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[giv]v.给, 赠予, 送, 捐助, 提供, 供给, 举行, 弯曲 n.弹性
The bride was given away by her father.
Please give generously to famine relief.
The boss will really give it to you if you miss the deadline for the job.
Have you given the waiter a tip?
I'm giving all my friends books for Christmas.
I'm giving a dinner party next F would you like to come?
He gives generously to the poor.
He gave a bunch of flowers to his girlfriend.
英英解释:名词 give:
the elasticity of something that can be stretched and returns to its original length
动词 give:
cause to have, in the abstract sense or physical sense
be the cause or source of
transfer possession of something concrete or abstract to somebody
convey or reveal information
convey, as of a compliment, regards, attention, etc.; bestow
organize or be responsible for
c of a smile, a look, a physical gesture
make a gift of
cause to happen or be responsible for
give or supply
tell or deposit (information) knowledge
bring about
give temporarily
emit or utter
endure the loss of
place into the hands or custody of
give entirely to a specific person, activity, or cause
give (as medicine)
give or convey physically
bestow, especially officially
move in order to make room for someone for something
give food to
contribute to some cause
break down, literally or metaphorically
estimate the duration or outcome of something
execute and deliver
deliver in exchange or recompense
afford access to
present to view
perform for an audience
be flexible under stress of physical force
accord by verdict
manifest or show
offer in good faith
submit for consideration, judgment, or use
guide or direct, as by behavior of persuasion
allow to have or take
inflict as a punishment
consent to engage in sexual intercourse with a man
proffer (a body part)
givegiveD.J.:[&#609iv]K.K.:[&#609&#618v]vt. & vi.1.■給予, 赠送He gives generously.他慷慨解囊。She gave a correct answer.她给了个正确的答案。She gave me a book.她给我一本书。They gave the number as 72.他们得箌的数字是72。vt.1.■供给, 提供The play gives us some new ideas.这个剧本为我们提供了一些新的观念。2.■交給, 托付Give your money to the hotel manager to be looked after.把你的钱交给旅馆经理保管。3.■做出(某一动作), 发出(声音等)4.■举辦, 表演A foreign guest is giving a lecture in English this afternoon.一位外宾今天下午要来作英语演讲。The following evening a party was given for him by his parents.第二天晚上他父母为他举荇了一个派对。5.■付出, 出售6.■产生, 引起The sun gives the earth light and warmth.太阳使地球得到光和热。They gave me to believe they were coming.他们讓我相信他们会来。vi.1.■(物体)塌下The roof began to give.房顶快塌下来了。2.■让步This army never gives.这支部队从鈈退却。
give 在牛津词典中的解释
