wound its way way什么意思思?

句子,the stream wound its way across the field and then flowed right under their tent!这里为什么要用its way
make (wind,等动词) one's way.,从某条路.,这是一个固定用法.再据个例子:The stream zigzagged its way down the mountain.
李敏镐拉了一坨屎 脑残狗围在一起吃路人:真尼玛恶心脑残狗甲:你敢说这坨屎恶心 信不信老娘分分钟咬死你脑残狗乙:你自己拉不出来就说这恶心 分明就是嫉妒人家脑残狗丙:你有没有看到李敏镐拉的时候有多认真 你不懂他背后的努力脑残狗丁:你凭什么骂人家 你根本不了解他 从这坨屎我可以知道他昨天吃了什么路人:我是说你们吃的好恶心
The Sancta Helena was docked on the east side of the Danube, between the Chain and Elizabeth bridges. Piers and warehouses dominated the sleeping waterfront. Towering steel cranes, abandoned for the night, perched over dilapidated wharves. Rusty freighters, bearing goods from all over Europe and beyond, were anchored along the shore. The Sancta Helena, sleek and immaculate, looked rather out of place among the weather-beaten cargo ships berthed nearby. No doubt Lorenz Macaro had his own reasons for staying away from the more upscale docks.Piers and warehouses
"Oh, yes, those keys," Tanis stammered. "One was kept in plain sight, draped around his daughter's lovely neck… right there for you to see."right there for you to see
His wings folded around him, Marcus left the cellar without a backward glance. He now knew where to find Selene and Michael, and in whose company they were likely to be.and in whose company they were likely to be
Selene and Michael were parked in a narrow alley overlooking the pier. Their view of the stationary vessel offered few clues regarding what sort of reception they might encounter aboard the ship. "How do we know Tanis isn't setting us up?" Michael asked.setting us up
"He's not brave enough to set me up," she replied. Seated behind the wheel, she questioned whether this was a good idea. She had heard of these so-called C the Death Dealers had been aware for centuries that a secret society of mortals was determined, for reasons unknown, to conceal the existence of the immortals from their fellow humans. The origins and motive of the Cleaners had been the subject of constant rumor and speculation, but the Elders had always discouraged Selene and the other Death Dealers from probing too deeply into the matter. Why was that? she wondered. What were Viktor and the others trying to hide?determined
With a sharp command, the dog was pulled back away from the window. A flashlight beam searched the interior of the car. Squinting into the glare, Selene saw that the light was attached to an AK-47 assault rifle being held by a looming figure in a black, paramilitary uniform. A second beam entered the car from the opposite direction. Glancing over, she saw another guard and watchdog standing watch outside Michael's door.With a sharp command
So much for casing the ship in advance, she thought. Looks like we're meeting the Cleaners even sooner than I anticipated.casing
Sonja's pendant gleamed in the light of the first guard's search-beam.That did the trick. Within minutes, she and Michael found themselves being escorted through a high-tech operations center aboard the ship. Selene was impressed at the scale and sophistication of the setup. The advanced, state-of-the-art equipment rivaled anything possessed by the coven. She allowed a flicker of hope to enter her heart. Perhaps this Macaro really did have the resources to deal with the threat posed by Marcus.That did the trick
Lorenz Macaro greeted them from behind a large mahogany desk, beneath the watchful gaze of a carved wooden goddess. Selene noted the man's dignified bearing and concerned expression. For a human, he conveyed an aura of quiet authority. If he had any misgivings about being in the presence of a vampire and a hybrid, no trace of it showed upon his regal features.aura of quiet authority
The elderly human contemplated the infamous pendant, running his finger over its intricate detail. Selene noticed his signet ring, although she couldn't quite make out the design upon it. She wondered what was going through the old man's mind. His inscrutable expression defied her attempts to read his reaction to the pendant.detail
He regarded her skeptically, then laughed harshly. "You are asking me to help you kill my son? You? A Death Dealer?" His face was stern and unforgiving. His cultured voice dripped with scorn. "How many innocents did you kill in the six-century quest to avenge your family? Spare me your self-righteous declarations. You are no different than Marcus, and even less noble than William. At least he cannot control his savagery."Spare
Selene refused to be intimidated. She found it ironic that, essentially, she was taking Viktor's side in his long dispute with Marcus. "You know what kind of devastation William caused before he was captured. He can't be set free."she was taking Viktor's side in his long dispute with Marcus
