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By Barney Henderson, Rupert Hawksley, Helena Horton
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• It's Back to the Future Day! And the internet is going crazy • Everyone is excited, from civillians to cast members
• •
Back to the Future Day filled with nostalgia - and jokes
When Marty McFly travelled to the future in the 1989 "Back to the Future" sequel - to October 21, 2015, to be precise - he was greeted by .
The futuristic items were from a distant world for the time-travelling teenager on a journey from 1985 to 2015 to save his children.
Michael J Fox in Back to the Future (1985)& Photo: REX But that day finally arrived on Wednesday, dubbed "Back to the Future Day" as fans of the blockbuster trilogy around the world celebrated the movie milestone.
Marty McFly rides a hoverboard in Back to the Future II .
US President Barack Obama tweeted:
Happy Back to the Future Day, ! Ever think about the fact that we live in the future we dreamed of then? That's heavy, man.— President Obama (@POTUS)
At the Houston, Texas headquarters of DeLorean cars, whose gull-winged DMC-12 model was adapted in the film into a time machine, crowds gathered to mark the anniversary.
Doc Brown is seen holding a tablet in Back to the Future II "A lot of people are getting their cameras out and taking pictures," DeLorean Motor Co CEO Stephen Wynne told reporters. "When we opened... at 8 o'clock this morning, a woman ran in and she was dressed as Marty McFly and everybody goes, 'whoa'!"
In Canada, a playful recall announcement on the official Health Canada website said that "a certain DMC-12 car converted into a time machine, a defect in the flux capacitor could lead to inability to travel through time. Doc Brown will affect repairs."
One short scene has US baseball fans abuzz. A holographic news board informs Marty McFly that the long-suffering Chicago Cubs have won the 2015 World Series.
The Cubs actually made it to the Major League Baseball playoffs this year, and it seemed like the scene might be prescient. But now the Cubs are one loss away from being eliminated from contention by the New York Mets, which would continue the Cubs' 107-year championship drought.
In Back to the Future Part II, hero Marty McFly travels from his present-day 1985 to 30 years in the future - October 21, 2015 - to prevent his children from making decisions that would jeopardize his family. In a commercial for Toyota, and Christopher Lloyd, who played the much-loved McFly and Dr Emmett "Doc" Brown, .
Back To The Future's Michael J. Fox & Christopher Lloyd Reunite In New Toyota Commercial& Photo: Toyota While the so-called hover boards have yet to make their commercial debut, other gadgets such as wearable eye glass screens and video calls have turned out closer to the mark.
"We've got 3D movies," Lloyd says as the two actors sit in a diner. "We've got fingerprint technology," Fox answers.
Marty is given a pair of self-tying shoes in Back to the Future II& Photo: universal Pictures Pepsi unveiled a limited run of "Pepsi Perfect", the soda McFly drinks in the film, while Nike, whose power-laced shoes the character wore, tweeted Fox on Tuesday saying "See you tomorrow", leaving fans speculating over the message.
Some fans had hoped for a revival of the franchise at a time when others movies are getting reboots. But earlier this week, one of the films' executive producers said a fourth instalment was unlikely.
00.29 - How the day played out. Was it as predicted in 1985?
Back to the Future Day is over. The exact time Marty and Doc Brown travel forward to from 1985 - has been and gone. This time round.
00.08 Driver in silver DeLorean stopped doing 88mph
Michigan state police join in fun of Back to the Future Day, claiming they .
The police wrote: "Michigan State Police troopers stopped a silver DeLorean today for driving 88mph in a 55mph zone.
"The two occupants, Dr Emmett Brown and Marty McFly, were given a verbal warning to drive more safely on Michigan roads. Dr Emmett Brown responded by saying, 'Roads? Where we’re going, we don’t need roads.'”
The Canadian government also joined in the fun, releasing an official recall notice on the DMC-12 model DeLorean.
“On a certain DMC-12 car converted into a time machine, a defect in the flux capacitor could lead to inability to travel through time while travelling at 88 miles per hour (141.6km/h) and may increase energy consumption beyond 1.21 gigawatts,” the spoof statement said, referring to the speed at which the films' DeLorean can travel to the future. “This could have disastrous consequences.”
