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简明英汉词典fun[fQn], 玩笑, 嬉笑, 有趣的人或事物vi.开玩笑adj.供娱乐用的美国传统词典[双解]funfunAHD:[f?n] D.J.[f(n]K.K.[f(n]n.(名词)(1)A source of enjoyment, amusement, or pleasure.娱乐活动:给人以娱乐、享受或快乐的活动(2)E amusement:愉快;开心:have fun at the beach.在海滩玩得很开心(3)Playful, often noisy, activity.嬉闹,嬉戏:好玩的、经常喧闹的活动v.intr.(不及物动词)funned, fun.ning, funs【非正式用语】 T joke.嬉闹;开玩笑<td width=rmal (形容词)【非正式用语】 E amusing:使人愉快的;开心的:“You're a real fun guy”(Margaret Truman)“你真是个有趣的人”(玛格丽特?杜鲁门)习惯用语for fun或in funA playfully.寻找乐趣:开玩笑的;滑稽可笑的语源(1)Possibly from fon [to make a fool of] 可能源自 fon [开…的玩笑] (2)from Middle English fonnen [to fool] 源自 中古英语 fonnen [愚弄] (3)possibly from fonne [fool] 可能源自 fonne [傻子] 用法(1)The use of fun as an attributive adjective, as in a fun time, a fun place, most likely originated in a playful reanalysis of the use of the word in sentences such as It is fun to ski, where fun behaves syntactically like an adjective such as amusing or swell. The usage became popular in the 1950's and 1960's, though there is some evidence to suggest that it has 19th-century antecedents. Certainly the sense of this word makes it particularly susceptible to jocular treatment. But as with other such reanalyses (for example, in the expression a whole 'nother ), the usage appears to have persisted after the original flavor had been lost. Thus there is no intimation of humorous intent in a press release that announces: fun 作为定语形容词使用, 如一段愉快的时光,一个娱乐场所, 极有可能源于对此词在某些句中用法的玩笑性再分析,如滑雪真好玩 从句法功能来讲, fun 在这里的用法象 amusing 或 swell 之类的形容词。 尽管有证据表明19世纪就出现这种用法了,但开始变得流行却在19世纪50,60年代。当然,此词的这层含义尤令人怀疑对方是否在打趣。但正如其他这类再分析词(例如,在句子a whole 'nother 中一样), 此用法在最初的含义都失去之后,还一直坚持使用下来。因此当报界发布以下消息时就从中找不出任何滑稽意味了:The corporation believes that a spelling bee is a fun way to emphasize the critical importance of good basic communication skills in America's workplace. 公司认为拼字比赛是强调美国工作场所中良好而起码的交际本领的重要性的一种有趣可行的手段。 (2)The day may come when this usage is entirely unremarkable, just as the word talkative has lost all taint of its originally jocular formation from the attachment of a Latinate suffix to a native Anglo-Saxon root. At present, however, the attributive use of fun may still raise eyebrows, and writers who want to stay on the safe side are advised to avoid it in contexts in which a light tone would not be appropriate.也许总有一天,这一用法会变得完全不引人注意了,正如单词talkative 在其拉丁语后缀与盎格鲁-撒克逊语词根组成词时该词有打趣的意味,但现在已失去其所具有的本义了。 然而,现在使用fun 做定语仍有可能导致误解, 而为保险起见的作家也都会避免在与轻松的语调显得不太协调的行文中使用该词现代英汉词典fun[fQn]n.(1)嬉戏;顽皮The little dog's full of fun.这小狗很顽皮。(2)娱乐;乐趣Have fun at the party tonight.今晚的晚会上玩得很开心。There's no fun in spending the whole evening playing cards.整个晚上打朴克牌没有意思。(3)玩笑He's fond of fun.他喜欢玩笑。习惯用语for fun当作玩笑;不是认真的 (= for the fun of the thing)"Mr Alexander doesn' in fact, writing is his bread and butter.""亚历山大从事写作不是为了好玩,事实上写作是他的谋生之道。"function[5fQNkF(E)n]n.(1)职责,职能;功能;作用The function of a chairman is to lead and control meetings.主席的职责是引导并控制会议。The function of an adjective is to describe or add to the meaning of a noun.形容词的作用就是修饰名词。(2)庆祝典礼;重大集会This hall may be hired for weddings and other functions.这个大厅可租来举行婚礼或其他集会。(3)与其他因素有密切关系的事(4)函数In x=5y, x is a function of y.在 x=5y 中, x 是 y 的函数。词性变化functionvi.活动;运行;发挥作用My pen does not function very well.我的笔书写得不太流利。The old machine won't function properly if you don't oil it regularly.那台旧机器如果不经常加油是不能正常运转的。The machine tool does not function properly.这台机床有点毛病。现代英汉综合大辞典fun[fQn]n.(1)玩笑, 嬉戏; 娱乐, 乐趣(2)有趣的人[事物](3)具有兴趣的或紧张的场面be fond of fun爱闹着玩be full of fun很好玩; 极有趣Her baby is great fun.她的婴儿很好玩。I dont see the fun of doing that.我并不觉得那样做有甚么好玩的。词性变化fun[fQn]vi.( funning) [口]开玩笑; 说笑He was just funning.他是在开玩笑。fun[fQn]adj.(1)供娱乐用的; 为玩玩用的(2)有趣的; 奇妙的Fun City游乐城(纽约市的别号)a fun person一个有趣的人fun fur(供非正式场合穿着的)低廉毛皮(人造毛皮)外衣fun house游乐园(由各种玩乐设备组成的游乐场所)继承用法funabout[`fQnE9baJt]n.