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The Baby Boomer Generation is a source for trends, research, comment and discussion of and by people born from 1946 - 1964.
Covering issues on the Boomer Generation including original content for Boomers,
bulletin boards, user comments, Sixties and Seventies music, Baby Boomer culture, health and coverage of issues for "Aging Hipsters."
September 19, 2013
Boomer Women, Will We All Be Bag Ladies?
I thought it was my private dirty secret, the fear that I would end my days as a bag lady, stockings rolled down around my ankles, sitting on a curb and yelling at passers-by. But according to
in the New York Time's Magazine, a survey by a life insurance company found that nearly half of all American women share that same fear.
I don't know whether to feel relief in a shared irrational fear or sadness that it's especially rampant among Baby Boomer women. We are the generation, after all, that was raised on a mixed message: as a female, you can be anything you want. You can grow up to be a doctor, lawyer, Indian chief. However, you don't really need to prepare for a professional future since you'll probably be a housewife and mother. I've carried around the bag-lady-to-be persona buried deep inside for a long time,
although she really started screaming for attention when I got divorced and realized I was one good divorce lawyer away from sleeping in my car. I exaggerate, but you get the point. Based on Schwarzbaum's recap of Woody Allen's new movie, Blue Jasmine, I'm considering
gathering a coterie of baby boomer women friends to see it together, but we might just run
screaming from the theater. Ladies, fess up please--anyone else share this nagging nightmare?
- Friday, May 21, 2010 If you haven't seen Ari Seth Cohen's Advanced Style blog yet, you're in for a treat. Older women rock--but we already knew that. One of the best parts of getting older just might be giving a giant finger to fashion... - Monday, July 21, 2008 I just returned from San Francisco where I attended the BlogHer conference at the request of a client. Over the weekend I met, or at least was in the same room as, maybe 1000 women bloggers. Yeah--there's a boatload of... - Monday, February 20, 2006 There was an interesting article by Mary Tannen in the NY Times Magazine a few weeks ago about how the fashion and cosmetics industries are starting to put their marketing where the money is: women over 40. M.A.C. Cosmetics, Dior,...
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August 27, 2013
Boomers Still Screwed
How many times have we heard this story? But sadly, it's still news.
Read Michael Winerip's New York Times story on .
- Saturday, April
1, 2006 I'm getting a strong dose of Genx lit these days...and I'm loving it. Even if you hardly actually know any 30-somethings and your kids are too young and you're too old, "Hypocrite in a Pouffy White Dress: Tales of Growing... - Saturday, April
7, 2007 According to a survey by the Scripps Howard News Service and Ohio University, Boomers have more fun and better music than generations on either side of us. OK, we may not be the most generous, but 44% of respondents said... - Thursday, January 29, 2009 We've enjoyed Michael Winerip's Parenting column in the New York Times, mainly because his kids are relatively close in age to ours, so we were sad to see it end. But wait! He's back! And now he's writing boomers....
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Silver Threads
features an exhibit by photographer, Vicki Topaz, of magnificent silver-haired women. Women who also have something to say about their gray.
I go back and forth on the issue. I love my natural-born color and would be sorry to see it go. But going it is and I've artfully hidden the gray strand by strand. But it's a pain in the neck. It's time-consuming. And it reminds me of my grandmother, who died an improbable shade of blonde in her 90's.
So, ladies, what's your stand on silver? Men, let's hear your take, too.
- Wednesday, May
- Sunday, April 15, 2007 By Anja Merret Well they are not silver coloured alians who balance on surfboards off the coast of California or Australia. A company called AXA has produced findings in a survey that states that OAPs (What an expression - it...
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January 21, 2013
A Boomer's Yearly Audit
Each year when my birthday rolls around, I do a little accounting, or, as the Indigo Girls say, "every five years or so I look back on my life and have a good laugh." 60, 61, 62, 63...big freakin' numbers.
Some of us struggle with it, some celebrate it. What are your coping strategies--or joyful noises--as these birthdays tick by? In the meantime, my favorite birthday song.
- Thursday, December 30, 2004 A dear friend of ours has her own unique solution to the world's ills. It's simple, it's inexpensive, and I believe it may catch on. And, as Edith Wharton said, "If only we'd stop trying to be happy we'd have... - Monday, October 31, 2005 One of us just turned fifty and, of course, needed a landmark occasion to celebrate a landmark event. Or should I say 'landmine' event? Did he want a red Ferrari or a trophy bimbo? No. Did he dye his hair... - Thursday, July
3, 2008 If there's one thing that can remind us how time flies and yet how some things seem to stand still, it's a local community tradition. For us, it's our annual July 4th carnival, a major fundraiser for our volunteer fire...
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December 18, 2012
Boomers Abroad
We don't all have to wither up and move to Florida. And, in fact, many of us couldn't afford to anyway. But, taking a page from , there are
that can quite literally expand your horizons.
By the way, The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel is a wonderful movie, whether you're a doddering Boomer or not.
We're never too old for adventure, change, romance or heartbreak for that matter.