A silver DeLorean that was stopped by Michigan State Police& Photo: Michigan State Police 23.22
Back to the Future Day is impacting on the 2016 race for the White House. Sort of. Here's Marco Rubio's effort:
In honor of
day... Yesterday is over and we're never going back. — Marco Rubio (@marcorubio)
Ben Carson joined in the fun:
Been trying to get up to 88 MpH so I can see the future when Ben is elected President, but I'm not as fast as a Delorean. — Ben Carson's Bus (@healerhauler)
Ted Cruz chipped in with a quip about the Iranian nuclear deal:
In 1985, Doc Brown gave Libyan terrorists a fake nuclear bomb. In 2015,
gave Iran keys to the real thing. — Senator Ted Cruz (@SenTedCruz)
Martin O'Malley's tweet bypassed humour:
30 years from now, we could be 5 years away from a 100% clean energy powered electric grid.
— Martin O'Malley (@MartinOMalley)
Christopher Lloyd has given an interview to
about Back to the Future Day. He says he's surprised by all of today's excitement:
"I didn't imagine that 30 years later, there'd be this enthusiasm and excitement about it. This celebration, I didn't see that coming at all. Back to the Future came out, and there was a two-year lapse, and we did II and III together. We were just making another movie and hoping it gets past opening night. But the kids who saw this film, they've grown up and had kids, who have grown up and had kids. It's exponential, it just keeps spreading out more and more. But the film has aged well. I saw it last night. It seems very contemporary."
Even the leader of the free world is getting in on the excitement generated by Back to the Future Day:
Happy Back to the Future Day, ! Ever think about the fact that we live in the future we dreamed of then? That's heavy, man.— President Obama (@POTUS)
Couple tie the knot with Back to the Future themed wedding on Back to the Future Day:
Jordan Gillard and his bride Sally Evans had a Back to the Future themed wedding& Photo: Media Wales Ltd Jordan Gillard, 26 and Sally Evans, 24, from Pontypridd are massive fans of the film, so after Jordan got down on one knee and proposed last year they knew a themed wedding would be on the cards.
Sally said: "Jordan and I have been together for around 10 years and we'd always talked about having a Back to the Future themed wedding. So when he proposed we knew we'd stick to the idea.
"We're kind of 'mega nerds' about the film, so when we knew Back to the Future Day was coming up this year we planned everything around that."
The couple started the plans earlier this year by sending out invitations, which were in the form of a letter that Marty wrote to Doc in the film.
"We'd been planning it for a while and we had lots of bits and pieces to go with the theme," Sally said.
"Our table plans were organised around different places Marty and Doc visited in '2015', we also have a 'Hill Valley' sign we painted ourselves to go outside the venue and the ceremony music was the orchestral version of the sound track."
Sally arrived at the wedding, which was held at De Courceys Manor in Pentyrch, in a Buick, a car which was used in the film. While Jordan 'time travelled' to the venue in a DeLorean, the car which Doc Brown used as his vehicle of choice for travelling through time.
Here's how the 'self-tying' laces self-tied in the film:
Filming Marty's Auto-Lace Sneakers for Back To The Future Part II, 1989. — History In Pictures (@HistoryInPics)
Michael J. Fox will be on Jimmy Kimmel Live tonight:
Day! We have something very special with Michael J. Fox TONIGHT on ! — Jimmy Kimmel Live (@JimmyKimmelLive)
Day! What would a time traveler from 1985 discover about NASA today?
Lots of excitement about Nike releasing 'self-tying' trainers this evening:
Nike officially debuts the long-awaited self-lacing
— ScreenCrush (@screencrushnews)
This is real. This is today. Coming spring 2016. cc:
— (@MichaelJFoxOrg)
That's it from me but here's a monster of a graphic, courtesy of , to pore over until Barney Henderson picks up the reins.
Here's the third in our series (oh for God's sake – Ed) of original Back to the Future reviews. This one from John Coldstream, published in 1990, is a review of Back to the Future III and applauds "a wholly delightful excursion, in the hands of some master craftsmen who have recaptured the spirit that made the first of the series so appealing."
Any Back to the Future fans out there who also support Everton FC (if you're reading this in America, they're a soccerball team)? Well, dear readers, this is going to blow your mind.
When Marty McFly travelled back to 1955 Everton finished 11th, when he went back to 1985 they finished 2nd, 11-2=9 — jake (f)lawless (@jakelawless_)
Wait, what?
People do realise Marty McFly didn't *really* arrive in our universe today, right?— Danielle (@abradacabla)
Here's the second in our series (not really a series is it? – Ed) of original Back to the Future reviews. This one from Hugo Davenport, published in 1989, is a review of Back to the Future II and it says: "The film is full of sparky, inventive jokes and some special effects (the anti-gravity skateboards stand out) that will amze even the most blase young video-sophisticate."
