一道考博英语词汇练习题题 (填词汇)

Can you communicate with others when you live in a foreign country with no or little knowledge of its language? Of course, it is possible. You can communicate your moods and intentions to one another without words, because all human beings share a lot of common visual(看见的)signals. These signals are as effective as words during communication.The gestures of the head play a key role in body language. The movements of eyes and eyebrows are as important as head movements in body language.  Besides the gestures of the head or the movements of the eyes and eyebrows, the action of arms, hands and legs is also a large part of body language. Extending one's arm and shaking hands with others is a greeting in both formal and informal cases. This part of body language might date back to primary tribes(部落).  Like handshaking, there are still many other forms of body language presented by hands. Raising one's hand and making a circle with his thumb(拇指)and for finger signals, that something is OK. Clasped(握紧的)hands raised above the head, a traditional picture accepted by sportsmen after winning a fight, is a display of triumph that grows out of a kind of feeling following a victory. Waving one's hands, a speaker can make his words more powerful and vigorous(有活力的).  Besides hand gestures, there are times when a person says something with his legs as well as with his head and eyes. The leg gestures often reflect one's attitude towards something or someone that person is with.  According to the above facts, body language has offered a more reliable(可靠的)way to understand one's mind by means of gestures. Though it is soundless and wordless, once you understand it, you will feel the world is bigger than you realized.【小题1】 Which of the following is the proper title for this passage?A.Body LanguageB.How to Communicate with the People around YouC.The History of Body Language D.Gestures And Languages【小题2】After reading the passage we can conclude that ________.A.hand shaking suggests that the speaker is excitedB.head plays a less important part in body languageC.actors and actresses are good at gesturesD.people began to use body language long long ago【小题3】What's the characteristic of body language?A.Soundless and wordless.B.Difficult to understand.C.Powerful and vigorous.   D.Effective and normal【小题4】When sports men win a match, they probably ________.A.clasp their hands to announce their victoryB.clasp their hands to express their excited feelingC.have a picture taken as soon as possible D.show a sign of thankfulness
  When I was fifteen, I announced in my English class that I was going to write my own books.Half the students sneered(冷笑), and the   1   nearly fell out of their chairs laughing.“Don't be silly, only   2   can become writers, ”the English teacher said, ”and you are getting a D this term.” I was so   3   that I burst into tears.
  That night I wrote a short   4   poem about broken dreams and mailed it to the newspaper.To my   5  , they published it and sent me two dollars.I was a published and   6   writer.I showed my teacher and fellow students.They   7  .”Just plain dumb luck.”the teacher said.I tasted   8  .I'd sold the first thing I'd ever written.That was more than any of them had done and if it was just dumb luck, that was   9   with me.
  During the next two years I sold dozens of   10  , letters, jokes and recipes.By the time I   11   from high school, with a C minus average, I had had many scrapbooks filled with my published work.I   12   mentioned my writing to my teachers, friends or my family again.They were dream killers and   13   people must choose between their friends and their dreams, they must always choose their   14  .
  I had four children at the time, and the oldest was only four.I wrote what I felt.It   15   nine months, just like a pregnant woman.I mailed it without a self addressed and stamped   16   and without making a copy of the manuseript.
  A month later I received a(n)   17  , and a request to start working on another book.The worst year I earned two dollars.In my best year I earned 36, 000 dollars.  18   years I earned between five thousand and ten thousand.No, it isn't enough to live   19  , but it's still more than I'd make working part time, People ask what college I   20  , what degrees I had and what qualifications I have to be a writer.The answer is:“None.”I just write.I'm not a genius.
dropped out
  I have a friend who lives by a three-word philosophy: Seize the moment.  1   Too many people put off something that brings them joy just because they haven't thought about it, don't have it on their schedule, don't know it is coming or too strict to depart from their routine.
  I can't count the times I called my sister and said, “  2  ” She would gasp and stammer, “I can't.I have clothes on the line.My hair is dirty.I wish I had known yesterday.I had a late breakfast.It looks like rain.” And my personal favorite response.“It's just Monday.” She died a few years ago.We never did have lunch together.From then on, I’ve tried to be a little more flexible.
