have you decidedd 的意思

decide是什么意思 decide在线翻译 decide什么意思 decide的意思 decide的翻译 decide的解释 decide的发音 decide的同义词 decide的反义词 decide的例句
decide[di'said]第三人称单数: ; 动词过去式: ; 过去分词: ; 现在分词: ; decide 基本解释vt. 决定, 判决vi. 决定, 判决decide 例句vt.1. What was it that finally decided you to give up your plan?& & 是什么最后使你决定放弃你的计划的?2. The matter has been decided.& & 这件事已解决。3. They decided that John must stay there.& & 他们决定约翰必须留在那里。4. He decided to go himself.& & 他决定亲自去。vi.1. As to where to go, they haven't decided yet.& & 至于去哪里,他们还没有决定。decide 同义词v.
decide 反义词vt.
decide 网络解释1. 决定& & 但是仍旧没有足够的食物和药品保证动物的健康&,这两句话之间是转折关系,故选B. 43. C. 经过挑选,作者一家最后 &决定&(decide)收养两只小猫. advise&建议&;apply&申请&;require&要求&. 2. 定& & 美、日决议草案中只是&决定&(decide)禁止出口导弹配件、技术等,具有约束力. 如果美、日决议草案获得通过,联合国安理会就会立即设置监督决议案遵守情况的制裁委员会. 3. 決& & 在刑事案件中,有罪无罪由陪审团作出结论,而量刑则是法官的权力;在民事案件中,陪审团对事实加以认定(find),法官就原告胜诉或败诉的金钱数额作出相应判决(decide)以为执行依据. 4. 确定& & 5.确定(Decide)最佳可选方案. 7.判定(Determine)决策优劣,然后持续进行. 管理者很难每次都经过完整的七个步骤来制定决策. 有时候,决策必须在只有很少的信息的情况下立即进行. 当面对各种不同的环境时,管理者必须做出良好决策. decide 网络例句1. If you can't decide... & &如果你不能决定。。。2. If you want to, you decide. & &如果你想要到,你决定。3. To decide. It's up to YOU. & &这是你的决定。4. I can`t decide what to do. & &我不知道该做什么。5. I'll let you know what I decide. & &我将让你知道我决定的。6. I don't know. You decide. & &我不知道。你决定7. I'll tell you what I decide. & &我会告诉你我的决定。decide 情景会话1. 学校&&B: I’m trying to decide (what school to go to/ what to major in/ what classes to take).&&&&&&我在考虑(读哪个学校/学什么专业/读哪个班)?&&A: What are you interested in?&&&&&&你的兴趣是什么?2. Apply for a school-(申请学校)&&A: I’m trying to decide what school to apply for.&&&&&&我在考虑申请哪一所学校。&&B: Are you thinking about a public school or a private one?&&&&&&是上公立学校还是私立学校?&&A: I’m not sure. What’s the difference between them?&&&&&&我也不知道。有什么区别?&&B: Public schools are usually state funded, whereas private schools usually get their funding elsewhere.&&&&&&公立学校通常是州政府投资办学,而私立学校通常是通过其他方式筹集资金。&&A: Which is better?&&&&&&那么哪一个更好呢?&&B: One isn’t necessarily better than the other. It depends a lot on the school administration and the teachers.&&&&&&不是一所就比另外一所好。这跟学校的管理和师资有很大关系。&&A: I hear you have to wear unifomp3s at private schools.&&&&&&我听说私立学校要穿校服。&&B: Yeah, sometimes.&&&&&&是,有时候是这样。3. Bob on the Telephone-(鲍勃在打电话)&&A: Hello, Pete. This is Bob. How are you?&&&&&&你好,皮特,我是鲍勃,你怎么样?&&B: Oh, I'm fine.&&&&&&啊,我很好。&&A: Where were you this afternoon? You missed an important lecture.Not sick, I hope.&&&&&&今天下午你在哪儿?你错过了一堂重要课。我想你没生病吧?&&B: No.&&&&&&没有。&&A: That's good. The next time you decide to skip class, check with me first.It wouldn't do for both of us to be absent.We need at least one complete set of notes.&&&&&&那很好,下次你决定要逃课的话,先告诉我一下。我们两人都缺席不太好。我们至少应有一套完整的笔记。&&B: OK.&&&&&&好的。&&A: By the way, are you still in timewasting mood?&&&&&&顺便问问你,你现在还是觉得无聊吗?&&B: Yeah,a little.&&&&&&有点。&&A: Good. Why don't you come over after supper?Joe's off somewhere with date, and I don't feel much like working.&&&&&&好,晚饭后你来好吗?乔出去约会了,而我不大想工作了。&&B: How about eight o'clock?&&&&&&八点左右来怎样?&&A: Well. And bring some records over, why don't you?&&&&&&好极了!带一些唱片来好吗?&&B: Okay. See you then. Goodbye.&&&&&&好,到时见,再见。从 decide 开始单词接龙选择难度小学英语初中英语高中英语大学英语出国英语考试英语decide是什么意思,decide在线翻译,decide什么意思,decide的意思,decide的翻译,decide的解释,decide的发音,decide的同义词,decide的反义词,decide的例句,decide的相关词组,decide意思是什么,decide怎么翻译,单词decide是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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&2015  京ICP备号-6 [di'said ?n]
[d?'sa?d ɑn]