Is there a brand on this planet not jumping on the Back to the Future bandwagon? #QTWTAIN
May I refer you, @Mopar71, to the fifth verse of the seventh chapter of the Gospel of Matthew in the New Testament (it's the passage about the splinter and the eye btw).
I'm over Back to the Future day. Too many peeps posting about it.— Danny (@Mopar71)
This is tinged with melancholy, is it not?
to be one step ahead of everyone else. But I like this... it's a look at what the world will be like in 2045, 30 years from now (the same jump forward in time taken by Marty and Doc in Back to the Future 2).
Here are their thoughts:
1. Artificial Intelligence
Futurist Ray Kurzweil said that it was perfectly reasonable to expect computers to exhibit human-level intelligence and emotions within the next 15 years. So in 30 years, expect to see AI intelligence presented as a virtual presence that you can see and potentially feel.
2. A 'Smart' City
We're still at very early stages for the Internet of Things (IoT), but we are already seeing connected devices such as the Microsoft Band. In 2045, expect to live in cities where everything could be connected. You may well be regularly talking to your fridge, cooker or thermostat!
Robots can already be used for demanding and repetitive tasks not suitable for humans. Imagine a world of connected robots communicating together, monitoring events, controlling and manipulating physical objects. Do you want a robot buddy to hang out with? Maybe one that could serve you drinks?
4. Self-driving Cars
There are already a number of tech companies currently working on this. In 30 years, expect it to be a reality where people call for a taxi without a driver, which drives itself to the venue of your choice, which you pay for on your hand-held device. Will we be still using smartphones?
5. Mixed Reality
We've started the age of the HoloLens. Where will this technology be in 30 years? Imagine going to a fashion retailer and experience a shopping experience where you can try on different clothes with a pair of augmented reality goggles? Or play video games using 3D images without the use of a screen...
Thanks, Microsoft. And what will future generations discover if and when they travel back in time?
Here's a link to .
We can confirm that ITV2 did cut parts of Back to the Future. And with f-----g good reason.
they replace "you're gonna see some serious shit" with "you're gonna see some serious stuff" sometimes,— FuzzbuttCageComforts (@Fuzzbutt_UK)
Back to the, er, past. Our peerless archivist Gavin Fuller has dug up the original Telegraph review of Back to the Future and it's a rather wonderful thing.
Eric Shorter wrote in 1985: "It restores your faith in the fun to be mined from a time machine because it is well written, wittily conceived, tautly plotted and once its premise has been granted, as in all good farce, it proceeds with unerring logic to develop its absurdity with a proper, frenzied sense of seriousness."
The Back to the Future marathon is well underway on ITV2 (it started at 4.29 *bravo*). But one fan ain't happy. Can anyone confirm whether this is true? Tweet me
if your going to show all the Back to the Future don't cut bit out of the film.
— Chris Hehir (@chrishehir75)
Starter for 10... Do you know why Doc Brown's DeLorean needed to reach 88 mph? Nor me, but this
reveals all (as well as a whole load of other things you may not know).
My colleague Mark Monahan assures me that this is essential background reading for any Back to the Future fan. Yes, it's his review of the original film.
"This fusion of sci-fi, action, romance and comedy could have been a dreadful mess, were it not for writer-director Robert Zemeckis and co-writer Bob Gale's refusal to let a loose line or idea escape their pens."
If that hasn't put you off, read the lot .
Just having a few drinks, things got a bit out of hand and the next thing I knew...
This is excellent from Buzzfeed:
Excuse the bad language but one does wonder whether @lorenzo_toilets is getting into the "f----n" spirit of things.
Did George Orwell fans just go fuckin bananas like this for the whole of 1984— I Am 100% Dead (@lorenzo_toilets)
'Tis indeed a very nice touch. Bravo, Amazon.
If you have Amazon Prime (Video), they’re letting you stream the Back to the Future trilogy today. That’s a nice touch :)— Shane Hawk (@shanehawkk)
Speaking of the DeLorean, this is a lovely piece by Andrew Frankel on how the film's automotive star has stood the test of time.
"It's a question to which we think instinctively we know the answer. What was the DeLorean like to drive? It was rubbish, surely? Actually, and as we shall shortly see, it’s not quite as simple as that."
Read the full article .
It's 4.29pm! The precise moment Marty McFly and Doc Brown arrive in "The Future", on October 21, 2015. Oh sorry, that's American time... as you were *puts cellophane back on DeLorean-shaped cake*
Thanks, Helena. Sorry I'm late, everyone, couldn't find anywhere to park the hover board... Hope you've all had a blast. Let's kick things off with this .
