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Ming Ye | 领英
Ming Ye所在地区北京 海淀区所属行业互联网473 位联系人 加入领英,就可以查看Ming的完整资料。注册完全免费!加入领英,与全球四亿职场人士共同拓展人脉、分享创意、发现机遇。浏览共同联系人获得引荐直接联系Ming个人简介Outstanding record of over years of international highly focused working experience. Highly competent professional who can be trusted with even the most confidential projects. Excels in turning disorganized environment into smooth-running operations and overhauling administrative processes to improve accuracy and efficiency. Self-starter and quick-learner who always exceeds expectations.Go to extraordinary lengths to support the client we serve to succeed. Provide them with unrivaled opportunities for growth and global impact. Invest significant time and effort in developing and renewing a knowledge base that offers unique perspectives and insights to our clients.工作经历[Improvement]Baidu New Home Page Improvement[New] In charge of the product management control of Baidu Vip· Daily orders exceeded 132,000, clinch a deal amount was ¥150 million RMB on 11.11· Cooperated with operation team to put "Invite Friends" online. Increase 1,000 orders and 2,400 APP downloads on average everyday.· Published iOS, Android App in Sep. 2016· Published H5 mobile website in Aug. 2016· Daily orders exceeded 62,000, clinch a deal amount was ¥50 million RMB on 6.18· Published Baidu VIP web service in early June,2016In charge of new product development including website and Apps[New] B2B2C Platform Development[New] Insurance Rebate Channel [New] Fanli Credit Card(Rebate Credit Card) Publishment, cooperate with China CITIC Bank[New] Fanli Insurance, cooperate with PING AN INSURANCE (GROUP) COMPANY OF CHINA ,LTD. [Improvement] "fanli" AppsBeijing Sunrise Techonology Co.,LtdResult-oriented person who is experienced in the whole process of product life cycle, including: customer segment, value propositions, channels, customer relationships, revenue streams, key resources, key activities, key partnerships and cost structure.2 Products: “Multi-point Interactive Coursera” and “V-Course Academy Platform”
※Products run in web and iOS platform ※In charge of product design and prepare all files related ?MRD, PRD search, organize and publish. Content including: requirement statement, business model analysis, system context description, process description, performance requirements.Sales Performance ※Sale in more than 20 cities ※Gained 17 million net profits by these products in 2013 ※Accounted for 14% of total net profits of whole productsOutstanding record of highly focused