pennant 和pension plan的p...

Pennant | Definition of Pennant by Merriam-Webster
: a long, thin, pointed flag
baseball : the prize that is awarded to the champions of the American League and the National League each year
Source: Merriam-Webster's Learner's Dictionary
Full Definition of pennant
any of various nautical flags tapering usually to a point or swallowtail and used for identification or signaling b
a flag or banner longer in the f especially
one that tapers to a point2
a flag emblematic of championship (as in a professional baseball league); also
the championship itself
defined for English-language learners
defined for kids
Examples of pennant in a sentence
pennants waving atop the towerThe Red Sox won the American League pennant in 2004.
Origin and Etymology of pennant
alteration of pendant
First Known Use: 1698
Related to pennant
(or ), , , , , ,
(also ) [chiefly British], , , , Related Words , ; , , , , ; , ,
(or ), ; , , ,
Rhymes with pennant
PENNANT Defined for Kids
a narrow pointed flag used for identification, signaling, or decoration 2
a flag that serves as the emblem of a championship
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