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UAlbany Department of East Asian Studies
UAlbany Student News
University at AlbanyState University of New York
1400 Washington AvenueAlbany, NY 12222PHONE (518) 442-3305
How to Write an Outline
An outline breaks down the parts of your thesis in a
clear, hierarchical manner. Most students find that writing an outline before beginning the paper is most helpful in organizing one's thoughts. If your
outline is good, your paper should be easy to write.
The basic format for an outline uses an alternating series of numbers and
letters, indented accordingly, to indicate levels of importance. Here is an
example of an outline on a paper about the development of Japanese theater:
I. Thesis: Japanese theater
rose from a popular to elite and then returned to a popular art form.
The thesis is stated in the first section, which is the introduction.
II. Early theatrical forms
B. Sarugaku
C. Primitive Noh
D. Authors and Audience
III. Noh theater
A. Authors
c. old men
2. Structure of Stage
1. Buddhist influence
2. The supernatural
D. Kyogen interludes
E. Audience
IV. Kabuki
A. Authors
1. make-up
2. special effects
1. Love stories
2. Revenge
D. Audience
V. Bunraku (puppet) theater
A. Authors
1. Love stories
2. Historical romances
D. Audience
The body follows the introduction, and breaks down the points the
author wishes to make.
Note that some section have subdivisions, others do not, depending on
the demands of the paper.
In this outline, II, III, & IV all have similar structure, but this
will not necessarily be true for all papers. Some may only have three major
sections, others more than the five given here.
VI. Conclusion
Your conclusion should restate your thesis, and never introduce new material.
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How can I hack or write css only for IE 11? I have a website that looks bad in IE 11.I just search here and there but didnt find any solution yet.
Is there any css selector?
marked as duplicate by
&css badge can single-handedly close
questions as duplicates and reopen them as needed.
This question has been asked before and already has an answer. If those answers do not fully address your question, please .
Use a combination of Microsoft specific CSS rules to filter IE11:
&!doctype html&
&title&IE10/11 Media Query Test&/title&
&meta charset="utf-8"&
&meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"&
@media all and (-ms-high-contrast:none)
.foo { color: green } /* IE10 */
*::-ms-backdrop, .foo { color: red } /* IE11 */
&div class="foo"&Hi There!!!&/div&
Filters such as this work because of the following:
When a user agent cannot parse the selector (i.e., it is not valid CSS 2.1), it must ignore the selector and the following declaration block (if any) as well.
In the light of the evolving thread, I have updated the below:
* html .ie6 {property:}
.ie6 { _property:}
*+html .ie7 {property:}
*:first-child+html .ie7 {property:}
IE 6 and 7
@media screen\9 {
.ie67 {property:}
.ie67 { *property:}
.ie67 { #property:}
IE 6, 7 and 8
@media \0screen\,screen\9 {
.ie678 {property:}
html&/**/body .ie8 {property:}
@media \0screen {
.ie8 {property:}
IE 8 Standards Mode Only
.ie8 { property /*\**/: value\9 }
IE 8,9 and 10
@media screen\0 {
.ie8910 {property:}
@media screen and (min-width:0\0) and (min-resolution: .001dpcm) {
// IE9 CSS
IE 9 and above
@media screen and (min-width:0\0) and (min-resolution: +72dpi) {
// IE9+ CSS
IE 9 and 10
@media screen and (min-width:0\0) {
.ie910{property:value\9;} /* backslash-9 removes ie11+ & old Safari 4 */
IE 10 only
_:-ms-lang(x), .ie10 { property:value\9; }
IE 10 and above
_:-ms-lang(x), .ie10up { property: }
@media all and (-ms-high-contrast: none), (-ms-high-contrast: active) {
IE 11 (and above..)
_:-ms-fullscreen, :root .ie11up { property: }
Javascript alternatives
Modernizr runs quickly on page loa it then
creates a JavaScript object with the results, and adds classes to the
html element
var b = document.documentE
b.setAttribute('data-platform', navigator.platform );
b.className += ((!!('ontouchstart' in window) || !!('onmsgesturechange' in window))?' touch':'');
Adds (e.g) the below to html element:
data-useragent='Mozilla/5.0 ( MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/5.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; .NET4.0C)'
Allowing very targetted CSS selectors, e.g.:
html[data-useragent*='Chrome/13.0'] .nav{
background:url(img/radial_grad.png) center bottom no-
If possible, identify and fix any issue(s) without hacks. Support
and . However, this is an 'ideal world' scenario not always obtainable, as such- the above should help provide some good options.
