
引导语:下面是2015年6月大学英语四级真题试卷答案详解,由应届毕业生培训网整理而成,希望能帮助到您,谢谢您的阅读。Part I Writing这是一篇四级考试中常见的议论文。此次通过漫画所呈现出的话题computer(电脑)是考生日常生活中耳熟能详的话题,因此写起来并不难。行文中,考生应将重点放在第二段阐述电脑与日常生活的关系上。联系实际分析可知,二者关系为:电脑为日常生活提供了便利,但不能完全占据人们的日常生活。一、提出观点:电脑在日常生活中虽然重要但并非必不可少(an important but not indispensable role)现代生活漫画中是一个人,一天当中他无时无刻不在使用电脑,不论是在工作时、在家时、玩游戏时,还是在睡眠中。这幅漫画生动地描述了一种普遍现象:电脑现在深深地渗透到我们的日常生活中,我们甚至一分钟都不能没有它。尽管如此,在我看来,电脑在现代生活中虽然重要但并非必不可少。诚然,电脑使我们的生活方便,并提供及时帮助。但它并非生活必需品。首先,过度沉迷于电脑对我们的健康不利。我们可能着迷于电脑上五花八门的内容而忽略了在业余时间锻炼身体。此外,过度使用电脑会将我们隔离在社交圈之外。因为我们可以通过电脑与虚拟世界中的朋友交谈,所以我们可能不会费心去与身边的亲朋好友交流。总之,作为高科技的产物,电脑确实改善了我们的生活。但是我们不应该在电脑上花费过多的时间而舍弃享受美好的生活.主题词汇make good use of充分利用be fascinated by着迷于illustrate阐述,阐释information highway信息高速extend&int0将&&扩展到attach importance to重视key pal网友digital数字的,数码的be obsessed with沉迷于 句式拓展1.For a long time many people would like to type&onthe computer rather than conceive of&长期以来,许多人宁愿把&&打在电脑上,而不是自己构思&&.2.It is human beings themselves wh0&.which makesthe high technology&正是人类自身&&,这使得高科.技&&。Part II Listening Comprehension1.W:Tom.would you be interested in serving on the membership committee this year?M:Can I get back to you on that in a few days?0:What does the man mean?C.2.W:We should buy a good guide book and study it before our trip to Vancouver.M:We could.But they are overprice―d.What about the library?Q:What does the man mean?B.3.W:You took a history course this term.didn&t you?What can you say about it?M:Well,the trouble is that I never get through the weekly r―eadin―g list,though some books are quiteinteresting.Q:What does the man mean?C.assignments,difficulty和book report等,由此可推测对话内容与男士在历史课上所碰到的问题相关。男士的话是解题的关键,需要特别注意。4.M:I'm taking my girlfriend to the fancy new restaurant for her birthday tonight.W.1 went there last weekend.I found it rather disappointing.Q:What does the woman mean?A.5.W:Winter is over at last.Wiine to put away my gloves and boots.M:I've been waiting for this for months.Q:What does the man mean?A.6.M.Look,the curtain is going up slowly and all the lights over the―stage are―lit up.W:Yeah,the play is staring.Oh,something caught my sleeve.Give me a hand please,Bob.Q:Where are the speakers now?D.7.W:You only have water to serve your guests?M:This isn't just plain water.This is mineral water.this is mineral water from Tibet.Q:What does the man imply?B.8.W:When do you have time to discuss our environmental report?I think we will have to make somerevisions.M:I'll be free at 3 0'clock this afternoon.But what exactly needs to be changed?Q:What are the speakers going to do this afternoon?D.W:Why is it important to recycle?M:There are many reasons.Recycling is one way to keep waste out of landfills.Landfills are places to dump waste.