Say goodbye to me and hello to Rupert Hawksley
It's time to hand over the liveblog to someone else now, and that someone is Mr Hawksley.
People who have been emailing in and tweeting, please now direct your BTTF musings to or tweet him at @ruhawksley
I'll leave you with this:
The 1989 film “Back to the Future II” showed life on Oct 21, 2015 — Double Neckties. [WTF?] — Neil deGrasse Tyson (@neiltyson)
It's a very special day indeed today - not only is it Back to the Future day, but it is also the night the .
We wonder if there will be any jokes - Lord Sugar has been retweeting BTTF jokes today.
Am hoping that
twist on tonight's
and fires the candidate by fax — Andrew Bloch (@AndrewBloch)
SIX HOURS TO GO! Who will be the 3rd (and possibly 4th and 5th) candidate fired? Tune in TONIGHT for
— Lord Sugar (@Lord_Sugar)
It's fine to be excited about
today, but tonight it's time to go . — The Apprentice (@bbcapprentice)
If you have the funds, you should probably donate to the Michael J Fox foundation
That's right, he has his own charity, which is aiming to combat Parkinson's disease.
What better day to donate than on Back to the Future day? Donate .
Spotify's Back To The Future playlist
Fancy a bit of retro music? Spotify has created a playlist of the tunes that were popular in 1985.
It's probably better than listening to Bieber.
Some good tweets
The 1989 film “Back to the Future II” envisioned life on Oct 21, 2015 — Thumbprint Locks. [Got it] — Neil deGrasse Tyson (@neiltyson)
Not looking forward to Back to the Future Boxing day. Cold Delorean sandwiches for a week!— Dean Burnett (@garwboy)
See all of you making jokes about Back to the Future? You're David Cameron, you are— Michael Deacon (@MichaelPDeacon)
The should make back to the future a subject in school. I think kids would benefit from it more than other subjects.— James Bourne (@JamesBourne)
Just like Back to the Future predicted, you hate your stepdad— Erin Gloria Ryan (@morninggloria)
Pete Wentz has got in on the action. This ain't a scene, it's a goddamned tweet round-up.
happy back to the future day.— t(-.-t) (@petewentz)
How BTTF predicted Trump
That's right, people are saying that the film franchise predicted Donald Trump, everyone's favourite American Presidential Candidate.
YES!! Donald Trump is Biff Tannen from Back to the Future 2. (via ) — Jason Romano (@JasonRomano)
Say what you will about the accuracy of Back to the Future's predictions, it nailed Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders. — Were D. Wolfson (@TheMattDWilson)
Yeah yeah, Back to the Future II wasn't that good. But Trump was GREAT in it. Terrific actually. — Cuffy (@CuffyMeh)
Back to the Future Day. I can only assume that if Trump ends up as President, Marty McFly messed up a past timeline.— Liz Long (@LizCLong)
SUDDEN REALISATION! Alternate 1985 Biff in Back To The Future 2 IS Donald Trump!— JeSuisStrongMessage (@twlldun)
Lots of people talking about Back to the Future II and the Cubs but what about Trump being rich Biff in the alternate timeline?— Clue Heywood (@ClueHeywood)
People are saying that he resembles Biff Tannen, the bad guy in the films. Biff uses the riches he gets from his casino/hotel to shake up the Republican party and then ends up assuming political power in Hill Valley. Sound familiar? They also look creepily similar.
I have never seen a thin person drinking Diet Coke.— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
Is this the worst tweet today?
It's probably not a good idea to try to 'meme war'
Screen cap of deleted USAF tweet
— Kelsey D. AUMFerton (@AthertonKD)
America has woken up
They are in for a TREAT today!
Ok please just get all the "Back to the Future" references out of your system before noon, plz.— Dorito Medley (@jtwill84)
i cant believe its back to the future day— eerie molly (@mollywoah)
Just FYI that the entire Internet is going to be Back to the Future today.— Marlin Caddell (@marlincaddell)
University of Leicester forms Department of Transtemporal Studies
They've written a spoof (we think) web page especially for .
Here's an excerpt:
"The Department of Transtemporal Studies at Leicester (formerly the School of Anomalous Chronography) was founded in 1985. We are a leading centre for research and teaching into all aspects of time travel.
"Staff in the Department have extensive experience of journeying to a wide variety of historical and future periods, using a range of techniques. We have a comprehensive selection of state-of-the-art time machines, ranging in size from multi-person vehicles to individual wristbands, which are used for teaching our degrees and also for research at the cutting edge of chronolysis and chronography.