Attribution / Essential Reading
Here is a two steps solution
here is a hack to IE10 and 11
@media screen and (-ms-high-contrast: active), (-ms-high-contrast: none) {
/* IE10+ specific styles go here */
because IE10 and IE11 Supports -ms-high-cotrast you can take the advantage of this to target this two browsers
and if you want to exclude the IE10 from this you must create a IE10 specific code as follow it's using the user agent trick you must add this Javascript
var doc = document.documentE
doc.setAttribute('data-useragent', navigator.userAgent);
and this HTML tag
&html data-useragent="Mozilla/5.0 ( MSIE 10.0; Windows NT 6.2; Trident/6.0)"&
and now you can write your CSS code like this
html[data-useragent*='MSIE 10.0'] h1 {
for more information please refer to this websites,,
And if you want to target IE11 and later,here is what I've found:
_:-ms-fullscreen, :root .selector {}
I have been writing these and contributing them
since the fall of 2013 -- this one I wrote is very simple and only supported by IE 11+
&style type="text/css"&
_:-ms-fullscreen, :root .msie11 { color: }
and of course the div...
&div class="msie11"&
This is an Internet Explorer 11 and greater CSS Hack
So the text shows up in blue with internet explorer 11 and greater. Have fun with it.
More IE and other browser CSS hacks on my live test site here:
You can use js and add a class in html to maintain the standard of :
var ua = navigator.userAgent,
doc = document.documentE
if ((ua.match(/MSIE 10.0/i))) {
doc.className = doc.className + " ie10";
} else if((ua.match(/rv:11.0/i))){
doc.className = doc.className + " ie11";
Or use a lib like bowser:
Or modernizr for feature detection:
You can use the following code inside the style tag:
@media screen and (-ms-high-contrast: active), (-ms-high-contrast: none) {
/* IE10+ specific styles go here */
Below is an example that worked for me:
&style type="text/css"&
@media screen and (-ms-high-contrast: active), (-ms-high-contrast: none) {
/* IE10+ specific styles go here */
#flashvideo {
margin:-240px 0 0 350
#googleMap {
margin:-515px 0 0 350
Please note that since (#nav li) and (#nav a) are outside of the @media screen ..., they are general styles.
I found this helpful
&?php if (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'Trident/7.0; rv:11.0') !== false) { ?&
&?php } ?&
Add this under your &head& document
So I found my own solution to this problem in the end.
After searching through
I managed to find a new IE11 only style msTextCombineHorizontal
In my test, I check for IE10 styles and if they are a positive match, then I check for the IE11 only style.
If I find it, then it's IE11+, if I don't, then it's IE10.
Code Example:
I will update the code example with more styles when I discover them.
NOTE: This will almost certainly identify IE12 and IE13 as "IE11", as those styles will probably carry forward.
I will add further tests as new versions roll out, and hopefully be able to rely again on Modernizr.
I'm using this test for fallback behavior. The fallback behavior is just less glamorous styling, it doesn't have reduced functionality.
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Stack Overflow works best with JavaScript enabled1. The basics of writing an essay
The basis of most academic work is the ability to construct a good essay. Although this sounds obvious, it is a skill which most students need to develop as none of us are born with the natural ability to write an essay. None of us are born with the ability to write an essay that will address a given topic effectively and adequately support an argument with evidence, either.
Do not worry as these skills are possible to learn. This guide sets out to define all of the major skills which need to be acquired in order to write your essay whether you've been given a topic or you select your own essay topic.
The type of essay you are required to write will be determined, to some extent, by the particular field in which you are engaged but the general points of construction will hold good for all subjects.
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1.1. Getting started:
The first and most important aspect of writing a good essay is to examine the essay question. The importance of close analysis of the question as the basis of a good essay cannot be overestimated. Despite this, it is surprising how many students simply write down everything they know about a subject without reference to what the question is actually asking them to do.
Whether you have chosen the topic yourself, or it has been assigned to you, look carefully at the key words within the question, as these will give you the pointers you need to start thinking carefully about how to proceed with your essay. Examples of key words might be: 'examine', 'develop', 'analyse', 'influence', or 'compare'. All these words offer a way into discussing the topic in hand and will give you a good idea of the way your essay should be written.
For example, if you were asked to compare how two poets address a similar theme you would know that the reader was expecting to see close analysis of the words used and how theme and structure differ in each. However, if you were asked to examine the causes of the outbreak of a war, you would adopt quite a different approach, balancing fact and opinion. Add to this an awareness of whether the question is asking you to give your own opinion in isolation, or whether it requires you to assess the previous and current thinking on a subject (this is more common), and follow this with a conclusion which summarises your own thoughts.