1. Vietnam is trying to decide on its course for the future.
2. Let's put our heads together and decide on a plan of action.
3. If the answer is "yes", then we must decide on an appropriate course of action.
4. We'll decide on our team as and when we qualify for the competition.
5. Little boys, being what they are, might decide to play on it.
决定;选定 If you decide on something or decide upon something, you choose it from two or more possibilities.&
【语法信息】:V P n
After leaving university, Therese decided on a career in publishing.
1. 就…做出决定, 决定要
Peter decided on a blue sweater.
OK, I have decided on buying the jacket.How much is it?
好吧, 我已经决定买这件夹克衫了。多少钱?
He has decided on where to go.
Have you decided on where you'll spend your holidays?
The second course was decided on.
When I was 17, I opened an inviting letter that decided me on my choice of colleges.
我17岁时接到一封邀请函, 这封信对我选择什么样的大学起了决定性作用。
大学英语四级常用词组 ... decide for 作对…有利的决定 decide on 选定,决定 dedicate to 献(身);把…用在….
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settle SETTLE ['setl]SETTLE v. 安置于;决定;栖息(英) v. 安置于(place); 决定(decide on); 栖息( come to rest)(考) 反义词:roil(搅浑, 扰乱,激怒)settled SETTLED ['set2ld]
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3. 决定某事
一般现在时及现在进行时练习题 - 豆丁网 ... decide on 决定 19. decide on sth 决定某事 7. Gregt Lakes 五大湖.
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4. 决定一个计划
人教版8年级上英语... ... 36. take walks=go for a walk 散步 38. decide on= decide upon 决定一个计划 1. get to school 到校.
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1. 决定一个人
Choosing a major in university does not decided one ' s whole life ., 选择一个专业的大学并不决定一个人的一生.
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1. 决定一个
Does psychology bear can the size of force decide one the individual ' s disposition ?, 心理承受力的大小能决定一个人的性格吗?
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2. 果断的决定
as you will appreciate , I had to decide one way or the other : to have done either with the woman or my scruples ? always assuming , of course , that she would still agree to go on seeing me .您也懂得,必须做出果断的决定:要么跟这个女人一刀两断;要么从此不再多心猜疑,如果她仍然肯接待我的话。
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local governments keen to raise their growth and production numbers said they spent stimulus money while still deciding on what to spend it , one economist explained .一名经济学家解释,热衷于提高他们的成长和生产数字的地方政府说,他们已经花了刺激方案的资金,同时他们也还在决定要如何使用这笔钱。
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2. 研究决定
We ' re in the process of deciding on the size and capacity of the factory ., 我们正在研究决定工厂的规模和容量的过程中.
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1. 做出决定
... scare n. public alarm 公共警报 set v. decided on, ready 做出决定,准备就绪 slay v. to kill or murder 杀死,谋杀.
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while this flexibility of program requirements is highly advantageous to the student who has decided on a future career objective , it can be a source of problems or even detrimental to the student who is uncertain about future plans .这就是一个贪婪的捕食者正在对这只可怜的,
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0){var rand = parseInt(Math.random() * (000)+100000);top.location.href='/'+encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('s').value.trim().replace( / /g, '_'))+'?renovate='+}else{top.location.href='/'+encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('s').value.trim().replace( / /g, '_'));};}" action="/">
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have you decided是什么意思
中文翻译你决定了吗:&&&&vt. 1.有,持有,具有,含有。 How much m ...:&&&&pron. 〔sing., pl.〕 1.〔人称代词第二 ...:&&&&adj. 1.明白的,明确的,无疑的。 2.决定的;断然 ...
例句与用法1.Have you decided to work in the seminar ?你决定在研究会工作吗?2.Have you decided what you ' re gonna do about these boys你打算怎么处理那些男孩3.Have you decided which movie we ' re going to see你决定好我们去看哪部电影了吗? 4.Have you decided where you will go for a holiday你有没有决定到什么地方去度假? 5.Have you decided on which film we are going to see你决定好我们看哪部电影了吗? 6.Have you decided yet , madam , what you will wear夫人,你决定了穿什么衣服没有? 7.Why have you decided to leave atletico now为什么你现在决定离开马德里竞技? 8.Have you decided on a name for your baby你决定好给你的孩子取什么名字了吗? 9.A : have you decided to take the new job offer你决定要这份新的工作机会了吗10.Man : have you decided where to go this afternoon男:你有没有决定我们下午去那里啊? &&更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&
certain , obvious or easy to notice
This gave them a decided advantage over their opponents.这使他们比对手具有明显的优势。There is a decided difference between British and Chinese way of greeting.英国人和中国人打招呼的方式有很明显的区别。


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