"Please contact us to find out more about our degrees, our research and our achievements - past, present and future."
I am liveblogging the wrong day
Happy Saint Hilarion’s feast day. Don't be tempted.
— The Paris Review (@parisreview)
To celebrate this special day, why not permanently ink it on your body?
N.B. we are not responsible for any regrettable tattoos that arise as a result of this post.
Anyone know any tattoo parlors doing Back To the Future tattoos tomorrow?— Morgan Eattock (@MogeezyFoSheezy)
South West trains are at it again:
Very good southwest trains — Claudia Stocker (@claudia_stocker)
Teens react to back to the future
If you are older than the author of this live blog, this will probably also make you feel old: It's quite funny, though.
I feel so old
want to feel old? This is Doc and Marty McFly now. — Jerry Moriarty (@WidelyRecycled)
Here are some odds from Paddy Power on what will happen in 2045
"The bookmaker has jumped in his handy time machine to offer 2/1 for Police to be using hover boards, while it’s a futuristic 4/1 for Domestic Robots to be used at Buckingham Palace.
"Paddy might sound like he’s from Planet Vulcan, but the bookie is even offering just 9/4 for England to have won the football World Cup by 2045.
2045 UK Predictions
&#x: Hoverboards to be used by police officers
&#x: Domestic Robots to be in use at Buckingham Palace
&#x: England to have won a football World Cup
&#x: Labour to have won a majority in a general election
"Paddy Power said: “Great Scott! Back to the Future got a few things right but England to win a World Cup? Surely not!”"
How homes could look in the future
We've got a
about what homes will be like in the future.
Have a read, apparently we should expect Self-cleaning fabrics, truly waterproof materials and personal climate control.
I have let you all down and I am very sorry:
is live blogging the wrong day — Malcolm Coles (@malcolmcoles)
This is an intellectual politics blog
And this is an absolutely sick burn from David Cameron, if it is true:
Cameron just did the inevitable Back To The Future joke "Corbyn should get in his DeLorean, go back to 1985, and stay there" — Greg Jenner (@greg_jenner)
Our Asa did not enjoy it, however:
joke was all too inevitable. *cringe* — Asa Bennett (@asabenn)
People love tweeting about how they haven't seen the films:
Happy Back-To-The-Future Day! *pops on hover-board and eats spaceman food* (i've never seen it)— nick grimshaw (@grimmers)
When you've never seen Back to the Future, so you have no clue what's going on.— Nikolas (@NSghirripa)
Today I feel like the only person in the world who has never seen Back To The Future.— Claire WhatElsaWears (@WhatElsaWears)
I've never seen Back To The Future II, but I have watched Back To The Future twice in a row, does that count?— Lee Curtis (@MrLeeCurtis)
I've never seen Back to the Future and, to be quite frank, you lot are not really selling it to me.— Annemarie (@one_mrs_k)
Probably not the best time to say I've never seen back to the future— Jake (@___jake)
I've never seen Back to the Future so I have no idea what everyone on my timeline is talking about.— Scary Name, So Banal (@SophieWarnes)
About the only person that's never seen back to the future— bryony. (@bryyywelsh)
Bonus- This is the worst joke on Twitter:
"I need to borrow your... Oreo board"
— Oreo Cookie (@Oreo)
It's lunchtime (almost) so here's a nice long-ish read from Telegraph Travel about the future of travel.
Will we be using hoverboards anytime soon? Find out
Back to the Future 4 parody trailer:
Robot dogs, Kim Kardashian as president and Madonna's 2040 world this what Back to the Future 4 would look like if it was made?
This is a very well-made parody video:
No one could have predicted this:
Hoverboards are all very well, but
never predicted Jeremy Corbyn at
- did it? — Asa Bennett (@asabenn)
Please stop this at once:
with the Tories - I've pledged to freeze fares for flying cars.
— Sadiq Khan MP (@SadiqKhan)
Austria legalises hoverboards just in time for Back to the Future day
Justin Huggler reports from Berlin:
You can now legally use a hover-board on the streets in Austria – in the unlikely event you can get your hands on one.
In a bizarre homage to the Back to the Future film trilogy, the Austrian ministry of transport has made an official ruling that hover-boards are street-legal.
The announcement was timed for today’s date, October 21, 2015 – the date Marty McFly travels to the future in the films and first encounters a hover-board.
You can now use a hover-board on Austrian roads and pavements without any special license or permit.
The only problem is that the films’ prediction of levitating teenagers was slightly off.
Genuine hover-boards which float above the road surface are not yet commercially available.