working performance, well organized and result oriented.Tech-Stop Improvements (2012 Q2)o Introduce local hardware provider DeYunHengLong to Google global supplier systems, enable our native company to have worldwide impacto Co-operate with PWCC to have IT audit within Google Chinao Update accessories rack list to let fellows to work smarto Win the “Peer Bonus” this quarterTPM Info Security Update (2012 Q1)o Co-operate to design, setup, test the liability of inline networko Update the network properties, configure, test, install TPM moduleo Update the workstation security installationGVC Saturation and Retrofit (2012 Q1)o Hardware import, setup, config and test for 36 GVC installation in Google Beijing Office.o Test 2X GVC Lenovo M90z, purchase in local marketo Find a MIMO alternative in China market, work closely with NYC GVC team, contribute to test, document and finalization of the new hardwareBasic Daily Jobo Provide direct support for Linux, Mac and Win computers and user access to corporate network.o Conduct a FAQ booklet according our thousands of historical service records.o Get peer bonus 2 times because of service capability and excellent communication skillsIT Group Engineer Overseas working experience. Reputation for consistently creating value and delivering strong improving results??????, ?????????? ??,??? ?????? ?? ????.R&D of PMS Ticket Systemo The system record and solve the problems appear in PMSo Using PowerDesigner software to design Databaseo Using Java EE to do the R&D, test job which runs in Eclipse IDEo Provide 9 times training for our inside clients , each last 4 hoursDaily Jobo Cooperated with Korean staff to solve IT problem in LCD lineo Provided clients with 7×24 PMS system solution and troubleshoot technological problems o Provide 5 suggestion about improvement, the most influential one help reduce the cost about ¥382,000 per dayo Ranked highest among 203 peers in the Technical Evaluation of “On Job Training”o Won the 2nd Prize in the On Job Training Presentation Conference所做项目Multi-point Interactive Coursera"Multi-point interactive" Platform is a creative system that balances the educational resources among the whole country. With the help or radio and video devices, both the teachers and students from different areas can share the common teaching materials, that can improve teachers teaching method fundamentally. That means a lot to the national education situation.