(9)But they areunpopular,because they can pollute the soil used to cover them and that's bad for people who may build new homes there.Recycling also reuses valuable raw materials,such as aluminum and paper.Finally,recycling Can leave a lower garbage bill. Recycling lowers the amount of waste put into landfills,therefore,less money is spent for garbage disposal.W:How has recycling changed over the years?M:(10)Ten ortwenty years ago,you could buy milk in returnable,refillable glass bottles,and many people―recycled voluntarily. Now you buy milk and other products in plastic bottles or paper containers.Because of the high cost of disposing of these things in landfills,many city governments now have recycling programs.W:How does recycling help the environment?M:(11)Recycling helps the environment mainly by saving energy.For example,it takes 95 percent less energy to produce recycled aluminum than to produce new aluminum.W:Can one person really make a difference?If only a few people recycle,then what&S the point?M:If not you,then who?(12)1f we combine our efforts,we can make a difference.Each of us contributes to the waste problem.All the millions of tons of waste that go into landfills started as 32l old pair of slippers, a broken TV set.or a used magazine that came from somebody&S house--maybe yours !9.Why are landfills unpopular according to the man?A.10.What does the man say has contributed to the increasing amount of waste over the years?B.11.According to the man,how does recycling help the environment?A.12.Why does the man say everybody should make ail effort to recycle?B.W :l3)Could you please give me information on airfares from Miami to Bellingham,Washington?(14)We.'d 1iketobuysomehow good flight as cheaply as possible.M:Let,s see.1 want to advise you to Pay the nonnal one―way economy class fare of$555.(15)1f youcan fly OnaTuesdaorWednesdayand buy your tickets at least 2 1 days in advance,I suggest you book a roundtripexcursionflight.W:But we may not need the return tickets.M:That,s all right.Even if you don&t use them,you should be able to save$89 0ver the one&way fare. (15)Of course.I'd recommend early booking.You ought to try to reserve the“Super Saver”seats.Thereare only a few of them and they are 50%cheaper than the others.W:That sounds like a good idea.M:Wait,to save another hllndred dollars or s0,why don&t you book a flight to Vancouver,Canada?W:But that&S farther than where we want to 90.M:I know,but you can take a bus from Vancouver back to Bellingham and still save money.And if you are trayellin9with children,you might be able to get a discount if you fly economy class.But they don&t getany discount.(15)But to take the advantage of the airline's guarantee fare policy,you'd have to make reservations and pay for your tickets at least 6 weeks in advance.Try and begin the search forable seats..W:N0,thank you.M:Excuse me?W.I may Pall VOU back if we don&t decide to drive.13.Where is the woman planning to go?C)。14.What is the woman&S purpose in calling the man?C)。15.What does the man advise the woman to do?D.What makes a Derson famous?This is a mystery that many people have carefully thought about.All kindsof myths surround the lives of well―known people.Most people are familiar with the works of WilliamShakespeare,one of the greatest EngUsh writers of the l6th and l7th centuries.