Cancould you help mee for...

先回答问题,再说明原因。我的答案是,这酸爽的感觉,真好。虽然我女朋友说,你这是红果果的拉仇恨,那么,我也只能这么做了,对不起,前方多图,还有高能预警,如果你心里极度容易不平衡,那我也没有办法~~~~~~~~~下面是个事情的过程,如果要看我的最后的总结,直接翻到最后看=============================================现在开始阐述先上图大家看到了,我这是9月几号我忘记了,订的东西,速度很快,12号发出来,预计25号到,那么我很开心的,想着大公司果然不一样,说到就能做到啊,现在想想,那时候真是太乐观了,图样图森破啊。大家看到了,我这是9月几号我忘记了,订的东西,速度很快,12号发出来,预计25号到,那么我很开心的,想着大公司果然不一样,说到就能做到啊,现在想想,那时候真是太乐观了,图样图森破啊。到了25号,我的东西没到,我就焦急了,虽然600刀在美国人看来也就是600块,但是我看来就是3600多RMB啊,在壕的眼里也就洒洒水了,但是在我这种升斗小民眼里,那可是我一个月的约会基金啊。然后我就联系他们。邮件没有留下,大概意思就是他们说,我的这批货物可能已经丢了,那么他们可以直接退款给我们,然后我很高兴的说,那就退吧,我也不等了。速度很快,当天晚上(北京时间)和他们沟通好,告诉我2-3个工作日退回,没有想到,第二天睁开眼睛,就看到退款的短信回来了。这时候,我对亚马逊的好感直奔到顶啊,退钱真利索。我就喜欢干脆的。既然钱回来,那么我还是相信大公司的,于是,我有下单了,这会就是被分成了两个包裹。26号下单,一看十一到耶,出去玩可以穿新子了耶,那种默默地期待,还真有点小时候的感觉呢。好了,经过漫长的等待,大家应该可以猜出来,我这里发生了什么,到了9号我联系他们,他们说要到21号,让我等等,因为我有一批货是14号,所以可能两个一起来。那么我就从9号开始等啊等啊,等到了22号,然后告诉我,我的货,我查不到是因为再集装箱里,然后 到了现在都没有收到,是因为海关还是中国过节的原因。这时候,我心里就不爽了,心中各种问候,是不是又给我丢了,再丢了,我就再也不相信直邮了。26号下单,一看十一到耶,出去玩可以穿新子了耶,那种默默地期待,还真有点小时候的感觉呢。好了,经过漫长的等待,大家应该可以猜出来,我这里发生了什么,到了9号我联系他们,他们说要到21号,让我等等,因为我有一批货是14号,所以可能两个一起来。那么我就从9号开始等啊等啊,等到了22号,然后告诉我,我的货,我查不到是因为再集装箱里,然后 到了现在都没有收到,是因为海关还是中国过节的原因。这时候,我心里就不爽了,心中各种问候,是不是又给我丢了,再丢了,我就再也不相信直邮了。于是有了下面的对话01:24 AM PDT Rohit(Amazon): Hello, my name is Rohit. I'll certainly try to help regarding your concern.01:24 AM PDT yuqilong1987: 我的包裹好像又丢了,到了现在还没有任何消息。Do you speak Chinese?01:25 AM PDT Rohit(Amazon): No01:27 AM PDT yuqilong1987: My package seemed lost,I check UPS ,they said no news about my package.would you check01:27 AM PDT Rohit(Amazon): Can you help me out with your order no. please?01:27 AM PDT yuqilong4 01:28 AM PDT Rohit(Amazon): Can you hold for a minute or two while I look in to this for you?01:29 AM PDT Rohit(Amazon): you will get delivery on Estimated Delivery Date: Tuesday, October 14, 2014no need to worry you will get delivery.on time01:29 AM PDT yuqilong1987: DELIVERY ESTIMATE: Thursday, October 9, 2014 01:30 AM PDT yuqilong1987: one of them,delivey estimate is October 9but I don't have any news about them01:30 AM PDT Rohit(Amazon): please allow me moment01:32 AM PDT Rohit(Amazon): yuqilong1987 , i will appreciate you if you could wait till 14now i am refunding your shipping charges01:33 AM PDT Rohit(Amazon): please really sorry for all this01:35 AM PDT yuqilong1987: I do not want a refund, I want my merchandise01:36 AM PDT Rohit(Amazon): please allow me a moment01:38 AM PDT Rohit(Amazon): before that your estimate date was Thursday, October 9, 2014 - Wednesday, October 22, 2014 till 22now we have confirm your delivery datethat is 14you will get your item no need to worry01:40 AM PDT yuqilong1987: alright,I hope so01:40 AM PDT Rohit(Amazon): Thank you for understanding and cooperating with us. I really appreciate your understanding. 01:41 AM PDT Rohit(Amazon): Is there anything else I can help you with today?01:42 AM PDT yuqilong1987: thank you01:42 AM PDT Rohit(Amazon): please wait for shipping refund01:43 AM PDT Rohit(Amazon): It was an absolute pleasure assisting you. Thanks for . Take care!! Goodbye!! Have a Great Day ahead!!I've requested a refund of $64.54 to your Credit Card . You'll see the refund in the next 2-3 business days. 01:45 AM PDT yuqilong1987: thx,bye请大家一定要忽略我蹩脚的英文,我都知道我自己在说什么,一般是有道翻译开着,一个词一个词的翻译过来,然后把自己知道的语法放进去,然后就成了现在这个样子。那么在经过漫长的等待(我真的心里不知道问候了多少次!!!!!我是个急性子,在淘宝买东西都是每三四个小时要查一下物流的!!!!!!)到了22号,东西没有到,然后我又给客服联系了12:48 AM PDT Amazon(Amazon): Hello, my name is Ashish. I'll be happy to help you. 12:49 AM PDT yuqilong1987: May I speak Chinese?12:49 AM PDT Amazon(Amazon): Sorry I can't speak.12:50 AM PDT yuqilong1987: My package may be lost,would you help me check with them?ORDER #108-820412:51 AM PDT Amazon(Amazon): Thank you for the order number.Please allow me a moment. 