!
[18:03.93]We're gonna party all night long!
[18:09.76]Hey, can you circle the block a couple times just to make sure she's really down?
[18:09.76]嘿 你能不能就绕着街道转几圈 让我确定她睡过去了?
[18:14.73]Sure thing.
[18:17.87]Latest Not A Father's Day brainstorm:
[18:20.33]a pregnancy test, but instead of a little, blue line,
[18:20.33]早孕测试棒 不用蓝线表示的
[18:23.69]there's a little, blue Barney going like this.
[18:23.69]而是做成小小的蓝色的Barney头像 就像这样
[18:26.74]Barney, Not A Father's Day is lame.
[18:26.74]Barney 不是爸爸节是个狗P节日
[18:29.52]It's a holiday for losers.
[18:30.98]What are you...? What're you talking about?
[18:30.98]你这是...? 你这是什么意思?
[18:32.71]That's a great group of bros.
[18:34.46]Barney, it's the Cheerleader Effect.
[18:34.46]Barney 这就是拉拉队效应
[18:36.37]Uh, no, Ted.
[18:36.37]呣 不是的 Ted
[18:37.75]That only works for chicks.
[18:39.40]Take a good look at each one of those guys individually.
[18:39.40]你好好的观察下他们每一个人 单独的
[18:58.51]These geniuses are not childless by choice, my friend.
[18:58.51]那些家伙并不是甘愿不要孩子的 伙计
[19:02.74]- Good night, Barney. - Good night.
[19:02.74]- 晚安 Barney - 晚安
[19:18.88]Do I smell chocolate chip pancakes?
[19:20.59]No, you smell &Chocolate chip I'm sorry I was such a drunk idiot& pancakes.
[19:20.59]不是 你该闻到&巧克力片我很抱歉 我是个白痴酒鬼&薄饼的味道
[19:26.54]Oh, is there any &Wish I hadn't puked on your shirt& bacon?
[19:26.54]哦 是否还有一丝 &希望我没吐到你衣服上&的培根味道啊?
[19:28.92]There sure is.
[19:32.36]I'm so sorry about last night. I know I was a mess.
[19:32.36]昨晚的事 我很抱歉 我知道我惹事了
[19:35.80]I... I just started freaking out about whether we're ready to be parents.
[19:35.80]我... 我只是不知道我们是否准备好了为人父母而抓狂
[19:41.42]But you took such good care of me.
[19:43.85]I know you're gonna be a great dad.
[19:45.71]- I don't want to be a dad right now. - What?
[19:45.71]- 我现在不想当爸爸 - 什么?
[19:49.32]Last night, it was just... Between balancing work and drunk Baby Lily,
[19:49.32]昨晚上 在兼顾工作与照顾酒醉Lily婴儿之间
[19:53.93]it was too much.
[19:55.82]I'm just getting started at this job,
[19:57.50]and I'm working such long hours, I mean...
[19:57.50]我工作时间那么长 我的意思是...
[20:00.61]Look, I love you.
[20:00.61]瞧 我爱你
[20:02.01]And I absolutely want to have kids someday.
[20:04.54]I just... I want to be ready for it.
[20:04.54]我只是... 我想为这天做好准备
[20:09.41]Me, too.
[20:10.97]And whenever we are ready,
[20:14.24]I know you're going to be amazing.
[20:17.30]You, too.
[20:21.64]Hey, do you want to go have completely protected sex right now?
[20:21.64]嘿 想不想来场安全措施做足的性爱啊?
[20:26.33]I do.
[20:27.47]Do you want to finish your bacon first?
[20:31.74]You are the perfect woman.
[20:40.68]And the cat's in the cradle and the silver spoon
[20:44.14]Little Boy Blue and the Man on the Moon
[20:44.14]*小男孩好伤心 爸爸去得那么远*
[20:47.22]When you comin' home, Dad? &I don't know when&
[20:47.22]*爸爸 你何时归哦? &不知归期&*
[20:50.65]We'll get together then, son
[20:50.65]*我们定会重逢 儿子*
[20:53.43]I'll know we'll have a good time then.
内容来自 听力课堂网:
基础差 学习 新概念英语第一册
入门Lesson 1-48
初级Lesson 49-72
中级Lesson 73-116
高级Lesson 117-144
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