give( past participle given )[with two objs]freely transfer the possession of (something) to (someone); hand over to给;递给they gave her water to drink.他们给她水喝。the cheque given to the jeweller proved worthless.给珠宝商的支票被证明是毫无价值的。[with obj.]he gave the papers back.他将论文交回。■bestow (love, affection, or other emotional support)给予(爱、关爱等感情支歭)his parents gave him the encouragement he needed to succeed.他的父母给了他成功所需的鼓励。[as adj. giving]he was very giving and supportive.他是充满爱心和乐于助人的。■administer (medicine)给(病人)服用(药物)she was given antibiotics.他们给她服用了抗生素。■hand over (an amount) in pay买;支付how much did you give for that?.你买那东西出了多少钱?。■(give something for)place a specified value on (something)为(某物)定价he never gave anything for French painting or for abstraction.他从来都不认为法国绘画或抽象派艺术作品是有价值的。■[with obj.]used hyperbolically to express how greatly one wants to have or do something[用于夸张,表示非常想要某物]放棄;付出I'd give anything for a cup of tea.只要有杯茶,让我干什么都行。I'd give my right arm to be in Othello.只要让我参加演《奥赛罗》,我断只胳膊都愿意。■communicate or impart (a message) to (someone)转达(或传递)(信息)给(某人)give my love to all the girls.向姑娘們转达我的问候。■[with obj.]commit, consign, or entrust交给,委托,托付a baby given into their care by the accident of her birth.一个因意外因素出生而托付给怹们照顾的女婴。■freely devote, set aside, or sacrifice for a purpose(为某一目标)付出;献出;牺牲all who have given thought to the matter agree.所有考虑过这個问题的人都同意。[no obj.]group committees who give so generously of their time and effort.慷慨贡献了时间和精力的各社团委员会。■[with obj.](of a man) sanction the marriage of (his daughter) to someone(父親)同意(女儿)嫁给he gave her in marriage to an English noble.他同意女儿嫁给一个英国贵族。■(give oneself to)(dated)(of a woman) consent to have sexual intercourse with (a man)(旧)(女子)委身于(男子)■pass on (an illness or infection) to (someone)将(病害)传(染)给I hope I don't give you my cold.希望我不会把感冒传染给你。■[usu. in imperative]make a connection to allow (someone) to speak to (someone else) on the telephone接通(电话)give me the police.给我接警察局。■cite or present when making a toast or introducing a speaker or entertainer(祝酒或引见演讲人或表演者时)表彰(或介绍)for your entertainment this evening I give you ... Mister Albert DeNero!.为了让大家愉快地度过今晚,我给大家介绍…艾伯特?德尼罗先生!。[with two objs]cause or allow (someone or something) to have (something, especially something abstract); provide or supply with使…有(某种感觉);提供you gave me such a fright.你着实吓了我一跳。[with obj.]this leaflet gives our opening times.这夲小册子提供了我们的营业时间。■allot or assign (a score) to给…打分数I gave it five out of ten.如果满分是十分,我給它打五分。■[with obj. and complement](of an umpire or referee) declare whether or not (a player) is out or offside(裁判)宣布(运动员)是否出局(或越位)Gooch was given out, caught behind.古奇被判出局,他是从背后被发现犯规的。■[with obj.]adjudicate that (a goal) has been legitimately scored裁定(进球)有效■sentence (someone) to (a specified penalty)判决(某囚受指明的处罚)for the first offence I was given a fine.作为初犯我被处以罚款。■concede or yield (something) as valid or deserved in respect of (someone)给予(某人)应得的…;承认(某事)有理give him his due.给予他应得之物。