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Southern Poverty Law Center, founded in 1971 as a civil rights law
firm, has released its latest "Intelligence Report" on hate groups
in the United States. This year's report contains a new category:
the Manosphere.&
From the SPLC's introduction to the :&
The so-called “manosphere” is peopled with hundreds of websites,
blogs and forums dedicated to savaging feminists in particular and
women, very typically American women, in general. Although some of
the sites make an attempt at civility and try to back their
arguments with facts, they are almost all thick with misogynistic
attacks that can be astounding for the guttural hatred they
express. What follows are brief descriptions of a dozen of these
sites. Another resource is the Man Boobz website (), a
humorous pro-feminist blog (its tagline is “Misogyny: I Mock It”)
that keeps a close eye on these and many other woman-hating
It is truly sublime that a group the DHS cited in its
controversial report on right-wing terrorism now turns to a website
called "Man Boobz" for its hate-group reporting. More sublime is
the fact that the SPLC has listed a D.C.-area pickup artist who
goes by RooshV in its list of women-haters:&
Roosh V?rek is a Maryland-raised PUA (“pick up artist”) whose
specialty is se his blog is a sales vehicle
for his books like Bang: The Pick Up Bible and Bang Iceland: How to
Sleep With Icelandic Women in Iceland, which one Icelandic feminist
group described as a “rape guide.” V?rek likes to talk about his
many “notches” (seductions) and such things as “American cunts who
I want to hate fuck.” He adds: “I’ll be the first to admit that
many of my bangs in the United States were hate fucks. The
masculine attitude and lack of care these women put into their
style or hair irritated me, so I made it a point to fuck them and
never call again.”
Take note, America: Having consensual sex (Roosh is not a
rapist, but a seducer*) with someone you don't actually like and
then never calling her/him again will land you in a
reputation-ruining** SPLC report.&
*and a pig&
**In case that part's not clear: I'm not talking about social
capital, but the fact that the SPLC's Intelligence Report gets sent
to every law enforcement agency in the country.&
Mike Riggs is a reporter at Reason.
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