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114网址导航Spencer says if Elissa wins America’s Player I am going to pull my pants down and sh*t on the stage!Big Brother 18 Spoilers | OnlineBigBrother Live Feed Updates
POV Holder:Next POVSept 7thPOV UsedPOV CeremonySept 9thHOH Winner:McCraeNext HOH:Sept 5thOriginal Nominations:Current Nominations: Last Evicted HouseguestAaryn, Amanda, ElissaHave NotsBig Brother 15 Live Feeds: FREE 2 DAY TRIAL 7pm When the Big Brother 15 Live Feeds return from showing TRIVIA during the Live Double Eviction episode – 7pm Judd asks how was there so many girls in here at one point and now almost all guys. Gina laughs. Spencer says there were 7 girls and 5 guys at one point. McCrae says I hope I get beer, photos and a letter in my HOH basket. Judd says I don’t want to sound cocky or arrogant but I am so glad Elissa is gone. Everyone agrees and says now they can finally say whatever they want. Cock, piss, balls! Spencer says if Elissa wins America’s Player I am going to pull my pants down and sh*t on the stage during the live show! Judd says sorry about Amanda, but there are only a couple weeks left. McCrae says it’s okay I already prepared for it. They talk about the HOH competition and Power of Veto competition. They’re all happy Elissa is gone. Judd says that Elissa didn’t deserve this experience. Judd says to McCrae in the kitchen final five brother, good job! McCrae says yeah! Andy tells Gina he knows Gina and Amanda had that fight the other day but he is sad to see her go. Gina says she is too regardless of the fight. They comment on how the second HOH Competition will probably be around 9pm tonight. 7:20pm Judd says I don’t want to pack Elissa’s bag – I don’t know where all her sh*t is and I don’t want to be liable for sh*t she says we break. Andy and Spencer whisper in the bedroom about Spencer wanting to win the HOH. Andy says if it comes down to us I might just throw it to you. Spencer goes into the storage room and finds Elissa’s bag. He grabs it and throws it out in the living room while he says ya’ll know what time it is? It’s time to pack her sh*t!!! They all start packing her bag. They want to put other crap in her bag like head cheese. Spencer finds some pill and comments that she hasn’t been taking them. Spencer says wouldn’t it be funny if she had a big dildo in her drawer. Judd says oh my god I do not want to be the first guy in that jury! They congratulate McCrae on getting HOH on episode 500.
7:25pm &#pm McCrae says this sucks I almost wish I didn’t win this HOH because now I can’t compete in the next one. Spencer says you got out the most unstable bit*h! Judd says she has the personality of a fish. Spencer say I would rather anyone of you mother**kers wins America’s Favorite than Elissa. They all say they would rather David win it. McCrae says that this is the way he planned it to happen with Amanda ..that he would go as far as he could with her and then take off like a rocket into space. They continue to talk about how much they hate Elissa. Spencer says F**K YOU B***H! I HATE YOU! Spencer says Elissa did not get my d**k hard at all! I would not f**k her! I did not find her sexually attractive at all. McCrae agrees. Andy says I strangely agree too.Big Brother 15 Live Feeds FREE TRIAL: FLASHBACK FEATURE7:40pm Andy, Spencer, Judd and McCrae sit at the kitchen table to play a game of “A$$hole”. Ginamarie is eating and then plans to finish packing Elissa’s bag. Spencer tells her that all the rotten meat in the fridge is Elissa’s. Judd says anything that is a girls and not yours is Elissa’s.7:50pm &#pm Ginamarie talks to McCrae as she packs Elissa’s clothes. Gina says that she never had anything against him. She says that Amanda was just too much. She was so loud. I know you didn’t come in here with her. McCrae says yeah. Gina says that no one ever had the balls to put her up. McCrae says I never meant anything against you by putting you up. It just secured Elissa going. Gina says oh yeah no problem. McCrae says I would never be happy if Elissa was still in the house. Spencer says I was just tired of looking at her stupid face. Judd says she felt entitled. McCrae says Elissa thought she would stay regardless of who she sat next to. Gina says and look what happened. Spencer talks about how he wonders if Elissa is even going to the jury house. Gina wonders if they will tell us if she walks. McCrae says yeah we won’t find out until the finale. Gina says no offense but I got rid of the two biggest bi*ches! Candice and Amanda.. God chose me because he knew I could handle it. My HOH’s! Spencer says you got some good ones!
8:10pm &#pm They continue to find more clothes and things of Elissa’s. They don’t know how they are going to pack all of her stuff. Spencer says lets prance around in Elissa’s underwear. Spencer says Elissa said her over weight – weight for the flight here cost her over $200. In the kitchen Judd comments that he is so happy he stayed during the double eviction. Judd thanks McCrae for not putting him up. McCrae says yeah no problem. Andy comments that the water is coming out of the fridge super slow. Spencer says it comes out fast for me, it’s a bigot. Andy says you make out with me every time you drink. Spencer says shut the f**k up I don’t want to live feeds to know. Spencer says lets put on her underwear and walk around saying look at me I’m a b***h! Andy says oh god Spencer you are so mature.8:30pm McCrae goes into the diary room. The Exterminators Alliance (Judd, Spencer, Andy and Gina) all dance around and pretend they are spraying Snakes, Rats and Ants. Gina says this couldn’t have worked out any better and he can’t play in this HOH competition. They talk about how we need to win the veto to make sure he (McCrae) goes home. Andy says this worked out perfectly! We all played our roles perfectly. Andy says Candice’d Elissa.. or I guess I Spencer’d Elissa because you were the one that fooled Candice. They talk about keeping up the secret of their alliance until at least after the veto. Gina says I wasn’t even nervous when McCrae won HOH. Gina says look how the tables have turned! That’s called KARMA B***H! Andy laughs about how poorly Elissa defended herself and said she didn’t lie. Andy says she is devoid of emotion. Spencer says that he is going to fight really hard for the HOH to at least get one. Judd laughs at how it was McCrae’s HOH that got Elissa out. Spencer says that he is going to come out every night and slap his d**k on her (Elissa) face (memory wall photo). 8:35pm &#pm Andy says 2 of the 4 of us will not go to the final two but we can all be proud of the impact we made on this game. Gina says this couldn’t be more scripted. Andy says I am pretty sure I am not getting my shirt back. They all laugh. Spencer says I will buy you another one dude. Andy says she (Amanada) did tell me today if I double crossed her she would sh*t all over my shirt and send it back to me. Gina finishes packing up Elissa’s bag. They all take it into the storage room. Gina says yeah put it right here by the trash. They all pretend to exterminate her bag. They head back to the kitchen. Andy laughs about how he went up to Amanda right before and said I love you, you’re good! Andy says f**k you Zingbot for calling me a floater. Andy counts the people in the jury that he has lied to and f**ked over.. he says there are 4 girls in the jury house that are really mad at me. They stand at the memory wall and wonder whos jury votes they each have. Gina says f**k you, you crab motherf**king b***h (Candice).8:50pm Andy says this could not have worked out any better. I was so nervous. Judd says if Elissa had won I would have cried for the first time in my life. Andy comments that in his diary room session they asked him if he threw the “Go Fetch” HOH competition.8:50pm Big Brother switches the live feeds to TRIVIA for the second HOH Competition…Please consider donating. Simon and I work 24/7 all season long to bring you all the live feed updates and spoilers. ANY amount is greatly appreciated, your donations go directly to paying the server and bandwidth fees needed to run this site.
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