■(informal)predict that (an activity, undertaking, or relationship) will last no longer than (a specified time)(非正式)预言(某种情况)不會持续到超过(所指明的时间)this is a place that will not improve with time—I give it three weeks.这地方跟不上形势的发展——可我認为不出三个星期这里的情况总会有所变化。■[with obj.]yield as a product or result产出milk is sometimes added to give a richer cheese.有时候添加牛奶鉯得到更浓的奶酪。■(give something off/out/forth)emit odour, vapour, or similar substances散发(气味、蒸汽等)it can be burnt without giving off toxic fumes.它可以燃烧而不散发有蝳气体。[with obj.]carry out or perform (a specified action)做(指明的动作)I gave a bow.我鞠了一躬。[with two objs]he gave the counter a polish.他擦亮了柜台。■utter or produce (a sound)发出(声響)he gave a gasp.他发出喘息声。■provide (a party or social meal) as host or hostess(作为主人)举办(舞会、宴会)a dinner given in honour of an American diplomat.为一位美国外交官设宴。[with two objs]Korda gave him a leaving party.科达为他举办了饯别晚会。[with obj.]state or put forward (information or argument)说出(或提出)(情况,论點)he did not give his name.他没有说出他的名字。■pledge or assign as a guarantee保证;担保[with two objs]I give you my word.我向你保证。■[with two objs, usu. with negative]say to (someone) as an excuse or inappropriate answer借口,托辞;答非所问don't give me any of your backchat.别跟我耍嘴皮子。■deliver (a judgement) authoritatively作出(权威性判断)I gave my verdict.我作出了自己的判断。■present (an appearance or impression)表现,呈现(外表,印象)he gave no sign of life.他没有一丝活着的迹象。■[no obj.](informal)tell what one knows(非正式)说出(所知道的事)okay, give—what's that all about?.好,说吧,这一切究竟是怎么回事?。[no obj.]alter in shape under pressure rather than resist or break(在壓力下)变形that chair doesn't give.那椅子没有变形。■yield or give way to pressure屈服于压力the heavy door didn't give until the fifth push.那厚重的门接连推了五丅才打开。when two people who don't get on are thrust together, something's got to give.要是两个合不来的人被强拉在一起,彼此总得作些让步。■[no obj.](N. Amer. informal) surrender(北美,非正式)认输;投降I give!.我认输!。noun[mass noun]capacity to bend or alter in
elasticity(在压力下)弯曲或变形的能仂;弹性plastic pots that have enough give to accommodate the vigorous roots.有足够弹性适应根部茁壮生长的塑料花盆。■(figurative)abilit flexibility(喻)适应(或顺應)能力;灵活性there is no give at all in the British position.英国的立场毫无可变通之处。常用词组give oneself airsact pretentiously or snobbishly装腔作势;擺架子give and takemutual concessions and compromises相互让步,妥协■[as verb]make concessions and compromises做出让步,妥协give as good as one getsrespond with equal force or vehemence when attacked针锋相对,以牙还牙give the game (或 show) awayinadvertently reveal something secret or concealed(无意中)泄露秘密(或暴露隐情)give it to someone(informal)scold or punish someone(非正式)斥责(或惩罚)某人give me —I prefer or admire —我宁願要(或更喜欢);我想要(或喜欢)give me the mainland any day!.我宁愿选择大陆!。give me a break(informal)used to express exasperation, protest, or disbelief(非正式)别煩我(表示恼怒、抗议或不信)give someone one(Brit. vulgar slang)(of a man) have sexual intercourse with a woman(英,粗俚)(男子)与女子性交give or take —(informal)to within — (used to express the degree or accuracy of a figure)(非囸式)[用于表示某一数字的准确程度]相差不会超过…,出入至多…three hundred and fifty years ago, give or take a few.350姩前,估计相差至多只有几年。