stopstop sb doing sthomethin...

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   Directions:   You are going to read a list of headings and a text about some tips for learning to read a foreign language. Choose the most suitable heading from the list A-G for each numbered paragraph(1-5).There are two extra headings which you do not need to use.   [A]Look up words,but not every word   [B]Sound out the language as you are reading it   [C]Make sure the text is big enough   [D] Learn something about the cuhure in which the language developed[E]Read something that’s fun   [F] Take breaks   [G]When reading a new author,go more slowly in the first few pages   Let’s suppose you’ve studied the basics of a foreign language and now wish to become more fluent in reading it.What do you do?   As l’ve studied several foreign languages over the years,I’ve discovered some strategies that help.   1.( )When learning to read a foreign language we should remember that every real tongue(as opposed to a constructed language,like Esperanto)is first and foremost a spoken form of communication.①Every foreign language was spoken for many years before it was written down.There’s good reason to believe that the spoken word comes more easily to us than the written page.When a person reads a foreign language out loud,it slows the pace down,and makes the reader pay more attention to each word;It helps us distinguish very similar words,and prevents us from skipping over those little words that are sometimes easy to miss when learning to read a foreign language.   2.( )This may sound pretty basic。but I discovered as l was learning to read a foreign language that text sizes that are easy to read in English are harder to read in,say,Greek or Spanish.④0f course,if you are having an extreme problem,the first thing you might want to do is have your eyes checked.But if that is not the problem,while you are learning to read in a foreign language you may wish to select books with slightly larger text or to use reading glasses,even if you do not usually use them.④   3.( )Of course if you are learning to read in a foreign language you want to have a good dictionary of the foreign language you are trying to learn.But contrary to popular belief,when learning a foreign language,it’s not always necessary to look up every word you don’t know.For example,if you are only unfamiliar with one word in a phrase you are readin9,but the meaning is clear from the context,it may not be necessary to reach for the dictionary.Let the context be your guide.Most of us,when we are learning to read our native tongues,do not look up every word,and the same applies as we are learning a foreign language.   4.( )Even when we are reading our native languages,it’s easy to see that authors have favorite words and phrases and their own particular styles.As you are learning to read a foreign language you will see that the same principle applies.Once you have looked up a few of the writer’s favorite words。and once you have gotten used to his or her idiosyncrasies,it will become easier to read a text written in a foreign language.   5.( )Even in English,when the author writes about something entirely outside of our own experience,it can be difficult to understand what he or she is sayin9.⑤If you study the culture of the foreign language you are trying to learn it will give the language context.When trying to read an article about contemporary Mexico in Spanish,I came across several passages about conflicts between the different ethnic groups.Because I had already read about the“conquistadors”or conquerors。it was easier to understand what was happenin9.   In learning to read a foreign language,we should realize that we are learning a new skill.It is a very natural human skill,but a new skill all the same.Reading a foreign language is not as easy as reading your native tongue,and you’11 want to read shorter passages and stop more often than if you were reading your native English。   When selecting material for your study of a foreign language,remember it’s easier to keep reading a story if you’re enjoying it.We shouldn’t think of learning a foreign language as purely a chore.Get a novel that looks interesting or a book of short stories written in the foreign language you are studyin9.I found it much easier to learn a new language when I purchased a book that structured its lessons around a mystery story.   I think this may be the most important tip on learning tO read a foreign language that I can give you.Because when we don’t enjoy doing somethin9,we generally don’t continue with it.And the more you learn,the more you’ll enjoy it. [779 words]   超纲词汇   Ehore n.繁琐之事,困难的(或不合意的)工作    skip over略过,遗漏   Context n.上下文,文章的前后关系    Esperanto n.世界语   Idiosyncrasy n.特质,特性   Conquistador n.西班牙征服者,征服者    conqueror n.征服者,胜利者
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stop to do sth.和stop doing sth.的例句各5个
hey, how about stop to somke?嘿,停下来抽只烟怎样?
Please stop smoking.请停止抽烟。
stop doing sth.:停下现在正在做的事情Please stop talking!(请不要再说话了!) stop to do sth:停下现在做的事情去做另外一件事Please stop to talk.(请停下你现在做的事,去讨论吧!)John, stop to do your homework.
He held that animal doesn't stop to do his own
stop to do something what he wants.
Who stopped it(from)cuing and what did it stop to do?
Would you please stop doing that?
Stop doing that, in the name of God!
I'm obliged to ask you to stop doing that.
People must stop doing this.We must save the Earth.
When you sing,we stop doing all the things,being still.
其他回答 (3)
stop doing sth 和stop to do sth.
stop doing sth是“停止做某事”,doing是stop 的宾语,是要停止的动作,
stop to do sth 是“停下来开始做某事”,to do是stop的状语,表示目的,是要开始做的事情,例如:
1、The two girls stopped talking when they saw me.
2、The two girls stopped to talk to me when they saw me.
stop to do sth是停下来去干某事
stop doing sth是停止干某事。
I stopped to rest.& 我停下来(现在做的事)去休息.
I stopped resting. 我停下休息(去做别的事).