However, several manufacturers are working on prototypes, and no one could accuse the Austrian authorities of being unprepared.
The ministry of transport says hover-boards are legal “anywhere you could go with an old-style skateboard” in an official announcement on its website.
“It is important that you don’t obstruct traffic or pedestrians,” the announcement says.
But the ministry warns that because of its ability to travel in different terrains, a hover-board could also be “considered an aircraft”.
“Depending on where you're traveling with your hover-board (water, soil, air), different rules may apply,” it says.
The ministray says the use of a handlebar, as seen in the film, is not a problem.
But it says anyone wanting to use the rocket-powered “Pit Bull” hover-board depicted in the film would need a pilot’s license.
The website also warns hover-boarders: “It’s always a good idea to wear a helmet for your own safety when riding.”
Stanford University create driverless DeLorean car for Back To The Future Day
Some sobering news:
When Marty & Doc set off back in 1985 the average UK house was ?34,655. When they arrive today it’s ?202,859 — Henry Pryor (@HenryPryor)
People old enough to buy property in 1985 were very lucky, weren't they!
Also in this deleted scene Marty McFly worries that being romantic with his mum will turn him gay:
Does this mean he thinks it is worse to be gay than it is to be inappropriate with your mother?
Pizza Express have 'invented' instant pizza
Would you eat it?
PizzaExpress Hydrated is here. We sure can hydrate a pizza!
— PizzaExpress (@PizzaExpress)
Want to ride in a DeLorean? Here's how...
Uber have teamed up with Pepsi to enable a limited number of passengers to drive in the iconic cars.
From 10am to 3pm today, you can get a lift in one with the app.
Consumers simply have to enter the promo code “PEPSIMAX” into the Uber app to unlock the DeLorean icon and have the chance to get a free ride in the iconic time machine.
Uber's arrived
— Remulous Design (@MartinjVazquez)
to see how it stands up in 2015.
Yet more 'police banter':
Anyone travelling at 88mph hitting a pole, causing power cut & stopping the town clock will likely receive a fine & points! — Richmond Police (@MPSRichmond)
Oh frabjous day.
People are worried that politicians are going to make bad Back to the Future jokes at PMQs
It is assumed that Jeremy Corbyn probably won't.
The look the headmaster would give you when whispering in assembly — Barry Ameobi (@ToonArmyMIA)
He will pull that face if any humour is attempted.
will have a fair few "Back To Old Labour" gags to celebrate
— Asa Bennett (@asabenn)
If Cameron slips a Back To The Future reference into
today, let's all meet at Westminster later and burn the mother down.— Mark Harrison (@MHarrison90)
Today's PMQs: Cameron clears throat: "Thing about appointing Seumus Milne is... it's BACK TO THE FUTURE." *silence* "Sir, that doesn't work"— Jim Waterson (@jimwaterson)
I'm putting ?100 on Cameron shoe-horning in some feeble 'Back To The Future' joke...
— Pete Morgan (@MobyMooby)
Shall we all agree to down a whole bottle of wine every time MP mentions Back To The Future at PMQs & then at least it might all end quicker— Jess Brammar (@jessbrammar)
The life and times of Michael J Fox
The culture desk have chronicled Michael J Fox's life and given a review.
Their view is that as well as being an exceptional entertainer, he is an exceptional man.
A Special Message From Doc Brown
Back To The Future Day is here and Doc Brown has recorded a special message for all the fans on this special day.
This guy has a more cynical approach to the festivities:
Today is the DAY — Jeffw (@Jeffwni)
What's your favourite #branded #tweet?
Will Marty and Doc visit
today to explore 1,000 years of history?
— Visit Parliament (@visitparliament)
Six experts predict what life will be like in 2045
Will they be better at predicting what the future is like than Back to the Future? They've told
what we should expect in thirty years time.
Predictions include the ability to buy emotions online, invisibility cloaks, artificial intelligence and virtual reality.
Read their article
Back To The Future reminds me of that time when I was a child when I fell asleep in the car and when I woke up it was the next day.— Moose Allain (@MooseAllain)
Train station banter:
Well played,
- well played.
— Driver H. Potter (@DriverPotter)
The spoilsports at South West trains have reminded passengers that they are not allowed to use hoverboards or time travel while using their service.
It seems like wherever you go today, you'll see tepid Back to the Future jokes, including on this live blog!
What a glorious occasion!
It must be a bit confusing for those who have not watched the film.
Apparently Back to the Future Day is going on until tomorrow morning. It is unclear whether livebloggers will be expected to sit at their computers until then (a source says that she hopes that isn't the case).