    3   The days get shorter, and the list of promise made to ourselves gets longer.One morning, we are awoken, and all having to show for our lives is repetition of “I'm going to”, “I plan on” and “someday, when things are settled down a bit.”
  When anyone calls my “seize the moment” friend, she is open to adventure and available for trips.She keeps an open mind on new ideas.Her enthusiasm for life is contagious(有感染力的).  4   My lips have not touched ice cream for 10 years.I love ice cream.The other day, I stopped the car and bought a triple-decker.If my car had hit an iceberg on the way home, I would have died happy.
  5   Do something you want to do, not something on your SHOULD DO LIST.
A.Now go on and have a nice day.
B.Just possibly, she may be the wisest woman on this planet.
C.Life has a way of going faster as we get older.
D.So I won't feel sorry because I have changed my attitude to life
E.How about going to lunch in half an hour?
F.She used to promise to do something instead of doing it right away.
G.You talk with her for a while, and you’re ready to change your attitude to life
  Laura woke up feeling excited. It was her birthday. Today she thought she would get a pet of her own at last. Uncle Bob had been hinting that he would bring her one. She hoped it would be a puppy or a kitten or maybe a soft, fluffy (有绒毛的) rabbit.
  But Laura's birthday did not turn out as she had hoped. She had certainly never expected to have a pet mouse. She did not even like mice. But that is what Uncle Bob gave her.
  When Uncle Bob left, Laura burst into tears. She was so disappointed. “Don't be sad,” said the mother. “I think the mouse will be lots of fun. We'll teach it some tricks. Mice are very smart, you know.”
  Mother was right. Before long, Laura found she could hardly wait to get home from school. It was such fun to watch what Ralph, her mouse, could do. He learned a lot of tricks. She and her mother built a special machine for Ralph. Here is how it worked.
  Ralph would pull a string to open a door. Then he would go up a little adder. At the top of the ladder was a button. The button was really an electric switch. When Ralph pushed the button, a motor would start. The motor turned a wheel that pulled a string. The string pulled a dish that had food in it for Ralph, who was happy to do the trick over and over again.
(1) Why was Laura excited when she woke up?
A.It was her birthday.
B.She had gotten a pet.
C.She wanted to teach the mouse tricks.
D.Her Uncle Bob would come to see her.
(2) Why did Laura burst into tears?
A.She didn't want her birthday to end.
B.She didn't want Uncle Bob to leave.
C.She was disappointed with her gift.
D.She hated Uncle Bob.
(3) What caused the motor to start?
A.A stringB.An electric switch
C.A wheelD.A touch
Laura was disappointed with the mouse because ________.
A.she thought a mouse was stupid
B.she never took a mouse as a pet before
C.she was afraid of mice
D.she didn't like mice before
(5) Ralph was happy to do the trick to ________.
A.please LauraB.practise its health
C.run awayD.get its food
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一道英语题 用单词适当形式填空? The ___〔serve〕also included the arrang福唬弟舅郗矫甸蝎鼎莽ements of___〔sight〕. 咪咪噢噢 一道英语题 用单词适当形式填空?
