
最权威的学习型桌面词典A Russian supply spacecraft carrying food, water and equipment for the International Space Station has managed to dock with the ISS.——》
TOP5 - 互助翻译积分排行
常用的规划词汇总结 ……外语的 App 一般都是找谁翻译成中文版本的?如何找到专业的翻译人士?
软件程序的翻译(本地化),如果是小规模的翻译,甲方可以自己做,如果是大至 Microsoft Office 并且有几十个本地化版本,就需要由专业的本地化公司来做,完成翻译、本地化测试、发布等流程。如果有文档或者多媒体文件,往往还需要截图、排版、发布等工作。软件产品的本地化与传统翻译的不同之一是使用的翻译工具不同。在本地化工具中,通过一系列定制过程,可以直接对源文件(比如 xml,dll,resx,rc 等)进行翻译,通过把标记本文保护起来而只暴露(提取)出需要翻译的文字内容来翻译。而如果是传统翻译的方式,翻译一个 xml 是很麻烦的:客户先把文字提出来,比如弄到 Word 或者 Excel 里面,然后发给翻译。翻译完成后,客户再自己一条一条地把翻译贴回源文件。对于较大的软件项目,这种过程显然是不可思议的,而且出错(比如说占位符被破坏)的可能性极高。因此,在软件本地化项目中,客户会直接将(已经或者没有经过进行文本提取的)资源文件外包给 vendor,同 vendor 在资源文件中进行翻译,然后交回翻译完成的本地化资源文件。这是软件本地化与传统翻译最大的不同。本地化工具的另一个强大的地方在于,它们往往支持客户对于一些文本进行定制,比如对占位符的保护,对于特殊文本的保护。比方说微软有一个叫 LocStudio 的本地化工具,其中可以为需要翻译的文本逐条添加 Instruction,或者叫做规则,对字符串长度、特殊占位符(类似于 %1、{@} 等)、翻译一致性等进行说明,并且支持在翻译之后对其进行验证。另外对于 IT 产品,文本的复用率很高,这是区别于一般文本的地方。为了解决这个问题,本地化行业普遍地使用翻译记忆技术 (Translation Memory),通过保证文本的复用率来达到保持文本的一致性,同时降低翻译成本。比如有些文字会以同样的或者近似的样子出现多次,类似于“Are you sure to cancel it?”这一样句话。利用 TM,只需要在它第一次出现的时候翻译,后面则只需要从 TM 中直接取用即可,而对于后者这种情况,客户显然不必支付与第一次翻译时相同的费用!而如果在同一个项目中出现了“Are you sure to withdraw it?”这样一句话,翻译人员可以从“Are you sure to cancel it?”的翻译中借用一部分翻译,同时客户也不必把“Are you sure to Withdraw it?”当做一句全新的翻译来支持费用!再者,本地化行业在进行翻译的过程中,往往会(由本地化公司或者由客户)制订严格规范以及术语表,这方面各大 IT 公司都是极好的典范,比如微软的本地化规范为大多数厂商的软件本地化项目所共用,而微软产品的术语翻译亦成为类似产品的首要参考 (这是微软的 style guide 下载地址,)。当然不同产品之间的术语可参考的范围要小得多,比如 Maya 与 Outlook。并且这些规范和术语的维护与呈现都有严格的流程与平台。除了翻译,一些本地化公司还可以提供本地化测试服务,保证本地化之后的产品有与源语言版本有相同的功能,并且在语言特征、操作习惯(比如时间格式、货币)上符合目标语言的文化特点。所以是否需要将翻译外包,您可以从几个方面来判断:是否有较大的翻译量是否有较复杂的资源文件格式是否有严格的翻译规范与术语要求是否同时有排版的需求是否有多媒体的本地化是否需要本地化测试如果基本都“是”,那就建议您将翻译外包。当然除了本地化公司,也有个人专业干这事,就看您项目的大小。个人本地化资源可以从很多地方找到,看来您要的是简体中文的,可以在本地化世界网 () 之类的论坛上发帖子。如果是多语言项目,可以试试通过
这类网站来寻找资源。对于本地化翻译的定价,相当复杂。翻译分单字价和小时价两种,不同公司的价格有时相去甚远。简单跟您做个介绍。单字价,就是每翻一个字付多少钱。当然这里的翻译都是使用了 TM 的——并且根据前面所说的 TM 可以起到翻译复用的功能,我相信您很容易理解这里有个“匹配率”的问题:全新文本,即匹配率为 0,全价支付。匹配率在 75% 以下、85% 以下,95 % 以下,100% 各按一定的比率对单价进行折扣。而这个折扣可能受本地化工具的影响,使用不同的本地化工具时的折扣方式可能有所不同。UI 的价格一般比 UA(文档)的价格要高。当然如果没有 TM,那所有文字都是新字了。而小时价的存在是因为过小的翻译量不足以酬付翻译在一个项目中所投入的沟通、熟悉项目规范、上传下载文件等劳动,这时翻译人员会要求一个最小收费,往往在报价中会以小时单价的形式出现。比如 5 个字的翻译,可能就一块钱,而翻译为了翻这 5 个字,可能需要查阅一些资料并且在翻译之后进行一致性等检查,花去小半天的功夫。另外本地化公司的翻译报价一般比传统翻译公司要高。希望以上信息能够对您的翻译项目的决策有所帮助。如果还需要更多信息,敬请评论或私信。
技术高深英语好的可以用 OHT 的 Lingui,简单方便的可以用
,预算充足的可以用大公司 ,
本地化服务公司,我在 EC innovations 做过自动化方面的英语翻译,这家公司正如宣传的那样是业内领先的翻译和本地化服务专家,曾为某代windows系统做过汉化,还为apple提供过网页本地化服务,主要服务对象是西门子、罗克韦尔、ABB等工控设备制造商,现在很多业务也是跟APP有关的。排名最高答案解释了本地化翻译是怎么运作的,稍微有点跑题,我就是来肯定一下,很多知名APP和互联网产品都会找专门的本地化服务公司做汉化或者其他语言。
