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中文翻译百科解释客串演出:&&&&n. 格斯特〔姓氏〕。 :&&&&n. 1.出现;露面,出场,登台。 2.出版,刊行。 3 ...:&&&&做客:&&&&n. 1.客人,宾客。 2.旅客,宿客,顾客。 3.客串 ...:&&&&客人:&&&&从外表:&&&&外观上; 在外表上:&&&&嘉宾详细百科解释
例句与用法She made a guest appearance on his tv show她在他的电视节目中出场客串。 She made a guest appearance on his tv show她在他的电视节目中出场客串Special guest appearance特别演出: Besides working on their own projects , the four little golden princesses also had time to work on other smaller projects such as cameo and guest appearances除了忙于自己的录音和拍摄制作之外?四千金也找到空来客串其他的制作作品。 She moved to los angeles and split her time between auditions and food service day jobs , eventually scoring a guest appearance as a waitress on " beverly hills , 90210 " ( 1990 )她搬到洛杉矶和她之间裂天音、餐饮就业最终得分为外观侍应做客"飞越比佛利" ( 1990 ) The always gorgeous halle berry tapes her guest appearance on the late show with david letterman show on monday night at the ed sullivan theater in nyc09星期一早上,向来盛装的哈莉贝瑞在纽约爱德?署沙利文剧场,作为特邀嘉宾参与了《大卫深夜秀》的节目录制。 He took part in over thirty commercials in all , and eventually procured guest appearances on such television shows as lassie , the outsiders , roseanne , and parenthood纯朴自然的表演,为初涉影坛的他赢得了1994年奥斯卡最佳期男配角奖的提名,而此时,他才19岁。 The good : many improvements ove fixed camera angle and ne tons of guest appearances wonderfully rich fa excellent voice acting and music优点:相比前作有很多进步的地方;经过调整的视角系统和新的游玩生机与动力;有大量的客串角色的出现和对他们的描绘;那些熟悉而亲切的场景的数量惊人的丰富;卓越的配音和音乐。 Once again , a stellar cast has been assembled , headed by glorious german soprano dagmar schellenberger , the current reigning marschallin at the vienna state opera , and featuring a show - stopping guest appearance by hong kong ' s own operatic star warren mok港乐再次请来巨星阵容,玛莎琳一角由现时于维也纳国家歌剧院担演同一角色的德国女高音舒仑贝格担任,并邀得香港本地著名歌剧男高音莫华伦客串演出。 The often bizarre result , popularly referred to as the white album but officially called the beatles , was released in november of 1968 , and featured a guest appearance by eric clapton on the single " while my guitar gently weeps . " that same month john lennon released a solo album recorded with his controversial new lover , japanese - american artist yok o ono , entitled unfinished music no . 1 - two virgins . late in 1968 an animated film inspired by the song " yellow submarine " was released in theaters甲壳虫们写的loveme do是其中他最喜欢的一首, p . s . i love you是另一首,只有一点, george martin稍稍有些不满意,他把这点告诉了epstein , george martin不知道这个问题也正是epstein和其他甲壳虫在考虑的。 更多例句:&&1&&&&
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n. 外貌,外观;出现,露面
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In appearance, a microcomputer has three simple and apparent parts: the main frame, the keyboard and the monitor.
The building was like a prison in appearance.
The rows of houses were uniform in appearance.
She resembles her sister in appearance but not in character.
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