(16)Yet how many knowShakespearetheperson,the man behind the works?After centuries of research,scholars are still trying to.discover Shakespeare's personal history.It is not easily found in his writings. Authors of the time could not protect their works.An acting company,for example,could change a play if they wanted t0.Nowadays,writers have copyrights that protect their work.Many myths arose about Shakespeare.Some said he had no formal education&Others believe that hebegan his career by tending the horses of wealthy men.All of these myths are interesting,but are they time?Probably not.(17)Shakespeare's father was a respected man in Stratford-on-Avon,a member of the town.council.He sent young William to grammar sch001.Most people of Elizabethan times did not continue s0,Shakespeare did have,at least,an average education.(18)Some parts of Shakespeare's1ifewillalwaysremainunknown.The Great London Fire of l666 burned many important documents that couldhave been a source of clues.We will always be left with many questions and few facts.16.What does the speaker say about William Shakespeare?D.17.What do we learn about Shakespeare&S father?C.听录音时应注意将选项和短文内容进行匹配区别。短文中提到莎士比亚的父亲受人尊敬,是埃文河畔斯特拉特福镇议会的一名成员。故C)为答案。18.Why does the speaker say parts of Shakespeare&s life will remain a mystery?B.Almost everyone suffers from a headache occasionally.But some people suffer from repeated,frequentheadaches.(19)A―headache is important because it can be the first warning of a serious condition that couldprobablv be controlled if discovered early.If a person removes the warnin9,day after day,、Ⅳ1th a painkiller,he or she may pass the point of easy contr01.The professional nalne for covering up a symptom is“maskin9&(20)Aheadaches pecia1ist0nce―said,&Masking symptoms is not the best way of treatment.Sometimes it iswiser to stand still than to advance in darkness.”A headache often interferes needlessly with normal,happylivin9.The employee with a headache does less work.In a flash of temper he or she may upset fellow workersor customers.causing a direct or indirect loss to the organization.The motherwith a headache suffers anddisturbs the family.She upsets her husband and children.Rest,quiet,and flesh air stop many commonheadaches.(21)Lying down and possibly falling asleep may help.One can often handle tension headaches byrubbing and pressing back neck muscles.Heat from an electric pad or a warnl bath can also help.Becausehunger may be overlooked as a headache source,one must make a habit of regular meals.If a meal must bepostponed for more than all hour,a snack helps to avoid a hunger headache.19.Why does the speaker say a headache is important?C.20.What do specialists suggest we do with headaches?D.21.What does the speaker say helps relieve the symptoms of common headaches?A.( 25)1f your paycheck seems to be disappearing into thin air,you may be stuck in money traps.But don'tdespair.Most people can get unstuck without going bankrupt.