有很多日本软件找 Gengo 去翻……然后 Gengo 再随机拆成大大小小的单分给大家翻。导致,我只能推测地说,翻出来的效果绝对搞笑,因为语言风格可能不一样啊哈哈哈。同样是拆出来的 App 翻译,有的单有上千个词,有的单只有一个词,比如我就见过一个「Test」、「Next」这样的,推测是 App 里的罢~上次还见到一个 App, 它做了一个按钮,按钮第一行是小子号的「Tap to」,第二行是大字号的「Submit」,然后在翻的时候它把这个拆成了两个任务(在一个有上百个的任务组里面),也就是类似于你要把「Tap to」翻在一个格里面,把「Submit」翻在一个格里面。亏得我见过那个 App, 不然……就这样的系统,虽然是人工翻译,但质量……估计也好不到哪里去。不过 Gengo 上还真是很多 App 翻译。
社交帐号登录Vimcdoc is an attempt to translate the wonderful Vim online
documentation into Chinese, allowing more people to get to
know and make use of this great tool. After installing vimcdoc,
You will be able to do :help and read
documentation in Chinese.
The latest version is 1.9.0!
Vimcdoc is hosted by sourceforge. You should be able to
get it from any sourceforge mirror. See the links below:
Latest platform independent , including an Linux/BSD installation script
version of the translated Vim user manual from slimzhao.
Thanks slimzhao for permission to host this file.
For older versions, please use the 'Download' link on the left.
1.9.0 released (25 Aug 2013) by Willis
Fully updated to Vim 7.4.
PDF manuals uploaded (07 May 2011) by Willis
We now generate PDF versions for both the user manual and the reference manual.
The user manual is available both standalone and as part of the reference
1.8.0 released (13 Aug 2010) by Willis
Fully updated to Vim 7.3.
1.7.0 released (23 Dec 2008) by Willis
Fully updated to Vim 7.2. This release also adds an optional plugin that
automatically sets the default help language to Chinese, so that you don't
have to do it by yourself in vimrc.
Note that this plugin also modifies the default encoding to utf-8. Please
read the HOWTO page for more details.
This release also contains a unicode build of the win32 installation program.
1.6.0 released (17 Sep 2007) by Willis
Up-to-date with the latest upstream release Vim 7.1. Also included various
bugfixes. Thanks to everyone for making this happen!
Maintainer change (23 July 2007) by lang2
lang2 is stepping down fromt the maintainer's role and yianwillis will take
1.5.0 released! (18 Aug 2006) by lang2
A big move and we have a completely new release. Thanks to the hard
work of tocer and Willis, all documentation files are NOW fully
up-to-date with 7.0, including 13 new help files. Online HTML is going
to be updated soon.
There will be no separate releases for old vim versions. You are all
encouraged to use the poweful new Vim7 anyway:) Happy vimming!
New release expected soon! (07 Aug 2006) by Willis
Stay tuned.