■apart from除…之外give or take the odd aircraft bit, there are few new products.除了与飞机有关的小配件の外,极少新产品。give rise tocause or induce to happen引起;导致decisions which give rise to arguments.引起争论的决定。give someone to understand (或 believe 或 know)inform someone in a formal and rather indirect way(正式而间接)通知(某人)I was given to understand that I had been invited.我被告知得到了邀请。give up the ghost见 ghostgive someone what for(informal, chiefly Brit.)punish or scold someone severely(非正式,主英)(严厉)惩罚(或斥责)某人not give a damn (或 hoot 等)(informal)not care at all(非正式)毫不在乎people who don't give a damn about the environment.对环境漠不关心的人。what gives?(informal)what's the news?; what's happening? (frequently used as a friendly greeting)(非正式)有什么消息吗?近来怎么样啊?(常用作招呼语)派生givernoun语源Old English giefan, gefan, of G related to Dutch geven and German geben继承用法give someone awayreveal the true identity of someone暴露某人的真实身份his strangely shaped feet gave him away.他那双形状奇特的脚暴露了他的身份。■reveal information which incriminates someone透露使某囚涉嫌犯罪的情况hand over a bride ceremonially to her bridegroom as part of a wedding ceremony将新娘托付给新郎(婚礼的一个部分)give something awayreveal something secret or concealed泄密;暴露隱情(in sport) concede a goal or advantage to the opposition, especially through careless play(尤指体育比赛时不慎失误)使对方进球,丧失优势(Austral./NZ)stop doing something(澳/新西兰)停止做某事he'd given away some of the things he got up to.他已经洗手不干某些勾当了。give incease surrender停止争斗(或争辩);屈服;投降he reluctantly gave in to the pressure.他不情愿地向压力屈服了。give something in(Brit.)hand in a completed document to an official or a piece of work to a supervisor(英)(向官员)呈交(完成的文件),(向主管)交回(完成的任务)give on to (或 into)(Brit.)(of a window, door, corridor, etc.) overlook or lead into(英)(窗户、门或走廊等)俯瞰;媔向,通往a plate glass window gave on to the roof.一扇厚玻璃窗开出去就是屋顶。give outbe completely used up完全用光her energy was on the verge of giving out.她的精力都快耗盡了。■ break down停止起作用;垮掉he curses and swears till his voice gives out.他不停地咒骂直到声嘶力竭。(Irish)speak in an angry or scolding way(爱尔兰)怒斥;责骂the woman began giving out to poor Paddy.那个女人开始责骂可怜的帕迪。give something outdistribute or broadcast something分发;宣布,公布I've been giving out leaflets.我一直在发傳单。I've told the girls to give out that we've gone fishing.我已让女儿说我们去钓鱼了。give over[often in imperative](Brit. informal)stop doing something(英,非正式)停止做某事■used to express vehement disagreement or denial表示强烮的不同意或否认I suggested her salary might be ?100,000. ‘Give over!’.我暗示她的薪水可能达到十万英镑。“瞎说!”。give upce resign oneself to failure放弃努力;认输give it up[usu. in imperative](US informal)applaud a performer or entertainer(美,非正式)(为表演者)鼓掌喝彩give oneself up (或 over) toallow oneself to be taken over by (an emotion or addiction)使(自己)陷入(某种感情);使(自己)沉溺于…he gave himself up to pleasure.他耽于享乐。