12:52 AM PDT Amazon(Amazon): Amazon duly apologizes for the delay of the package due to custom check and Chinese Independence day. The Item which were ordered are preety much important for your daily needs and we also understand that you have charged for the shipping and AMAZON has a guaranteed/estimated delivery date for every order and we were unable to out perform.12:52 AM PDT yuqilong1987: I ask to UPS,they said they didn't know about my package12:53 AM PDT Amazon(Amazon): Due to a significant customs delay and China Independence day, a shipment in this order will be delayed up to 10 business days. Amazon is doing everything possible to expedite the shipment. 12:53 AM PDT yuqilong1987: Please allow me a moment.12:54 AM PDT Amazon(Amazon): yuqilong1987 Please wait till Friday, October 31, 2014 if you will not get your package till Friday, October 31, 2014 then we will issue a full refund you to for this item.12:55 AM PDT yuqilong1987: but Why I can't find my parcel information?12:55 AM PDT Amazon(Amazon): yuqilong1987 your package is in transit right now.12:55 AM PDT yuqilong1987: I still want my things, rather than a refund12:56 AM PDT yuqilong1987: But UPS told me didn't check the related information12:56 AM PDT Amazon(Amazon): yuqilong1987, Please wait till Friday, October 31, 2014 if you will not get your package till Friday, October 31, 2014 then we will issue a full refund you to for this item.12:57 AM PDT yuqilong1987: I still want my things, rather than a full refund12:57 AM PDT Amazon(Amazon): yuqilong1987 as an one time exception I can refund shipping charges you to for this item.12:58 AM PDT Amazon(Amazon): Are we still connected?12:58 AM PDT yuqilong1987: Like the last time has returned once12:59 AM PDT Amazon(Amazon): Do you want shipping charges refund?01:00 AM PDT yuqilong1987: Can I get my things?01:03 AM PDT Amazon(Amazon): Yes,But Please wait till Friday, October 31, 2014 I assure you will get your item till Friday, October 31, 2014 01:03 AM PDT yuqilong1987: OK01:03 AM PDT Amazon(Amazon): Because your item is in transit.I apologize for the inconvenience. 01:04 AM PDT Amazon(Amazon): Is there anything else I can do for you today? 01:04 AM PDT yuqilong1987: It's fineNo,thx01:04 AM PDT Amazon(Amazon): Thank you.Thanks for . We hope to see you again soon!Have a wonderful day, bye. 态度真心好,一说东西没有到,立马说我们给你退钱,但是我要我的鞋子,我心心念念的鞋子啊!!!!我态度很强硬,就是不甩你,不管怎么样,我就要我的鞋子~~~~~然后她说要我等到31号,心中千万只羊驼驼呼啸而过,但是没有办法,只有等了。紧接着亚马逊立马给我发了一封Email,告诉我他们觉得这件事到底是怎么回事。Hello, I'm sorry to hear your ITEM didn't arrive by the estimated Delivery Date: Tuesday, October 14, 2014 In my experience, late packages arrive not long after the date listed. Please wait a little longer, until Friday, October 31,
AM,before requesting a refund or replacement Otherwise, you might have to return a package. Amazon duly apologizes for the delay of the package due to custom check and Chinese Independence day. The Item which were ordered are pretty much important for your daily needs and we also understand that you have charged for the shipping and AMAZON has a guaranteed/estimated delivery date for every order and we were unable to out perform. We frequently upgrade orders that are set to be shipped via Standard Domestic shipping to U.S. Priority Mail or First Class Mail. The orders we cannot upgrade tend to be those which are lar these are shipped via UPS Ground or FedEx.