Back To The Future Day is tomorrow (Marty and Doc arrived in Hill Valley at 4.29pm Pacific Time, which is 0.29am British Summer Time)— diamond geezer (@diamondgeezer)
This tweeter has pointed it out, apparently they actually went Back to the Future after midnight UK time.
& Oh, and luckily for us, the DWP have chipped in with some 'banter' which is sure to make all of their many fans amused.
They wrote: ‘Pensions? Where we’re going we don’t need pensions…’ #DontIgnoreIt #BackToTheFuture "
And then on their image, they put "Erm, actually you do."
It's a bit of a weird joke.
‘Pensions? Where we’re going we don’t need pensions?’
— DWP Press Office (@dwppressoffice)
Superfan explains why Back to the Future is so important
Back To The Future Superfan, Charlie Moore, explains why today is so important and what he will be doing to celebrate
Protesters park a DeLorean outside Parliament to protest the fact that hoverboards are illegal
Hoverboards have been , along with Segways, and this has annoyed some fans of innovation.
We've received a press release from Project 42, who manufacture hoverboards.
Naturally, they are annoyed about the ban so they are parking a DeLorean outside Parliament and will have a Marty McFly lookalike on a modern day hoverboard.
Here is what they said:
"21st October 2015. That’s the date Marty McFly travelled 30 years into the future at the end of “Back to the Future.” He arrived in a world where a can of Pepsi costs $50 and where hoverboards were on every street corner.
"Today, Pepsi remains affordable but the dream of hoverboards seems further away than ever despite thousands of British consumers purchasing the self-balancing devices. On Sunday last week the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) outlawed ‘hoverboards’ and other self-balancing vehicles due to a law that was made in the 1835 Highways Act, 180 years ago!
"Project 42 (P42), a UK accelerator behind the UniWheel, one of the self-balancing products, has arranged for a genuine DeLorean to descend on the Houses of Parliament to highlight how this archaic law could stifle tech and innovative products that were once a dream. With the technology developing so quickly, only now has it become clear that this law will prevent people in the UK from experiencing their dreams and riding hoverboards."
Back to the Future: Its enduring appeal, and why it should never be remade
has analysed the appeal of Back to the Future and has argued that it should never be remade (especially, perhaps, by Keith Lemon...)
Here's a snippet:
"In recent years, following the film’s cinema re-release for its 25th anniversary, Secret Cinema’s highly acclaimed immersive screenings of the first film, and technological developments such as Lexus’ hoverboard inspired by the films, the appeal of Back to the Future seems to be increasing. Perhaps this is because nostalgia for the film and its characters has not been affected by attempts to remake or re-boot the series. Unlike many other popular franchises of the 1980s such as Indiana Jones or Ghostbusters there are no plans to remake or extend the Back to the Future series.
"In fact its creators are set against the idea of a remake, with director Robert Zemeckis saying it could not happen until he and the film’s writer, Bob Gale, are dead – and hopefully not even then. In a rather grandiose claim, Zemeckis argued it would be like remaking Citizen Kane asking ‘What folly? What insanity is that?’ (Collins, 2015). But is he wrong to compare Back to the Future to, what is often thought of as, the greatest film of all time?"
Back to the Future II is now a film about the past. — Meg (@megangillett_)
kindly put together by tjhe experts on our Film team.
To start you off, apparently tt was almost called Spaceman From Pluto and Crispin Glover hated the ending...
The Surrey police force has got in on the action...
They're probably trying to get a few more followers, but their Photoshop skills are pretty impressive:
'Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads!' But 88 in a 30 gets you points & a fine in all timelines.
— Surrey Police (@SurreyPolice)
Marty McFly's back to the future trainers become reality
This video does what it says on the tin:
ITV 2 are showing all of the films today and the Keith Lemon Back To The Future trubute...
today on . 4:29pm:
— Keith Lemon Fan Page (@lemon_page)
Don't be late tonight 9pm — Keith Lemon (@lemontwittor)
Police forces in Aus are trying to outdo each other
It's been Back to the Future Day in Australia for a little while now, and some police forces have attempted to get in on the action.
Is it just us, or are State Police Force social media teams trying to out-viral each other?
— Matt and Alex (@mattandalex)
Marty McFly from Hill Valley, California was arrested in Melbourne today for disturbing the space-time continuum.Posted by
Officers from the Mount Isa Hoverboard Unit are investigating a crash involving a silver vehicle travelling at 88mph #BackToTheFuturePosted by
07.00 What's the plot?
Dr Emmett Brown takes Marty and his girlfriend Jennifer to the future to prevent their kids from "ruining their lives".