The sentry paced the deck of the Sancta Helena, keeping an eye out for trouble. Colin Langely had served with the Cleaners for nearly three years now, after being recruited from Her Majesty's Secret Service, but tonight he felt unusually on edge. You didn't need to be a top-grade intelligence analyst to know that things were up. Elders assassinated, the vampires' headquarters burned to the ground, now a Death Dealer and a suspected lycan visiting the Old Man in person. All of this was unprecedented in Langely's experience.You didn't need to be a top-grade intelligence analyst to know that things were up
Shallow waves lapped against the hull. A full moon cast its reflection on the surface of the Danube. Langely scanned the shoreline with a pair of night-vision binoculars. Beyond the silent docks and warehouses, traffic flowed upon the Belgrade Parkway. In the distance, the lights of central Pest lit up the night. Despite his apprehensions, he spotted nothing amiss.Belgrade Parkway
Not that it mattered. A heartbeat later, Marcus hurled Michael at the ground. A scream tore itself from Michael's lungs as he plunged downward at heart-stopping speed. Hitting the run-down wharf, he smashed straight through the rotting timbers into the ice-cold water below. The sudden immersion came as yet one more shock to his system, on top of his crash landing and skewered flesh. The moonlit waters took on a reddish tinge.The sudden immersion came as yet one more shock to his system, on top of his crash landing and skewered flesh
Thrusting her handguns back into their holsters, she swiped the dead guard's Uzi and racked another round into the chamber. Turning away from Corvinus, she headed for the open window. "No, wait," he called after her. "You're no match for him."racked another round into the chamber
But Marcus did not give Michael time to complete the transformation. The deadly wings snapped forward, spearing Michael in the chest. Blood sprayed freely as the lethal talons stabbed Michael again and again, like the stingers of an angry scorpion. Michael recoiled from the furious onslaught. He stumbled clumsily, too overwhelmed to strike back. He swiped impotently at the darting wings, trying and failing to fend them off. His face was contorted in agony. Blood trickled from the corner of his mouth.No! Selene thought. Michael was being tortured to death before her very eyes. Leave him alone, damn you!
Aboard the ship, Corvinus strode briskly to the ebony armoire on the starboard side of his office. He opened the cabinet to reveal an impressive collection of antique weapons: broadswords, battle-axes, rapiers, daggers, pikes, maces, scimitars, stilettos, and other mementos of his martial past.
A fitting memorial, he mused, for one whose legacy has long been written in blood.@惊呆鸟惊呆鸟整句都是
   Wake up你是大艺术家   你真心 创作的爱 无价   Wake up别再做慈善家   你其实 没有那麽 爱他   爱是缪思女神的吻   谁都应该被宠爱 纹身   GO GET IT.GO GET IT.   那种美能让 维纳斯诞生
The dungeon was cold and damp. Selene was tired of playing there. "Come on, Cecilia!" she called to her sister as they ran up the stone passageway toward the sun. Giggling, the girls raced past the straining laborers with their heavy carts. "Last one there is a silly goose!"
Selene turned around to look back the way she had come. The entrance to the dungeon had been dug into the forbidding face of a craggy mountaintop. A river wound its way through the rocky mountain passes, while high above the raging torrents, Lord Viktor's castle sat atop the very peak of the mountain, its magnificent turrets and battlements reaching toward the sky. The imposing sight of the mighty fortress imprinted itself on the little girl's memory.
His talons were yanked from her flesh and she fell like a rock toward the river below. The freezing water jolted her as she splashed into the Danube, sinking below the shallow waves. She kicked madly back up to the surface, and her head burst free of the river. Her eyes searched anxiously for Marcus, but the Elder was nowhere to be seen.
你可能喜欢the ream wound its way across the field and then flowed right under thier tent.这句话中wound是什么意思,its way 指什么?flowed right 中right怎么理解?
right 是正好的意思,its way指小溪的路径,wind one's way across指蜿蜒曲折地穿过,我理解的就是这些了,
扫描下载二维码The stream wound its way across the field and then flowed right under their tent!怎么翻译?wound、right在这里有什么意思和作用?
小溪蜿蜒曲折地穿过田野正好从他们的帐篷下流过.此处wind one's way 为固定短语 wound 是wind的过去式.至于 right 此处为副词 来修饰flow 可以理解为“正好”的意思


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