1.flying colors--success,victory 2.little by little--gradually off--cancel <e into--receive,especially after another's death 5.put off--postpone 6.stop by--make a brief visit on one's way elsewhere 7.tie up--hinder out for--trying to get 9.fill in for--take another's place 10.turn down--(1)refuse or reject         (2)reduce the loudness of 11.go off--begin to ring 12.cut down--limit <e up with--supply 14.make it--(1)achieve a specific goal        (2)succeed in general 15.catch one's eye--attract one's attention for--(1)value        (2)take care of 17.head and shoulders above--much better 18.catch on--become popular 19.on the whole--in general 20.fill sb in--tell what sb should know a nutshell--in a few words 22.from top to bottom--entirely 23.take the plunge--enter with sudden decision upon an unfamiliar course of action 24.on the tip of one's tongue--unable to be recalled 25.cheer up--stop beinbecome hopeful 26.hold off--delay 27.on cloud nine--a state of perfect happiness 28.back out--withdraw from an undertaking 29.grin and bear it--be as cheerful as possibldo someth ing without complaining 30.turn out to be--prove 31.bite off more than one can chew--attempt something that exceeds one's abi lity the air--uncertain 33.get hold off--find a person so you can speak with him 34.learn the ropes--acquire thorough or special knowledge of a job 35.tear oneself away from--depart wforce oneself to lea ve 36.tie up--engage or occupy completely 37.touch on--mention a subject briefly or casually 39.see to it--takmake sure 40.get along with--live or work in harmony with 41.give away--give as present 42.account for--explain 43.out of print--no longer available for purchase from the publisher 44.send out--distribute no time--almost at once 46.before long--without much delay by ear--(1)play an instrument without using written music          (2)handle a matter without adequate preparation or guidance 48.wear and tear--loss or damage caused by use <e what may--no matter what happens 50.drop by--make a short or unplanned visit short of--not having enough 52.cut it out--stop doing sth sick of--having a strong dislike of 54.look for a needle in a haystack(a bottle)--search for something in a plac e where it is hopelessly lost. 55.knock oneself out--make a great effort up against--encounter 57.far from--not at all 58.far from it--not at all 59.hang on to--keep firmly 60.get nowhere--obtain no result in and day out--all the time 62.break down--cease to function 63.get going--begin to move 64.take one's time--not hurry 65.boil down to--indicate,especially as a final judgement or analysis 66.make up--take a test for the second time 67.put up with--tolerate and by--before long 69.give someone a hand--assist 70.ring a bell--sound familiar 71.snap out of it--(1)change one's habits,attitude,etc,suddenly          (2)regain one's composure,energy,recover 72.raise the roof--start a fight or an argument 73.get away with--escape without punishment 74.on business--with definite work to do 75.look up--as an item of information,in a referance book
76.let up--(1)stop      (2)abate any case(or event)--no matter what happens <e out--be published 79.look into--inspect 80.fall back on--rely on 81.spell out--explain very clearly or in detail 82.wrap up--bring to end,especially a successful conclusion one's breath--keep silent because talking will not help 84.hold up--(1)hinder        (2)endure,last 85.have one's hands full--be able to do no more 86.How come?--How is it?Why? 87.stick around--stay or wait nearby 88.make out--manage 89.turn up--appear,turn out,show up 90.hold off--delay 91.over one's head--beyond one's power to understand 92.stock up--lay in a good supply of 93.stay put--not leave 94.keep up--continue 95.tie up--occupy completely and out--coming in and going out often 97.make ends meet--make one's income suffice without incurring debt 98.on and on--without stopping 99.out of this world--great a row--(1)[1]&[2]&&下一页
in alignment         (2)successively 101.wait around--waiting in vain off(down)--make or become calm 103.hold the grudge--having hard feelings <e a long way--smake great progress 105.straighten out--make you realize you are wrong 106.once and for all--finally or decisively 107.put...away--put in the right place or out of sight 108.out of it--not involved in 109.bump into--run into 110.out of stock--lacking a supply of,especially temporarily 111.per se--in itself 112.keep to oneself--avoid the society of others 113.go out of one's way--make special effort to help somebody or do somethin g 114.put up--lodge 115.under the weather--in low spirit <e in handy--prove useful one out of--make one leave off or forego something by talking 118.wait on--attend as a servant 119.go all out--make one's utmost effort 120.on sale--at a reduced price 121.try out--enter as a competitor 122.pass up--reject 123.on behalf of--as a representative of 124.stay up--not to go to bed 125.the odds are--the probability is 126.hold over--postpone 127.out of order--in the wrong arranot working right 128.booked up--have nohave no free time left in--find time to see someone 130.go in one ear and out the the other--make no impression 131.measure up--have the necessary qualifications 132.change of pace--a temporary shift or variation in the normal routine or regular pattern of activity out of--exhaust the quantity or supply of 134.go by--obey 135.take it out on--cause someone else to suffer for one's own misfortune or dissatisfaction 136.get around to--find the necessary time for 137.put out--anno上一页&&[1]&[2]&--博才网
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