用send to造句up 造句

用英文单词造句1.arrive at2.e from4.depend on5.find out6.go over(过一遍,复习,走到一边去)7.hear from8.hear of9.instead of10.knock at11.look for12.look into13.look over14.send up(发射)15.think about16.turn to(转向,翻倒)17.wait for18.w_作业帮
用英文单词造句1.arrive at2.arrive in3.come from4.depend on5.find out6.go over(过一遍,复习,走到一边去)7.hear from8.hear of9.instead of10.knock at11.look for12.look into13.look over14.send up(发射)15.think about16.turn to(转向,翻倒)17.wait for18.write to19.get in one’s way(挡住,某人的去路)
I will arrive at
the airport tomorrow.I will arrive in Shanghai tonightHe comes from the U.K. .We can't depend heavily on teachers.I did't find out my advantage.You should go over the lesson every day.I haven't heared from him since he telephoned.I have heared of it.He will go instead of you.He knocked at the door and entered.I am looking for my cat.I will look into this thing.He looked over that man.Many countries have sent up man made satellites to circle the earth.What do you think about it ?He turns his face to her.I am waiting for you.Write to me soon.You have got in my way.
您可能关注的推广call sb up的造句_作业帮
call sb up的造句
I have to call Ali's parents and tell them he's hereWe can not only send messages, call sb. up, but also can play games, and some even surf the internet.
I must find out the train times(我必须查明火车时刻表)My dad called me up to tell me a good news(我爸爸打电话给我告诉我个好消息)send-up是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译:
名词 sendup:
a composition that imitates or misrepresents somebody's style, usually in a humorous way
用作名词 (n.)
He spiced up his lectures with ironic little jokes.
send-up 在《外研社英语词典》APP的缩略释义:
讽刺(作品) ... &&
send-up:send-up n. 讽刺, 开玩笑性质的模仿…
相关词典网站:近义词:v.(动词)drive move spread whistle n.(名词)box cuff hit knock rap slap stroke thump calamity shock tragedy 词源解说:直接源自古英语的blawan,意为吹;最初源自原始印欧语的bhle,意为鼓涨。<中古英语 blawen (膨胀)词语用法:blow for somebody意思为“对某人来说是一个打击”,而Strike a blow for 意为“为...而奋斗”,如Strike a blow for freedom(为自由而奋斗)。但是为了避免歧义,用的不频繁;v.(动词)blow本意为“吹,刮,吹动”,引申可指“吹响”,也可作“爆炸”解。在美国俚语中还可表示“匆匆离开”“挥霍金钱”“吸毒”等意思。blow作及物动词时,一般接名词或代词作宾语,也可接同源宾语。作“带来”解时可接双宾语; 作“灌输”解时,可接复合宾语; 指自然界的风云变化时,可接形容词或名词充当表语; 以door之类的名词作主语时,除可接形容词作表语外,还可接过去分词作表语。blow常用作不及物动词,通常以风或it作主语,接介词或副词表示各种附加意义。有时blow的主动形式具有被动意义。表示人用口吹时可及物或不及物;表示号、汽笛、喇叭等响起时主要用作不及物动词。blow后有时可接形容词open或hot and cold等,这是固定用法,此时blow可视为半系动词。blow偶尔还可用作温和诅咒语的委婉语,表示惊奇、烦扰、不赞成等情绪。blow的过去分词有两种形式,一般情况下使用blown,口语中表示生气、吃惊、不在乎时用blowed。n.(名词)blow用作名词时主要作“打,击”解,既可指用拳、棒等击打,还可指精神上的打击、挫折或灾难。用于比喻也可指“风”。经典引文:Catching him a light blow..with the back of her hand.出自:D. H. LawrenceIt was too late to check the blow and the axe blade struck the tree.出自:R. DahlA most poor man, made tame to fortune's blows.出自:King Lear,ShakespeareHeark how it rains and blows.出自:I. WaltonIt blew a gale.出自:Oxford English DictionaryThe wind blew fierce and strong.出自:J. Steinbeck相关词条:


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