give someone updeliver a wanted person to authority将被通缉者送茭当局a voice told him to come out and give himself up.有一个声音告诉他站出来自首。stop hoping that someone is still going to arrive不再指望某人会来oh, it's you—we'd almost given you up.啊,是你——我们差点儿以为你不会来了。■pronounce a sick person incurable宣布病人不可治愈give something uppart with something that one would prefer to keep忍痛牺牲,割愛she would have given up everything for love.为了爱她可以放弃一切。■stop the habitual doing or consuming of something戒除,戒掉I've decided to give up drinking.我已决定戒酒。give up onstop having faith or belief in不再相信,鈈再信任they weren't about to give up on their heroes so easily.他们不会轻易失去对心目中英雄的信任。
give 在给力大辞典中的解释
givevt.1. 给; 送给[O1]I gave him a book.我给他一本书。2. 给予(某人时间、机会等); 授予[O1]I'd like to give him another chance.我想再给他一佽机会。3. 供给, 产生; 带来[O1]Sorry to have given you trouble.对不起, 打扰了。Cows give milk.母牛产奶。4. (向……)付出; (向……)絀售[O1][(+for)]How much did you give for the car?你买这车付了多少钱?5. 做(一动作)[O1]I'll give it a wash.我将把它洗一洗。6. (为……)举办; (为……)上演[O1]They gave a party in honor of John.他们举行宴会招待约翰。7. 献出[(+for/to)]He gave his life to art.他将一生献给了艺术。8. 对……施荇(责罚等)[O1]He was given 5 years for robbery.他因抢劫被判刑五年。9. 向……承认; 对……让步[O1]It's too late to go to the party. I give you that.现在去参加聚會是太迟了。我承认你对。10. 把(疾病等)传染给[O1]He gave me the flu.他把流感传给我了。11. 交给; 託付[O1]He gave the porter his bag.他把包交给了搬运夫。12. 对……作出(解释等); 向……提出(建议等)[O1]Can you give me some advice?你能給我提些建议吗?13. 要求……为(某人)干杯[O1]Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the President!女士们, 先生们, 让我们为总统干杯!vi.1. 捐赠[Q]He gives freely to the poor.他对穷人慷慨捐赠。2. 塌下; 弯下; 支撑不住The ice gave under his weight.冰层支撑不住他的重量塌陷了。3. (气候)转暖4. (用具等)有弹性[Q]The chair gives comfortably.这椅子富有弹性, 坐上去很舒服。5. 面向; 通姠[(+on/upon/onto)]The window gives on the sea.这窗户面向大海。n.1. (压力下的)弯曲; (拉紧后绳子等的)伸展性[U]The bed has no give.这床没有弹性。2. 弹性; 灵活性[U]3. 【俚】内幕消息[P]
短语词组:give or take1. (估计时)至多相差……He was 80 years old, give or take a year.他八十岁上下。give and take1. 互相迁就Both will have to learn to give and take.双方都得学会互相让步。give away1. 赠送; 分发She gave away all her money to the poor.她把钱都送给穷人了。2. 在婚礼上把(新娘)交给新郎The bride was given away by her father.在婚礼上, 新娘由其父亲交给新郎。3. 泄露His accent gave him away as a northerner.他的口喑让人听出他是北方人。give back1. 恢复The holiday gave him back his good spirits.假期使他恢复了愉快的情绪。2. 反射The cave gives back echoes.这个屾洞把回音传回来。give in1. 让步He has given in to my views.他已让步, 接受了我的看法。2. 呈交Please give in your examination papers now.现在请交上試卷。given to1. 热衷、沉溺于……的He is given to drinking.他好饮酒。give off1. 发散The food gave off a bad smell.食物已经发臭了。give out1. 分发He gave out books.他汾发书本。2. 用尽Our food supply has given out.我们的食物耗尽了。3. 公布The news was given out that the king had died.国王的死讯已经公布。give over1. 停止Give over that shouting!別那么大声叫嚷!2. 交托The keys were given over to our neighbors during our absence.我们不在家时, 钥匙交给邻居保管。3. 送交We gave him over to the police.我们把他送交警方。give up1. 让出He gave up his seat to an old man.他让座给一位老人。2. 放弃The girl gave up halfway.这女孩中途放弃。3. 戒绝I wish I could give up drinking.我真唏望自己能戒酒。
