What i wanwhat to sayy ...

This is what I want to say_土豆_高清视频在线观看What I want to say to aliens_百度文库
What I want to say to aliens
你可能喜欢i want to say is that 这句话是不对得把 是不是要在前面加what也就是说 陈述句 如果不带向what 这样的连词 是不能做句子的主语的 可以多列几个这样的主语从句吗
对的,正确的句子是What I want to say is that.what I want to say是主语从句.给你几个例子哈What he did was right.What he gave me was a book.另外主语从句不光是what引导的(可以由从属连词that,whether等引导;也可以由连接代词what,which,who以及由连接副词how,when,where,why,as等引导),再给你几个例子:When he will come is a problem.他什么时候来还是个问题.(这是when引导的主语从句)(1995年6月四级第55题)In some countries _____ is called "equality" does not really mean equal rights for all people.  A) which   B) what   C) that   D) one(这个选B)比较特别的一个引导词是as,既当引导词,又当从句的主语,给你两个例子:(1993年6月四级第67题)____is known to the world,Mark Twain is a great American writer.  A) That   B) Which   C) As   D) It  “全世界都知道,马克吐温是一位伟大的美国作家”.应填入的是代表整个主句的关系代词.As在从句中作谓语动词is known 的主语.that作关系代词不能代表整个从句,所以选项A)错误.选项D) 的it不是连接手段.如果句首用it,全句应该写为:It is known to the world that Mark Twain is a great American writer.选项B) Which可以用来代替整个主句,但必须位于主句之后.(1997年1月四级第37题)As __ announced in today's papers,the Shanghai Export Commodities Fair is also open on Sundays.  A) being   B) is   C) to be   D) been  “据今天的报纸宣布,上海出口商品博览会星期日也照常开放”.(选B)够清楚了吗?
Still Worth Reading
Lost Causes and Other
Necessary Deeds
The Association of American Publishers, which represents college textbook publishers, just wrote an inadvertently funny letter to California Governor Edmund G. Brown, Jr.
By misspelling common words, including some typos, and making other factual errors the publishers have accidentally made a case for the very same quickly-fixable open educational resources (OER) whose use within California’s community [&]
I had to clip this ad that ran in our local daily newspaper, the Palo Alto Post, today. Mostly for the edification of the D.C. and corporate policy elite who stubbornly maintain, even now, that the so-called “skills gap” is a major problem in our economy. This ad shows what an actual honest-to-god skills gap looks [&]
One of the best things about having been a member of the Obama administration was the chance it gave me to see history unfold close up. For example, I remember the night when my heroic friend Bob Shireman, then-deputy under secretary of education, sprinted back to the U.S. Department of Education after a critical meeting [&]
We should modernize how we approach testing in our public schools and colleges. Think about flight simulators. When U.S. Navy instructors train a new pilot they would never dream of giving her the keys to a $300 million fighter jet if she gets a passing score on a bubble (multiple choice) test. No, when it [&]
In a previous post, I expressed my dismay that President Obama and Vice President Biden have allowed their administration’s victory on open educational resources (OER) to go unclaimed. It’s not just a matter of failing to take a bow for a significant win. The larger problem is that by ignoring OER in their official pronouncements [&]
Today’s LA Times carries a major expose on President Reagan’s so-called Star Wars program, which I first investigated nearly 30 years ago.
The paper’s conclusion: most of the $10 billion spent to date has been wasted. That is exactly what the experts I profiled predicted back in 1986.
Imagine what we could have done with [&]
I was saddened to see President Obama and Secretary of Education Arne Duncan try to raise the Zombie Skills Gap argument from the grave again last week. I won’t mince words. The claim that there are millions of open jobs that no Americans are qualified to fill is complete hogwash. Unfortunately, that has never stopped [&]
If you want to cut to the chase to see what this is all about click here. Here’s the Full Monty… I helped oversee the design and implementation of President Obama’s signature community college grant program, the $2 billion, 2009 Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College Career Training Act, otherwise known as TAACCCT. Measured by dollars [&]
New America Foundation’s Lindsey Tepe is a terrific new voice in D.C. policy circles. Lindsey is a Teach for America veteran who taught fifth and sixth grade in Chicago before getting hooked up with New America’s highly respected education policy group. What has me over the top, though, is her decision to focus on Open [&]
Here is a link to the winning three-minute short from the Why Open Education Matters video competition I helped organize during my service as a Senior Policy Advisor in the U.S. Department of Education.
I’m quite proud of this video. It does a great job, as do the two runners-up and many others that were [&]
One thing that gets me really excited is when someone demonstrates how leadership can happen in the age of the Internet. I don’t know anyone who has illuminated this better than my friend, Larry Lessig. Rootstrikers is a case in point. Day after day I am blown away by Rootstrikers. It’s a political jam session. [&]
One of the best parts of the last five years was the chance I had to travel around the country and even around the world on occasion representing the Obama administration. I’d meet new people and learn new things. In most cases, I was expected to give a little speech or talk or appear on [&]
It’s been nearly six years since I blogged regularly. But before I can get started again, I have to do something first. Which is to thank and acknowledge my (wo)mentor, role model, friend, and collaborator, former U.S. Under Secretary of Education Martha Kanter. I worked with Martha for nearly 10 years as a member and [&]
My cousin, sociologist Jeff Weintraub, just forwarded a highly informative post, must reading, excerpting the work of his friend, Lane Kenworthy. Both deserve praise for bringing scholarly attention to a topic that often gets ignored or denied here in Silicon Valley. Perhaps some facts will help. Couldn’t hurt. Here are some excerpts of Weintraub’s excerpts [&]
President Obama’s announcement yesterday of his community college initiative represents the most significant national leadership in the area of access to higher education in more than a generation. The proposal includes a request for a $500 million dollar investment to pay for the creation of open education courses, which will be freely available to everyone [&]
The following is the eulogy for Robert Kennedy given by his brother, Sen. Edward Kennedy at the public memorial service held on June 8, 1968, at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City. Your Eminences, Your Excellencies, Mr. President: On behalf of Mrs. Kennedy, her children, the parents and sisters of Robert Kennedy, I want [&]
From the proposal: Create a New Online Skills Laboratory: Online educational software has the potential to help students learn more in less time than they would with traditional classroom instruction alone. Interactive software can tailor instruction to individual students like human tutors do, while simulations and multimedia software offer experiential learning. Online instruction can also [&]
Today’s issue of Politico features an excellent Op-Ed by Education Secretary Arne Duncan. I’m not sure how long it will be online so I’ve cut and pasted it below. You can read the whole thing in its original form here. Moving college into the 21st century By: Sec. Arne Duncan October 1,
I like to meet new people and learn new things. If you'd like me to come visit your group or organization chances are reasonably good we can work something out.If you'd like to watch or listen to some of my more recent talks, you can click [].
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