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商务口语节目推荐  为同性恋者创建开放的社会环境   With the rapid development of LGBT (le" />
Create an Open Society for Homosexuals
  为同性恋者创建开放的社会环境 中国论文网 /9/view-5150827.htm  With the rapid development of LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender) movement, homosexuals in many countries like Netherland, Norway, Sweden, Demark, Finland, Iceland, Australia, New Zealand, Argentina, South Africa, the U.S. and Canada have obtained social and civil rights like marriage and adoption as their heterosexual counterparts.   In many countries, fears and misunderstandings about homosexuality remain wide spread. These present daunting challenges to the development of LGBT community. Addressing negative attitudes toward LGBT people require cooperation in all areas of society.   Government:   政府:   The government should take the lead to eliminate all forms of discrimination based on sexual orientation and create a harmonious living environment for the LGBT people. In the case of China, the civil rights of LGBT people should be recognized by the government and protected by law. Legalizing same sex marriage is the first step, as it is a legal reorganization of their equality and their civil rights that are the same as heterosexual couples. When the government recognizes the rights of homosexuals, the general public will follow. "Normally we have the tradition of not questioning our government, so if the government gives gay people the right to marry, average people will accept homosexuality too," said Professor Li Yinhe in an interview with Cityweekend few years ago.   HIV epidemic in MSM group in China is sharply rising. China can certainly benefit from legalizing the same sex marriage as legalizing the same sex marriage can reduce the spread of sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV/ AIDs. Professor Mary Ann Lamanna and Professor Agnes Riedmann argued that being able to marry legally could help homosexual couples continuing a long-term relationships and make safe sex possible. As a result, it will help to reduce the chance of getting infected by STDs and help rein the spread of the HIV/ AIDs epidemic.   许多国家仍广泛存在对同性恋的恐惧和误解。这些对LGBT社区的发展构成了严峻地挑战。解除对LGBT的消极态度需要社会各个领域的合作。   政府应该起带头作用,以消除基于性倾向的一切形式的歧视,为LGBT人群创造和谐的生活环境。在中国,LGBT人群的民事权利应得到政府的承认,并受法律保护。第一步是让同性婚姻合法化,使其具有和异性恋夫妇一样的平等权利和公民权利。一旦政府承认同性恋者的权利,广大市民也会随之承认。李银河教授几年前在接受《城市周报》记者采访时说:“通常情况下,我们有不质疑政府的传统,如果政府赋予同性恋人结婚的权利,一般人也会接受同性恋者。”   随着艾滋病病毒的流行在中国MSM人群中急剧上升,如何解决这一问题成了中国面临的巨大难题。实际上婚姻合法化,在某种程度上会使中国在上述问题上受益,因为同性婚姻合法化可以减少性传播疾病,包括艾滋病毒/艾滋病的蔓延。M.A.拉曼纳教授和艾格尼丝?瑞德曼教授认为,合法婚姻能帮助同性恋伴侣维持长期的关系,让性生活更安全。这将有助于减少性传播疾病的感染、遏制艾滋病毒/艾滋病的蔓延。
  Schools:   学校:   Schools can play an important part in challenging homophobia. As homophobia is a result of prejudice, educating young people about LGBT issues is fundamental to overcoming the social norms and prejudice against homosexuals.   In China, homosexuality continues to be largely ignored and invisible within the education system. To make it worse, many teaching materials in China contain wrong information about homosexuals. For example, the booklet “Parents, Please Walk Your Children Through Puberty” was distributed to parents of teenagers in d in Hangzhou, capital of Zhejiang province, describing homosexuality as a type of "sexual deviance" and calling on parents to "prevent" it. Only providing correct information to all people about sexual orientation and homosexuality is likely to diminish anti-gay prejudice.   Homosexual students are more likely to be bullied at school. An online survey on homophobia in China's school and university campuses, which was conducted by 3 LGBT organizations in China, was released on May 14, 2012, revealing that 77% of respondents have suffered bullying, as a result of their sexual orientation. Schools should respond strongly and assertively to homophobic bullying, stating clearly that homophobic bullying is not an acceptable behavior. In this way, LGBT students can feel safer to go to school and more likely to feel part of the school community and more likely to be happy and to be themselves.   