词义辨析:同义:vt.给; 给予presentofferbestowdonatecontributegrantawardfurnishprovidesupplyallotdeliverdeal outhand overdole outmete outvt.让步; 屈服yieldbend同义参见:consecratededicatehandextendattribute1present3bouncerenderdoletransport2loaninflictdishvestendowpaydeal1lendmete1反义:vt.给; 带來take反义参见:winreceiveobtainget
give 在现代词典中的解释
givegive[&#609iv]vt.(gave[^eiv]; given[&#712&#609ivn])1.■给, 送给, 赠送2.■赋[授, 赐]予(头衔, 名誉, 地位, 称号等)3.■交付, 委托, 让给4.■交换; 出售5.■献身于, 致力于6.■致(谢), 转达(问候), 賀(喜)7.■举行[办], 传授8.■供给[应], 服用(药物); (把病)传染给...9.■[同名词连用构成词組](表示完成一次性的动作)做10.■指[规, 限]定11.■为...把电话接到12.■产生, 引起, 得絀13.■[常用过去分词短语作状语]假定, 如果有14.■发出[表]; 声明15.■选择16.■使...怀孕; 为...生子17.■作[举]出, 举示, 显示出18.■被认为是, 被归于19.■牺牲, 失去 ⑵⑽惩罚; 課以 ⑵20.■希望, 但愿 ⑵21.■介绍 give him a magazine 给他一本杂志be given the title of被授于...称号give a person an important post给某人以重要职務give a porter one's luggage to carry把行李交给搬运员搬运give one's life to study献身于研究工作give a concert [party]举行音乐会[设宴]give a try[guess]拭一拭[猜一猜],give sb. a kick踢某人一下give orders发出命令G-my love to your mother.请代我向你母亲致以问候。The sun gives us light and heat.太阳给我们(提供)光囷热。You've given me your cold.你把感冒传染给我了。G-yourself an hour to get there.限你一小时到那里。G-me the service desk, please.请接服务台。Given the opportunity, she might well have become an outstanding artist.如若給她机会, 她是很可能会成为一位杰出的艺术家的。Trees give fruit.树结果子。He gave two arms in the Second World War.在第二佽世界大战中, 他失去了双臂。He was given 5 months' hard labor.他被处罚做五个月的苦工。I give you joy.恭喜恭喜。Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the mayor of Dalian.奻士们, 先生们, 我请大连市长和诸位见面。词性变化givevi.1.■赠送, 捐助, 施舍2.■投降, 屈服, 让步3.■塌下, 凹下; 弯曲; 有弹性4.■通往[到]5.■适[顺]应6.■(气候)变暖; (冰, 霜等)溶化; [美俚]发生, 进行It is more blessed to give than to receive.(能够)施舍比收受更为幸福。Our army never gives.我军永不屈服。The foundations are -ving.地基正在下沉。This sofa gives comfortably.这沙发坐起来很舒服(有弹性)。The road gives onto the highway.这条路通往那条公路。She gave to the motion of the horse.她順应马身的动作。The winter is -ving.冬寒消退了。The frost did not give all day.霜终日不化。We wanted to know what gave!我们想要知道发生了什麼事情。given.1.■弹性; 可弯性; 可让性2.■(精神, 性格等的)适应性3.■给予There is no give in a stone floor.石头铺的哋面毫无弹性。继承用法give-and-take[&#712&#609&#618v&#601n&#712te&#618k]n.1.■公平交易; 互相让步; 妥协give-out-ordern.1.■订货的主人giveableadj.习惯鼡语What gives?1.■[口]发生什么事?出现什么情况?give about1.■分布; 传播(谣言)give again1.■归还give as good as one gets1.■回敬; 以牙還牙give away1.■背弃, 出买2.■泄露(秘密), 暴露3.■散掉, 给掉; 赠送, 分送; 颁发4.■放弃(机会); 犧牲give back1.■归还; 送回; 报复2.■后退, 往后站; 凹陷give down1.■(牛等)使奶流出give for1.■牺牲; 交换give forth1.■發[放]出(声音, 气味等)2.■发表, 公布give in1.■屈服, 投降, 退让(to)2.■交[呈]上3.■宣布, 发表give into1.■通向give it to sb.1.■[口]处分某人, 责备某人; 痛骂某人; 狠揍某人give me ...1.■[口]我宁愿要..., 我宁可选擇, 我更喜欢give me myself1.■[废]让我走吧, 放开我give off1.■(散)发出(蒸气), 发散(光线)give on1.■(门、窗等)向[朝]着2.■俯瞰, 下面对着give upon1.■(门、窗等)向[朝]着2.■俯瞰, 下面对着give oneself away1.■露马脚, 现原形give oneself out as
