RTA翻译成中文 id是什么么意思

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bar stool是什么意思
中文翻译百科解释吧台椅吧椅;酒吧高脚凳酒吧凳酒吧高凳酒吧高脚椅酒吧间的圆凳酒吧座椅:&&&&n. 1.棒,杆,条;棒状物。 2.横木,闩。 3.栅栏 ...:&&&&n. 1.凳子;搁脚凳。 2.座位,席位。 3.便桶;厕 ...
例句与用法1.He took his seat on a tall bar stool at the extreme left of the bar .他在酒店左边尽头那高凳子上坐下。2.Product information : bar stools , chairs , dinette sets , kitchen stools , rta furniture , wooden stools主营产品:酒吧凳子,椅子,小餐室的餐桌和椅子,厨房凳子,和木制凳子等家具。 3.Product information : bar stools , chairs , dinette sets , folding furniture , kitchen stools , lifestyle furniture , rta furniture , tables , wooden stools主营产品:主要经营椅子,凳子,小餐室桌椅,可折叠家具,厨房用品,生活家具,餐桌和木制椅子等家具
相邻词汇热门词汇近义词:announce宣布promote促进publicize宣传push推broadcast广播publish出版proclaim正式宣布market市场present礼物notify通知make known发表make public曝光trumpet喇叭shout out大声喊叫 ......attention注意call呼叫to对于call attention to引起对 ... 的注意...bill帐单publicly公开地recommend推荐advertize做广告pronounce发音publicise宣传declare宣布(声明)...词源解说:十五世纪早期进入英语,直接源自中世纪法语的advertiss,意为警告;最初源自拉丁语的advertere,意为朝向。词语用法:advertise指“广告,宣传”,advertise for指“用广告征求”。The shop advertises its wares.这个商店宣传自己的货物。We have advertised for a secondhand motor-car.我们用广告征求一辆二手摩托车。advertise不一定指“预备出卖”,He did his best to advertise himself.他努力使自己引起他人注意。句中他没有“推销自己”,要把自己卖出去的意思。v.(动词)advertise是英式拼法; 在美国多数人也写成advertise,少数人则把它拼写成advertize。advertise主要用作及物动词,接名词作宾语,表示“登广告推销某物”。如表示“登广告以求…”,则须接介词for。advertise也可接that从句。advertise接反身代词作宾语时并不表示“登广告出卖自己”,而是“吹嘘自己”或“努力使别人注意自己”。在书面语体中advertise有较强的贬义,意为“卖弄”。advertise也可用于表示通过媒体向公众“通知”,“通告”,口语中也可表示“向外张扬”。经典引文:We are advertis'd..That they do hold their course toward Tewksbury.出自:3 Henry VI,Shakespeare相关词条:
车子过户件上所有数字了,是要输入Driver licence number。请问RTA登录的那个用户名究竟是什么?求解。可是国际翻译驾照是直接身份证号码,问题出现了,我试过我翻译件,都不行RTA的官网,那个number是要八位数字
如果你只是拿中国驾照翻译后在澳洲开车,如果你是澳洲驾照这个号码应该和你驾照号相同的,而自己并没有注册任何车辆在你名下,车辆注册蓝纸上面就有一个8位的ref编号. 如果你在澳洲有注册车辆,也就是说开别人的车,那么你的资料在RTA是没有编号的。2,罚单只能寄到车辆登记地址或是当场开罚单时候警察询问你的地址1
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例句与用法1.The sto tdiuz y about the six - storeyed dormitory aud lls a glorious history关于六层楼宿舍的故事讲述一段光荣历史。 2.Notes for the lls and tenants房东房客必读3.This article introduces the constitution of hubei power lightning location system ( lls ) , its communication mode among three parts and the maintenance on its communication in details摘要介绍了湖北电力雷电定位系统的组成以及3大部分之间具体的通信方式,并对通信部分的维护进行了详细的说明。 4.As her first husband isnt going to be the person to father lls children and take care of her for the next 40 years or so , he could at least help to find someone else to do the job因为她的第一任丈夫不能成为可爱的露辛达孩子们的爹,而且也不能在未来40年左右的时间里照顾她,他至少可以帮她找其他什么人做这项工作。 5.Ricin toxin has wide - range anti - tumor spectrum . however , because rta has no selectivity , it can damge normal ce lls too . these years , ricin and it ' s a chain ( rta ) have been used to conjugate with monoclonal antibody to prepare immunotoxins ( its )近年来,蓖麻毒a链可以与单克隆抗体相交联而制备免疫毒素( immunotoxin , it ) ,免疫毒素既具有强大的肿瘤杀伤作用,同时又有抗体的特异性,可以将毒素分子靶向运送到肿瘤细胞,以减少对正常细胞的损伤。 