Version 1.0 released! Also preview release for Vim7! (23 Jun 2006) by Willis
We have completed all documentations for Vim 6.4! Various reviews have been
made since 0.9.0 and we are very happy to announce our first 1.x release for
In the meantime, many new exciting features have been added since Vim 7.0
has been released early May. We are actively working on new Vim 7 help files
and in our first preview release, we already have 60 out of 128 files up-to-date.
Welcome to try it out!
Online HTML versions are also updated for both 6.4 and 7.0 releases.
0.9.0 released! (19 Mar 2006) by lang2
This is a major milestone release! All Vim documentation are now translated
and updated against Vim 6.4. This release is almost single-handedly made
possible by Willis, who has only joined us for no more than a month. Everybody
is encouraged to upgrade (hint: read the INSTALL file). Online HTML version will
be updated shortly.
All documents translated (12 Mar 2006) by lang2
Thanks for Willis, we now have a complete translation of all the Vim
documentation, user manual as well as reference manual. Well done Willis.
0.8.0 is released! (27 Jul 2005) by wandys
With four new files and many bug fixes.
New mirror! (09 Dec 2004) by lang2
This has been on the table for long. The service on cosoft isn't
half as good as sourceforge. Our Wiki page breaks down from time
to time. Now thanks for wandys, we have a
on gro. Enjoy
vimcdoc 0.7.0 released! (07 July 2004) by lang2
First ever release for Vim 6.3! Loads of changes and improvements.
As usual, see the change log for detail. This release can _NOT_ be
automatically installed for Vim 6.2 or before. Users are suggested
to upgrade to 6.3, or a manual intallation is needed for usage with
previous version of Vim. Sorry. :(. Please read the INSTALL file for
detailed installation instruction.
Hosting slimzhao's user manual PDF (02 July 2004) by lang2
We are honored to host slimzhao's lovely PDF version of the Vim user
manual. It is of good translation quality, as ours. Download at:
Linked by vim homepage. (06.10.2004) by lang2
We are listed by the vim homepage now. Check it out:
vimcdoc 0.6.1 released! (06.01.2004) by lang2
This is mainly a bug fix release. Quite few changes really.
Also, this would be the last vimcdoc release for Vim 6.2
and below.
Wiki page (03.15.2004) by lang2
wandys has put up the wiki page on our cosoft site! It now should be
easier for casual contribution. Simply follow the WiKi link on the left.
vimcdoc 0.6.0 released! (12.30.2003) by lang2
Yet another major release from the hard working vimcdoc team! Three
important pieces were finished: windows.txt, pattern.txt and quickfix.txt.
Enjoy the new release and wish you a very happy new year!
vimcdoc 0.5.0 released! (10.19.2003) by lang2
This is a mile stone release. All the user manual are now reviewed.
Happy Birthday! ^o^ (10.10.2003) by lang2
James He posted in the mailing list:
It seems that it is one year since our great project started.
Happy Birthday! ^o^
And Here is what lang2 replied.
Indeed. I never thought it would take this long to be honest.
And it is still not finished!
No that has been quite a memorable year.
vimcdoc 0.4.5 released! (10.05.2003) by lang2
Huge amount of updates, including 10 newly translated files and tons
of improvements on the existing ones. See the project page for a full
New major release! (09.22.2003) by lang2
Version 0.4.0 is available. See the project page for release note and
change log. Thanks for wandys, dasn and lang2 for the hard work.
New release!
Version 0.3.5 is available. See the project page for release note and
change log.
HTML version updated again (08.27.2003)
We have made some decent progress in the past week or so. The HTML
version is thus updated with the latest!
2 new members! (08.18.2003)
We have two new members here, corass and dasn. And dasn has started
working on gui_w32.txt as well as contributing to the reviewing
0.3.1 released!!! (06.03.2003)
This is mainly a bug fix release. Wandys reviewed usr_01.txt through
usr_12.txt and found some obvious defects.
0.3 released!!! (05.30.2003)
All user manual files are there and a few other docs. This is a
milestone !!!
All user manual translated!! (05.29.2003)
We are on schedule!!! All the user manual documents are now
translated, thanks for wandys and lang2's hard work. Now the release
would be only hours away. The on-line version is updated too.
Coming closer to the next release (05.19.2003)
Another bunch of files have been translated by lang2. Now we have only
two and half usr_??.txt files left before I start trying to deliver
the next release. Hopefully it will be before the end of may.
On-line documents updated again. (03.21.2003)
The on-line HTML version of the documents are updated. Hopefully this
would be the last time I update them manually. The major change is the
inclusion of usr_41.txt.