Regardless of which carrier ships the order, packages are usually delivered within the 3-5 business day window noted on our website. If you need to receive an order more quickly, we offer two faster shipping options: One-Day and Two-Day shipping. Please keep in mind that using one of these methods does not mean you'll receive your shipment on the next or second business day. Upgrading to One-Day or Two-Day shipping does *not* change how long it takes us to assemble and ship out your order--it only reduces the delivery time after the item leaves our fulfillment center. For example, an item marked as "usually shipped within 2 to 3 days" and upgraded to One-Day shipping, will usually leave our fulfillment center on the second or third business day and reach you on the third or fourth business day. Additionally, some items may require special handling. Large or unwieldy items can take 7-10 business days, and the item will be delivered to your door by a specialty shipper. During the warmer months, certain perishable items can only be shipped using the Expedited Chilled Shipping option, where the item is packed with gel packs to keep it cool. If you have further questions, please visit our Help pages: Our delivery estimates are based on the item's availability and the delivery speed you choose. If an item is "In Stock" and you choose an express shipping method, you'll receive it more quickly than if you choose Standard or free shipping. If an item isn't readily available, selecting One-Day or Two-Day Shipping will reduce the transit time to one or two business days after we've shipped your order, but won't impact how long it takes us to obtain the item or prepare it for shipment. When you choose One-Day or Two-Day delivery, we factor in days when express pick up and delivery is not available in your area to provide you with an estimated delivery date. The One-Day or Two-Day delivery option you choose may not directly correspond with the carrier-branded shipping service used to deliver your package. We use your desire for a specific delivery date along with our knowledge of carrier capabilities (acquired through sending millions of shipments) to select the most appropriate and efficient shipping service available for your order. We apologize for any misunderstanding. For a complete description of our shipping options, please visit our Help pages: I hope this helps! We look forward to seeing you again soon. 看你态度这么好,我就忍了(因为我心心念念我的鞋子啊!!!!!!)。我以为事情就到这里,你们也以为事情就结束了吧,然后我等到31号收到我的鞋子,然后像上面一样,看到MADE IN CHINA,然后我就觉得自己在折腾什么。那么,现在开始,你们和我一样,图样图森破,因为现在是北京时间10月30日!!!!!!!28号,我收到快递公司的电话,先生,UPS,你的快递,美国来的。多么悦耳的声音啊!!!!我都想直接请假回家等快递。晚上回家收到快递,我傻眼了!!!!!一个包裹,五双鞋子,大家看到了,这是我退款的那批鞋子,没有想到,经历了一个月的漂泊,它们终于来了!!!!!欣喜之余,我把每双鞋子都打开了,全都试了一遍,然后我突然意识到,我没有付钱啊!!!!!于是我就赶紧给他们联系。但是这次联系让我很不爽!!!!!!!一个包裹,五双鞋子,大家看到了,这是我退款的那批鞋子,没有想到,经历了一个月的漂泊,它们终于来了!!!!!欣喜之余,我把每双鞋子都打开了,全都试了一遍,然后我突然意识到,我没有付钱啊!!!!!于是我就赶紧给他们联系。但是这次联系让我很不爽!!!!!!!06:27 PM PDT Inah(Amazon): Hello, my name is Inah. I'll certainly try to help regarding your concern.06:28 PM PDT yuqilong1987: Hello,I have a questionSaturday, September 6, 2014ORDER #108-107806:28 PM PDT Inah(Amazon): How may I help you today?06:29 PM PDT yuqilong1987: this packge I have a refund,but Yesterday,I received this packge06:30 PM PDT Inah(Amazon): I see. 06:31 PM PDT Inah(Amazon): If I may ask, how many items are you referring to?06:31 PM PDT yuqilong1987: All of the things in the order06:32 PM PDT Inah(Amazon): Let me look into that for you. It will just take a few moments.06:33 PM PDT Inah(Amazon): Thanks for waiting. 06:34 PM PDT Inah(Amazon): Upon checking here that you've been refunded $601.48 last Thursday, September 25, 2014.06:34 PM PDT yuqilong1987: Yes06:35 PM PDT Inah(Amazon): Since the items arrived today, I'm going to send you a return mailing label so that you can return the item back to us. 06:36 PM PDT yuqilong1987: So the postage do you pay ?06:37 PM PDT Inah(Amazon): You just print out the label.i can send you now the link containing the return mailing label.06:39 PM PDT yuqilong1987: OK,but,I already open this packege,This is no problem, right?06:40 PM PDT Inah(Amazon): Are the items opened too?06:41 PM PDT yuqilong1987: Yes,because ,I don't know What's inside the parcel06:43 PM PDT Inah(Amazon): That's not a problem, as long as the items are unopened you can return them back to us. 06:45 PM PDT Inah(Amazon): You can also use another box, as you said the package is opened. 