6.By using laser light scattering ( lls ) and scanning electron microscopy ( sem ) , the particle sizes of ultrafine silicon dioxide diminish and the congeries dispersibility were obviously improved , which shows that the hydrophobic property of ultrafine silicon dioxide after being modified has been much more strengthened , this surface modification provides wide market to reuse ultrafine silicon dioxide waste material表明超细二氧化硅颗粒表面键合了疏水性有机分子链,蔬水性增强,达到了改性目的,为超细二氧化硅废料的回收利用提供了广阔的市场。 7.The present study is an attempt to make an empirical research into the differences in the use of language learning strategies ( lls ) among the minority nationality students - english majors and non - english majors and the correlations thereof in contrast with 223 han nationality students and 21 teachers摘要以少数民族学生英语专业本科学生89人,专科199人和非英语专业本科学生270人,专科学生542人为对象,并以汉族大学生223人,教师21人作为对比分析,对他们之间的英语学习策略的差异及相关性进行了实证性研究。
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例句与用法1.In this assay , a tetrazolium salt ( mtt ) is converted to a blue formazan product by enzymes active only in living cells . the amount of formazan produced can be quantitated using a microtitre plate readerRta一yqrl蛋白的细胞毒性约为rra蛋白的2一40倍,提示高尔基体可能是毒素在细胞内转运过程中的重要一环。 2.Our results indicate that the solvent extraction and spectrophotometric quantification of formazan has potential utility as an objective way to index ogd - induced injury of brain slices , it is a simple and reliable method for screening neuroprotective drugs提示了本实验首次建立的分光光度法检测hc还原产物来评价大鼠海马脑片的缺氧缺糖性损伤的方法,是一种简便快速、切实可行的方法,可用于评价神经保护药物的作用。 3.In vitro injury models of brain slice ( ogd and nmda insult ) and primary neuronal cultures ( nmda insult ) oxygen / glucose deprivation ( ogd ) - induced injury of rat hippocampal slice in vitro the rat hippocampal slices prepared were allowed to recover in the normal artificial cerebrospinal fluid ( acsf ) bubbled with gas mixture of 95 % o2 + 5 % co2 for 1 h , then they were thansfered to glucose - free nacsf which was bubbled with gas mixture of 95 % n2 + 5 % co2 . after treatment with ogd , the slices were placed into 2 % ttc solution in dark and incubated at 37 * cfor 1h . the slices were weighted and a 50 : 50 mixture of ethanol / dimethyl sulfoxide was then added to extract the formazan in dark for 24 h离体脑片损伤模型( ogd和nmda )及原代培养神经元nmda损伤大鼠离体海马脑片缺氧缺糖( ogd )损伤大鼠离体海马脑片制备后,在通氧混合气的正常脑脊液( nacsf )中恢复60min ,然后移入通氮混合气的无糖脑脊液(吵化sf )中缺氧缺糖,取出脑片与2 ttc避光37 ’ c温浴60dll ,染色后根据每克湿重加入20ml抽提液(乙醇:二甲亚矾一50 : 50 ) ,在密闭容器内避光置24h ,测量前摇匀后取200pi至96孔板,在490urn波长,酶标仪测定各孔od值。


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