游乐用小汽车funfairn.[主英](1)游艺集市(2)露天游乐场funster[`fQnstE(r)]n.[美]爱逗人笑的人, 幽默家, 喜剧演员习惯用语all the fun of the fair(1)所有的玩艺儿[乐趣](2)一股脑儿在内do not see the fun of不懂得...的趣味, 不以为有趣for fun开玩笑, 不是认真的in fun开玩笑, 不是认真的for the fun of it为了取乐[好玩, 消遣]for the fun of the thing为了取乐[好玩, 消遣]good fun有趣的人[事物]great fun有趣的人[事物]have fun (=do a bit of fun)作乐, 玩乐; 寻欢作乐(特指性交)have rare fun玩得非常愉快, 尽量快乐like fun(1)[口]有力地; 迅速地; 完全地, 彻底地(2)[美俚]决不会, 靠不住, 才怪呢make fun of sb.嘲弄; 取笑poke fun at嘲弄; 取笑not see the fun(1)看不出有什么乐趣的地方(2)缺乏幽默感What fun !多么有趣。fun and games(1)[口]欢乐, 开玩笑(2)(男女之间)动手动脚; 拥抱; 性交(3)[讽]非常困难的任务用法词典fun来自中古英语fonne愚蠢,笨拙参考词汇(1)fun,game,sport,match我们把这四个词分成两组来讨论。(2)fun 是口语常用词,常见习语有make fun of 开玩笑,逗趣;in (for)fun 取笑地,非认真地We are making fun of him.我们在和他开玩笑。I said it only for (in) fun.我是说着玩的。(3)game 在表示“比赛”时,包含着“娱乐”的意思,a game是“一次比赛”或“一局(排球等)”。而games可以表示田径项目的运动会。如Olympic Games.game与fun的含义相同,但使用范围较小。make game of不怀好意地取笑别人Few people ever noticed him,and those that did tended to make game of him.很少有人理睬他,而凡是理睬他的都倾向于恶意地捉弄他。A game that is very popular with these young swimmers is the underwater tricycle race.这些幼小的游泳运动员非常喜爱的一项运动就是水下三轮车比赛。The Olympic Games will be held in our country in four year's time.四年后奥林匹克运动会将在我国举行。For he brought science to the game.因为他把科学引入了这项运动。(4)sport在表示“运动”时,亦包含着“娱乐”。sport 的单数形式为一种运动,复数形式为各种运动,但sport(s)总表示户外运动。Fishing is my favourite sport.钓鱼是我最喜欢的娱乐。He made sport of my mistake.他把我的错误当作笑柄来取笑。I said it in sport only.我只是说着玩的。Mendoza did much to change crude prize fighting into a sport.为了把粗野的职业拳击变成一项运动,门杜萨作出了许多贡献。(5)match 表示“比赛”。但它包含“匹敌”的意思Boxing matches were very popular in England two hundred years ago.两百年前拳击比赛在英国就很盛行。英文相关词典funamusement&&&&enjoyment&&&&entertainment&&&&joking&&&&pleasure&&&&sport&&&&美国传统词典funfunAHD:[f?n] D.J.[f(n]K.K.[f(n]n.(1)A source of enjoyment, amusement, or pleasure.(2)E amusement:have fun at the beach.(3)Playful, often noisy, activity.v.intr.funned, fun.ning, funsInformal T joke.<td width=rmal E amusing:“You're a real fun guy”(Margaret Truman)习惯用语for funorin funA playfully.语源(1)Possibly from fon [to make a fool of] (2)from Middle English fonnen [to fool] (3)possibly from fonne [fool] 用法(1)The use of fun as an attributive adjective, as in a fun time, a fun place, most likely originated in a playful reanalysis of the use of the word in sentences such as It is fun to ski, where fun behaves syntactically like an adjective such as amusing or swell. The usage became popular in the 1950's and 1960's, though there is some evidence to suggest that it has 19th-century antecedents. Certainly the sense of this word makes it particularly susceptible to jocular treatment. But as with other such reanalyses (for example, in the expression a whole 'nother ), the usage appears to have persisted after the original flavor had been lost. Thus there is no intimation of humorous intent in a press release that announces: The corporation believes that a spelling bee is a fun way to emphasize the critical importance of good basic communication skills in America's workplace. (2)The day may come when this usage is entirely unremarkable, just as the word talkative has lost all taint of its originally jocular formation from the attachment of a Latinate suffix to a native Anglo-Saxon root. At present, however, the attributive use of fun may still raise eyebrows, and writers who want to stay on the safe side are advised to avoid it in contexts in which a light tone would not be appropriate.英汉化学大词典fun n.玩笑,娱乐,趣事;vt.开玩笑 英汉计算机大词典fun n.玩笑(娱乐,趣事);vt.开玩笑 英汉建筑大词典fun n.玩笑,乐趣 航空英语缩写词典FUNFUNAFUTI 富纳富提(图瓦卢)英汉心理学大词典fun 乐趣
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按要写how fun
如:We had a fun night in the club. 我们在俱乐部度过了一个欢乐的夜晚。


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