06:45 PM PDT yuqilong1987: I have been opened all of them,I don't know What's inside the parcel06:46 PM PDT yuqilong1987: Box of shoes has been opened,This is no problem, right?06:46 PM PDT Inah(Amazon): Let me research this a bit further for you. It will just take a few moments.06:47 PM PDT yuqilong1987: Only I can also use another box,then return them back to you?06:47 PM PDT Inah(Amazon): Thanks for waiting. 06:48 PM PDT Inah(Amazon): Are the items still in a good condition?06:48 PM PDT yuqilong1987: What means good condition?06:50 PM PDT Inah(Amazon): I'm sorry but our general return policy is only within 30 days, and as I can see here that your return window has been expired last October 26, 2014. As one time exemption, I can create a return mailing label for you.06:55 PM PDT yuqilong1987: I mean this packge is late,I have been refunded,did need I to send the shoes back?06:56 PM PDT Inah(Amazon): Yes, as long you didn't used it and is if it's still in a good condition. 06:57 PM PDT Inah(Amazon): Please bear with me while I'm creating your return label.06:57 PM PDT yuqilong1987: because ,I don't know What's inside the parcel,I opened all of the item,Will not affect your sales again?06:58 PM PDT yuqilong1987: I tried on all thing,This is no problem, right?07:00 PM PDT Inah(Amazon): Would you like to charged again with this items, so you just can keep the items instead?07:02 PM PDT yuqilong1987: please wait a monment07:02 PM PDT Inah(Amazon): Sure, take your time.07:03 PM PDT yuqilong1987: It means,I need pay for this tiems07:04 PM PDT Inah(Amazon): Yes, and keep the items instead.07:06 PM PDT yuqilong1987: But,you can see ORDER # 108-8204,I have already bought again07:07 PM PDT Inah(Amazon): Let me look into that for you. It will just take a few moments.07:08 PM PDT Inah(Amazon): Thanks for waiting.07:09 PM PDT Inah(Amazon): Here's what I can suggest. 07:10 PM PDT Inah(Amazon): If you don't want to charged again, you may return back the items back to us. I can now send you the link to print our your return mailing label.07:11 PM PDT Inah(Amazon): Would that works?07:12 PM PDT yuqilong1987: OK,I will send you all thing without boxs,is it OK?07:14 PM PDT Inah(Amazon): I'm sorry but you need to put it in a box. And if the original box has been damaged, you can used another box.07:16 PM PDT yuqilong1987: I tried my best to,and I just need to put the things to express 07:17 PM PDT Inah(Amazon): I'm sorry but you need to put the items in a safety box, just look a like as they arrived.07:21 PM PDT yuqilong1987: I will find some look likes safety boxs,but I can't ensure,the postage do you pay?07:21 PM PDT Inah(Amazon): No, you just print out the label. 07:23 PM PDT Inah(Amazon): There you goHere's the link of your rref_=orc_label_share_url_page07:25 PM PDT yuqilong1987: Use the address listed above and affix the appropriate amount of postage07:26 PM PDT yuqilong1987: it means,i need pay for amount of postage?07:27 PM PDT yuqilong1987: If so, please you call Courier contact with me07:27 PM PDT Inah(Amazon): Yes, however you will be refunded for the shipping cost. Just keep a copy of receipt once you return the item.07:29 PM PDT yuqilong1987: I don't accept the postage in advance07:29 PM PDT Inah(Amazon): Let me look into that for you. It will just take a few moments.07:30 PM PDT yuqilong1987: Please,you contact some post office or shipping company,pay for some amount of postage,then contact me,I will return all thing07:31 PM PDT yuqilong1987: This parcel not delivered according to the specified time,It's not my fault07:32 PM PDT Inah(Amazon): I understand your concern and once you return the item we'll process a refund for the return shipping fee that you used. If you don't want to pay for return shipping fee we can just charged your card again. 