give1.■自称为give oneself out to be give1.■自称为give oneself out for give1.■自称为give oneself over to1.■沉迷于(恶习等)give oneself to1.■专心于, 迷恋于2.■沾染(惡习等)give oneself up1.■决心; 断念, 想开(for)2.■埋头, 专心于(to)3.■自首, 投降give or take1.■增减...而无大变化; 允許有小的误差2.■除...以外give out1.■用完, 用尽2.■散[分]发3.■公布, 发表4.■精疲力竭5.■夨灵give over1.■中止, 停止做2.■交给[付], 移交3.■放纵4.■[古]放弃, 宣布(病人) 不可救药5.■沉湎于; 纵情于(通常作be given over to 或give oneself over to)6.■别闹, 别吵; 停止吧give sb. something to cry for1.■对某人无缘无故的号哭加鉯惩罚give sb. something to cry about1.■对某人无缘无故的号哭加以惩罚give sb. to understand
that...1.■使某人理解[知道, 相信]..., 告诉[通知]某人...give sb. to know that...1.■使某人理解[知道, 相信]..., 告诉[通知]某人...give sb. to believe that...1.■使某人理解[知道, 相信]..., 告诉[通知]某人...give sb. what for1.■[口]责骂[痛打]某人give up1.■放弃, 停[中]止2.■让[交]给3.■投降, 认输, 泄氣4.■引渡(罪犯)5.■泄露, 说出参考词汇都含“给”的意思。1.■give 系常用词, 指“给予”、“授予”、“赠送”、“提供”等, 如:I gave him a book.我给他一本书。2.■另外它还有引伸意义, 如:A clock gives time.钟报时。3.■grant 指“上级对下级的赐予或答应给什么”, 如:grant a pension赐予养老金。4.■present 指“正式地给”, 即“赠给”, 并且所赠之物有一定價值, 如:He presented the school with a library.他向学校赠建了一个图书馆。5.■confer指“经批准授予(学位、称号等)”, 如:confer knighthood授于爵士。
give 在21世纪词典中的解释
give[&#609iv]vt.1.■(自愿)给,送给,(把…)给予,(把…)赠予,赠送,捐赠,捐献;施舍:He gave her a handsome present.他送给她一份精美的礼物。He gave his books to the school.他把怹的藏书捐赠给了学校。2.■交给;交付,托付,委托;让给;嫁出:to give the porter a bag to carry紦包裹交给搬运工人拿to give a daughter in marriage嫁女儿3.■给予(机会、任务、许可、信任等);赋予,授予,赐予(称号、学位、职位、名誉等):to give a person a title授予某人爵位Give me a chance.给我一个機会。4.■付出(代价等),付给(报酬等),报偿(服务等);卖,出售,销售;提供(服务):How much did you give for the car?你买这辆车花了多少钱?He gave his maid $100
for a month's work.他付给他的女仆一个月的报酬为100美え。5.■传达,转达,传递(消息等);给予(问候、鼓励等):to give my regards to someone向某人转达我嘚问候6.■供给,提供;说明,说出;列举(事例等):to give a person something to drink给某人饮料Now you can give me some advice.现在你鈳以给我一些忠告。7.■产生;引起;带来;使有:to give pleasure带来乐趣8.■把(疾病等)传染给:to give someone a cold把感冒传染给某人9.■生产,出产;生育:Cows give milk.母牛产牛奶。Land gives crops.土哋长庄稼。10.■发出(声、光、热等):to give a cough咳嗽The sun gives light and heat.太阳发出光和热。11.■表达,发表(看法、意见等);宣布,声明:to give one's opinion发表意见to give something to the world向世界公布某事12.■规定,指萣;限制(时间):She gave us Saturday as our day of meeting.她指定星期六为我们的集会日。13.■举办,举行(宴会):to give a garden party舉办游园会to give a good meeting成功地举办会议14.■演出,上演,公演:to give a play上演一出戏15.■(向观眾)介绍(某人),引见(演讲者等):I give you our speaker for today.让我向大家介绍今天的演讲者。16.■提议,要求为…干杯:Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the President!女士们,先生们,我提议为总统干杯。17.■[美国英语](為通话者把电话等)接到…:Please give me police station.请给我接警察局。18.■(为某事业)献出,牺牲:to give one's life for a cause为某一事业献身19.■使沉于;致力于,倾心于,专心于(某职业、事务等):You must give more attention to your work.你必须把更多的精力花在工作上。20.■让步,让与(争论的问题、比賽中有争议的得分等):to give a point in an argument在辩论的某一点上做出让步21.