As you develop your argument ensure that you continue to check back to see that you are answering the question and not just reeling off everything you know about a given topic.
Whether you have selected the topic or not, you will need to research critical opinion before you begin to write.
If you have been assigned a topic then things such as choice of texts, word count, and style will have been outlined for you but, if you are 'starting from scratch', you will need to make these decisions for yourself, only altering them later if your research suggests that areas other than what you originally planned need to be covered.
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1.3. Planning:
It is very tempting to ignore this stage & don't, thorough planning saves time! Although it might seem to be wasting time at this point, a plan is essential to complete a structured, reasoned and researched response on any given topic, even in an examination essay.
Begin by looking over the question and those 'key words' that you have selected. Next, consider the evidence you have collected and how the two complement each other. This should be easy if you have followed the instructions above carefully as you will have kept the question in mind at all times during your research stage.
Nevertheless, it can be difficult to know which pieces of evidence best support your topic points as you can't include everything. Make decisions now as to what you will use and what you will discard. This is harder than you might think because often interesting evidence you have unearthed has to be omitted simply because it isn't relevant. Increasingly, students are penalized for exceeding the specified word count so ensure that all your evidence is really related to the points you are making and to the topic concerned.
It is useful to make a rough plan or diagram of your essay at this stage where you write down paragraph headings and where you will use each piece of evidence. Later, when you are writing your essay, you will be use this to remind you of how your thoughts actually progressed and why you made the choices that you did. Structuring your essay in this way will also help with coherence as your argument will be clear, developed, and concise, with paragraphs flowing naturally to your conclusion. Doing this will also reveal any gaps in your evidence or linking which you can sort out before beginning to write.
2. Writing your essay:
At last, it is time to write. It should go without saying that your spelling, grammar and punctuation should be perfect. Nothing makes a worse impression on examiners than bad spelling and punctuation, especially if you misspell an author's name or the title of a book. You are simply throwing marks away by making mistakes in presentation. Don't rely on your computer's 'spell and grammar check' as they are not, by any means, infallible. If you are unsure, check with other resources and, at the end, go back and carefully proof-read your work & better still, get someone else to do this as another pair of eyes will often spot mistakes you have overlooked.
You can start writing your essay by choosing either: to write the main body of your essay first, then go back to constru or write the introduction first, followed by the main body of your essay. Both have advantages and disadvantages, primarily based on how closely you can stick to your stated thesis.
If you feel confident that the argument can be stated simply in your introduction, and then coherently developed, then write the introduction first. If you feel you might deviate from the introduction then it may be best to write the introduction later as you can then adapt your thesis accordingly.
2.1. Introduction
Whichever approach you choose, remember that your introduction is the first statement your examiner will read. Again, this sounds obvious but many students are careless about introductions by either saying either too much or too little. A good introduction clearly sets out your response to the topic and exactly how you are going to present that response. It's as simple as that. It is commonly agreed that quotation should be omitted from your introduction as this is where you are going to say what your response is, not that of others. Remember to keep your introduction short and to the point, ending with a 'feed' into the opening paragraph of the main body of your essay.
2.2. Main Body
In the main body of your essay, each paragraph should be based on a separate (but related) aspect of the main topic of the essay. Following the plan you made earlier, write each paragraph as though it were under a sub-heading to the main title and supplement each of your points with the evidence you have collected. Students are often unsure about the length of paragraphs but, although there is no hard and fast rule, it is a good idea to keep them to four or five sentences.
Supporting your statements is vital and, in the case of a literary essay, this evidence should also be analysed. This means that you should comment on individual words and/or phrases that seem to be of particular interest or importance. Analysis of this kind should not only get you extra marks but may also suggest additional lines of thought which may be helpful, if relevant to the main argument.
Quotations should not be too long. Never quote more than a few lines at most, except in exceptional circumstances, and ensure you adhere to the referencing style you have been requested to use. It is usual to indent longer quotations and set them out on a separate line, single-spaced, following a colon. Shorter quotations, of one line or
less, should be incorporated within the text and enclosed with quotation marks.
Try to end each paragraph in the main body of the essay with a 'hook' to the next i.e. an idea that introduces the topic of the subsequent paragraph. Follow this up by opening the next paragraph with reference to the link, this will help your essay to flow better and seem to be establishing a pattern which will ultimately lead to your conclusion. Paragraphs should move on using the basis of furthering the argument. This can be achieved in several ways:
Sequential writing - where one event follows naturally from another
Elaborative writing - where you develop a point made previously
Contrasting/comparing - where an idea contradicts or questions a point in a preceding paragraph
These are just a few ideas. There are many more and your choice may be determined by the type of essay/argument you are constructing.