There are also various ways to build a friendly environment for LGBT students. For examples, the integration of sexual orientation into the education curriculum is important for building understanding about issues of LGBT. Homosexuality should be encouraged to discuss openly at universities and even high schools. The school can educate the students on gender equality and sexual orientations and encourage more homosexual students to learn about their rights.   学校在挑战同性恋恐惧症中起着重要作用。同性恋恐惧症是由于偏见产生的,对年轻人进行有关同性恋问题的教育是克服社会规范和摒弃对同性恋者偏见的根本。   在中国,同性恋在教育系统内仍然受到了很大程度上的忽视。更糟糕的是,中国的许多教材都有错误的评价同性恋的信息。例如,在浙江省省会杭州市针对青少年家长发行的宣传手册《青春期请家长同行》中,将同性恋描述为“性偏离”,并呼吁家长加以“制止”。只有为所有人提供关于性倾向和同性恋的正确信息,才能削弱反同性恋的歧视。   同性恋学生在学校更容易被人欺负。日,一项由3家中国的LGBT组织发起的关于中国校园内同性恐惧症的网上调查显示,77%的受访者由于其性倾向而受到欺凌。针对这种状况学校应果断而有力地反对对同性恋者的欺凌,并清楚说明欺凌同性恋者是不可接受的行为。只有这样,LGBT学生在上学时才能感到更安全,更容易感受到自己是学校集体中的一员,也更快乐自如。   有多种方式可以为LGBT学生建立友好的环境。例如,把性倾向内容整合融入到教育课程对了解LGBT相关问题十分重要。应鼓励学生在大学、甚至中学公开讨论同性恋问题。学校可以在性别平等和性倾向方面教育学生,并鼓励更多同性恋学生了解自己的权利。
  Community Based Organizations:   以社区为基础的组织:   Removing homophobia from the society is crucial for improving quality of life for LGBT people. Many psychologists believe that negative attitudes toward LGBT people are not grounded in actual experience with LGBT people but on stereotypes and prejudice. "Gay people are still discriminated against in many aspects of our society, partly because the general public does not know the gay community very well," said Professor Zhang BeiChuan.   Community based organizations can play an important role in addressing homophobia. They can influence the attitudes of the general public towards homosexuality by social activities and public campaigns.   In Beijing, there are few LGBT groups like Beijing LGBT Center, Common Language, and Aizhixing Research Center hold regular events to raise the awareness of the rights of LGBT people and advocates social inclusiveness and equality. The Beijing LGBT Center organizes activities like film screenings, panel discussions, English corner and fundraising to promote understanding of the LGBT community.   In Shanghai, ShanghaiPRIDE is the biggest LGBT event in China and is organized by volunteers from the LGBT organizations around China. ShanghaiPRIDE aims to be as inclusive and as enjoyable as possible while pushing its key message of acceptance and tolerance to the wider community. “Don’t Hide, Don’t Change, Be Proud” is the theme of ShanghaiPRIDE 2012. “We always strive to be inclusive and to plan an array of events that will appeal to a wide range of participants. So whether you prefer nightclubs, art, or daytime family-oriented events, there really is something for everyone. I think that our attendance numbers for the opening weekend reflect that inclusive spirit.” says organizer Charlene Liu.   LGBT organizations have the scope to provide support to LGBT people who might feel marginalized and isolated, and to raise the awareness of HIV/AIDs in the community. Beijing Rainbow Health Organization has been involved in prevention programs of HIV/AIDS among homosexuals like demonstrating a rapid oral HIV test at a gay bar in Beijing. And the Beijing LGBT Center provides counseling and legal services to the LGBT people.   把同性恋恐惧症从社会中清除,对提高LGBT人群的生活质量至关重要。许多心理学家认为对LGBT人群的负面态度并非来自与他们接触的实际经历,而是来自刻板印象和偏见。张北川教授说,“同性恋者在社会上受到多方面的歧视,很大程度上是因为公众对同性恋群体并不了解。”   以社区为基础的组织在应对同性恋恐惧症方面可以发挥重要的作用。他们可以通过社会活动和公共活动来影响大众对同性恋的态度。   在北京,有几个LGBT团体,如北京同志中心、同语、北京爱知行研究所等,它们定期举办活动,以提高LGBT人群的权利意识、倡导社会的包容性和平等。北京同志中心举办一些活动,如放映电影、小组讨论、英语角和筹款等,来增进大众对LGBT社区的了解。   在上海,中国最大的LGBT事件“上海骄傲周”,由来自中国各地的LGBT组织的志愿者发起。“上海骄傲周”的目标是尽可能包容、愉快,同时将其关于接受和容忍的关键信息推广到更多社区。2012年“上海骄傲周”的主题为“不隐藏,不改变,要骄傲”。组织者刘沙琳(音)说,“我们一直在努力变得有包容性并策划一系列事件来吸引大家广泛参与。所以,不管你喜欢夜总会、艺术还是白天面向家庭的活动,每个人都可从中找到自己感兴趣的东西。我认为,参与我们开幕周活动的观众人数反映了包容精神。”   LGBT组织旨在为那些可能感到被边缘化和孤立的LGBT人群提供支持,并提高社区人群艾滋病毒/艾滋病意识。目前,京城彩虹健康中心已经参与到同性恋艾滋病毒/艾滋病预防项目中来,比如在北京一家同性恋酒吧展示口腔快速艾滋病毒检测。北京同志中心也开始为LGBT人群提供咨询和法律服务。


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