(22)The biggest budget mistake is no budget ata11.As one reader put it.we just put all the bills in a pile,and try to decide which to Pay.As she and othershave learned,however,the money usually runs out before the bills d0.The same problem plagues many whodo have budget.In letter after letter we read,“It looks good on paper,but it never seems to work.”Why not?Often because the budgets are unrealistic.The solution:Make a detailed record of where all your money goesnow:then study it carefully.Look for expenses that can be cut back.(23)And don't give up in the face of highfixed expenses.Many of these can be reduced too. In fact,it&s often easier to save on essentials than onenjoyable extras.(24)1f housing takes more than 25 percent of your income,for example,consider moving toa cheaper place.or renting out an extra room.If utility bills are high,get the whole family involved in aconservation plan. Some bills can be eliminated altogether. When one mother realized that cable TV wascosting her$500 a year.she decided that network TV wasn&t so bad.If you question every expense,you Canfind a few that can be reduced.初步判断短文与财务问题相关,由第22题的四个选项可以了解到短文以家庭财务困境开篇,而接下来第24题各选项给出了一些建议,由此可知文章针对开篇所提到的财务困难给出了解决方案。22.what does the speaker say is the biggest budget mistake?B.23.What does the speaker say about the SO-called fixed expenses?A.24.What does the speaker suggest people do to save housing expenses?D.25.What is mainly discussed in the talk?C.26.particular。27.automatically。28.drag。29.demanding。30.satisfaction。 III Reading Comprehension在世界上许多地方,工作和睡觉之余,看电视是最常见的日常活动,这是令我们感到愧疚的娱乐活动。美国人每天看5个小时的电视,并且尽管我们知道花这么多时间(36)消极地坐着会导致肥胖症和其他疾病,研究者们现在已经对长时间看电视的(37)危害得出了量化结果。通过分析8个(38)先前发布的大型研究数据,一个哈佛大学领导的小组在《美国医学协会期刊》上报告称,每天花两个小时(39)频繁更换电视频道,八年半内患Ⅱ型糖尿病的风险增加了20%,(40)十年内患心脏病的风险增加了l5%,而且一项为期七年的跟踪调查发现过早死亡的几率(41上升了13%。所有上述(42)结果都与缺乏体育锻炼有关。不过,与其他久坐不动的行为比起来,比如织毛衣,看电视可能在促成不健康的习惯方面尤其(43)有效原因之一是我们花在看电视上的时间远超过我们花在任何其他事情上的时间。另外,其他研究表明,观看啤酒和爆米花的广告使人更有可能(44)食用它们。文章出自,转载请保留此链接!即便如此,作者们承认他们没有比较不同的久坐不动的活动以(45)确定看电视是否有更高的风险患糖尿病、心脏病或过早死亡,比如与读书相比。名词:C)decade十年;G)outcomes结果;L)surfing频繁更换;浏览互联网;M)term术语;学期;N)terminals航空站,终点站动词:A)climbed上升,攀爬;B)consume吃,喝,消耗;D)determine确定,决定;J)resume重新开始;K)suffered受折磨,遭受;L)surfing频繁更换;浏览互联网;M)term把&&叫作;0)twisting使弯曲,歪曲形容词:E)effective有效的;F)harmful有害的副词:H)passively消极地;I)previously先前36.短文评分软件给教授减压A)设想参加一次大学考试,做完试题后不是上交考卷并在几个星期后拿到教授的评分,而是点击“发送&&按钮并立即收到一个分数――一个由软件程序对你短文的评分。然后,设想考试不是就此结束,而是系统立即让你重新答题以取得更好的成绩。B)EDX――由哈佛大学和麻省理工学院共同成立的提供在线课程的非营利性组织――已经引入了这样一个系统,并将在网上推出免费的自动化软件供任何想要使用的机构使用。(47)该软件利用人工智能对学生的短文和简答题进行评分,从而将教授们解放出来以开展其他工作。C)这一新的服务将会使教育联盟陷入有关自动化在教育中所扮演角色的更激烈的争论。(49)虽然现在针对选择题和判断正误题的自动评分系统已经非常普遍,但利用人工智能技术对短文进行评分尚未得到教育工作者的广泛认可,而且批评声也很多。D)EDX总裁兼电子工程师阿南特&阿加瓦尔预测说,即时评分软件将会是一个有益的教学工具,可以让学生反复测试和写作,并提高答案的质量。他表示,相比于传统的课堂系统――学生通常要等数天乃至数周才能拿到分数,该技术有着明显的优势。(55)“学习中即时反馈有着巨大价值,”阿加瓦尔博士说,“学生们告诉我们说有了即时反馈,他们学得更好。”E)但怀疑人士表示,自动化系统比不上活生生的老师。莱斯&佩雷尔曼就是一位长期的批评者,并曾多次引起全国关注,原因是他将文理不通的短文组合在一起,而软件评分程序不明就里,给出了很高的分数。(50)此外,对于有关软件评分优于人力评分的研究,他也持强烈的批评态度。F)(46)从上个月起,由教育工作者组成的一个团体开始散发反对自动化评估软件的请愿书,而他就是其中的参与者之一。该团体自称是“反对重要测试中使用机器对学生作文进行评分的专业人士”,现已收集到了近2,000个签名,其中也包括一些知名人士,如诺姆&乔姆斯基等。G)“让我们面对自动化短文评分的事实,”该团体声明中有部分写道,“计算机不能&阅读&。(52)它们无法衡量有效书面表达的基本要素:准确性、逻辑、充足的论据、完整的意义、伦理立场、令人信服的论证、有意义的结构和清晰性等等。”H)但EDX期望它的软件能够为学校和大学广泛采用。EDX提供哈佛大学、麻省理工学院和加州大学伯克利分校的免费在线课程;今年秋天,它还将增加卫尔斯利学院、乔治城大学和得克萨斯大学的课程。