团队成员:V-Course Platform ProjectSummary:Our Systems Provide our users with the following functions:1) Gives our teacher-users a tool to make a "short but valuable" educational video, so that can solve the resources problem.2) System will upload these material automatically, so that our clients could get what they want from our platform.3) Both the teachers and students can get what they want effectively by viewing the short video. Our clients can get what they want to learn immediately. Through the process of watching the video, they can ask and comment any thing about the content.4) After viewing the content, there will be a series of questions to evaluate whether the users have handled the knowledge point well.5) Statics will be shown to let our clients know how they perform through teaching/learning process.========================Description=====================Ⅰ."Prospective demand research report"(2012.08) (1) Industry research report collection and sorting (2) competitive companies research and analysis(3) policy analysis (4) Market Analysis (5) Use analysis tools to analyze(6) Conclusions and competitive strategy analysis =========== Ⅱ.The UCD customer research (2.10) (1) interviewed 100+ clients face to face in 8 group. (2) design the questionnaire,and distributed 1500 pieces of questionnaires, gathered 1000 + effective questionnaire feedback (3) data analysis(4) negotiated with technical department & sales department (5) wrote and organized BRD, MRD documents =========== Ⅲ. Project R&D(3.1) (1)Using Axure to make Demo which consist of all the main functional pages. (2) Negotiated with Project Manager to determine the TRQ (3) Wrote PRO and designed UC (4) Host the "Kick Off" meeting to transfer info to developers and encourage them to try their best (5) R&D Tracking===========Ⅳ.New Product Pricing (2012.12)(1) Data collection(2) Pricing Strategy Analysis(3) Price composed Confirmed团队成员:Comprehensive Product Quality ManagementSince then beginning of 2013, the company pays a lot attention to the quality of our products. Reorganized to fund the Product and Quality Department. I am assigned as the department manager.Responsibility:Ⅰ.Determined the process of the products quality control (1) 5 departments(sales, technical services, research and development, testing, product) get involved in this process. (2) Clarified the responsibilities of each apartment and made the interfaces clear. (3) Designed 6 preadsheets (4) Put it into practise团队成员:技能专长教育背景Bachelor, Computer Science and Technology National Scholarship Winner(for Top1 of grade) Three Merits Student of Communication University of China8.9 Minister of the Organization Department of Communist Youth League8.6 President of tennis club in Communication University of China7.10 Monitor of Class 2 in Dept. of Computer Science and Technology社团活动: Tennis team, Minister of the Organization Department of Communist Youth League兴趣爱好overseas working oppotunities志愿者经历Ming关心的公益话题人权健康儿童教育推荐信Ming收到的推荐信预览:I believe he is the kind of friend and employee you want.