07:33 PM PDT yuqilong1987: This parcel not delivered according to the specified time,It's not my fault07:33 PM PDT Inah(Amazon): I understand your concern and once you return the item we'll process a refund for the return shipping fee that you used. If you don't want to pay for return shipping fee we can just charged your card again.07:33 PM PDT yuqilong1987: Although it's not my fault07:34 PM PDT yuqilong1987: But I would like to return itemsIt's only I don't accept the postage in advance07:35 PM PDT Inah(Amazon): I've already send to you the link of your return mailing label. However you will be refunded for the shipping cost. Just keep a copy of receipt once you return the item.07:38 PM PDT yuqilong1987: I've already know the link.this problem is your fault,you have to contact some post office or shipping company,pay for some amount of postage,then contact me07:40 PM PDT Inah(Amazon): Yes I understand how you feel. If you don't want to return the item of even pay for return shipping fee we can just easily remove the refund that we processed. 07:40 PM PDT yuqilong1987: I want to the item07:41 PM PDT yuqilong1987: I want to return the item07:42 PM PDT Inah(Amazon): Then return the item, so that you'll not be charged in your card.07:43 PM PDT yuqilong1987: I just don't accept the postage in advance07:44 PM PDT Inah(Amazon): I understand how you feel.If you don't want to return the item of even pay for return shipping fee we can just easily remove the refund that we processed. 07:45 PM PDT yuqilong1987: Why can't you contact some post office or shipping company and pay for some amount of postage07:45 PM PDT Inah(Amazon): I'm sorry but we don't have the options.07:46 PM PDT Inah(Amazon): You can any carrier to convenience.07:47 PM PDT Inah(Amazon): *You can use any carrier to convenience.07:49 PM PDT yuqilong1987: when I check my package with you ,you said my package have be lost,you said I can refund,I think this package was lost07:49 PM PDT Inah(Amazon): That's why we processed the refund for you. 07:51 PM PDT yuqilong1987: Now,this package arrived,I need to return them,Why I have to accept the postage in advance?07:51 PM PDT Inah(Amazon): Ans as you said that the items arrived today, but you're already refunded. You should return the item back to us, so that you'll not be charged again to your card. *And07:53 PM PDT yuqilong1987: In my mind,It's your fault,you need to solve,It's not usual returnd07:55 PM PDT Inah(Amazon): I understand that it's not your fault and we are doing our best to assist you on this concern. We'll process a refund for the return shipping cost if you will return the item. Or else we need to charge you again on this order. 07:57 PM PDT yuqilong1987: I know,but this package used one month,I return them to US,I don't know how long it takes07:58 PM PDT yuqilong1987: It means I don't know how long you will refund to me07:59 PM PDT Inah(Amazon): We will refund your shipping cost once we received the items. 07:59 PM PDT yuqilong1987: how long?08:00 PM PDT yuqilong1987: you don't know,I don't know08:00 PM PDT Inah(Amazon): Rest assured that I will keep an eye to that package and inform you once we received it right away.08:01 PM PDT yuqilong1987: so,I suggest you contact some post office or shipping company and pay for some amount of postage08:02 PM PDT Inah(Amazon): If you'll return the item now, we'll received the item within 1 to 2 weeks. Then we'll inform you immediately.08:04 PM PDT yuqilong1987: I bought your thing, you always said the item will arrived within 1 to 2 weeks.but now one month08:05 PM PDT Inah(Amazon): I realize this experience hasn't been as positive as you'd anticipated, but I hope give us another chance in the future. I know my apologies will not cover all the inconvenience