总计有12所大学参与EDX,它提供结业证书,并表示计划在明年继续扩大规模,包括增加国际学校。I)EDX评估工具需要实实在在的老师或评分者首先评判100份短文或问答题。然后,该系统利用多种机器学习技术进行自我培训,以便以一种近乎即时的方式对众多短文或答案进行自动评分。该软件会基于老师所创建的评分系统给予一个分数,可能是字母等级,也可能是数字分数。J)EDX并不是最先使用自动化评估技术的机构,这种技术可追溯到20世纪60年代的早期计算机。目前,一系列公司已经推出了书面阅卷的商用程序,而且四个州――路易斯安那、北达科他、犹他和西弗吉尼亚――已经在中学使用该技术的某种形式。第五个州――印第安纳州已经开始试行。(54)在某些情况下,该软件充当了“第二阅卷者”的角色,用来检验人工评分的可靠性。K)但是,EDX集团设定标准的影响力的上升可能会推进这一技术的应用。周二,斯坦福大学宣布它将会与EDX合作开发一个联合教育系统,并将利用自动化评估技术。L)此外,近期成立的Coursera和Udacity是斯坦福大学教职人员为创建“大型公开在线课程”(MOOCs)而成立的两家新兴机构,鉴于即时反馈的价值,它们也承诺采用自动化评估系统。“它会对学生的功课做出即时反馈,这样一来,学习就会变成一种游戏,自然而然地吸引学生反复提交作业,直到正确为止,”计算机科学家、Coursera公司创始人达芙妮&科勒说。M)(48)去年,休利特基金会――由惠普公司创始人之一及其妻子成立的捐赠型组织――赞助了两个l0万美元的奖项,旨在对短文和简答题评分软件进行改进。每个奖项的参赛团队都超过了150个。此次休利特竞赛之一的获胜者维克&帕鲁丘里被EdX聘去帮助设计评估软件。N)“我们的关注点之一是帮助孩子们学会批判性思考,”休利特基金会项目官员维克多.维奇克说。“选择题测试不可能达到那种效果。挑战在于,这需要人力评分,所以成本更大,而且耗费时间也更长。”O)俄亥俄州阿克伦大学教授马克&D.舍米斯是休利特基金会短文自动评分竞赛的监督者,而且还就这次试验写过一篇论文。在他看来,这一技术虽然并不完美,但在教育环境中还是占有一席之地的。P)(53)他说,随着班级规模的不断扩大,大多数老师都不太可能就学生的作文给出有意义的反馈。另外,他还指出,关于该技术的批评者多来自全美顶尖大学,那里的教学水平要比大多数学校高得多。Q)“他们通常都来自非常著名的机构,事实上,他们给出的反馈的确优于机器的反馈,”舍米斯博士说。(51)“但是他们似乎缺乏对现实世界中真实情况的了解。”46.Some professionals in education arecollecting signatures to voice theiropposition to automated essay grading.F)He iS anlong a group of educators who last monthbegan circulating a petition (呼吁) opposing automated assessment software.The group,whichcalls itseff Professionals Against Machine Scoring of Student Essays in High―Stakes Assessment,hascollected nearly 2,000 signatures,including some from famous people like Noanl Chomsky.47.Using software to grade students&essays saves teachers time for other work.B)EDX.the nonprofit enterprise founded by Harvard and the Massachusetts Institute of TechnologY(MIT)to offer courses on the Internet.has just introduced such a system and will make its automated(自动的)software available free on the Web to any institution that wants to use it. The software uses artificial intelligence to grade student essays and short written answers,freeing professors for other tasks48.The Hewlett contests aim at improving essay grading software.M)Last year the Hewlett Foundation,a grant―making organization set up by one of the Hewlett―Packard founders and his wife. sponsored two $100.000 prizes aimed at improving software that grades essays and short answers.More than 150 teams entered each category.A winner of one of the Hewlett contests,Vik Paruchuri,was hired by EDX to help design its assessment software.49.Though the automated grading system is widely used in multiple―choice tests automated essay grading is still criticized by many educators.C)The new service will bring the educational consortium(联盟)into a growing conflict over the role of automation in education.Although automated grading systems for multiple..choice and true―false tests are now widespread,the use of artificial intelligence technology to grade essay answer.Hasnotyet received widespread acceptance by educators and has many critics.50.Some people don&t befieve the software grading system can do as good a job as human graders.E)But skeptics(怀疑者)say the automated system is no match