Doc Brown and Marty McFly travel to in the screen classic's 1989 sequel & Photo: Universal Pictures After doing that, Marty buys a sports almanac for , thinking it might help him in his time. Doc finds out and throws it away, but 2015 Biff (now a very old man) finds the book and uses the DeLorean to give the almanac to his younger self.
When Marty and Jennifer arrive back to their own time, they find it has totally changed - Biff is very rich and practically owns the city, (). He is married Marty's mother, killed his dad, and when Marty starts to ask about the almanac, he wants to kill him too.
Doc also finds out that he was imprisoned in an asylum, so the two go back to 1955, the night of the Enchantment-Under-The-Sea party in an effort to take back the almanac.
What did 'Back to the Future II' get right about 2015?
Big-screen televisions and video calls
The film features several scenes of characters watching screens very much like the oversize ones we actually use these days. That's saying something, because most TVs of the 1980s were heavy, square appliances with bulky picture tubes. Some of them even came in wood-grain cabinets like furniture!
Also, the "BTTF II" characters talk to the screens just like we do today. Not bad, given that videophones -- though long promised -- barely existed in 1989. With FaceTime and Skype now staples, the video call has evolved from a business medium to an essential of everyday life.
Earlier this year, Canadian inventor Catalin Alexandru Duru broke the world record for the longest hoverboard flight, standing on the back of a Omni Hoverboard, his homemade, propeller-powered vehicle. With its downward-thrusting propellers, powered by a dozen lithium polymer batteries, it looks like a military drone and floats like a giant swimming aid with a man on top.
In May, , for 300 yards, on a trip that lasted a minute and a half.
Duru is not the only engineer who believes we can fly. A California company used Kickstarter money , which uses electromagnets to zip above a metal floor, while car manufacturer Lexus recently unveiled a wheelless skateboard made from bamboo and carbon fibre fitted with a superconductor cooled by liquid nitrogen to enable it to levitate above magnetic flooring.
To celebrate the date Marty McFly arrived in the future,
Video glasses
The Back to the Future films also presaged wearable technology, such as wraparound glasses which Marty uses to answer and speak on the phone (Google Glass, anyone?).
bears more then a passing resemblence to Junior's goggles.As Doc might say: “Great Scott!”
Self-tying shoes
Nike is promising to develop hi-top trainers with inbuilt motors
Nike's self-lacing trainers - available by the end of the year? While we’re no nearer to a flying car than when the film was released in 1989, it got some things right. Biff, one of the series’ main characters, pays for a taxi ride with a thumb print – just like the fingerprint technology used on the iPhone 6 and cashless apps such as Uber, Hailo and Bounce.
today on . 4:29pm:
— Keith Lemon Fan Page (@lemon_page)
Jaws 19 trailer has actually been released
he scene in Robert Zemeckis' Back to the Future II, released in 1989, when Marty McFly travels in his DeLorean to 2015? In the background, a cinema is advertising Jaws 19. It
a sly dig at the increasing absursity of the (never-ending) Jaws sequels. But it could never really happen... could it?
Don't be late tonight 9pm — Keith Lemon (@lemontwittor)
What did Back to the Future II get wrong?
Flying cars powered by rubbish
We're not quite at the stage of seeing cars zip through the air - ... And fossil fuels still power our cars despite electric making inroads. What price a flux capacitor. Can someone get Elon Musk on the video phone..?
Power clothing
Now this is one thing we wish 2015 had brought: jackets that dry themselves and shoes that lace themselves up. Look, no hands!
Fax machines
The film went a little too heavy on its predictions for fax machines, which it imagined would be everywhere in 2015. Fortunately, they're not
... And there's one key invention Back to the Future II missed out: smartphones and tablets, undeniably the most important technological breakthrough of the last decade. Apple didn't even get a look-in.
Might have come in handy when Marty and the Doc wanted to escape the future and head back to 1985.
06.45: It's here - at last!
Hello and welcome to our Back to the Future liveblog on October 21, 2015 - the date that Marty McFly and Dr Emmett “Doc” Brown chose to travel forward in time from 1985 in the hit sequel Back To The Future II.
According to the time-bending 1980s sci-fi flick, by October 21 2015, we would be living in a world of hoverboards, flying cars and self-tying shoelaces. And now that the day has actually arrived.
Stay with us throughout the day for all the updates on one of the most memorable days in film history.
The famous readout on the time-travelling DeLorean
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