- Friday, February 26, 2010 Are baby boomers finding fulfillment in less material, less consumerist ways because we want to...or because we have to? Are you buying a Porsche or learning how to throw pots? This article in the Leader-Post explores how baby boomers are... - Wednesday, March 22, 2006 According to this release by Gary Pettis, Boomers who either must or want to continue working after so-called retirement age will need to be creative in carving out new roles. And it may not necessarily be Gen-X we're competing against,... - Friday, July
4, 2003 One of the interesting results of being listed high in the search engines is that we receive all sorts of requests, marketing come-ons, and offers to affiliate with sites from Tonga to Staten Island. Naturally, dear readers, we protect you...
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Boomers Blowin' Smoke
If is to be believed, we Boomers should probably not be smoking pot. First of all, it actually is stronger than in our day--about 10% THC, compared to 2-3% in the 60's.
Also, our aging bodies may have a bunch of ailments, for which pot is not a benefit, such as high blood pressure and cardiac issues. As our medicine chests fill with pills for this and that, pot may also be contraindicated with other medications.
Apparently that hasn't stopped us: marijuana use in adults has been increasing steadily.
Who can blame us? Ravaged retirement benefits, unemployment, aging symptoms, life in general--sometimes we just need a little recreational relief. Of course, pot also has proven benefits in cancer treatment and other illnesses.
Are you still toking? Or lighting up again after a few decades of responsible adulthood?
- Friday, June
In case you're wondering about the dearth of fresh content here lately, there's a perfectly good explanation. One of us has just quit smoking after 38 years and had neither the patience nor concentration to sit at the computer... - Saturday, April
1, 2006 I'm getting a strong dose of Genx lit these days...and I'm loving it. Even if you hardly actually know any 30-somethings and your kids are too young and you're too old, "Hypocrite in a Pouffy White Dress: Tales of Growing... - Saturday, April
7, 2007 According to a survey by the Scripps Howard News Service and Ohio University, Boomers have more fun and better music than generations on either side of us. OK, we may not be the most generous, but 44% of respondents said...
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November 24, 2012
Take a Hike, Find Joy
Wondering what to do with new-found time?
You don't have to be an Appalachian Trail through-hiker to experience the . The 6800 miles of cross-country trail is designed to allow hiking, biking or horseback riding for small chunks of time, linking up to small town, parks, cities and wilderness areas.
One Boomer couple did 5,000 miles over a year, with the simple cause of Kindness.
describes the many acts of kindness they experienced on their journey.
There were -- as saying:
"Baby boomers form a new demographic for those experiencing financial difficulties," writes Sinclair. "Many baby boomers have lost their jobs to a younger work force and can no longer find comparable employment...Tap into your passion. Maybe you won't regain the same level of economic success, but you just might stumble on the key to happiness...or kindness."
- Saturday, April 10, 2004 I'm particularly disturbed by the Dean Martin hand puppet. I always thought it was Jack Daniels was contro now I know the truth. Disturbing Auctions is a pallette of the auction absurd. Here's the site description: "A... - Thursday, August 11, 2005 Why Hair Turns Gray - Monday, May
According to this article in the Seattle Times, it's not late to join the Peace Corps. In fact, they are actively recruiting gray hairs like us, in part because we've already developed specialized skills and valuable experience. If you...
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September 14, 2012
Cindi Gallup Says 'Make Love, Not Porn'
And by 'cougar,' we mean 'baby boomer.'
- Saturday, June 30, 2007 My mother once said, after hearing I had waited on line two days for Rolling Stones tickets, "Someday this will embarrass you." What she meant, I suppose, was that someday almost everything we thought, felt, or did back then would... - Tuesday, September 14, 2004 And we thought we were paranoid. Aging hipsters aren't the only ones feeling the wrath of later generations. This columnist from the Richmond Times Dispatch also seems to think that the only recourse left is to pick our ice floes... - Sunday, December 16, 2007 It's been too sad around here lately to update the site. Several weeks ago, a terrific golden boy--19 years old--was killed in a car crash in Yellowstone. He was my son's best friend, a musician, surfer, lover of mountains, funny,...
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August 28, 2012
Sex Over 50
Why you're not having sex:
, there are specific reasons baby boomers aren't having sex.
Although one has to ask, who says boomers aren't having sex?
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August 13, 2012
So, What's Daryl Hall Been Up To?
If you only think of Daryl Hall as the good looking one in the boomer-era duo, you haven't been keeping up. Check out his web show, , where he hangs out with and plays with a wildly diverse collection of musicians--everyone from Smokey Robinson, Keb Mo and Todd Rundgren to a bunch of younger artists you might not have heard of. Great listening and watching!
- Wednesday, January 29, 2003 OK--first imagine this. You're off to a day at a museum. You approach an imposing angled and jutting glass building-You cross a stone esplanade flanked by the usual plantings, the usual signage, the usual strategically placed stone seating areas. -could... - Wednesday, August 10, 2005 A few weeks ago, the New York Times Book Review ran an essay by A. O. Scott critiquing " books about, inspired by or making reference to Bruce Springsteen.' It was a good article for Bruce fans who don't mind...
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