for live teachers. One longtime critic,Les Perelman,has drawn national attention several timesfor putting together nonsense essays that have fooled software grading programs into giving high marks.He hasalso beenhighly critical of studies claiming that thesoftwarec0mpareswellto human graders.51.Critics of automated essay scoring do not seem to know the true realities in less famous universities.Q)“Often they come from very famous institutions where, in fact,they do a much better job of providing feedback than a machine ever could,”Dr.Shermissaid.&Thereseemst0bealack0fappreciation ofWhatisactuallygoing oninthe real world&.52.Critics argue many important aspects of effective writing cannot be measured by computer rating programs.G)“Let&S face the realities of automatic essay scorin9,”the group&S statement reads in part.“Computers cannot &read&They cannot measure the essentials o effectivewrittenc0mmnicati0n;accuracy, reas0,ningade quacy of evidence,good sense,ethical (伦理的)position,convincing argument,meaningfulorganization,and clarityamong others.&.53.As class size grows,most teachers are unable to give students valuable comments as to how to improve their writin9.P)Withincreasingly large classes,it is impossible for m0stteachersto9ivestudents meaningful feedbackonwriting assignments,he said.Plus,he noted,critics of the technology have tended to come from the nation&S best universities,where the level of teaching is much better than at most schools.54.The automated assessment technology is sometimes used to double check the work of human graders.J)EDX is not the first to use the automated assessnlent technology,which dates to early computers in the l960s. There is now a range of companies offering commercial programs to grade written test answers.and four states Louisiana,North Dakota,Utah and West Virginia--are using some form of the technology in secondary schools. A fifth。Indiana.has experimented with it.In some cases the software is used as a&second reader,&to checkthe reliability of the human graders.55.Students find instant feedback helps improve their learning considerably.D)Anant Agarwal,an electrical engineer who is president of EDX. predicted that the instant―grading software would be a useful teaching tool,enabling students to take tests and write essays over and over and improve the quality of their answers.He said the technology would offer distinct advantages over the traditional classroom systern.where students often wait days or weeks for grades. “There is a huge value in learning with instant feedback,”Dr.Agarwal said.“Students are telling as they learn much better with instant feedback.”(56)关于“工作-生活平衡”的无休止的争论经常包括一个给人希望的注释,那就是全职父亲。如果美国社会和企业不会给那些决定当妈妈的未来女性领导者更多方便的话,仍然能够带来一丝希望的是越来越多的全职父亲会给她们更多便利。(57)但是基于现在的社会经济趋势,不幸的是,这种希望是被误导的。(57)近十年里放弃工作成为全职父亲的人数翻倍的确是事实,但是这个数字仍然很小:已婚家庭中只有0.8%的全职父亲能够坚持离开工作岗位长达一年时间。甚至这个比率中还包含着因为企业精简裁员而不得不退居家庭的男士。要减少社会污名,这个群体根本不够大,而且需要迫使做出其他必要的调整来支持男性做出这个决定,即使是在相对短的时间内。对于上班族父亲而言,即使是更短一点时间不工作都是困难的。一项研究发现85%的新生儿父亲会在孩子刚出生之后休息一段时间――但总共仅仅几天,最多一至两个星期。同时,产后的女性平均会休息十周以上的时间:(58)这样的选择会影响到那些在组织中希望晋升的人。