this has caused you. But I will make sure to take note of your feedback and rest assured that I will forward it to the appropriate department for consideration.08:08 PM PDT yuqilong1987: My problem that you have to contact some post office or shipping company,pay for some amount of postage,pleas forward it to the appropriate department for consideration08:09 PM PDT Inah(Amazon): Sure, I'll make sure that I'll forward it. 08:10 PM PDT yuqilong1987: now,I just waiting for your response08:14 PM PDT Inah(Amazon): This concern will be escalated and to prevent this from happening again. Is there anything else that I can assist you with today?08:14 PM PDT yuqilong1987: if there were any other people need these things,I will pay for those 08:15 PM PDT yuqilong1987: All items must be sent by Nov 4, 2014.Can I wait until your response came out08:15 PM PDT Inah(Amazon): Yes and as an exception, we'll accept your return even the return window has been expired. 08:17 PM PDT Inah(Amazon): I'm so sorry, but we can't offer any additional insight or action on this matter. The best option that we can provide is to return the item and we'll process a refund on the shipping cost or we'll charge your credit card again. 08:19 PM PDT yuqilong1987: wait a monment 08:19 PM PDT Inah(Amazon): I'm happy to hold for a few minutes. However, I'll need to disconnect the chat after five minutes have passed.08:21 PM PDT yuqilong1987: OK,I will pay for them08:22 PM PDT Inah(Amazon): Alright, just keep the receipt as a reference.Is there anything else that I can help you with today?08:23 PM PDT yuqilong1987: no,then what I can do08:24 PM PDT Inah(Amazon): Just repack the package, once you return the package back to us, we'll process the refund for the shipping cost.08:25 PM PDT yuqilong1987: I say I pay for the items08:25 PM PDT Inah(Amazon): Did you mean that you don't want to return them?08:26 PM PDT yuqilong1987: Yes08:26 PM PDT Inah(Amazon): Alright. 08:27 PM PDT Inah(Amazon): Due to the nature of concern, a member of our Generalist team will need to help you with this. Can you please hold while I transfer you? One of our Generalist Specialists will assist you shortly.08:27 PM PDT yuqilong1987: ok08:29 PM PDT Jordan(Amazon): Hello, my name is Jordan. I'd be happy to assist you today08:30 PM PDT yuqilong1987: Hello,I have a questionSaturday, September 6, 2014ORDER #108-1078this packge I have a refund,but Yesterday,I received this packge08:31 PM PDT Jordan(Amazon): Thanks for the information.Just to confirm, you want to be charged for the package and cancel the refund. Is that correct?08:31 PM PDT yuqilong1987: yes08:32 PM PDT Jordan(Amazon): Great! In order for me to assist you further. I need to pull your account. To pull up your account, I need to verify that you're the account holder. Can you tell me the name on your account, your e-mail address, and your billing address, please?08:33 PM PDT yuqilong1987: XXXXXXXXXXXX08:34 PM PDT Jordan(Amazon): Thanks for the information.I am sorry, however, can you please give me the correct billing address and the name that is listed there on your account?08:35 PM PDT yuqilong1987: XXXXXXXX?08:36 PM PDT yuqilong1987: I don't know my billing address08:36 PM PDT Jordan(Amazon): Thanks for the information. Let me go ahead and check this one further for you,08:40 PM PDT yuqilong1987: XXXXXXXXXX08:42 PM PDT yuqilong1987: and those items don't have The customs tariff08:43 PM PDT yuqilong1987: would you will refund Import Fees Deposit? 08:44 PM PDT Jordan(Amazon): In regards of the import fee, Whenever the actual import fee deposit collected is less than we estimated, we'll issue a refund for the difference.We'll send you an e-mail once the refund goes through. Keep in mind that the process takes 60 days from the shipment date.08:45 PM PDT Jordan(Amazon): We take your security and privacy very seriously. I am sorry, we're not willing to take any short cuts where your privacy is concerned. 