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on the bench是什么意思
on the bench是什么意思 on the bench在线翻译 on the bench什么意思 on the bench的意思 on the bench的翻译 on the bench的解释 on the bench的发音
on the bench英 [?n ?? bent?] 美 [ɑn ?i b?nt?] on the bench 基本解释[法] 任法官on the bench 网络解释1. 1. 在长凳上:play games 做游戏 | on the bench 在长凳上 | the way to... 去...的路2. 守门员坐到了替补席上:Well, boys, you just put the best goaltender in the world|孩子们,你们已经... | on the bench.|守门员坐到了替补席上 | MlcHAELS: It is very uncommon to see Vladislav Tretiak taken out|看到Vladislav Tretia...3. 3. 坐冷板凳:fallen out of favour: 失宠 | on the bench: 坐冷板凳 | the likes of: 像... ...这样的人4. 在法庭上;在担任法官期间:at the other end of the spectrum 在另一个极端 | on the bench 在法庭上;在担任法官期间 | career judiciary 职业法官on the bench 双语例句1. After came one foot hanging, by the end Xiaohui was bound on the Tiger`s Bench, and we use a very hot electric heater to torture her soft soles!&&&&最后是把小惠绑在老虎凳上,用一具功能强大的电热器来烧烤她白嫩的脚心。2. on the bench什么意思2. To feel, and a pair of lilac on the bench and sat down.&&&&走累了,就在丁香丛中的长椅上坐了下来。3. In addition, plenty of experiment on three-way thermostatic valve of cooling system of lube oil in dynamical machines has been done on this laboratory bench, including the capacity of controlling temperature, the testing of fluid local resistance, seal of valve flow passage and hysteresis.&&&&在该实验台上,对动力机械润滑油冷却系统三通自动温控阀进行了温度控制能力、流体局部阻力测定、流道密封性、滞后性等逐项实验研究。4. This paper studied NO〓 concentration profile with bed height when waste water containing 5% Hexamethylenediamine incinerated on the bench scale hot fluidized bed apparatus at the temperature range from 700℃ to 900℃.&&&&所以本文还建立了有机废水、废气在流化床中复合焚烧处理的热力计算方法,为流化床废水、废气焚烧炉的设计提供理论依据。5. Experiments were conducted to investigate NO x concentration profiles along bed height and the influences of temperature and excess air on NO x emission in the temperature range from 700℃ to 900℃, when waste water containing 5% hexamethylenediamine incinerated in a bench scale fluidized bed.&&&&在 90 0℃下氧量增加有利于密相区NO、NO2 浓度的降低,说明在有氧条件下NH2 促进NOx 的还原,在不同空气过剩系数下稀相区出口NOx 几乎为零,表明 90 0℃是己二胺有机废液焚烧的合适温6. 6. Other common bodybuilding exercises which are often wrongly executed are the lat pull down, bench press, leg extension, military press and list goes on.&&&&其他常见的健身往往是错误处决的LAT下拉,卧推,腿延长,军事新闻,不胜枚举。7. The difficulties of adjusting and measuring and the large system errors on the optical bench are eliminated by the method.&&&&该方法克服了在光具座上进行实验时的调节难度大、不易测量和测量误差大等问题。8. In this research, the micro optical pick-up head is composed of a micro optical bench and a focusing lens mounted on a two-axis actuator. The study of focusing lenses is the major topic in this thesis.&&&&在本研究中,微光学读取头是由微光学平台及固定在双轴致动器的聚焦透镜所组成的,其中的聚焦透镜正是本论文研究的主要方向。9. The influences of non homogeneous reactions on N 2O formation and reduction were investigated in a bench scale circulating fluidized bed.&&&&在一台小型循环流化床实验台上研究了焦炭的非均相反应对N2O生成与分解的影响。10. Vertical and horizontal power chuck is fixed on the bench of the chuck without rotation to clamp workpiece with hydraulic or air pressure drive. The chuck is widely applied in the production line or tube welding machine tool, grinding machine, drilling machine, milling machine, as well as numerical control machining center.&&&&立卧式动力卡盘是指卡盘不旋转,固定在机床工作台上起夹持工件的作用,夹持动力以液压或气压驱动;该装置广泛应用在生产流水线上或管子焊接机床、磨床、钻床、铣床以及数控加工中心上。11. On this chilly evening Graham Baker made a number of changes, leaving Arter, Ricketts and Sole on the bench, initially pairing Bryant and Medley up front and bringing Maledon and Hand into the centre of midfield.&&&&&&在这个寒冷的夜晚格拉汉姆-贝克在人员上进行了调整,把阿特尔、里基茨和索尔放在了替补席上,首发的是布莱恩特和梅德利突前,马莱顿和汉德在中场中路。12. Paper labels are generally the t and the best tool I've found for this process is the wire wheel on a bench grinder.&&&&&&纸标签通常是最难清理过,和最好的工具我已经为这个过程中发现是一张凳子上,磨床钢丝轮。13. Having sat on the subs bench for the first three matches, andI felt I fitted into the team well. It was a great feeling toscore my debut goal for Newcastle, but I was very unhappy&&&&&&非常高兴在经历了前3场的板凳等待后我可以在对阿斯顿维拉的比赛中首发登场,而且我发现自己已经成为球队有机的一分子。