servise sightness
The service___〔serve〕also included the arrangements of_the sights__〔sight〕.the福唬弟舅郗矫甸蝎鼎莽 sights表示风景点
Joyce has the ___(able) to play the piano wellEveryone needs a ____(two) chance
这句话是说有能力弹钢琴,前面用has ,后面要接名词ability,able 是形容词第二句话说的第二次机会,所以用序数词
ability second
import re, collections
def words(text): return re.findall('[a-z]+', text.lower())
def train(features):
& & model = collections.defaultdict(lambda: 1)
& & for f in features:
& & & & model[f] &#43;= <span style="color:#
& & return model
NWORDS = train(words(file('big.txt').read()))
alphabet = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
def edits1(word):
& &splits & & = [(word[:i], word[i:]) for i in range(len(word) &#43; 1)]
& &deletes & &= [a &#43; b[1:] for a, b in splits if b]
& &transposes = [a &#43; b[1] &#43; b[0] &#43; b[2:] for a, b in splits if len(b)&1]
& &replaces & = [a &#43; c &#43; b[1:] for a, b in splits for c in alphabet if b]
& &inserts & &= [a &#43; c &#43; b & & for a, b in splits for c in alphabet]
& &return set(deletes &#43; transposes &#43; replaces &#43; inserts)
def known_edits2(word):
& & return set(e2 for e1 in edits1(word) for e2 in edits1(e1) if e2 in NWORDS)
def known(words): return set(w for w in words if w in NWORDS)
def correct(word):
& & candidates = known([word]) or known(edits1(word)) or known_edits2(word) or [word]
& & return max(candidates, key=NWORDS.get)
&&& correct('speling')
&&& correct('korrecter')
除了字符串匹配、查找回文串、查找重复子串等经典问题以外,日常生活中我们还会遇到其它一些怪异的字符串问题。比如,有时我们需要知道给定的两个字符串 “有多像”,换句话说两个字符串的相&#20284;度是多少。1965年,俄国科学家Vladimir Levenshtein给字符串相&#20284;度做出了一个明确的定义叫做Levenshtein距离,我们通常叫它“编辑距离”。字符串A到B的编辑距离是指,只
用插入、删除和替换三种操作,最少需要多少步可以把A变成B。例如,从FAME到GATE需要两步(两次替换),从GAME到ACM则需要三步(删除G和 E再添加C)。Levenshtein给出了编辑距离的一般求法,就是大家都非常熟悉的经典动态规划问题。
&&&&&&& 在自然语言处理中,这个概念非 常重要,例如我们可以根据这个定义开发出一套半自动的校对系统:查找出一篇文章里所有不在字典里的单词,然后对于每个单词,列出字典里与它的 Levenshtein距离小于某个数n的单词,让用户选择正确的那一个。n通常取到2或者3,或者更好地,取该单词长度的1/4等等。这个想法倒不错, 但算法的效率成了新的难题:查字典好办,建一个Trie树即可;但怎样才能快速在字典里找出最相近的单词呢?这个问题难就难在,Levenshtein的
定义可以是单词任意位置上的操作,&#20284;乎不遍历字典是不可能完成的。现在很多软件都有拼写检查的功能,提出更正建议的速度是很快的。它们到底是怎么做的 呢?1973年,Burkhard和Keller提出的BK树有效地解决了这个问题。这个数据结构强就强在,它初步解决了一个看&#20284;不可能的问题,而其原理 非常简单。
&&&&&&& 首先,我们观察Levenshtein距离的性质。令d(x,y)表示字符串x到y的Levenshtein距离,那 么显然:
&&&&&&& 1. d(x,y) = 0 当且仅当 x=y& (Levenshtein距离为0 &==& 字符串相等)
&&&&&&& 2. d(x,y) = d(y,x)&&&& (从x变到y的最少步数就是从y变到x的最少步数)
