may you happyrust in pea...

  读到这些话,忽然想起很多姩前的一个冬夜。是个很冷很冷的冬天,好像偠把空气都冻结起来。房间里干燥寒冷的空气裏流淌着The Beatles的爵士乐,也变得冷涩。而我在哪里?我迷失在了村上的那一片森林里,安静而寂寞。
Twelve Keys for Building Trust
Do not try to hide things from others. Refuse to have any hidden agendas. You might think you can pull a fast one on someone else. You can’t. Most people have good intuition and even though they may not be able to consciously determine that you are hiding something, they very likely will have an uneasy feeling around you. If they don`t feel comfortable around you,, they won't be able to trust you.
Another sinister aspect of having hidden agenda is that it erodes your ability to trust others. You will assume that if you aren’t fully forthcoming, other people aren’t either. When you are trustworthy,, however,, you will see others as more trustworthy too.
This is similar to the previous point. Only say what you mean. Be impeccably honest with your words. Refuse to try and craft your words to manipulate others. Don`t give fake compliments, patronize others or say something just because you think you are supposed to. Again, people have good BS detectors. When others know that you only speak genuinely, it increases their capacity to trust you. Everyone loves authenticity.
Small business financial checkups get complicated
This may complicate the decisions
This may complicate the decisions that owners typically #x make at this
time of the year, such as whether to buy new equipment.
Jeffrey Berdahl, a certified public accountant with RLB Accountants in Allentown, Pa., said business owners will have to do a lot of waiting and watching. First,, to see how the economy fares, and second,, what changes are made in taxes before the November elections.
"It's really hard to plan right now,, because nobody knows what's going to
happen down in Washington," Berdahl said. "What you learn today's going to change tomorrow."
Berdahl said accountants are waiting to see how lawmakers change capital gains taxes, which would affect anyone who sells an interest in a business. He said it's also not yet know what changes may come in the alternative minimum tax, which can impose a heavier tax burden on taxpayers, including small business owners, who have large deductions.
But Berdahl also said it's widely expected that tax rates will go #x up
next year. So business owners who are expecting to have a better 2011 need to factor that into their 2010 planning.
SNS active protection system
SNS Protective Mesh
SNS Protective Mesh can be divided stoenm
into SNS active #x protection
system SNS active protection system and SNS passive protection system. Made with steel wire ropes as major components, the covering protection type is called SNS active system while the holding protection type is called SNS passive system. So, SNS has two basic types of flexible security system technology and products to prevent geological disasters of various slopes and avalanche slope, bank erosion, blasting stone fly, falling objects and other hazards.
Flexible high-strength steel wire netting (diamond-shaped steel wire mesh,, ring mesh, high-strength steel wire grid) as a major component of SNS active protection system is against the rock slope collapsed, dropped, such as flyrock blasting. With the technology development and application, improving the usage of SNS
active protection system construction technology,, standard modular operation, Slope Stabilization Mesh System have been applied in the geological disasters on the large scale.
Slope Stabilization Mesh System is designed by the latest international standard of rock slope SNS active protection system. Compared with traditional construction methods, the system has overcomed many rigid construction defects,, and is shorten the duration and cost of construction. The whole SNS active
protection #x system is SNS active protection system composed of high-strength steel wire, bolt and other installation components.
Dennis the Menace,
Dennis is no longer be allowed to bully Walter the Softy
The family of the creator of Dennis the Menace creator
criticised #x last year’s decision to give the tearaway Beano character a politically-correct makeover for a new CBBC series.
Dennis is no longer be allowed to bully Walter the Softy and cannot use a peashooter in the new series.
When the BBC initially announced the new cartoon, it said it was
to appeal to the modern "iPod" generation.
The makeover was also given the ultimate thumbs-down when Jacob #x Rush, eight,, of
Ipswich,, Suffolk, wrote to DC Thomson in February to complain that his favourite comic strip character had become "boring" since being turned into a wimp.
10 Teams That Would Love to Land Jose Theodore,
Goaltender Jose Theodore
Goaltender Jose Theodore is one of the NHL #x free agents
who is still without a home after free agency started two weeks ago.
Theodore has had a lengthy career playing for the Montreal Canadiens,, Colorado Avalanche, and the Washington Capitals.
Theodore is now looking for his fourth home as he looks to
continue his career.
In spite of the fact that many NHL teams have their goaltending duos in place for next year, there are still teams that could benefit from having Theodore on their roster.
This list was based on teams who could still #x stand to
improve their goaltending,, even if they already have a pair in place.
Adidas’s Spanish jersey sales booms
based in Herzogenaurach
Adidas AG,, the world’s second- largest sporting #x goods
maker, is well on track to sell one million Spanish replica jerseys and it will also be shortly releasing a new version reflecting Spain’s World Cup victory, reports Bloomberg. Adidas has also sold more than a million jerseys of Germany, Argentina, Mexico and South Africa each. Company spokesperson Jan Runau,, speaking from Johannesburg,, said that Adidas had shipped 100,000 more Spanish jerseys in the course of the tournament.
Adidas, based in Herzogenaurach, will shortly launch a new version of the Spanish shirt with one star added in the emblem to represent the World Cup victory. Runau also indicated #x that
Adidas will sell over four million pairs of its F50 shoes this year. This pair has scored the highest number of goals during World Cup 2010.
The retail price #x for national team
jerseys is approximately EUR 70 and for a pair of F50 shoes it is around EUR 200.
Design Your Truck Tarp and Buy It Custom Made From My Tarp
Color options
Color options that are available #x depend on the material that is
being used for the custom truck tarp or cover.
Steve Gao,, Customer Service Manager of My Tarp (), said, "Offering custom-made products is just one more way that My Tarp can meet the needs of our customers. Sometimes getting a pre-made tarp just does not work for the customer's situation. We are ready to help ensure that they get the design they are looking for with a variety of materials and colors available."
To get a quote and timeframe of developing a custom made tarp or cover, customers are encouraged to contact My Tarp by email at . In order to be able to properly quote the item, My Tarp needs to know the cut size or finished size,, grommets spacing (every 1 ft, 2 ft etc.), fabric weight and color
and the ship-to zip code. Fabric weight and color availability can be found on their website by clicking the "Custom Made Tarps" button at the top of the site. If customers have questions on how to determine cut or finished size, click the "Help" button at the top of the site to visit the How-To Guide provided by My Tarp.
The friendly and experienced customer service staff is ready to answer any questions regarding the tarps, covers and other products available from My Tarp. Contact them today and order pre-made or custom tarps that will be able to cover just about anything.
is a leading online retailer and manufacturer of pre-fabricated and custom canvas tarps, vinyl tarps,, and poly tarps in addition to their product line #x of screens, covers and
shades. The company is dedicated to providing its customers with top-quality products at low prices and personalized customer service.


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