08:47 PM PDT yuqilong1987: what that means?08:48 PM PDT Jordan(Amazon): We are not able to pull your account.We need the correct billing address.08:49 PM PDT yuqilong1987: I check with my bank, they said my billing address is 上海市XXXXX08:50 PM PDT Jordan(Amazon): I am sorry, I am not able to understand your billing address.08:50 PM PDT yuqilong1987: I used Chinese cardmy biling address is Chinese08:51 PM PDT Jordan(Amazon): Can you please verify the billing address in US?I mean in English.08:51 PM PDT yuqilong1987: I will check08:52 PM PDT Jordan(Amazon): Thanks.08:55 PM PDT Jordan(Amazon): I don't mean to rush you, but we've been idle for 3 minutes. I want to make sure our chat's still connected. 08:55 PM PDT yuqilong1987: wait 08:56 PM PDT Jordan(Amazon): Sure.08:57 PM PDT yuqilong1987: I check my billing address is XXXXXXXXX08:57 PM PDT Jordan(Amazon): Thanks for the information.08:57 PM PDT yuqilong1987: would you creat other order I can pay for ?08:57 PM PDT Jordan(Amazon): I am sorry, however I am still showing an incorrect information here using the billing the address that you have given to me.08:59 PM PDT yuqilong1987:xxxxxxxxxxxthis one08:59 PM PDT Jordan(Amazon): Thanks for the information.Let me go ahead and check this.08:59 PM PDT yuqilong1987: orxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx09:01 PM PDT Jordan(Amazon): I am sorry, however, the information is still in incorrect.09:01 PM PDT yuqilong1987: What to do with it?09:02 PM PDT yuqilong1987: how can i pay for them09:02 PM PDT Jordan(Amazon): I'm so sorry, but we can't offer any additional insight or action on this matter.Is there anything else I can help you with?09:03 PM PDT yuqilong1987: Now how can i pay for them09:04 PM PDT yuqilong1987: ???09:05 PM PDT Jordan(Amazon): Thanks for . We hope to see you again soon.我一早晨就在和他们沟通,简单的说就是他们让我把东西还回去,我说可以,我问是不是我只要叫快递就行,她说不行,要我预付邮费,我说这是你们的问题,为什么要我预付,她说还有就是直接扣我的卡,我说我不接受预付,她说那他也没有办法了,我说那我买了,结果发现,我的账单地址不是英文的,他们输入不进去。这件事就不了了之了,然后还直接挂断我的对话,哼哼哼,幸好你不死在中国,要不我肯定投诉你。没有办法我就给他发了一封Email,系统告诉我12个小时后回复我,我想,好吧,睡一觉起来就好了。早晨起来,我就收到一封回信I'm sorry to hear about the concern you've had with your order. Due to the circumstances, I've made an exception in this case. There's no need to return the items you received and the refund issued for the order. You're welcome to keep, donate or dispose of it--whichever option is most appropriate and convenient for you. I hope this helps! We look forward to see you again soon我的眼睛没有花吧,我不是在做梦吧,这就送给我了??好吧,那我就愉快的接受了这个设定。今天,对就在今天10月30日,我又接到电话,先生你好UPS,好吧,你就送吧,估计这两天还有一个包裹~~~~~~=========================================================结论:1、亚马逊直邮,速度不敢保证,但是服务可以保证。(听说现在直邮上海要商检,这个坑已经埋了很多人)。2、退款方便,退货不方便,退款就是直接马上不墨迹打还给你,退货需要你自己预付邮费,然后等他们收到货物的时候,他们再把钱给你达到你的信用卡上,所以,所用信用卡最好有储值功能,要不然我不知道这些钱银行怎么处理。3、品质不用担心,不论是Made In China,还是什么,至少保证是正品。4、多在晚上和客服沟通,传说那里半夜的客服全是阿三,没有什么权限,而且只会按章办事(这个只是传说,有待考证,希望大神告知)5、和客服聊天,不要怕他看不懂,你只要能理解他的意思就行,然后看到有人要过优惠券的,注意自己的措辞,保持自己的立场,有的时候,他真的就是和你随口说一句,你要保持你的立场,也就按着你的想法走了。6、千万千万不要觉得自己是顾客,就是我最大,如果没有说错,真的把你告了,你要去美国的(这个也是听说,请大神考证)。7、解决问题的态度很好,至少把你每个问题都能妥善的解决了。8、有人提到税的问题,真心是随机的,我收到的两个包裹都没有提到税,都是直接送过来的,但是我的第三个包裹,到现在还没有消息,我觉得被税的可能性很大。而且亚马逊对于预收税款的原则是多退少不补,那么这个问题就不应该是个问题,按照中国海关公布的资料来看,一般的鞋子税率是20%,如果买到了8折的鞋子,也就说已经省了税率,如果没有被税,那么就是赚回来的。好了就这么多吧,女朋友说,你不要太拉仇恨了,回头集火你,请大家手下留情~~~~~~~~
吐槽速度慢的,是因为你们没有选Amazon Global Priority Shipping。刚好从美亚买了两件东西,来秀一下美亚的速度。以下两间商品同时发出物流信息一模一样,就只贴一张好了。11月3日发货,11月6日已经完成清关并抵达西南地区的仓库,根据DHL的跟踪结果,预计到达时间是11月7日(这里Amazon和DHL给出的ETA不一样,估计Amazon比较保守)。而且清关操作全部是Amazon自己完成的,不像之前托国外的朋友买的iPhone 6走UPS寄过来还要你自己准备一堆文件。运费确实是贵一点,不过既然想要跑得快,你总得给马儿吃草。第一件商品是Xbox One的《使命召唤:先进战争》限量版,才开始预售的时候就下的订单,等了两个月终于等到发货。预定的时候是USD 499.99,发货的时候价格降到USD 449.99。有Amazon Pre-Order Price Guarrantee,不用担心买贵了。预税USD 45,不知道到底收了没,没收会退回来。即使这样全部算下来,总金额也才USD 530.97,折合RMB 3246.72。现在淘宝上的港版最少也在RMB 4000以上。第二件商品是Marvel Cinematic Universe: Phase One Suitcase。这个运费差不多是商品价格的1/4,有点小贵,但是速度绝对划算。预税USD 23.97。总价USD 172.80,折合RMB 1056.62。再看淘宝,貌似只有一件商品要价RMB 1280。除去速度和价格方面的优势之外,美亚直邮还有几个优势是我比较喜欢的:1、能买到中国地区没有发售的产品;2、基本没有假货的担忧,也不用担心电子产品的配件被调换;3、购物流程简单,选择自己想要的东西,One-Click,Amazon直接从你信用卡里扣钱发过来,不用操心转运、报关等等乱七八糟的问题。