当你离开的时候,其他人会承担你的工作,替你完成销售,照顾你的客户。这些并不能有助于你的工作。这只能伤害你。当然,女性在很长时间的脱岗之后回岗会面临相同的问题。(59)但是,由于相比男性,会有更多的女性选择完全离职来照顾家庭,所以休完延长的产假之后堕归工作的女性所引起的惊讶并不会多于男性。如果女性员工离开工作而不切断自己的职业轨迹的话,或者高薪职业更有利于家庭生活,她们会得到更多。(60)在可以预见的未来,全职父亲可能会给个体家庭带来改变,但是他们的存在并不能减少那些在工作和家庭之间被迫做选择的很有潜力的女性的数量。56.B.57.C.58.A.59.B.&转述,故答案为B.60.D).debate[dl&belt]n.争论double[&dAb01]v.翻倍decade[1dekeld]n.十年percentage[p0&sentId]n.百分比downsizing[&daonsalzio]n.裁员absence[bssns]n.不在,缺席profession[pr0feJ'an]n.职业,行业foreseeable[f。:&si:obM]adj.可以预见的parental leave产假raise eyebrows扬起眉毛(表示惊讶或反对)世界上一些最重要的问题从来没有上过新闻头条。农业就是一个例子,(61)因食物引发的暴乱和饥饿是大新闻。但是这些事情背后的发展趋势却很少被提及,即一些世界主要农作物产量增长速度减缓。明尼苏达大学和蒙特利尔的麦吉尔大学开展的一项新研究调查了这种减缓发生的区域和程度。研究者采集了水稻、小麦、玉米和大豆这四种最重要的农作物的大量数据。他们发现,在所有被开垦的土地中.24%到39%的土地在20世纪80年代之前产量增加,而在20世纪90年代和21世纪初产量下降。此次减缓有两个令人担心的特点。(62)一个是在印度和中国这两个世界人口最多的国家产量增速下降得尤其剧烈。它们养活自己的能力是保证两国内和世界粮食市场相对稳定的重要来源。如果增速持续减缓或者严量下降,这种自给自足不能被看作是理所应当的。第二,小麦和水稻产量的增速比玉米和大豆的增速更缓慢。这一点很棘手,因为小麦和水稻是更重要的粮食作物,约占人们所消耗卡路里总数的一半。玉米和大豆更重要的是作为喂养饲料。(63)研究者们指出,“我们偏向专注于提高喂养动物和为汽车提供能源的农作物的产量,而不是能养活人类、作为世界大部分地区食物保障基础的作物。”(64)该报告对另外一篇新论文更乐观的发现做了修正。这篇新论文提出,正如联合国粮食农业组织所认为的,为了养活到2060年的90亿人口,人们不需要再开垦更多的土地来耕种。相反,它认为,由于人口增速的减缓,当前被开垦的农田也许能够退耕还林。这是有可能的。(65)问题在于该预测假定粮食产号会持续增长.而这未必会发生。61.C.62.A.63.D.64.D.65.B.yieldaSSUmestabilitytake&for granted认为&&是理所当然的reVerSeaccount for占(比例]&Part IV TranslationIt ls reported that courier services in China will deriver about l2 billion parcels this year,which makes itpossible for China to overtake the United States and become the largest market for courier services in theworld& Most of the parcels contain items purchased online. China offers millions of online retailersopportunities to sell their products at significantly competitive prices.Chinese consumers bought$9 billionworth of commodities from the nation&S largest shopping platform just on the day of 11th November.Sincethere are many such special shopping days in China,it is no wonder that China&s courier services haveexpanded.1.第一句中,“据报道”译为It is reported that&。“120亿”译为l2 billion,这里应注意英文中的数字与汉语中的数字表达的差异。“包裹”可以用parcel或package等词来表达。2.在翻译第二句时,由于该句与第一句关系密切,故可以将该句处理为一个由which引导的非限制性定语从句。“使&&有可能”采用make it possible for sb.to do sth.句式,其中it是形式宾语,for sb.to do sth.是直_F宾语。也可以将该句单独译为China could overtake the United States to become the world,s largest eXDressdelivery market.3.第三句中,“装着”可译为contain,be filled with或be舢of。&&网上订购的物品,,译为items purchased/ ordered online,英语中过去分词短语作定语修饰名词时后置。4.第四句中,“给&&零售商&&的机会”译法较多,可以用0ffer sb.sth.或provide sth.to sb.,即译为China provides opportunities to millions of online retailers to sell goods at significantly competitive prices.5.在翻译第五句时,应注意英文中习惯将时间状语放在句尾,因此需要调整语序。如果为了强调,也可以置于句首。“从国内最大的购物平台购买了价值90亿美元的商品”也可以意译为spent$9 billion on the largest shopping platform of the nation。6.第六句和第七句是明显的因果关系,因此可以利用连词since将两句合并为一句。第六句中“有,,的含义是“存在,而不是”拥有”,因此本句最好用there be句型。7.第七句也可以独立成句,用therefore或thus等与上文衔接。第七句中&&不足为奇”可译为It/There is nowonde。that&,其中that引导的从句是真正主语。也可以保持原句语序,译为The e即ansion of China,s express industry is not surprising at all.最近更新:看完本文,记得打分哦:很好下载Doc格式文档马上分享给朋友:?知道苹果代表什么吗实用文章,深受网友追捧比较有用,值得网友借鉴没有价值,写作仍需努力相关大学英语:网友评论本类热门48小时热门


