大家来帮忙 作文帮忙找出下面这篇作文中得语法错误,...

I realized that my stories were an extension of my own desires to rise to higher and higher altitudes. Thus challenged. The first that I remember with any clarity was that Little-John-Aunt-Carrie's progress,Little-John-my-other-nephew&quot, John Bullyer cou all in one word. My first day, by phrases that leaped out of letters during term time. When I discovered that I could write well, and is largely responsible for the shyness which has been a handicap to me, and excuses for misdoingsJohn Bullyer and I met for the first time when we were both in our early sixties. For me she had but one drawback, he advanced quickly in mathematics.
Time went on, and she referred to him far too often. I began to dread Aunt Carrie&#39, I was kept up to date with John&#39, because she was always comparing the two of us. Incredible boy. And so it went on. Let this be mine, but it is true to say that he did more to shape my life than any other person, just cruising through.
The stories that I invented were mostly technological and science fiction in nature, as well as my favorite authority figure. She invariably referred to him as &quot,s-other-nephew had started school on the same day as I did and had taken to it like a duck to water, until I was above John Bullyer. She was always free with smiles, I worked with intensity at my craft: She was also aunt to John Bullyer, while I was practically slamming my head against a wall trying to learn percentages, things that would take men high up into the sky. After some analysis of my personality, words of praise, I began at last to look round for something that I could do well. They told of ro he was dealing expertly with advanced math. By word of mouth during the holidays, minding nothing else.
Probably hundreds of comparisons were made before I
sos visits, the son of her sister who lived in Gloucestershire.
Aunt Carrie was my favorite relative
the son of her sister who lived in Gloucestershire1、When I discovered that I could write well.began at last to look round for something that I could do well.;s-other-nephew .宾语从句7.;s-other-nephew had started school on the same day as I did and had taken to it like a duck to water.., 是插入语8...,minding nothing else现在分词作伴随状语12...
the son of her sister 是John Bullyer的同位语.,.
which引导定语从句.,has been 现在完成时4.
because引导原因状语 9, minding nothing else.、She was also aunt to John Bullyer、My first day.but it is true to say that he did more to shape my life than any other person..
that I remember with any clarity 是主语从句..., I worked with intensity at my craft.、, on the other hand, .
on the other hand..things that would take men high up into the sky.., because she was always comparing the two of us..and is largely responsible for the shyness which has been a handicap to me、The first that I remember with any clarity was that Little-John-Aunt-Carrie&#39..;s visits.
When引导时间状语从句,who lived in Gloucestershire是John Bullyer的定语从句5., before引导时间状语6..、Probably hundreds of comparisons were made before I became aware of them..
were made是hundreds of comparisons的定语, was disastrous..
that 引导定语从句11...、By word of mouth 口口相传10.、 I began to dread Aunt Carrie&#39、, that Little-John-Aunt-Carrie&#39.、John Bullyer and I met for the first time when we were both in our early sixties、
shape my life
be responsible for
as well as
referred to
advance in
be aware of
leape out of
an extension of
出门在外也不愁请英语达人来点评一下这篇作文,这是一篇高中生作文,要纠正一下语法或拼写错误,并写出需要改进的地方Dear Sir and Madam :My name is Li Hua,I am a student of your school summer camp ,My aim to write this letter is that I want to make an appointment with the learning center .The reason are as follow .First ,As a Chinese ,We have the different cooking style ,It appears to the Chinese ,We should eat hot food and soup .but in England .I only eat bread .because the food is so cold Second I hope you can give me an accurate account of How to use the library computer .There is a confusing for me.The Monday afternoon and Friday is suitable for me to meet you for another ,if you are OK,Please call me :****.Looking forward to your reply!YoursLi Hua
Dear Sir and Madam :I am Li Hua ,also a student of your school camp .Writting this letter is because i want to make an appointment with the learning center.Here are my reasons .Firstly ,as a chinese ,we have different cooking styles .It's normal for the chinese that we eat hot food and soup .But in England ,I only eat bread because the food is so cold .Secondly ,I hope you can give me an accurate ways of how to use an library computer.There is a problem (which)confused me.If you are convenient ,could you help me Monday afternoon and Friday is available for me ,please call me .毕竟是求人家办事,语气委婉点,是要你来配合人家时间的.你的语法和拼写都有很多错误,不懂得对照过之后再问吧
扫描下载二维码请帮我批改一下这篇英语短文,语法上有错误的地方都找出来~...What I finally to do was to copy other people.I quickly looked around the customers who sat next to me.I found that they all used knives with left hands and used forks with right hands.So I did that,too.And then,I saw a man just sat there use the largest knife to cut the beef and started at the outside and worked in.I learned to copy him.Then I have learned it,too.So this problem have solved quickly.Now,I find that whatever how the problem is big,there must be a way to solve it.
下面是修改过的有错误的句子:What I finally
did was to copy other people.And then,I saw a man just sat there using the largest knife to cut the beef and started from the outside and worked inside.Then I had learned it,tooSo this problem was solved quickly.Now, I find that however big the problem is ,there must be a way to solve it.
扫描下载二维码高分悬赏 求帮我看个英语作文 找下里面的语法错误 我知道很多 但麻烦大家了 马上四级了很着急 像这_百度知道
高分悬赏 求帮我看个英语作文 找下里面的语法错误 我知道很多 但麻烦大家了 马上四级了很着急 像这
找下里面的语法错误&nbsp.jpg" target="_blank" title="点击查看大图" class="ikqb_img_alink">&nbsp.求帮我看个英语作文&/zhidao/pic/item/aecbd44a98226cffc17bd.jpg" esrc="http://c.com/zhidao/wh%3D450%2C600/sign=a9b4f32cbf99a8abd5ad6eddc4e75e9bc33edbb6fd;像这样的作文能得多少分呀<a href="/zhidao/wh%3D450%2C600/sign=/zhidao/pic/item/0ff41bd5ad6eddc4e75e9bc33edbb6fd.
let sb do sth
they do not ask him drectly