2.3. Conclusion
The conclusion should be a summation of your argument. It is not uncommon for students to lose marks by presenting an abrupt conclusion (usually due to a shortage of space) which can overlook the implications of the overall argument, its future development, or unavoidable contractions/omissions. It is acceptable to use quotations in conclusions but do not introduce new ideas at this stage. By now, your reader should have been given such a strong sense of your central argument and no further information is necessary. Your conclusion is space to give generic context to your specific thesis and to tie up any loose ends which you feel have occurred during the writing of the essay.
2.4 Referencing
Academic work requires referencing. Put simply, this means declaring the sources which you have used as part of your research, evidence, or justification for your arguments.
Referencing is vital, both to improve the strength of the arguments you make, and to ensure you are not plagiarising the work of others, in any academic work.
There are many different varieties of referencing styles and it's really important that you follow the specific guidance provided in your course or module handbook. Some of the most popular referencing styles are: H F APA; OSCOLA; and Oxford. In general there are two common formats for referencing styles: author-date and notes-bibliography. The
author-date system provides the authors surname and date of publishing in the body of the work, for example. The notes-bibliography referencing style consists of footnotes or endnotes which are numbered and correspond with a superscripted citation number in the body of the work, this is then followed by a bibliography which provides full details of each footnote or endnote.
If you're struggling with referencing, refer to your module handbook first, in order to find the correct style, and then take a look at our referencing guide for the necessary style.
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2.5 Writing style
It's highly likely that your university will set more guidelines about the style in which your essay should be written. You should find all of these guidelines as part of the instructions you were provided, be beware that there are some considerable differences between universities.
There are, however, some rather common stylistic instructions that you will more than likely be provided as most universities require essays to be typed and double-spaced using size 12 font in 'Times New Roman'. One instruction that you may not be provided is that, as a general rule, you should not write in first person unless specifically asked to do so i.e. avoid the use of phrases such as 'I think' or 'in this essay I am going to'. Rather, allow your essay to reflect a personal perception whilst being presented in an objective manner. It is useful to look at how professional writers construct essays to gain style tips though remember, do not plagiarise under any circumstances as this is sure to be detected. Plagiarism is also unfair on the writer whose ideas you are stealing, and ultimately, is self-defeating.
It is also important that you do not use colloquial (slang) expressions, stick to Standard English throughout. Lists are not a good idea, either, unless the essay specifically requires them, as they can appear to be rushed or a truncated way of presenting a lot of information without sufficient explanation. Be careful to note any guidance on the information required on your cover sheet - this often includes, your name, the module, your candidate ID and the lecturer's name.
3. Final checks
When your essay is complete, read it through to check for errors. As mentioned above, it can be useful to ask someone who has not seen your work to proof-read it for you. You can also try reading your work aloud as, when reading, we only tend to see what we expect to see and typographical errors can easily be overlooked. Correct any errors before handing in your work, otherwise you are throwing marks away.
Ensure that you have correctly referenced all quotations and completed a bibliography according to the stylistic requirements to which you have been asked to adhere. Your bibliography is very important as evidence of your research and wider reading, and to demonstrate that you recognise the importance of acknowledging sources. A bibliography should never be a rushed, last-minute task, but rather should evolve naturally, as your research does. As previously stated, noting full publication details of every book you consult at the time will help enormously with this.
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And finally.
Remember that your essay is a response to a suggested idea. Different academic disciplines will, of course, require different content but no matter what you are writing about your argument should be clear, coherent, well-referenced, and appropriately structured. You need to follow any instructions carefully, especially those relating to style and word count.
Bear in mind that, although you are answering a question, you are writing to engage a reader's interest so try to combine thorough, factual, research with an engaging and interesting style - it is your aim to compile an essay that will both inform and entertain. Think of the engagement of your reader's interest as a challenge which your essay will meet. Remember, your essay will be one of many that is read by your tutor/teacher/examiner and making your work stand out is an obstacle to overcome!
The ability to write a good essay is a skill that is difficult to acquire but not impossible and, once acquired, can even be enjoyable: 'good luck'!
You can find a huge range of resources to help you write the perfect essay in our Essay Help section of the website including information on the correct use of grammar, how to create references and citations, and simple, step-by-step guides to writing essays for a number of subjects and topics.
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