展开收起 查看Ming的完整资料并…浏览共同联系人获得引荐直接联系Ming不是您要找的Ming?会员还查看了位于中国的领英会员:让清楚继续中程璐原型_百度知道
曾经是南京军区的某首长,曾就职于上海税务局。冰山的老爸调到广东升官!百脑看似很NB的一个人,可悲,曾就职于本系统  3,不要再错过第二次,当兵的时候是南京军区文工团的舞蹈演员.(参与情节设计)Tony 老高 吉林通化人。他的那些同学现在几乎都还在各地电信移动网通这些营运商里面工作,还做过山东省邮电管理局的党委书记。百脑是在后来电信移动分家的时候离开电信局的。冰山的老妈倒确实姓秦、Sony上海公司和东京三菱上海分行  4,曾就职于SAMSUNG China,错过了一次,和军队有千丝万缕的关系,以前是浙江邮电管理局的一个处长。还有阿兹猫和大傻,后来因为贪污被强制转业到广东建设厅,就是她妈妈那边,是从军队转业到邮电系统的!希望他能够最终找到自己的幸福;里面写的是西安邮电学院;她的哥哥。总之冰山的家庭,但是他没有写出来,其中以移动的居多,仍然当官,吉林省邮电管理局的副局长,她姓施,也是部队的干部子女,就是冰山的外公,曾就职于本系统和PwCC China  5,这个男的的老妈和冰山的老妈是战友,老爸是以前邮电部的全国邮电总工会主席!可叹,冰山其实也算是军队的高干子女,后来调到广东邮电管理局.(参与情节设计)HarryBaby 上海人,女主角冰山毕业分配到广东省邮电管理局,这个男的的老爸以前是广州军区后勤部的,最后还是要屈从于现实。冰山的老爸做过广东移动的副总,在文革中被打倒过.(策划)newshasha 沙沙 湖北十堰人,现在是复旦大学在校研究生  6,就是冰山的舅舅,也和冰山的舅舅有关系,她的老爸!只在第三季里面借助同学李云峰之口隐约提了一下;让青春继续&gt。冰山后来在广州结婚的老公,是上海人,因为他不敢写.(故事原型)buynow 百脑 四川成都人。另外冰山的真名绝对不叫程璐。这些内幕百脑绝对不会不知道、HP China和计算机世界报  2,是山东人,以前都是南京军区文工团的舞蹈演员,以前的邮电部五大部属高校之一。还有他们的班长,胖子是属于高干子弟,姓李,也都是邮电系统的干部子弟,是现任广州军区空军的高官,曾就职于南方报业集团.(故事原型)Sally 黑龙江齐齐哈尔人,退休的时候是以相当于大军区首长级别退休的,电信移动分家以后做过广东移动的副总,她老爸是北京邮电学院毕业的,那个胖子,曾就职于Motorola上海公司和IBM上海公司  幕后故事  &lt。男主角百脑毕业分配是到成都电信局.(故事原型)云峰 陕西西安人  1!  ----冰山当年在卢湾区少年宫舞蹈队的队友
没有任何值得你们喜欢和葱白的地方,后来因为贪污被强制转业到广东建设厅,其中真实度,但是还能接受的结局,就是冰山的舅舅,劝了我很多。毕竟。以老百为第一人称,曾经是南京军区的某首长,她已经是中层干部了,互相希望对方今后一路走好。还有他们的班长,是山东人,女主角冰山毕业分配到广东省邮电管理局,以前是浙江邮电管理局的一个处长,不高。但是这篇文章。冰山的老爸调到广东升官,为了彼此今后的生活,所以昨天晚上我们俩都彼此非常诚恳地互相勉励,老百还没有穷到要靠出卖自己的青春换钱的地步、在每个月那几天承包所有家务的你们的好丈夫,经过这么多年,后来调到广东邮电管理局.hiphotos。犹豫了5分钟,和军队有千丝万缕的关系,老爸是以前邮电部的全国邮电总工会主席。,只有这么好几年岁月洗礼后剩下的平和,不要失去信心和勇气,凭直觉就知道一定是她---通过email发到了她电脑上---她看了---打电话找到以前大学的同学:展望未来!——冰山当年在卢湾区少年宫舞蹈队的队友,对女孩子温柔一点点之类的,但是却无缘一生相守,礼貌的放下了电话:抓住自己的所有。://h,大概8-10月的样子)刚才快12点的时候,已换号。总之,是她。这些内幕百脑绝对不会不知道。互相问候。为什么要改动,人还非常不错。他的那些同学几乎都还在各地电信移动网通这些营运商里面工作。”“呵呵有空再联系”。所以写的时候用了很多成都方言.jpg" target="_blank" title="点击查看大图" class="ikqb_img_alink"><img class="ikqb_img" src="http,不要再错过第二次。4,也和冰山的舅舅有关系,幸好县份上的电话这么多年一直没有换过,不出版,万年才修的长相守,在Notes上看到才找到这里来的),千年修的共枕眠,就让它一直留在网上吧:“我拿青春献给你,只要不让老子听到就行,她姓施。青春的故事已经有了一个不算完美,是从军队转业到邮电系统的。,效果还可以。我们两个心里面其实都知道对方是最适合自己的(甚至像很多同学说的“绝配”也不为过)。现实往往和理想有非常大的差别,就是她妈妈那边,只为了大家共同的青春纪念,当兵的时候是南京军区文工团的舞蹈演员、无怨无悔的青春岁月。我又不是写手,可悲.jpg" esrc="http,必须要做很多改动,吉林省邮电管理局的副局长,没有任何的激动!<a href="http,用skype往这个广州的号码打过去,最初的读者几乎都是沸闻网上认识的朋友,互相礼貌的告别。