14. 14. The experiment which was to study the dechlorination of cabon tetrachloride (CCl4 ) in composite waste water and industrial waste water by alkali hydrolization method, was carried out on the bench scale and pilot scale respectively.&&&&&&以配制的四氯化碳废水和实际工业废水——甲基氯化物生产废水为处理对象,分别在小试和中试规模上研究碱性水解脱氯去除废水中的四氯化碳(CCl4),主要研究四氯化碳去除效果、重要的工艺参数,并研究其反应机理和动力学。15. 15. Lately husband unit organization football game, husband battle oneself in the school of graduate student brigade the resume of the wooden bench be the coach of unit and main force, they a line 11 people bought to pull the sports clothes of breeze to go to battle very, I am present at that time bottom, the mouth-muffle add sunglasses, because of true throw a person:Don't of unit young and small, shape also I am very enjoy to please the eye, can the husband's organization brigade, average 31 years old, present top on sign, whole is a frog, big belly frog.&&&&&&不久前老公单位组织足球比赛,老公仗自己在校研究生队板凳的资历作为单位的教练兼主力了,他们一行11人买了十分拉风的球衣上阵了,当时我在场下,口罩加墨镜,因为实在丢人:别的单位各个年轻小伙,身材也是十分赏心悦目的,可老公的机关队,平均31岁,在场上一立,全是青蛙,大肚子青蛙。16. And when she joins us on the patio and sits on that bench next to me, I can see everything!&&&&&&当她加入我们的天井和坐在板凳上说,明年对我来说,我可以看到一切!17. The Bench allows users to compare Average rate, Occupancy and RevPAR against markets in over 80 destinations around the globe on a daily basis.&&&&&&The Bench可以让使用者通过每天的数据库,与全球80多个地区的同行,进行平均汇率、占有率以及平均收益率的比较。18. on the bench的近义词18. This paper investigated the NO_x emission of a medium-speed marine diesel engine on the bench test.&&&&&&对一台船用中速柴油机进行了NO_x排放台架试验,得出并分析了其试验区域内的NO_x排放特性。19. And if that keyboard is infinite, then on that keyboard there is no music you can play. You'resitting on the wrong bench. That's God's piano.&&&&&&然而如果琴键是无限的,那么在那架琴上就没有你能弹奏的音乐,你坐错了地方,那是上帝的钢琴。20. It's a pitty that i didnt sit on the bench.&&&&&&不过我是故意留下这遗憾的。on the bench 单语例句1. He remained on the bench for the rest of the game but appeared in considerable pain when he left the court after the final buzzer.2. The inquest into United's defeat will undoubtedly centre on Ferguson's decision to leave volatile England striker Wayne Rooney on the substitutes bench.3. Sitting on a bench and holding the youngest child, the woman wears a content smile.4. Ancient spears line the walls of the criminal court, and two buckets filled with different coloured sticks sit on the judge's bench.5. McGrady suffered a concussion and later passed out on the bench and was carried off the court.6. Many presidents have been on hand to see their nominees take their seat on the Supreme Court bench for the first time.7. Iverson landed awkwardly after missing a shot and was crumpled on the court before being helped to the bench.8. The league said in a statement on Monday that Noah had used " a derogatory and offensive term from the bench during the first quarter ".9. The striker may well sit on the bench after failing to rediscover his goal touch following a knee injury.10. Gasol hobbled into the arena on crutches and spent the game pumping his fists and shouting encouragement from the Spanish bench.on the bench的近义词on the bench是什么意思,on the bench在线翻译,on the bench什么意思,on the bench的意思,on the bench的翻译,on the bench的解释,on the bench的发音,on the bench的同义词,on the bench的反义词,on the bench的例句,on the bench的相关词组,on the bench意思是什么,on the bench怎么翻译,单词on the bench是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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&2016  京ICP备号-6 京公网安备30 [chū yuàn]
discharge from hospital
托业词汇(1) - 托业(TOEIC) - 新东方... ...
put on airs 摆架子
discharge from hospital 出院
halt buses and subway all day 使公车地铁一天停止 ...
discharge from
英语二纲要 ...
disappoint at/with 对...失望
discharge from 排出;流出;释放;解雇;出院
dispose of 处理,销毁,去掉 ...
2010年四级答案: ...
help out 帮个大忙
check out 借书;出院;彻底检讨;退房
1. tape 胶带;cassette 磁带。 ...
