it is notif it is possiblee ...

If it’s possible to see red about not
seeing red, that is what I was doing. We had misjudged the timing of our autumn
trip to see the changing leaves in the Great Lakes states, and I was really
upset. No matter how I strained my eyes(使劲用眼), I couldn’t see
red anywhere. Not even a bit of golden yellow broke through the dull greenery.
This vacation was a complete waste. I sat alone
in the backseat of our rented car and got angry as we drove north through the
dull, dark green. In the front seat my husband and father chatted happily,
obviously unconcerned.
Then a motto came to mind: &Happiness is a decision.& It must have
been something my mother said. She was always passing on words of advice. When
I was a child she gave me a little black book with empty pages. On the flyleaf
(扉页) she had written, &Look for a beautiful thing and you
will find it.& I was supposed to keep a record of the most beautiful thing
I saw each day.
I remember spending hours deciding what I'd write down. A baby's dimpled smile?
A stone shining with gold? Pictures in the clouds, or tulips (郁金香) tipping their heads? I found so many things that it was impossible to
pick just one.
Now, on the road, I played Mother's game again. I took in the all—green
scenery. Thick forests lined both sides of the highway. The long conical (圆锥形的) pines and spruce (云杉) was seen here and
there. Maple leaves danced in the gentle wind. I felt like a girl again—surrounded
by beautiful things.
Later in the trip, after we crossed the Upper Peninsula and drove into Canada, I found the bright fall plants I had been looking for. But by then I'd already seen
a million shades of green, the infinite variety and beauty that only our
heavenly Father can produce. And that we can always find-if we look closely
56. What was the purpose of the author's trip?
A. To see the green forest.
B. To have a sightseeing across America.
C. To see red leaves in fall.
D. To try out the motto her mother gave her.
57. What's the point the author wants to show in
the passage?
A. Nothing is too difficult if you put your heart into it
B. No pains, no gains
C. Failure is the mother of success
D. Beauty exists if you have an eye for it
58. Which of the following can best describe the
author's feeling at the end of her trip?
A. Delighted&&& B.
Angry&&&&&&&& C.
Disappointed&& D. Surprised
59. The underlined phrase &see red& in
the first paragraph probably means &&&&&&.
A. get discouraged &&B. get angry&& C. get
ashamed&&&& D. get excited
60. What were the author's husband and father
unconcerned about?
&&A. The waste of their vacation
&B. The writer's loneliness
C. Not being able to see red leaves
&D. The dull scenery along the high way
备课中心教案课件试卷下载谁帮我分析下这句英文It is not possible for any carrier to charge below its variable cost and expect to remain in business.给出的译文是“要求承运人按低于其变动成本的价格来收取运费而又期望他能维持营运,那_百度作业帮
谁帮我分析下这句英文It is not possible for any carrier to charge below its variable cost and expect to remain in business.给出的译文是“要求承运人按低于其变动成本的价格来收取运费而又期望他能维持营运,那
谁帮我分析下这句英文It is not possible for any carrier to charge below its variable cost and expect to remain in business.给出的译文是“要求承运人按低于其变动成本的价格来收取运费而又期望他能维持营运,那是不可能的” 我搞不懂的就是后面那句“expect to remain in business.” 查一下expect to的意思是“反对”?麻烦大家帮我讲解下,
这句话后半部分的主语仍然是carrier,即it is not possible for any carrier to expect to remain in business.expect是期望的意思,全局的大意是如果承运人收费低于变动成本,承运人就有可能破产out of business,而不能够做到in businessYes. It is Possible! | Set your mind to it, and keep trying one step at a time…Is it not possible to have multiply OwinStartup attributes? [它是不可能有多owinstartup属性?] - 问题-字节技术
Is it not possible to have multiply OwinStartup attributes?
问题 (Question)
In a CMS where multiply packages might provide owin startup attributes, is there a way to create multiply startups classes?
If not I will have to create a startup class where package creaters can register their owin startup class and the cms startup class will take care of running these. But then if someone in a package puts in a startup attribute, it might be that his got run and not the cms startup.
Are there any way I can tell that my startup is the most important so that will run over all others?
最佳答案 (Best Answer)
You can have multiple startup classes in an application and instruct the runtime to choose one of those. Multiple Owinstartup attributes can be declared with different friendly names and pass in the friendly name of the corresponding Startup class to be used using the appSetting owin:AppStartup.
is a detailed documentation on how to have multiple startup attributes.


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