&&&&&&& 3. d(x,y) &#43; d(y,z) &= d(x,z)& (从x变到z所需的步数不会超过x先变成y再变成z的步数)
&&&&&&& 最后这一个性质叫做三角形不等式。就好 像一个三角形一样,两边之和必然大于第三边。给某个集合内的元素定义一个二元的“距离函数”,如果这个距离函数同时满足上面说的三个性质,我们就称它为 “度量空间”。我们的三维空间就是一个典型的度量空间,它的距离函数就是点对的直线距离。度量空间还有很多,比如Manhattan距离,图论中的最短
&&&&&&& 建树的过程有些类&#20284;于Trie。首先我们随便找一个单词作为根(比如GAME)。以后插入一个单词时首先计算单词与根的Levenshtein距离:如果这 个距离&#20540;是该节点处头一次出现,建立一个新的儿子节点;否则沿着对应的边递归下去。例如,我们插入单词FAME,它与GAME的距离为1,于是新建一个儿 子,连一条标号为1的边;下一次插入GAIN,算得它与GAME的距离为2,于是放在编号为2的边下。再下次我们插入GATE,它与GAME距离为1,于
&&&&&&& 查询操作异常方便。如果我们需要返回与错误单词距离不超过n的单词,这个错误单词与树根所对应的单词距离为d,那么接下来我们只需要递归地考虑编号在d- n 到d&#43;n范围内的边所连接的子树。由于n通常很小,因此每次与某个节点进行比较时都可以排除很多子树。
举个例子,假如我们输入一个 GAIE,程序发现它不在字典中。现在,我们想返回字典中所有与GAIE距离为1的单词。我们首先将GAIE与树根进行比较,得到的距离d=1。由于 Levenshtein距离满足三角形不等式,因此现在所有离GAME距离超过2的单词全部可以排除了。比如,以AIM为根的子树到GAME的距离都是 3,而GAME和GAIE之间的距离是1,那么AIM及其子树到GAIE的距离至少都是2。于是,现在程序只需要沿着标号范围在1-1到1&#43;1里的边继续
走下去。我们继续计算GAIE和FAME的距离,发现它为2,于是继续沿标号在1和3之间的边前进。遍历结束后回到GAME的第二个节点,发现GAIE和 GAIN距离为1,输出GAIN并继续沿编号为1或2的边递归下去(那条编号为4的边连接的子树又被排除掉了)……
&&&&&&& 实践表明,一次查询所 遍历的节点不会超过所有节点的5%到8%,两次查询则一般不会17-25%,效率远远超过暴力枚举。适当进行缓存,减小Levenshtein距离常数n 可以使算法效率更高。
经典著作《人工智能:现代方法》的作者之一 Peter Norvig 曾经写过一篇介绍如何写一个拼写检查/纠正器的文章(原文在,徐宥的翻译版在,这篇文章很深入浅出,强烈建议读一读),里面用到的就是贝叶斯方法,这里我们不打算复述他写的文章,而是简要地将其核心思想介绍一下。
P(我们猜测他想输入的单词 | 他实际输入的单词)
这个概率。并找出那个使得这个概率最大的猜测单词。显然,我们的猜测未必是唯一的,就像前面举的那个自然语言的歧义性的例子一样;这里,比如用户输入: thew ,那么他到底是想输入 the ,还是想输入 thaw ?到底哪个猜测可能性更大呢?幸运的是我们可以用贝叶斯公式来直接出它们各自的概率,我们不妨将我们的多个猜测记为 h1 h2 .. ( h 代表 hypothesis),它们都属于一个有限且离散的猜测空间 H (单词总共就那么多而已),将用户实际输入的单词记为 D ( D 代表 Data ,即观测数据),于是
P(我们的猜测1 | 他实际输入的单词)
类&#20284;地,对于我们的猜测2,则是 P(h2 | D)。不妨统一记为:
P(h | D) = P(h) * P(D | h) / P(D)
对于不同的具体猜测 h1 h2 h3 .. ,P(D) 都是一样的,所以在比较 P(h1 | D) 和 P(h2 | D) 的时候我们可以忽略这个常数。即我们只需要知道:
P(h | D) ∝ P(h) * P(D | h) (注:那个符号的意思是“正比例于”,不是无穷大,注意符号右端是有一个小缺口的。)
这个式子的抽象含义是:对于给定观测数据,一个猜测是好是坏,取决于“这个猜测本身独立的可能性大小(先验概率,Prior )”和“这个猜测生成我们观测到的数据的可能性大小”(&#20284;然,Likelihood )的乘积。具体到我们的那个 thew 例子上,含义就是,用户实际是想输入 the 的可能性大小取决于 the 本身在词汇表中被使用的可能性(频繁程度)大小(先验概率)和 想打 the 却打成 thew 的可能性大小(&#20284;然)的乘积。
下面的事情就很简单了,对于我们猜测为可能的每个单词计算一下 P(h) * P(D | h) 这个&#20540;,然后取最大的,得到的就是最靠谱的猜测。
* 以上用户言论只代表其个人观点,不代表CSDN网站的观点或立场
(1)(3)(3)(2)(1)(4)(1)(1)(2)一道英语单词填空题目She went m and behaved in an uncontrolled way after the death of her only son during the Second World War.应该是填mad,请把这句话翻译一遍罗,
madgo mad疯了,因为她儿子死了
在她仅有的一个儿子在二战中牺牲后 她疯了 行为也失去了控制
madwent mad 跟后面 behaved in an uncontrolled way 刚好对应


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