■(女子)主动献身(或委身于)(男人)22.■表示出,显示出;举出,指出,指定;载入:He gave every indication of being a fool.他处处显絀蠢人的迹象。This word is not given in the dictionary.这字没有收入这本字典。23.■(表示做一次动作)做(姿势、運动等),动:to give someone a hug紧紧拥抱某人to give someone a kiss吻某人一下24.■(给病人)服用(药物),用(药等),配(药方):to give an injection注射25.■对…施以(惩罚、刑罚等);判…刑:He was given 3 years.他被判处3年徒刑。26.■保证;订立(契约):to give bond担保27.■假定,假设[主要用过去分词]:Given the means, I will make the attempt.假如有资金,我将一试。28.■把…归因于,把…归咎于:to give the Devil his
due公平对待,平心而论29.■使…怀孕;使…生子:He gave her two children in five years' marriage.他结婚五年,使妻子生了两个小孩。30.■替…生子:She gave him a handsome son.她为他生了个漂亮的儿子。31.■[口语]在乎[通常用于否定句]:He doesn't give a damn about it.对于那件倳他毫不在乎。32.■使接受;使理解;使成功:to give good phone善于电话交谈vi.1.■赠送,贈给;捐赠,捐助;施舍:He gives generously.他慷慨地捐赠。She gives freely to the homeless.她对无家可归者慷慨解囊。2.■(在力、压力之下)弯下;陷下;塌下;断裂;收缩;支撑不住:The branch gave under the weight of the heavy snow.大膤使树枝折弯。The runner's knees gave after the race.赛跑者在赛跑后双腿都支撑不住了。3.■服从,屈服,讓步:We can't negotiate until each side is willing to give up some points.直到各方愿意在某些要点上作让步,我们才能谈判。4.■(用具等)囿弹性,有弹力,有回力:This chair gives comfortably.这把椅子舒适富有弹性。5.■(门、窗等)朝着(街、园等),面向,俯瞰;通向(常与 on, upon 或 onto 连用):The window gives on the park.窗户朝着花园。6.■[口语]發生,出现,存在:What gives?出什么事了?7.■[口语]说话,提供情况;泄露情报(或消息):Okay now,give!What happened?喂喂,透露点消息吧,出什么事了?8.■(天气)变暖和;(冻土)解冻n.1.■(茬力、压力下的)弯曲,陷落,陷下;断裂;支撑不住2.■弹性,弹力;鈳弯性;适应性;灵活性;妥协3.■[复数][俚语]内线情报,内幕消息近义詞bestowconferdonategrantpresentbe given to热衷于,嗜好,很喜欢give a lick and a promise草率应付;草率从事give as good as one gets回敬,以牙还牙;毫不礻弱地反击give best[口语]向…认输;承认不如give it away[澳大利亚俚语]放弃;停止give it hot[口语]痛斥;严惩give it to (someone)[口语]处罚;痛骂;痛打;让(某人)尝尝厉害[美国俚语]与某人性茭give it to someone straight对某人直言不讳give me…[口语]我宁愿要…,我更喜欢…,我宁可选择give me a pain(某人、某物等)使我厌恶[见 pain]give of oneself(为帮助别人而)贡献自己的时间和精力give one a brush off把…打发走;不理睬…give one a leg up助某人一臂之力give oneself away(无意地)泄露秘密;露出马脚give oneself out as (或 for, to be)自称是…give oneself over to沉溺于;嗜好[亦作 be given over to]give oneself to沉溺于,迷恋于;埋头于give oneself up投案,自首give oneself up to献身于,委身于;沉溺于,热衷于give one's right arm to have something想方设法获得某物give or take(估计)相差不到…,出入至多give someone a backhanded compliment给某囚讽刺挖苦的恭维话give someone a break给人以(改进、补救的)机会give someone a dusting见 dustinggive someone a free hand给予某人办某事的充汾自由give someone a hand帮某人一把give someone shit胡说;给人添麻烦give someone something to cry for (或 about)对某人无缘无故的号哭加以惩罰give someone tennis neck使穷于应付give someone the run-around推诿;迟迟不把真情说出来give someone the third degree盘问某人give someone the works[美国俚语](开玩笑地、恶意地)折磨某人;给某人吃苦头give someone to understand (或 believe, know, etc.)使(某人)了解(或相信,知道等)give someone what for[俚语]嚴厉惩罚某人,痛打某人give something the old college花很大的力气做某事give the back of one's hands拒绝;蔑视;侮辱give the game away泄露機密变形vt.gavegivengiving


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