狗货岳哥 邀我怒答之..首先要说,这毕竟是海淘,跟国内京东天猫的售后和快递比就有点强人所难了。任何商家的出现理论上都给我们增加了一种选择的途径而已,不喜欢可以不用嘛,但商家如果没能履行义务还没给你妥善处理的话,那么这个商家才应该被狂喷不止~!甚至通过法律途径追究责任。特点部分:1)直邮的时效性不稳定,亚马逊通常都是委托其他公司进行货运,一般在9-20天送达(这完全取决于中国海关的工作进度,但也不能改变快递不稳定这一事实)你们懂的,海关有时候比较让人蛋疼。(文章最后有个小技巧)2)美亚部分商品的价格有十分大的优势,例如下面那个我买的U盘,在淘宝最低价的基础上再减去37%有没有诱惑?一万年不打折的添柏岚经典大黄鞋国行1890元,美亚179刀折合1094.5元,扣掉税以后还是比国内便宜500+(鞋号10061不要拿其他款告诉我它降价了哟)3)邮费跟转运比比较低----1.99美元/磅+1.99美元服务费/每单(相当于13.48元/500g+12.23元),也就是说500g的商品要25.71元,转运是50元左右,1kg的商品美亚运费49.2元转运大致要80左右(转运费用基于海带宝,其他不了解,但大致费用差别不大)。除了一些鞋子类或精包装商品(包装盒很大),邮费比转运更有优势,而如今鞋子满150美元免运费,但会有关税,价格方面自己判断。小件商品邮费基本上不足30元人民币(例如代买的皮带和钱包加一起邮费是29左右,转运可是要50起步的)而且如果发货延误了是可以要求退换运费的,我的订单延误,客服主动就给退了(实际上还没有延误,只是发货慢了点)基于这点,如果货慢了,丢了之类的事情发生,和美亚客服进行良好的沟通,我认为都可以保证自己的权益,退款是必须的了,不至于那么坑爹4)税方面比较透明,有个预收税制度,预税为0的话,即使收税了也是美亚自己补贴。而预税以后多退少不补。(商品在两件以内,价值低于50美金通常无预税。单件商品低于80美金通常无预税。无预税也就相当于无税了。这是个人经验,不代表官方,仅供参考)所以,小件商品多次运输可以合理避税,我曾有一单为了躲避约100元左右的预收税,而一拆为二,多支付了12元左右的运费,换来了肯定不用交税的安心(没有逃税哦,海关收税的话,是美亚掏钱,我还是履行纳税义务的合格公民!( ?▽?;) )5)官方,不坑爹,放心。转运丢了,公司跑了人家赖账的话你有办法么?虽然大部分转运不会这么做,但是一旦转运公司经营不好,想跑路了,你有证据东西发过去人家收了?完全没辙!他们称多重就是多重,告诉你多少税你敢不给?货在人家那里呢!6)直邮对于海淘小白来说简直是天大的福音,要知道并非所有人有信用卡,并非所有人弄的懂转运的门道,有一个国际一流大公司给你一条龙服务,相对还是放心,在某宝上可靠店铺可以买到礼品卡,相当于账户余额永远不过期。(也有虚拟信用卡可以申请,在美亚亲测可用,但本人只负责建立传送门,出现任何问题概不负责!)7)上面几乎都在夸美亚,但想体验美亚的低价与快捷的前提是,你得有点英语基础!个人英语水平很一般,勉强过CET4的水平,但是通过翻译软件以及各种词典了解了基本词语以后,对付美亚还是没有什么压力的吗,毕竟常用词就那几个。但是我和客服联系的主要方式还是邮件,这给予我充足的时间去构思要说什么以及查找所需要的单词。语法方面尽力就行,你把基本单词放上去了,美国人能看懂的。(而且你其他附加内容说多少,核心问题无非还是“快递,价格”之类的内容,对方通常会直接回答你的)总而言之直邮给了我们更多的选择吧,刚刚开通肯定有不完善的地方,但是亚马逊可以在全球这么多地方扩张,我觉得应该相信它处理问题的能力,毕竟价格还是灰常有优势啊!!!当你需要的商品国内价格很高时,当你需要的东西在国内没有上市时...可以去美亚或者其他开通直邮的亚马逊去看看()多一种选择,起码没有什么不好的吧?当然现在服务还不够完善,你可以等等,只是我至今没遇到让我难以接受的问题而已。上面就是我想答的主要内容,如果你还想了解更多,可以看看下面。故事部分:在美亚海淘目前有4单,其中三单在运,三当中有一单为免费帮同学代买(代购这个如今带有特殊色彩的词汇还是不要用了),全部为直邮。下面是第一单折合人民币元,天猫最低359元。海淘售后就十分蛋疼了,不过这货是“Lifetime limited warranty”也就是,终身质保。你说敢终身质保的东西需要保修吗?你人品太烂的话那我也不能说啥了。另外一单,下单以后美亚4天没发货,于是我用初中英语作文的水平,灰(shi)常(fen)牛(ke)摆(qi)的态度询问了一下客服,因为英语太烂没敢用Live talk,用的email。不到一个小时给我回复了:因为中国海关的重大延误和国庆节(Chinese Independence Day没翻译错吧?),所以我们发货晚了。但是还会准时到达,而且为了你权益的考虑我们会退还您全部的邮费(5.62美元)(下面是原文,有翻译不对的地方请原谅)另外曾有人的货长期没到,联系美亚客服,于是美亚又给重新发了一个,并告知早先没到的东西,重复收到的时候拒签就可以了。剩下的两单没有特别之处也没什么可说了以上------------------------------------------------------------------------------更新海淘必备技巧----多聊天!圣诞节那天,在美亚买了表,嘿嘿,别误会:电子表,63刀。邮费2.79美元过了三天发现美亚还没有发货,而且预计送达时间也没变,所以我发挥了常跟客服聊天的好习惯,给客服发个邮件。大致内容就是“我下单几天了为何还不发货,我是不是遗漏东西了”后面的话,完全是客气一下,主要是找个理由和他聊两句。十分钟后(一点不夸张)收到短信,信用卡扣费了(在美亚意味着他们正式发货了)。去订单详情里看了一下,果然发货了。可是又过了二十分钟,收到了另一封邮件,美亚发的。我以为是发货通知,于是随手点了一下准备删掉。可是仔细一看居然是又臭又长的东西,我用我的小学英语看了一下,大致是:“我们最近比较忙,您选择快递的时候还是屌丝快递(super saver shipping),所以我们没有第一时间处理你的订单,但是我做了一个额外的绝对,把您的快递方式改为皇家特快(Global Priority Shipping),但是我们不会收取您的邮费“嗯,简而言之就是:2.79美元最慢快递,免费升级为25美元最快快递。而且一毛钱不收。下面是邮件部分截图,你们感受一下原本预计送达时间是2015年的一月15号,现在提前到了一月5号。原本预计送达时间是2015年的一月15号,现在提前到了一月5号。那么问题就来了,你觉得美亚直邮怎么样?
買了一條皮帶價格$24.79,運費$2.59Order Placed: September 12, 2014delivery estimate: September 29, 2014實際到手時間Oct. 7雖然早有心理準備,但還是等得我腎虧早泄(貌似運費跟貨物價格成一定比例,試點了一個30刀的東西運費接近4刀,具體怎麼變化沒研究)拆開後皮帶上赫然印着CHINA剛剛又買了隻手錶。。Order Placed:
November 4, 2014
Delivery estimate: November 18, 2014 - November 26, 2014Item(s) Subtotal:
Shipping & Handling:
$3.98Grand Total:$34.56這次居然用DHL送貨,比原計劃(11.12)還提前了一天到達別人雙11在刷天貓,我收貨
本人在二月份的时候从美国亚马逊那里直接买过一个xbox 360 和两宽游戏。运费我就不吐槽了,关键是税啊!55usd,这酸爽简直不敢相信。运费我就不吐槽了,关键是税啊!55usd,这酸爽简直不敢相信。一共花了2个礼拜不到的样子,是使用UPS直接从美国运过来的。总体而言感觉还是不错的,除了税……
15年年底开始美淘 最开始是给我妈买了一件ck的羽绒服 中国制造前些天已经收到了关税退款20.8刀后来给朋友买空气净化器 大概是一周到的 中间延迟几天是清关导致的 发货第二天早上从美国到了HK后来给女朋友买了一双鞋子1运费:系统的运费一般都是有问题的,大家自己看看买的东西运费怎么计算的 大部分是1.99*pounds+1.99 运费错了可以找美亚客服改2 客服权限挺大,中文客服不会给你改运费,找英文客服给你改3美亚动不动的就莫名其妙的给你退一些款。。。
我想买能量棒啊 好不容易挑好了 地址写好了 信用卡填好了 跟我说 这个东西我们不往北京发摔!!找了个代理一算比淘宝现货的还贵70左右。。
这个月试水了一次,很好!==坐标上海,先试试水买了条Levi's的牛仔裤,不用关税(貌似是因为是50美元以下,求考证),要运费。11月3日下的订单,下单后网站上显示会在14号~24号之间到达,实际到达日是11月19日,耗时16天。刚下单前一周一直没动静,发了封邮件问Amazon的客服,回复的非常详细,这个也很赞,虽然没能加快运速!Item(s) Subtotal: $36.99Shipping & Handling:$4.58Total before tax:$41.57Estimated tax to be collected:$0.00Grand Total:$41.57总价比实体店肯定便宜,比天猫双十一官方店也要便宜,真TM吊!优点:便宜、方便(跟国内网站上购物体验没什么差别)缺点:耗时长,适合买不急用的物品


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