On-line documents updated. (01.24.2003)
The on-line HTML version of the documents are updated. Not ideal but
they don't change that often either.
Status update (01.15.2003)
We've grow to a number of 8 developers now and are making steady
progress. Most of the usr*.txt are translated already.
Our cosoft mirrors are now completely re-worked by wandys. A link from the banner is provided.
HTML version of documentations on-line (12.05.2002)
Noticed the link above 'read on-line'? Yes that is it. You can read the
translated documentations on-line now. It isn't great at the moment but
it is usable. Enjoy.
First ever release (12.02.2002)
We have 1x files in the CVS already so I believe we should celebrate
this by making the very fist release of vimcdoc project!!!
Also ychimin2000 joined us today and has picked up two files already.
Web page polished (12.01.2002)
As you can see, I've simplified the web page. All the useful
information is now at the right hand. A new status page is created as
well. These 2 will do for most of the time I think. I got a bit lazy
during the weekend (partially because of the 2 hr soccer) and found
myself doing these HTML stuff. So there you go, I don't particularly
like the banner and all the colors but don't have time for those.
Merging... (11.23.2002)
wandys found out accidentally that Ken (a.k.a nek_in) has already
started a same project long ago on here and managed to translate quite
a few files already. So we mailed the man and basically expressed that
we want to join him. We are now in a process of joining the two
project into one. The main sourceforge site will be used for
developing and the cosoft page will be used for releasing. I'd say
that is a perfect setup. :-)
CVS ready (11.15.2002)
As wandys suggested, CVS is now setup and ready to be used. Please go
to the project page for more information on using the repository. A
mailing-list problem has been solved too. So there should be absolutely
no reason for not working hard, ..., except for of course, weekend.
We've grown (11.14.2002)
wandys and rmy joined the team. It feels good to be working with
someone instead of fighting all the problems myself.
Still looking for help (11.13.2002)
I've I under-estimated the amount of work involved in this project. As
wandys in linuxforum.net said: translation is not easy. I am currently
working on the |quickref.txt| and I can see translation takes a lot of
work. So I need help. Anyone who is interested please feel free to
contact me. Currently I am still on my own. I am hoping to get the
team list growing.....
web page up (11.12.2002)
Thanks to the nice people at , I manage to setup the web
page for this project. As you can see now, there isn't much to see
here yet since the project has just begun. The design was 'stolen'
from Open Source Web Design and I'd like to thank warden for creating
this lovely template.
linuxforum.net is down :( (11.11.2002)
I initially got quite a number of response from the forum about
starting this project. But I guess I was unlucky to have it only for
one day. The site was down after the day. I've lost contact with most
of the people who has shown interest to the project. Please contact me
if you are one of them.
files uploaded (11.10.2002)
I've uploaded two files and put them under release section today. One
of them is a tar ball with all the Vim help documentation from the Vim
6.1 distribution. The other is the current st-) -
a partially translated version of the |quickref.txt|. The idea was
just to test how sourceforge releases files. Give it a shot if you
project started
It all started with a few post on linuxforum.net talking about editor
people use. The fact that someone was saying those crappy eye candy
editor KDE come up with are better than Vim made me worrying. I said
to my self, 'this is not good for China.' ;-). I am a developer my
self and do a lot of coding. I use Vim only and truly think it is a
great editor. I think people know less about it in China because it is
documented in English. So I've decided to do this project, to promote
Vim as the editor as well as letting more people in China start using
this great tool.
Vimcdoc was started by Ken in 2002.6. lang2 started a similiar
project from
soon after. At the end of 2002 they merged and the
current vimcdoc took form. We have many
whom the following has contributed a lot to this project:
Ken - nek_
wandys - wandys@users.sourceforge.net
lang2 - lang2@users.sourceforge.net
ychimin2000 - ychimin2000@users.sourceforge.net
snoopyxp - snoopyxp@users.sourceforge.net
yemao - yemao@users.sourceforge.net
nutlm - nutlm@users.sourceforge.net
dasn - dasn@users.sourceforge.net
cranecai - cranecai@users.sourceforge.net
icrazy - icrazy@users.sourceforge.net
jwdu - junweidu@ustc.edu
foolstone - foolstone@ustc.edu
xxxss - xxxss@users.sourceforge.net
slimzhao - slimzhao@users.sourceforge.net
quhongjun - quhongjun@users.sourceforge.net
yianwillis - yianwillis@users.sourceforge.net
tocer - tocer@users.sourceforge.net
Vimcdoc is & 2011 by the vimcdoc team.
All rights reserved.


