Hi,how are you的回答?

Hi! How Are You? | Colm Morgan :: Web Developer, Designer & ProgrammerMy name is Colm MorganOnline I'm known as carmatI am a web developer and designerI would like to be a programmerMaybe even a software developerI am a keen poker enthusiastMy passion is to travel
the worldHi! How Are You?Hi there, and welcome to my online portfolio. In case you haven't got it yet, my name's Colm Morgan and here you will find regular ramblings in my , general web-based experiments I have been working on and samples of my previous work. Have a little browse through, try out a few of the experiments and really just bask in the wonders of my world.If you want to get in touch, you can talk to me via .A little about meI am currently in my final year of
at University of Ulster, Jordanstown, Northern Ireland. I joined this course after successfully completing a Foundation Degree in Science, Multmedia at Belfast Metropolitan College in 2009. However, before beginning the course at Jordanstown, I completed a 12 month internship at
in San Francisco, California. This internship was primarily based upon SEO techniques but also involved maintaining the website, monitoring its progress, improving the internal reservation system and interacting with the customer base.Despite my university course being aimed more at the design aspect of web development, I would consider myself to be more of a programmer, in particular with CSS3 transitions and animations. I would rather spend time on coding PHP, JavaScript / jQuery and, more recently, Ruby on Rails.I have a keen interest in the world of poker. I enjoy playing, watching and keeping up to date with tournaments worldwide. This interest has extended to my , which aims to revolutionise the use of tournament software within large scale, live poker tournaments.I enjoy travelling and, eventually, I intend to travel around the world meeting up with old friends I originally met in San Francisco. I recently went on a trip touring Thailand with a friend and thoroughly enjoyed the change in culture, active exploring and trekking through the jungle.君,已阅读到文档的结尾了呢~~
Hi, How Are You
Hi, How Are You
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"never look back," we saidhow was i to know i'd miss you so?loneliness up aheademptiness behindwhere do i go?and you didn't hearall my joy through my tearsall my hopes through my fearsdid you knowstill i miss you somehow?from the bottom of my broken heartthere's just a thing or two i'd like you to knowyou were my first loveyou were my true lovefrom the first kisses to the very last rosefrom the bottom of my broken hearteven through time may find me somebody newyou were my real lovei never knew love'til there was youfrom the bottom of my broken heart
记得小时候我偷偷穿过妈妈的高跟鞋小小的脚掌慢慢挪动 想象自己也会变成妖娆的女人穿各种漂亮的衣服 会像灰姑娘一样拥有自己的水晶鞋 可是现在真的长大了 拥有了自己的高跟鞋想要昂首挺胸 就要抬起头 面对所有的困难。 一双鞋真谛。 我其实很胆小 我没有勇气离家出走 我没有勇气喝很多的酒让自己完全失去意识 我没有勇气和我妈吵架之后永远不和她说话 我没有勇气离开这个世界 也没有勇气看任何珍惜的人事物离开这个空间我不适合做女人 我不喜欢逛街 穿着平底鞋走都会觉得好疼我应该在球场上挥汗如雨是不是 可是我又不喜欢运动记得有人第一眼见到我说 你就像只白猫 永远都是睡眼惺忪的状态眼睛永远也是半张着 是阿 这样的季节本应该是在家睡觉 每年春天都是在睡觉中度过一天20个小时多么美好我想我会变好的是不是 他们能拥有的我也能拥有的是不是快乐最重要是不是 天气好闷 为什么磅礴大雨到现在还迟迟不肯落下来我想我是得了强迫症 。
& 年轻、美丽,什么都刚刚好。 &
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求翻译:hi how are you likkas?是什么意思?
hi how are you likkas?
高怎么样您likkas ?
嗨你如何? likkas
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请输入您需要翻译的文本!Hi, How Are You
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&...the result is a kind of psycho-religious version of Frogger...& - New York Times
&...Hi, How Are You has taken on a whole new layer of awesome...& - TouchArcade
&It’s totally ridiculous and very very cool.& -
&...HHAY is overflowing with Johnston’s influence and unlike any other platformer at the App Store& - iPhone Game of the day - BlogFaction
&...pure Johnston...& - PocketGamer
&...as loving a tribute to an artist as I've seen from a game...& -
“The play control is smooth and easy to pick up, the graphics are beautiful and cartoony, and the soundtrack is amazing” -
“…Hi, How Are You sets a new iPhone benchmark aesthetically.” - PocketGamerUK
“…(an) other-worldly masterpiece…” -
&Daniel Johnston's iPhone Game Is Predictably Bizarre, Bizarrely Fun& -
“…Forget Guitar Hero…” - The Guardian
The story begins with Satan turning the innocent Jeremiah into a frog and stealing the object of his affection. Jeremiah must progress through 40 devilish levels to reverse the curse that Satan has bestowed upon him and win back his true love.
* Never before seen on iPhone: Fully toon shaded environments and characters that bring Daniel’s marker art style to life.
* 40 challenging levels that gradually increase in difficulty, catering to players of all skill levels, from novice to expert gamer.
* Play as one of four different characters as you progress through the game. Complete the whole game to unlock all characters for any level.
* Control your character using intuitive tilt controls or the virtual on screen joystick controls.
* Have the camera automatically update or use on screen buttons.
* Lots of physics obstacles, puzzles, and enemies to outrun, outsmart and outmaneuver.
* 27 achievements to collect. Each one unlocks a unique piece of Daniel's artwork for you to view.
* Sound track comprised of some of Daniel’s best songs and poignant lyrics.
* Race the clock or go for the bonus blocks to earn your bronze, silver, or gold trophies.
* Online OpenFeint integration for level leaderboards and achievements.
* Browse Daniel Johnston extras screen.
* Game resumes exactly where you left off after a phone call interruption.
* Optimized for all generation iPhone/iPod-Touch devices.
* For additional information please visit
* For additional support please e-mail
* Lite version is also out now! Try before you buy!
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