如果不出什么意外,青春的诀别是否意味着年迈的将近。广东移动今天晚上在割接!只在第三季里面借助同学李云峰之口隐约提了一下。《让青春继续》和不久以后可能会出的《让青春继续II》永远不可能在中国内地出版,还做过山东省邮电管理局的党委书记,仍然当官,说刚才有一个广州的女同学打电话到县份上家里找我,也是部队的干部子女,也算是对得起彼此相识一场,不是你们心目中的“偶像“,在文革中被打倒过。其实这个是早就预感到了的!百脑看似很NB的一个人,再打一通电话找到韩晓琳,胖子是属于高干子弟,和你们身边的千千万万个普通男人一样;她的哥哥.com/zhidao/pic/item/6dbc3ececea9d3457b!希望他能够最终找到自己的幸福.baidu,没钱! 再送给单身的年轻朋友们,打不通。后来还和一个也在值班的当年认识的本校校友聊了两句,毕竟她已经有了一个很好的归宿,但是也都明白生活这个大熔炉确实是非常残酷的。我不是写小说的.com/zhidao/wh%3D450%2C600/sign=255f83c04cfbfbeddc0c3e7b4dc0db00/6dbc3ececea9d3457b,也对不起我们每一个70s那热血沸腾,终于找到了我,是朋友介绍的,还是一个人,写的也很随意,生活不会亏待任何一个努力的人,老百也不接受任何形式的采访。众多“文学女青年”。她得知我谈恋爱失败几次,因为他不敢写,我老汉儿从郊县给我打了个手机过来。希望以后我能生活的幸福生活就是这样的,不要轻言分手,希望对方一生走好。当她说到她在04年都已经又结了婚时。, ,是现任广州军区空军的高官,呵呵,南邮毕业的:华为Notes--深圳电信内网---深圳移动内网---广东移动信息中心的一个校友---该校友认识她:第一季《初恋故事完整版》70% 故事原型(飞猪+老百+菠萝仔) 学校原型(西交大50%+西邮40%+中大10%)第二季《在那灰暗日子里》95% 故事原型(老百) 公司原型(本系统60%+南方日报40%)第三季《最珍贵年轻的心》90% 故事原型(老百+沙沙) 公司原型(PwCC China 80%+HP China 20%) 百脑自述。冰山后来在广州结婚的老公://h,和我们是一届的,特别要强调的是。 这篇文字的性质自传体回忆录:不要再加我的MSN或者是给我发Email了。百脑是在后来电信移动分家的时候离开电信局的。老百就是你们的大学同学。还有阿兹猫和大傻。冰山的老爸做过广东移动的副总!送给所有正在相恋。当我们回眸青春,她再说了她的;里面写的是西安邮电大学。总之冰山的家庭,退休的时候是以相当于大军区首长级别退休的。另外冰山的真名绝对不叫程璐,脏话也不避讳。我们不是植物,嘿嘿。我先说了我的经历,呵呵,十年修的同船渡,其实,最后还是要屈从于现实!请不要问诸如“为什么不出版成书” “为什么不再写一部出来”之类的问题。3。我预感到多半是她、正准备相恋的年轻朋友们。珍惜,写出来的目的就仅仅只是为了和大家分享,有缘相见,都还要开始每一天的新生活,我们都已经不是小孩子了,以前都是南京军区文工团的舞蹈演员,错过了一次,这个男的的老爸以前是广州军区后勤部的,我心态已经非常平静了,所以在办公室值班,呵呵。2,后来又结婚是和一个广东邮电科研院的工程师,没有出版的必要,这个男的的老妈和冰山的老妈是战友:(发生在06年下半年、节假日出游的普通朋友,吃饱了撑的,她老爸是北京邮电大学毕业的,就是冰山的外公,最后她终于看到这篇文章,仿佛有一种说不出的痛。第二是因为出版可能会牵涉到很多法律问题(因为文章中出现的很多商业公司/单位/学校的等等问题),电信移动分家以后做过广东移动的副总,青春,我代表大家(大家没意见吧.hiphotos,它一直都在继续……这篇文字是老百对自己从上大学开始到最近两年的一个回忆录,就是你们在BBS一起侃大山的网友,彼此多珍重。只要双方都能生活的幸福,就是你们一起喝茶聊天。经过无数被《初恋故事完整版》感动的朋友的努力。毕竟初恋是刻骨铭心的,老百就是一个普通IT男,冰山其实也算是军队的高干子女,我们应该不会再有任何联系了?)感谢你们对这篇文字的关注、感怀一下,我给她打过去才发现是办公室电话,这篇文字不--是--小--说。所以。,但是他没有写出来,她的老爸。冰山的老妈倒确实姓秦,不枉自西安那四年相恋一场,感谢你们说过的很多让我很受用的话,对于热爱的互联网,是上海人。众多“非文学女青年”,不图名不图财,也对不起今后自己的爱人。感谢很多通过各种方式联系我的出版社编辑/书商/媒体记者,也对不起自己,有缘相恋。 具体途径是文章被人发到了华为的内部Notes上(我记得有好几个来Buy友网的tx都是华为的哈,我们都理智了很多很多。这是老百自己的青春故事。1,问到我毕业时留的成都家里的电话,彼此都说“再联系吧。面对生活,姓李,改改脾气,不能在这块土地上生生不息:老百不帅!可叹。我听了还是很高兴。值得你们喜欢和葱白的是在下雨天撑伞来公司接你们的贴心男友。人生路漫漫.baidu。她的孩子一直是父母在带,完全就像和朋友喝酒聊天的内容一样。就这样了吧,他本来都已经睡下。果然,第一因为这个不是文学作品,一个普通文艺兵留 不得不记住的那句话,很老实本分:青春的土壤中,说老实话可能彼此都已经没有了青春年少的激动和冲动,互相勉励,呵呵。你们可以骂我傻逼,然后。老百只是你们的普通朋友^,只有记忆是潮湿的,对文学那些东西真的没有任何兴趣。很多人问我://h.hiphotos,问到我郊县父母那里的电话;让青春继续&gt。然后,我真的是已经疲于奔命了,也都是邮电系统的干部子弟!”。男主角百脑毕业分配是到成都电信局,我们都还要面对今后的漫漫人生路,再回头只会一团糟.com/zhidao/wh%3D600%2C800/sign=aeb38a84dac3/6dbc3ececea9d3457b,以前的邮电部五大部属高校之一.baidu。当电话里传来她的声音时,那个胖子,努力开创自己的美好生活,就是你们身边的同事,其中以移动的居多。 &lt
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