Discharge Office
Discharge office
Before discharge
Discharged registration
Discharge Register
Hospital registration
Out-patient Service
discharge note
hospital discharge certificate
Discharge Preparation
recovered and discharged
- 引用次数:296
But the mother and child safe discharge.
参考来源 -
leave hospital
- 引用次数:12
Result 48 example patients leave hospital except that 4 reason automations leaving hospital , the others is cured clinically equally equally.
结果 48例患者除4理自动出院,其余均为临床治愈出院。
参考来源 -
discharge from
discharge from hospital
[chū yuàn]
[chū yuàn]
leave hospital
be discharged from hospital after recovery
出院证明 hospital discharge certificate
He said the doctors have only messed him about in hospital;he felt worse when he came out than when he went in.
做完最后一个手术,这位女士出院了, 但就在过马路的时候,她被一辆风驰电挚赶回医院的 救护车给撞死了。
She got out of the hospital after the last operation and while crossing the street was killed by an ambulance speeding to the hospital.
After 18 hours of surgery and weeks of intensive care, Jerry was released from the hospital with fragments of the bullets still in his body.
出院 chūyuàn [leave hospital] 在医院住院的病人结束住院,离开医院。 出院的病人一般是治疗痊愈,但也有很多是因为费用问题放弃住院治疗。
- 来自原声例句
老师一定要好起来,人的意志是坚强的,是不会轻易的被打倒. 我真心的祝福:希望老师们能早日康复! The teacher must rise, people's will is strong, is not easily bites. I sincerely wish: I hope the teacher can recover soon!
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英文翻译aad against-advice discharge:&&&& of one's own ac ...:&&&& be out of ho ...:&&&&automatic ejection:&&&&automatic telling:&&&&auto au ...:&&&&automatic door:&&&&vendor:&&&& self em ...:&&&&automatic slab discharging:&&&&volunt
例句与用法Results through comprehensive treatment , 5 cases discharged themselves , 3 cases died and 353 cases were cured结果经综合抢救, 353例治愈, 5例自动出院, 3例死亡。 Analysis of discharge determined by patients themselves and its inspirations to solve visiting doctor being difficult and expensive病人自动出院的现状分析及对解决看病难看病贵问题的几点启示&&
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英文翻译discharge abstract:&&&& be out of ho ...:&&&& preliminary s ...:&&&&leave hospital
病愈出院 be ...:&&&&1.(整个过程中一个段落的总结) brief summa ...:&&&&notre dame chapel:&&&&a college chapel:&&&&pictures of an institution:&&&&dischargged medical records:&&&&discharge office:&&&&hospital discharge rate
例句与用法An hl7 template provides a formal mechanism to say that a particular consultation note or discharge summary must contain certain sections , or that an assessment or plan section must contain certain observationsHl7模版提供了一种规范的机制用以说明一个特定的会诊记录或出院小结必须包括哪些特定的段,一个评价段或者诊疗计划段必须包括哪些特定的检查报告。 Pay to pay cash by insurant , protect pay business window to submit an expense account to medical service of social security branch by the following data next : ( one ) ( 2 ) ( 3 ) collect fe ( 4 ) collect
( 5 ) anamnesis of be in hospital or leave hospital brie ( 6 ) the disease diagnoses certificate , the ability that belong to cure kind of charge , still must offer an examination to diagnose report odd photocopy由被保险人垫付现金,然后凭以下资料到社保部门医保待遇业务窗报销: (一)身份证复印件; (二) ic卡复印件; (三)收费收据原件; (四)收费明细单; (五)住院病历或出院小结复印件; (六)疾病诊断证实书,属医技类费用的,还须提供检查诊断报告单复印件。 Provide the following data : 3 card original ( marriage certificate , birth certificate , be born card ) reach xerox , bill of medical treatment charge , charge collect detailed list , doctor ' s advice ( long - term , short - term doctor ' s advice ) , leave hospital brief summary , diagnostic certificate , deal with submit an expense account him personnel id提供以下材料:三证原件(结婚证、准生证、出生证)及复印件,医疗费用发票,费用汇总清单,医嘱(长期、短期医嘱) ,出院小结,诊断证实书,办理报销人员本人身份证。 Insurant pays to pay cash first , hold the following data to protect pay business window to submit an expense account to medical service of social security branch next : ( one ) ( 2 ) ( 3 ) collect fe ( 4 ) collect
( 5 ) anamnesis of be in hospital or leave hospital brie ( 6 ) the disease diagnoses certificate , the ability that belong to cure kind charge , still must offer an examination to diagnose report odd photocopy被保险人先垫付现金,然后持以下资料到社保部门医保待遇业务窗报销: (一)身份证复印件; (二) ic卡复印件; (三)收费收据原件; (四)收费明细单; (五)住院病历或出院小结复印件; (六)疾病诊断证实书,属医技类费用,还须提供检查诊断报告单复印件。 &&
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